Nauman Assignment Part 2

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® /.1\q,,1:_: W~ q~ wWlci b.t, ':'Jou'< p~--,pose.

btl-,i"~ h-ctW'.Hi"J bqck ro Wu"-q_r, .

A-ih\v.i: M'1 p"'r-fO!.e, btloi"cf +•q~e/1,,,J'
bqck Jf-o Wvh<\,f\ 1S Tt,+;c,,'1
t!juc..qficYu• _!; q,.,,_ ~\~'l"'''J to 5"'-iiqck
the) _ttio""e "'-1 s~cl1u _ =-=- -_ -
"'1.g_tk. ; Q_h_ > ="'~ -=----=---- -- .
Alhl~ !- l\-i½-~4h rY\ ~ • Sov-;;~ _ .
P,,,q ~lt-.l,i oj , T.. _b.!Jie.we, _ o""- 6i0_ qvo1c,L_ -l\e
'firk. oF c_q+c-kif\<j +1-ie. "--'tM : j - -j.qkij
':)Q9C/ he_i!+lv · G.P\,-e _._ · __


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