Convection Coe Cient Equations For Forced Air Ow Over at Surfaces

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Solar Energy 80 (2006) 1063–1071

Convection coefficient equations for forced air

flow over flat surfaces
Ernani Sartori *,1

Universidade Federal da Paraı́ba, Av. Silvino Lopes 425/404, 58039-190 João Pessoa PB, Brazil

Received 28 July 2005; received in revised form 16 November 2005; accepted 18 November 2005
Available online 27 December 2005

Communicated by: Associate Editor Brian Norton


In this paper, various comparisons among well-known equations of the convection heat transfer coefficient for forced
air flow over flat surfaces and particularly over flat plate solar collectors, with the aim at arriving at a consensus on which
of such equations is more accurate are carried out. Through the application of basic principles, various accuracies, inac-
curacies and validations of the considered equations have been found and shown, and a consensus reached. Such consen-
sual equation, which comes from the boundary layer theory and takes into account the determining laminar and turbulent
flows as well as the wind direction and the decay of the convection coefficient over the surface, also showed close agreement
with different experimental works and tends to represent more accurately the actual heat transfer from/to any flat surface
submitted to forced convection.
 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Solar collector; Flat surface; Convection heat transfer coefficient; Heat loss; Laminar/turbulent flow

1. Introduction In this paper, these equations are compared with

those that come from the boundary layer theory
The forced convection heat transfer coefficient with the aim at detecting corresponding accuracies
for flat surfaces or particularly for flat plate solar and validations, and trying to find a consensus on
collectors has mainly been calculated through well- which of them is more exact for the calculation of
known empirical equations. Despite the worldwide the heat transfer coefficient by forced convection
utilization and dissemination of such equations, up over plane surfaces, and particularly over flat plate
to now a consensus has not been found or achieved solar collectors. For this, basic principles are
on their validations or accuracies (e.g., Oliphant, applied as well as comparisons with experimental
1980; Francey and Papaioannou, 1985; Sharples results are carried out.
and Charlesworth, 1998).
2. Equations of the forced convection coefficient
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E-mail address: Up to now, the equations used to calculate the
ISES Member. heat transfer coefficient for forced convection over

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1064 E. Sartori / Solar Energy 80 (2006) 1063–1071


a, b coefficients in empirical equations Pr Prandtl number (dimensionless)

hc forced convection heat transfer coeffi- Re Reynolds number (dimensionless)
cient (Wm2 K1) t a, t s air and surface temperatures (C)
L surface length in the wind direction (m) tf film temperature = (ts + ta)/2 (C)
n exponent in empirical equations V wind velocity (m s1)
Nu Nusselt number (dimensionless) xcr critical length (m)

flat plate solar collectors have mainly been empiri- Duffie and Beckman (1980, 1991) also quote the
cal, which normally are of the general form Sparrow et al. (1979) correlation for flow over a
hc ¼ a þ bV n horizontal flat plate developed in a wind tunnel

In view of the fact that these empirical equations Nu ¼ 0:86Re0:5 Pr1=3

frequently differ only by the values of the a and b and from it the hc can be obtained and remains as
coefficients, only some of them are considered in 0:5
the present analysis. It is not intended here to review hc ¼ 4:96V 0:5 Lm ð4Þ
all existing empirical equations on the matter, The characteristic length Lm, according to Sparrow
because this would represent a repetition of the et al., is four times the plate area divided by the
procedures adopted in this paper and a certain loss plate perimeter. Thus, it is not a length that consid-
of space and time due to the similarity of such ers the wind direction.
formulas. However, this paper can serve as a guide Sharples and Charlesworth (1998) carried out an
for comparisons with other equations that have not experimental investigation placing an apparatus
been taken into account here. Below is a brief onto a house roof simulating the behaviour of a flat
presentation of the equations considered in this plate solar collector (1.81 m · 0.89 m) submitted to
paper. real conditions of wind. Their flat plate collector
The following empirical equation to calculate the was a bluff body 0.33 m high, the upper plate was
hc, first suggested by Jurges (1924) for a vertical sur- electrically heated from below and the wind velocity
face of 0.5 m · 0.5 m and referenced by McAdams was measured about 2.6 m above the top of the col-
(1954), Duffie and Beckman (1974, 1980, 1991), lector. They proposed the following equation
Goswami et al. (2000) and others has still been obtained after a regression analysis to fit their mea-
widely employed for flat plate solar collectors. sured data:
hc ¼ 5:7 þ 3:8V ð1Þ hc ¼ 9:4V 0:5 ð5Þ
According to Duffie and Beckman, it is not reason- where a = 0.
able to adopt Eq. (1) for plate lengths higher than On the other hand, we have the well-known Nus-
0.5 m. Even with such a recommendation, this equa- selt relations which apply for constant surface tem-
tion has often been applied to flat plate solar collec- perature and for horizontal flat surfaces:
tors greater than 0.5 m, due to the lack of a
corresponding reliable equation. Nu ¼ 0:664Re0:5 Pr1=3 ð6Þ
Watmuff et al. (1977) suggested that in Eq. (1) the which is valid for laminar flow and
effects of radiation are probably included and for
this reason they proposed the following expression, Nu ¼ 0:0369Re0:8 Pr1=3 ð7Þ
which has also been widely used for flat plate
that is valid for the fully turbulent flow.
As well-known, Eqs. (6) and (7) come from the
hc ¼ 2:8 þ 3:0V ð2Þ boundary layer theory, which represents the basis
Lunde (1980) presents the equation of the science on convection heat transfer and its
theoretical and experimental validations are consol-
hc ¼ 4:5 þ 2:9V ð3Þ idated and have extensively been demonstrated and
E. Sartori / Solar Energy 80 (2006) 1063–1071 1065

shown in main textbooks (e.g., Schlichting, 1968; Eq. (10) was developed considering Re = 4 · 105,
Chapman, 1974; Kays, 1975; Holman, 1976; Incrop- which value represents a critical length where the
era and deWitt, 1985). Additionally, ‘‘an essential flow changes from laminar to turbulent (e.g.,
first step in the treatment of any convection problem Schlichting, 1968; Chapman, 1974; Kays, 1975;
is to determine whether the boundary layer is Holman, 1976; Incropera and deWitt, 1985). The
laminar or turbulent. Convection transfer rates critical Reynolds numbers Re = 4 · 105 and Re =
depend strongly on which of these conditions 5 · 105, are commonly employed for the transition
exists’’ (Incropera and deWitt, 1985). All empirical from laminar to turbulent flows, and represent aver-
equations employed so far for the calculation of age values, as usual in engineering calculations. For
the forced convection heat transfer coefficient and this transition to occur it mainly depends on the
as a consequence of the heat loss due to convection length, shape and roughness of the surface, on fluid
from flat plate solar collectors do not take into velocity or on other perturbation introduced to
account these fundamental concepts. the fluid flow. When there is a long surface or when
From Eq. (6) the hc is obtained in the following xcr/L 6 0.95, then Eq. (10) is recommended. When
way L  xcr the term 16.46L1 becomes negligible and
Eq. (10) converts to Eq. (9).
hc ¼ 3:83V 0:5 L0:5 ð8Þ
A tf = 40 C has been used for the development
When xcr/L P 0.95 and the front edge, the flow and of Eqs. (8)–(10), which are valid for general flat sur-
surface conditions are smooth, Eq. (8) should be faces and not only for glazed solar collectors. The
employed. effect on the convection coefficient of varying tf is
From Eq. (7) we have not significant (Rowley et al., 1930). Eqs. (8)–(10)
employ the wind direction as a variable and as
hc ¼ 5:74V 0:8 L0:2 ð9Þ experimentally verified by Oliphant (1980) ‘‘the
When the surface is rough, the flow disturbed, an wind pattern across a collector is a function of wind
abrupt leading edge is present, or, for instance, if a direction’’. Lacy (1977) showed that the wind oscil-
branch of tree or an electric wire vibrates close to lates in relation to its predominant direction by
the leading edge of a solar panel, the flow over its about ±15.
total length tends to be fully turbulent since the lead-
ing edge, the heat loss is then higher and Eq. (9) 3. Results and discussion
should be used. ‘‘It is well known that even small dis-
turbances cause the flow to be turbulent’’ (Incropera Through the application of basic principles and
and deWitt, 1985). McCormick et al. (1984) also comparisons with experimental data, the equations
consider that ‘‘the relatively low turbulence levels above are analysed with the aim at arriving at a con-
tend to enhance the heat transfer over the laminar sensus on which is more accurate for calculating the
solution and at some point of increasing intensity hc for forced air flow over flat surfaces and particu-
cause the effect to become similar to turbulent pre- larly over flat plate solar collectors.
dictions’’. Francey and Papaioannou (1985) also Fig. 1 shows a direct comparison among Eqs.
support this perception when they say: ‘‘the finite (1)–(5) and (8)–(10) representing the hc from a sup-
thickness of the collector presents a blunt leading posed solar collector of 2.0 m · 1.0 m submitted to
edge to the wind and presumably produces turbulent wind velocities ranging from 2.0 to 5.0 m s1 and
flow over the surface. This turbulence is thought to flowing in the direction of its highest dimension.
lead to an increase in the heat loss at the surface’’. Although Eq. (1) is supposed not to be valid for
When transition from laminar to turbulent flow lengths greater than 0.5 m, in Figs. 1 and 2 it is
occurs sufficiently upstream of the rear edge (xcr/ applied to lengths greater than this, in order to
L 6 0.95), the surface average coefficients are influ- check its accuracy for cases where it has frequently
enced by conditions in both the laminar and turbu- been utilized. Eq. (4) was originally developed in the
lent boundary layers (Incropera and deWitt, 1985). laminar range from Re = 2 · 104 to 9 · 104, but
Thus, from a combination of Eqs. (6) and (7) we Duffie and Beckman (1980, 1991) suggest that an
get the hc for the mixed boundary layers over a hor- extrapolation to the turbulent flow should be made
izontal flat plate: for it. This extrapolation is applied in Figs. 1 and 2
and Eq. (4) is then adopted for both the laminar and
hc ¼ 5:74V 0:8 L0:2  16:46L1 ð10Þ turbulent flows. Once for L = 2 m the laminar flow
1066 E. Sartori / Solar Energy 80 (2006) 1063–1071

25 Fig. 1 confirms the known increase of the hc with

the wind speed increasing. We also note the close
5 agreement of Eq. (2) with Eq. (9). Additionally,
3 9 we observe the sudden rise of the hc by Eq. (10) in
relation to the hc by Eq. (8). The very good numer-
hc (W/m2K)

15 ical agreement and also the almost identical slopes

of the curves generated by Eqs. (2) and (9) demon-
10 strate that Eq. (1) was developed in turbulent flow
and this influenced Eq. (2). The slope of the curve
generated by Eq. (9) is due to the equation power
equal to 0.8, which identifies turbulent flow. That
is, up to date the empirical Eqs. (1)–(3) and certainly
0 many equivalent ones not shown here, present the
2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0
V (m/s)
corresponding slopes and magnitudes for turbulent
flow and this means that they were (unconsciously)
Fig. 1. Convection heat transfer coefficient according to wind obtained from as well as been applied to flat plate
velocities. Equation numbers are listed at the curves.
solar collectors (and probably from/to other flat
surfaces) located in the turbulent air flow. The curve
25 1 by Eq. (5) presents the slope equivalent to the lam-
inar flow, due to the equation power equal to 0.5,
5 but its magnitudes correspond to the turbulent flow.
20 3
This means that the Sharples–Charlesworth’s exper-
iments were in fact conducted in turbulent flow,
hc (W/m2K)

because the magnitudes for laminar flow are always

V = 5 m/s much lower than those for the turbulent flow as well
as than those from Eq. (5), as can also be compared
with the curves of Eqs. (4) and (8). The decision
10 whether to fit experimental data according to linear
or different power laws is a matter of human choice
and as an illustration the empirical Eqs. (1)–(3) can
0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 10.0 15.0 20.0 25.0 be very well represented by the following quick
L (m) hand-made expressions with the power 0.8. Thus,
for instance, Eq. (1) could be substituted by
Fig. 2. Convection heat transfer coefficient according to length of
hc = 6.83V0.8, Eq. (2) by hc = 4.90V0.8 and Eq. (3)
surface. Equation numbers are listed at the curves.
by hc = 5.23V0.8, which produce results that are in
close agreement with the original ones, and some-
theoretically prevails until V = 3 m s1, Eq. (8) is times differences do not exist, as shown in Table 1.
assumed up to such wind velocity. However, with Although Sharples and Charlesworth (1998) claim
3.5 m s1 on the flow is theoretically in the turbulent a good agreement between their study and earlier
region and as xcr/L < 0.95, then Eq. (10) is ones, especially with Eq. (2), it is also seen from this
employed. Eq. (9) is included in Fig. 1 admitting table that Eq. (2) shows a closer agreement with the
that the fully turbulent flow occurs since the leading quick hand-made equation 4.90V0.8 than with Eq.
edge of the collector. (5). The other quick hand-made equations presented

Table 1
Comparison of hc values from empirical equations with the corresponding ones from the quick hand-made equations developed in this
V Eq. (1) 6.83V0.8 Eq. (2) 4.90V0.8 Eq. (3) 5.23V0.8 Eq. (5)
3 17.1 16.5 11.8 11.8 13.2 12.6 16.3
5 24.7 24.7 17.8 17.8 19.0 19.0 21.0
10 43.7 43.1 32.8 30.9 33.5 33.0 29.7
15 62.7 59.6 47.8 42.8 48.0 45.6 36.4
E. Sartori / Solar Energy 80 (2006) 1063–1071 1067

in this paragraph, also agree with their correspond- mination of the hc through this method, it is impor-
ing ones better than Eq. (5) does, as seen in Table 1. tant to mention that this kind of equations is the
This happens because the quick hand-made equa- result of simple representations of the instantaneous
tions are not contaminated by empirical errors. effects of physical processes from very particular
To decide upon the accuracy of Eqs. (2) and (9) we experiments. Because of this, the physical charac-
make use of Fig. 2, which identifies fundamental teristics of the experimental apparatus, the corre-
characteristics on the behaviour of the boundary sponding experimental errors and the atmospheric
layer theory and corresponding equations, too. parameters (e.g., wind speed directions and ranges,
Fig. 2 presents a direct comparison of results from radiation effects) are not reproduced spontaneously
Eqs. (1)–(5) and (8)–(10) for a constant V = 5 m s1 by other equivalent investigation, and thus such for-
and varying plate lengths in the wind direction rang- mulas become closely tied and continue depending
ing from L = 0.5 m to L = 25.0 m. Eq. (8) is on the very particular and unavoidable situations
employed up to L = 1.5 m because of its laminar con- that existed when, where and how the original exper-
dition. Given that xcr/L < 0.95 and the turbulent flow imental tests were carried out. Empirical equations
theoretically prevails from L = 1.5 m on, Eq. (10) is also depend strongly on the differences in analysis
then chosen for this extension up to L = 25 m. Eq. techniques used to define the equations, i.e., on
(4) is applied for both the laminar and turbulent linear and power fits. As a consequence, the corre-
flows, that is, for the total surface length. sponding accuracies and validations differ enor-
In Fig. 2 the curves from Eqs. (1)–(3) and (5) mously from each other and we could say that
remain constant over the entire length of the surface practically one empirical equation already exists
while the curve from Eq. (9) presents a decay. This and is needed for each class of conditions and their
decay is according to L0.2. From the boundary unlimited combinations (windy, sunny, cloudy, cold,
layer theory, a decay of the heat transfer rate along warm, day, night, even wind from different quad-
the distance of the wind direction over the surface is rants, wind ranges, wind tunnels, instrumentation,
proportional to L0.5 for the laminar flow and to physical structure, surroundings, etc.). Sharples and
L0.2 for the turbulent flow. This was also verified Charlesworth (1998) conclusions on their own work
for free water surfaces (Sartori, 2000). This is in also support this analysis: ‘‘Obviously, the results
agreement with the experimental results by Parme- from this study are strictly only applicable to the par-
lee and Huebscher (1947) who found that the aver- ticular experimental conditions existing at the site of
age convection coefficient of a flat plate decreases the measurements’’. Oliphant (1980) ratifies saying
with increasing length. Gates (1962) also described ‘‘the errors in hc may be compounded by inaccuracies
this effect using a dimensional analysis and stated in the coefficients a and b, and this is brought about
that the smaller the surface dimension along the by not accounting for variations in wind direction
direction of wind flow, greater is the rate of energy and by relying on results obtained from test samples
transfer. The fall of the hc with length was also having different physical characteristics from present
found experimentally by Test et al. (1981) and by day collectors’’. Hence, when an empirical equation
Wang (1982). Thus, as Eqs. (1)–(3) and (5) do not is taken out of its reference conditions to be used at
show such behaviour, they are not in agreement other place and situation, the equation tends to
with the boundary layer theory and thus not theo- become invalid. We could not say, a priori, which
retically valid. For long lengths, the empirical equa- of the several existing empirical equations for the hc
tions present an accentuated inaccuracy. For would be the most correct for a chosen situation,
example, for L = 25 m, the difference between Eqs. because we do not have a reference to decide upon.
(9) and (2) is about 39%. For L = 2.2 m, Eqs. (2) Obviously, such reference is the theory and no one
and (9) give approximately the same values for wind empirical equation of the type described above is sup-
speeds up to about 7 m s1. The length L does not ported by any existing theory. Simple changes in
mean or produce local values, but it corresponds plate dimensions make them too inaccurate or inva-
to the real path of the wind over the surface and lid. Any empirical equation, recent or not, obtained
generates average values of the hc for the surface from experimental tests serves only to reasonably
of unit width. represent mathematically (not exactly physically)
It is relevant to include the following comments the original experiment that brought the formula into
about empirical equations. Despite the enormous evidence and within specific conditions. On the other
quantity of experimental data required for the deter- hand, mathematical expressions based upon the first
1068 E. Sartori / Solar Energy 80 (2006) 1063–1071

principles of the physical processes produce a more L = 5 m and L = 10 m, and then starts the profile
general applicability and can be validated with similar to L0.2 which will coincide with the contour
greater accuracy, once the involved physical phe- of Eq. (9). For example, for L = 500 m and the same
nomena are well understood. Moreover, empirical conditions above, Eq. (9) gives hc = 6.00 Wm2 K1
equations of the form a + bV correspond to a theory and Eq. (10) yields hc = 5.97 Wm2 K1. As Eq. (4)
of the 19th century, while the boundary layer theory, presents a continuous profile along the entire sur-
which governs every fluid flow, appeared and was face and therefore does not confirm such fundamen-
well established in the 20th century. tal profile of the boundary layer theory, this means
Eqs. (4), (8) and (10) need a separate analysis. In that it is not valid beyond the laminar limits in
Fig. 2 we see that the curve provided by Eqs. (8) and which it was obtained.
(10) presents an initial decrease, a subsequent rise A comparison of hc values from equations with
and another drop afterwards while Eq. (4) shows a those from experiments is shown in Table 2. The
continuous decrease. It is interesting to note that Sharples–Charlesworth’s linearly fitted experimen-
Eq. (10) alone is responsible for an increase and a tal values are hc = 14.8 Wm2 and hc = 19.3 Wm2,
decline of the hc along the corresponding distance: but to these values the 4.3% and +10% errors
from about L = 1.5 m the hc increases up to about reported by the authors have respectively been
L = 5.0 m and then starts its continuous fall. What applied, which final numbers are presented in Table
we see in relation to this curve is the shape built by 2. These errors have been derived according to the
Eqs. (8) and (10) that represents a faithful reproduc- following considerations. Sharples–Charlesworth
tion of the basic and generic theoretical profile of say that percentage error associated with the mea-
the hc for the laminar, transition and turbulent sured value of hc ranges approximately from
regions of the boundary layer for flow along an iso- 20% to +20% and the authors add that ‘‘this fig-
thermal flat plate, as seen in Fig. 3. ure reflects the difficulty of making field measure-
We can see in Fig. 2 (curves 8 and 10) and in ments involving rapidly varying variable such as
Fig. 3 that the laminar flow prevails until the end the wind speed and direction and incoming solar
of the initial drop and after that point the hc radiation’’. Thus, a theoretical and more accurate
increases. Later on, when the influence is practically equation such as Eq. (9) serves as a guide and gives
from the fully turbulent region alone, the term an insight or indicate us the more accurate experi-
16.46L1 (which generates the curve rising) becomes mental errors that should be applied. Eq. (5) is
negligible, the curve reverts its direction between not accurate because it is a consequence of experi-
mental tests that include several empirical errors.
We can see that the theoretical values from Eq.
(9) agree quite well with the experimental results
by S–C, also indicating that the S–C’s solar collector
and the corresponding experimental tests were con-
ducted in the fully turbulent flow. Farber (1978)
simply mentioned an equation identical to Eq. (9),
but its coefficient is 4.03. Such equation is also
included in Table 2 and we see that its results do
not agree with and remain very far from the exper-
imental ones by Sharples and Charlesworth (1998).
We also verify in Table 2 that the results from Eq.
(4) are comparatively worse than those from the
equation in Farber’s paper and from the turbulent

Table 2
Comparison of hc values from equations with those from
experimental tests by Sharples and Charlesworth (1998)
L V S–C Eq. (9) Eq. (5) Farber Eq. (4)
Fig. 3. Variation of the convection heat transfer coefficient for
0.89 3 14.16 14.15 16.28 9.93 7.86
flow over an isothermal flat plate (from Incropera and deWitt,
0.89 5 21.23 21.29 21.02 14.95 10.15
E. Sartori / Solar Energy 80 (2006) 1063–1071 1069

ones by Eq. (9), and thus ratify the theory that the the fact that the instrumentation (such as various
mentioned extrapolation is not valid. anemometers) shall not be installed onto or just
A comparison of hc values from equations with over the flat surface, because this would introduce
those from experimental tests by Kind et al. (1983) turbulence to the flow and physically alter the origi-
is shown in Table 3. Kind et al. made wind tunnel nal configuration. Thus, the wind would not inter-
tests simulating a collector array of six collectors pret it as a flat surface and the heat transfer would
each 1.2 m wide placed side by side and installed be different, too.
on the rooftop of a single-family house, and where Eqs. (8)–(10) have been derived considering the
the wind direction was over the highest dimension flow over horizontal surfaces and a remark should
of the array, that is, L = 7.2 m. The wind velocity be made regarding their application for inclined sur-
was measured at a height that corresponds to about faces. Rowley and Eckley (1932) found through
2.1 m above the test collector. experimental tests that the convection coefficient
The excellent agreement of Kind et al.’s experi- from a 0.30 m flat plate only slightly reduced as
mental results with those from Eq. (9) as seen in Table the angle between the surface and air stream was
3 validates Eq. (9) again and confirms once more that increased from 15 to 90. They concluded that such
corresponding experimental tests and actual flat plate reduction is not significant and the values for paral-
solar collectors generally work in the turbulent flow. lel flow are satisfactory for design purposes. This
It is also noted and reinforced from Table 3 that same conclusion can be drawn from the above com-
Eq. (4) remains far from the turbulent magnitudes. parisons with experimental tests, because all those
Moreover, for V = 15 m s1, Eqs. (1) and (2) give real collectors were installed and tested with differ-
hc = 62.7 Wm2 K1 and hc = 47.8 Wm2 K1, ent angles of inclination, and even so they produced
respectively, results very far from the reality. close agreements with the results from Eq. (9). Fig. 4
Comparison with experimental tests by Test et al. shows schematically the possibilities of application
(1981) can also be performed. The authors carried of Eqs. (8)–(10). Fig. 4(a) represents the flow over
out outdoor experimental tests and obtained a a general horizontal flat surface and Fig. 4(b) repre-
‘‘quasi-local’’ hc using a rectangular box simulating sents a flow over inclined surfaces, particularly over
a solar collector of 1.22 m · 0.81 m, whose upper flat plate solar collectors, as shown.
plate was electrically heated and where the wind Finalizing, besides the known fact that in practi-
flowed over its highest dimension and the wind cal applications of the thermal engineering there are
velocity was measured at a height about 1.0 m more turbulent flow cases than laminar ones, it is
above the experimental surface. For L = 1.22 m often expected to find turbulent flows over an actual
and V = 4.6 m s1 their corresponding graph shows solar collector, because this system normally has a
an hc equal to about 18.5 Wm2 K1 while Eq. (9) bluff front facing the wind and is commonly
gives hc = 18.7 Wm2 K1. Eq. (4) yields hc = installed onto roofs in relatively high positions
10.54 Wm2 K1. The agreement of these experi- where the wind flow is normally turbulent, near
mental results with the turbulent flow is noted over the edges of roofs, close to corrugated tiles or to
again. Once again, we verify that Eq. (4) remains far lawns, being all these physical characteristics strong
from the turbulent magnitudes, thus not allowing generators of turbulence. In comparison, these con-
the already referred extrapolation. siderations are substantiated by the conclusions
It is important to highlight that the length L from Wu (1969) who experimentally verified that
refers to the actual path of the wind and as accurate
as possible its length and direction over the surface,
more accurate will be the agreement with one of the
Eqs. (8)–(10). It is also essential to draw attention to

Table 3
Comparison of hc values from equations with those from
experimental tests by Kind et al. (1983)
L V Kind Eq. (9) Eq. (4) Fig. 4. A simple sketch showing the applications of Eqs. (8)–(10)
and the main parameters involved in the calculation of the heat
7.2 5 13.8 14.0 5.9
transfer by forced convection from/to: (a) a general horizontal
7.2 10 24.8 24.4 8.3
flat surface and (b) an inclined surface such as a flat plate solar
7.2 15 35.0 33.8 10.1
1070 E. Sartori / Solar Energy 80 (2006) 1063–1071

the airflow near water surfaces (surfaces supposedly ent theoretical and experimental works as shown in
smooth) is aerodynamically rough or in the transi- this paper, endorse once more the validation of
tion region except at very low wind velocities these mathematical solutions for the calculation of
(V < 3 m s1). Moreover, the various theoretical– the hc for forced air flow over flat surfaces.
experimental analyses and comparisons shown in Therefore, the equation that comes from the
the present paper make clear that actual flat plate boundary layer theory, that provides the hc accord-
solar collectors generally work in the turbulent flow. ing to the determining laminar and turbulent flows,
Additionally, Kind et al. (1983) say that the ‘‘natu- that makes available the hc according to the wind
ral wind is very turbulent’’. direction, that includes the decay of the heat trans-
The close agreements of the boundary layer fer that exists along the length of the surface, i.e.,
equations results with those from different theoreti-
hc ¼ 3:83V 0:5 L0:5 ðlaminar flowÞ
cal and experimental works as shown in this paper,
0:8 0:2
endorse the validation of these mathematical hc ¼ 5:74V L ðfully turbulent flowÞ
expressions for the calculation of the hc for forced hc ¼ 5:74V 0:8 0:2
L  16:46L1 ðmixed flowsÞ
air flow over flat surfaces.
tends to calculate more accurately the actual hc (for
4. Conclusions each case as seen above) or as a consequence, the ac-
tual heat transfer from/to any flat surface submitted
Various comparisons among well-known equa- to forced convection than those which do not in-
tions of the convection heat transfer coefficient for clude such fundamental prerequisites.
forced air flow over flat surfaces and particularly
over flat plate solar collectors with the aim at arriv-
ing at a consensus on which hc is more accurate have References
been carried out.
Chapman, A.J., 1974. Heat Transfer, third ed. CollierMcMillan
Through the application of basic principles, var- Int., New York, USA.
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