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George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery,

the Fight against Police Brutality, and America in


1. Prologue
2. The Cries of the
3. Making it Plain
4. Standing Up for Our
Human Rights
5. Remembering George
Floyd and Others
(Including Words of
In the United States of America, the recent unjust warned people, Malcolm X
America, we have lived in a deaths of 3 black Americans definitely warned people, Ella
time of crisis for centuries. (whose names are George Baker warned folks, and other
What happened for the past Floyd, Breonna Taylor, and heroes warned the world
few days is not new. What is Ahmaud Arbery) have caused about the evil of racism.
new is that new technologies an uprising of pain, Racism is terrorism, poverty is
have recorded what we have demonstrations, and an terrorism, and the murder of
always condemned: police awareness that capitalist innocent black life is
brutality. Black people have exploitation has no place terrorism. That is why there
experienced massive are evil biases
injustices. From the and a militaristic
1500's to our time, mindset in
black people in the certain segments
Americas were victims of police culture.
of the Maafa, slavery, These racists talk
In 2020, many people have This memorial is found on
Jim Crow, the prison about black
experienced the COVID-19 the location where George
industrial complex, pandemic. The pandemic Floyd passed away. The culture (and
police terrorism, and has disproportionately grassroots protests and black culture is
other evils. To this harmed black and brown the youth standing up about the arts,
very day in 2020, you communities. have been unprecedented literature, music,
have racists who don't in world history. inventions,
view black lives as STEM fields,
important, and you anywhere in the Universe. We athletics, etc.),
have those who defend police have black people who have but they refuse to analyze
injustice unconditionally warned America that this police culture. Centuries ago,
(which is wrong too). In would happen. Dr. King the slave patrols of the South
were the police to oppress such a barbaric act of murder didn't exist ought of thin air.
black people. By the 1960's, has been condemned by us The horrendous conditions
crooked cops used dogs and black people, by people of have been boiling after
water hoses to harm not only every color, and by people centuries of oppression against
black adults, but black from across the political people of black African
children in a vicious fashion at spectrum. This is a rare time, descent in the Americas, the
Birmingham, Alabama. Tear because when you have even harm of democratic rights
gas and batons seriously conservatives condemning the done by the neo-fascist Trump
injured peaceful protesters in murder of George Floyd, you administration (plus done by
Selma 55 years ago in 1965. know something is wrong with previous administrations), the
Systematic racism and class the system of the status quo. spread of the coronovarius,
oppression are realities as Thousands of people in the criminal injustice system,
validated by tons of America have been involved in police terror in communities
sociological studies. George heroic, heavily multiracial of color (especially in the black
Floyd of Minneapolis, demonstrations against police community), the economic
Minnesota turned his life state violence. This disaster that we witness today
around to be a better man. presentation of working class (with over 40 million
unity is certainly part of a new Americans without jobs),
4 officers were involved in his era, and it showed that the economic oppression, the
death on May 2020 on younger generation includes crisis of our health care
Memorial Day. One officer the most progressive system, and racial injustice.
placed a knee on his neck for generation of human history.
almost 9 minutes which Terrible conditions made what
caused his passing. we see a reality. The protests,
Immediately, the outrage over the rebellions, and the anger
The Cries of the Oppressed
The thing is that we, who are black Americans, predicted this. We know that the destruction of
innocent property and harm to innocent human life is wrong. We know that a small group of
people are agent provocateurs from the Bugaloo boys and other groups who seek chaos not true
civil rights. Yet, we embrace the nuisance of how a rebellion represents the language of the
unheard, and for long centuries, the cries of black people in America have been maligned,
ignored, and disrespected. Now, we have no excuses. There must be real change. There are no
other options. We have seen the videos, we have witnessed the hurt of the victims, and we are
outraged at centrism. Reactionary extremism is repugnant, but centrism has permitted the status
quo for decades too. For over 50 years, many urban areas have suffered austerity, discrimination,
lax investments, gentrification, privatization of resources, and total neglect of communities. Now,
we witness that only revolutionary, systematic change is necessary in establishing justice for all.
Trump is a hypocrite. Donald Trump condemns Antifa as a terrorist organization, but Trump has
verbally praised neo-Confederates and white supremacists at Charlottesville. Trump has praised
far right armed militia groups who spew profanity and threats at the police in the Michigan
statehouse with semiautomatic weapons. His recent Tweets (which harkens back to racist 1960's
rhetoric about protesters) has provoked violence by saying that looters will cause shooting. Trump
has also reversed consent decrees. That reversal makes it harder for crooked cops to be held
accountable for their actions. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. in his March 14, 1968, "The Other
America" speech gave these words while he was in Grosse Point, Michigan (at Grosse Point High

"...But it is not enough for me to stand before you tonight and condemn riots. It would be morally
irresponsible for me to do that without, at the same time, condemning the contingent, intolerable
conditions that exist in our society. These conditions are the things that cause individuals to feel
that they have no other alternative than to engage in violent rebellions to get attention. And I
must say tonight that a riot is the language of the unheard.
unheard And what is it America has failed to
hear? It has failed to hear that the plight of the Negro poor has worsened over the last twelve or
fifteen years. It has failed to hear that the promises of freedom and justice have not been met.
And it has failed to hear that large segments of white society are more concerned about tranquility
and the status quo than about justice and humanity. Now every year about this time, our
newspapers and our televisions and people generally start talking about the long hot summer
ahead. What always bothers me is that the long hot summer has always been preceded by a long
cold winter. And the great problem is that the nation has not used its winters creatively enough to
develop the program, to develop the kind of massive acts of concern that will bring about a
solution to the problem..."

We understand that the vast majority of protesters and demonstrators are peaceful, shown
courage, and desire righteousness in the world. Minneapolis (like many places of America) has a
long history of police brutality, racial injustice, and economic inequality. That is why even one
police chief tried to confront the racism in his own Minneapolis police Department. That is why
the person who murdered George Floyd (the murderer is Derek Chauvin) has been cited over a
dozen times over allegations of police misconduct. According to NBC News, the Minneapolis
police rendered dozens of people unconscious with neck restraints over 5 years. Only one man
was arrested, and he was charged with 3rd degree murder and manslaughter. Yet, the 3 other
officers have not been arrested until many days later. That is a disgrace. We witness a dual reality
too. One reality is the excessive usage of force by some people (who aren't peaceful protesters)
against property (including harming black businesses and a Native American empowerment center
in Minneapolis), people, etc. Some folks (who are not peaceful protesters) have destroyed or
harmed stores, even pharmacies, libraries, vehicles, a church in Washington, D.C. etc. Some have
used unwarranted vandalism. We have seen this in Los Angeles, Chicago, Philadelphia, Miami,
etc. That is wrong.

Also, there is the reality of how some police authorities have harmed innocent people, protesters,
and the press via tear gas and rubber bullets. One example in NYC, where NYPD SUVs ran over
innocent people who were just protesting. De Blasio made controversial comments about the
NYPD for the SUVs running over people. De Blasio's daughter demonstrated for justice, and she
was arrested. A video shown police marching behind a National Guard Humvee screaming for
people to go inside and yelling "Light 'em up" as they fired rubber bullets on a group of young
people gathered outside their home. An elderly white man was shoved to the ground by riot police
in Salt Lake City. He was walking in a cane. In Sacramento, California a young black man was
bleeding greatly after being shot in the head. A young black Atlanta couple was tased and pulled
from their car by dozens of riot police in Atlanta. This came after they slashed their tired and
broke out the windows. Two officers were fired by the police chief and the mayor of Atlanta, who
is Keisha Lance Bottoms. A young woman in Dallas was shot by a rubber bullet in the head. A
child in Seattle was pepper sprayed in the face. MSNBC anchor Ali Velshi was shot in the leg with
a rubber bullet while reporting live in Minneapolis. In Louisville, a local TV reporter and her
cameraman was targeted and shot with pepper balls during protests Friday. A freelance
photojournalist in Minneapolis was permanently blinded in her left eye after being shot by the
police with a rubber bullet. Lucas Jackson was shot with rubber bullets when he is a reporter too.
The Associated Press reported that more than 4,100 people have been arrested since Thursday.
CNN host Omar Jimenez (who has a black mother) has been unjustly arrested, and he was
released hours later. Some National Guard people fired tear gas and rubber bullets at protesters
and media people. These events are real.

We won't forget that protests for the dignity of George Floyd and for the humanity of black
people (in opposition to police brutality) have existed in Paris, London, Amsterdam, Rio (in
Brazil), Syria, and throughout the world. This is a global fight for justice.

Making it Plain
The overall point is that our eyes must be on the prize. The truth is that a black man, whose name
is George Floyd, was murdered while saying that he can't breathe, and he called for his mother
when his mother passed away before. Black people are certainly in pain over this injustice. There
is no solution without strategy, leadership, organization, mobilization, solidarity, and political plus
economic policies to build up a better world. Some want us to vote. I have no problem with
voting, because we can get rid of corrupt cops, judges, prosecutors, and other political leaders via
voting. Yet, that is not enough. We need new laws in every level of government to eliminate police
terrorism. We need changes in public policies. We desire investments and a change in the
mindset of the world society. Massive protests have been in Minneapolis, St. Paul, Houston,
Atlanta, Norfolk, Los Angeles, Salt Lake City, Chicago, Louisville, Washington, D.C. Boston,
Dallas, Kansas City, St. Louis, Omaha, Columbia (in South Carolina), Denver, Sacramento, San
Francisco, Miami, Las Vegas, Fort Wayne, Detroit, Grand Rapids, Indianapolis, etc. We are all in
unison in wanting to be free. It should be no crime for us to be black. We are opposed to social
inequality, austerity, endless wars, mass unemployment poverty, health care disparities, and other
evils that plague the world. A long term solution can never be the continued mobilization of
National Guard forces.
In this class struggle too, the super-rich have handouts in the trillions of dollars spanning decades
while we deal with the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression. Many ordinary people
have cleaned up debris from the events of the previous days, have come together to promote
justice, and gone out of their way to defend black
human lives. This is the largest uprising of protests in
America since 1968. Protesters have marched outside
the U.S. embassy in London at Trafalgar Square. We
want peace, but there can be no peace without
justice. A lot of information is coming out. One
investigator sworn under oath about the events relating
to Ahmaud Arbery's tragic passing. The investigator
I agree with the recent comments from ESPN
and Assistant Special Agent in Charge Richard Dial commentator Sister Maria Taylor. Those of us,
testified that Bryan told the police that Travis who follows sports or news involving sports, know
Maria Taylor as a journalist, an athlete, and an
McMichael called Arbery a racial slur (after he killed expert commentator on especially college sports.
Arbery with 3 shotgun blasts). McMichael had a She said that Drew Brees should have known
better to say his original words knowing that that
Confederate flag sticker on the toolbox of his truck. NFL is mostly made up of African American
Text messages show that McMichael used the slur players and New Orleans is a mostly African
American city. She said that it's not her job to
constantly. Dial said that the 3 males involved in the judge a person's heart, but many people are being
situation chased him before Arbery was shot. A truck held accountable for saying insensitive remarks.
Maria Taylor said that she has no patience for
hit Arbery. being around the bush on racial issues or political
issues in general. She said things that many of us,
who are black people, readily say in public and in
Right now, every officer, involved in the brutal murder private. Brees later apologized after pressure
of George Floyd, has been charged. There is the came upon him. We are clear that there is nothing
wrong with kneeing in protesting police brutality
upgrading of the charge against Derek Chauvin (who and racial injustice.
put the knee on the neck of George Floyd for over 8
minutes) to second degree murder. The other 3 officers
have been charged with aiding and abetting second degree murder. Minnesota Attorney General
Keith Ellison is confident that he will get a conviction for all of those involved. We shall see. The
good news is that all 4 officers were charged. Yet, we have a long way to go in seeing real justice for
the family of George Floyd. This will be a long journey, but this first step of charging these
crooked cops is a necessary step. In America, we have had enough. Enough is enough. We don't
want to see any of our Brothers and our Sisters killed period. Police brutality is wrong, and it has
no place anywhere in the Universe. Massive protests exist now in Los Angeles, New York, Atlanta,
Boston, Philadelphia, Minneapolis, and other places of America. This fight for justice is not easy,
but the younger generation has shown the world that justice is our only course. Today, people
from other backgrounds increasingly are finally waking up to witness the fact that piecemeal
change will never cut it. Only structural, revolutionary change matters in the development a
system of justice beneficial for all. Trump invoking George Floyd to talk about economic numbers
when the black unemployment has increased now shows his callous character and sociopathic
mentality. Trump has refused to fight police brutality in our land by stripping consent decrees.
Trump has no shame in his assaults on American liberty and American democracy (by rejecting
subpoenas, calling protesters terrorists, desiring to lessen libel laws, threatening to use the military
on American streets, etc.). Polls show that the majority of Americans support the protests in
America, and they disagree with Trump's response to this whole situation. We have seen
demonstrations in favor of black human rights in London, in Paris, in Berlin, in Copenhagen, in
Amsterdam, in Dublin, in Auckland, in Sydney, in Tehran, in Halifax (in Canada), in Idlib
(Syria), and in other places of the world. We are living history today.

2012-2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020

Travyon Tamir Rice Natasha Alton Sterling Rashan Botham Jean Willie McCoy Breonna
Martin McKenna Charles Taylor
Rekia Boyd Eric Garner Walter Scott Philando Jordan Jemel Atatiana George Floyd
Castile Edwards Roberson Jefferson
Jordan Davis Micahel Freddie Gray Deborah Anthony Antwon Rose Ahmaud
Brown Danner Smith Jr. Arbery
Renisha Ezell Ford Meagan Korryn Jocques Anthony Tony
McBride Hockaday Gaines Clemmons Weber McDade
Akai Gurley Sandra Bland
Dontre Eric Harris
The lives of black women’s lives matter too. The fact that the killers of Sister
Breonna Taylor have not been arrested is a disgrace.

Today, it is important to recognize the life of the late Sister Breonna Taylor. She was a woman
who was a hero and a martyr. Day in and day out, she was an emergency medical technician who
saved lives. She worked at 2 hospitals in Kentucky at Louisville. Also, she loved her boyfriend
Kenneth Walker. Breonna Taylor loved her family and friends. On March 13, 2020, it would be
her last day on Earth. Police used a no knock search warrant to come into her home unjustly.
Both Taylor and Walker thought it was a burglary taking place. So, Walker used his gun to use
self-defense. Later, the police shot tons of bullets that ended the life of Breonna Taylor unjustly.
The officers shot their guns over 20 times. Breonna Taylor asked the people behind the door who
is it. The FBI is investigating the situation, and Walker has been free of all charges. Protests
continue to pay honor to the life of Breonna Taylor.

Rest in Power Sister Breonna Taylor.

On this day, so many events are coming alive. We know that the 16 year tennis star Coca Guaff
made a moving speech at a Black Lives Matter protest. We know that Lebron James once again
refuted Laura Ingraham after she defended Drew Brees' original views, but she told Durant and
James to shut and dribble when they expressed their views. I know all about Laura Ingraham.
Over 15 years ago, I remembered her as supporting the Iraq War and believing in far right causes.
Laura wrote to Lebron that she believes that people of diverse political views are God's children,
and she wants people to be treated with dignity and respect. Yet, Laura supports Trump, who uses
hateful language against women, black people, etc. that doesn't represent true honor. Trump and
Barr allowed police forces to use batons, tear gas, and other objects to harm peaceful protesters in
D.C. Also, Laura has said bigoted comments for a long time. Also, Naomi Osaka is right to say
that she won't just stick to sports. We have legitimate causes that must be talked about and

Standing Up for our Human Rights

Los Angeles is about to defund its police forces. After a 75 years old man was shoved by 2 police
officers causing that man to be sent to the hospital, then the 2 officers were suspended in
Buffalo. Later, 57 Buffalo officers quit the unit. I'm not shocked. If they can't handle an
investigation, they don't deserve to be in the streets as officers in the first place. The 2 officers are
now charged with assault. Even Mattis said that Trump is a threat to the Constitution. The
Minneapolis City Council voted to ban chokeholds (and make officers to intervene in stopping
police abuse). Esper ordered the remainder of duty troops in Washington region to go back to the
home base. Many military leaders have criticized Trump's actions to divide the nation and
permitting the U.S. military to fly very low on protesters via a helicopter (using winds to drive out
protesters) and allowing police forces to push back and assault peaceful protesters in Washington,
D.C. on June 1, 2020. Trump allowing the military to be on the Lincoln Memorial and to drive
military vehicles on the streets of Washington, D.C. are wrong, inappropriate, and further shows
how Trump is an extremist. Many Confederate statues have been taken down by protesters (and
by governmental policies). As we all know, those statues are statues of treason and hate. As others
have mentioned, we have an epidemic of the abuse and murder of black trans people. Murder is
wrong, and no one should be murdered. Their lives should never be gone by murder period. No
one should experience murder, abuse, or oppression regardless of one’s race, color, sexuality,
gender identity, or background. One street in Washington, D.C. being called Black Lives Matter
Plaza outlines a new era of our time on June of 2020.
2020 Worldwide Protests
To see the protests in America and in other places of the world (in places like Paris, NYC, Richmond,
Oakland, Houston, Sydney, Rome, London, Norfolk, New Orleans, Miami, Louisville, etc.) is
inspirational. This large amount of human beings, of every color, standing up against racism plus
police brutality in 2020 is unprecedented in world history. This is not hyperbole. This is the truth. To
see the monumental amounts of protests is a fact that makes us aware that change must come. Us
black folks aren't making it up. We know many of our friends and relatives who are the victims of
racial profiling, discrimination, etc. Therefore, our eyes are on the prize.

New York City Seattle Atlanta Minneapolis

Phoenix Los Angeles Norfolk, Virginia St. Paul

Richmond, Virginia London Sydney Paris

Miami Baltimore Rome Houston

Remembering George Floyd and Others (Including Words of
The memorial service in Minneapolis was very emotional. His relatives told stories about the early
life of George Floyd, how he washed clothes, and ate bananas and mayonnaise sandwiches.
Attorney Benjamin Crump wanted to promote equal protection under the law revolving around
the case. Al Sharpton (who called for a march on Washington in August of 2020 to call for
policies to deal with racism, the criminal justice system, and policing) gave a powerful address in
the memorial service to say that they should keep their knee off our necks. That metaphor rings
true. We don't want oppression on our necks. People know the truth. People know that what
George Floyd experienced was completely wrong. That is why we have seen massive protests in the
streets of America including other places of the world. The service had prayers, many speakers,
and many celebrity guests there to give support and honor to the memory of George Floyd.
George Floyd was a kind soul who became a greater man as time went on. He loved his family,
and God reminds us that his life should motivate everybody to become better people in ending
the injustices that harm this world. In my lifetime, I never ever seen this many protests in the
streets of America (made up of people of every color) in such a short span of time. It has been
more than 10 days of nonstop protests in tons of cities and towns in every state of the Union.
This is more protests than Occupy Wall Street. On June 5, 2020, the Democrats released a police
reform bill. The bill is called “Justice in Policing 2020 bill.” More than 20 Democratic lawmakers
wearing African kente cloths knelt in the Capitol’s Emancipation Hall for 8 minutes and 46
seconds (or the amount of time that the officer put a knee on the neck of George Floyd). Floyd
was only 46 years old when he was unjustly murdered. The people, who were involved in the
kneeing, are House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Senator Minority Leader Chuck Schumer,
Congressional Black Caucus Chairwoman Karen Bass, and Senators Cory Booker, and Senator
Kamala Harris. The debate is rather this bill is progressive enough.

The supporters of the bill believe so. The bill wants to limit qualified immunity to police
offenders. The bill limits, though not eliminates, the transfer of military equipment to the police.
We know that multiple administrations (even the Obama administration) allowed militarized
police departments to exist in America. The bill creates a national register of police misconduct,
and it bans chokeholds. Obviously, chokeholds should be banned nationwide and worldwide. It
requires body cameras for federal uniformed police officers and dashboard cameras for marked
federal police vehicles. It has a grant programs to help fund independent processes to allow state
Attorney Generals investigate misconduct or excessive force. It bans no knock warrants in federal
drug cases. It bans racial profiling. It makes lynching a federal hate crime. The bill does have
powerful parts in it, many reforms, and we should have revolutionary change beyond just reform.
Solutions must be enforced and funded too. The Senate will have a tough time passing the bill,
even when the bill has some commonsense proposals in it.

The only way to get justice is to address both racial injustice and class injustices. Class exploitation
must be addressed, because we have a system that harms the poor and working class greatly. The
bill doesn’t call for defunding the police. Also, there is no change without eliminating
imperialism. It is a historical fact that many Democrats and many Republicans supported the
brutally unjust imperial wars in Iraq and Libya that contributed to the destabilization of the
region plus millions of lives being gone. As a product of those conflicts, tons of infrastructures in
those areas were destroyed. Therefore, in America, infrastructure must be built up, poverty must
be addressed, systematic racism must be eliminated, education must really be promoted, health
should be universal, and liberation is our aim. The June 9, 2020 Houston funeral certainly
represents the emotion and inspiration for change during our time in history. This reality
certainly represents how 2020 will define itself. 2020 is not 1968, but both years do have
similarities. We believe in righteousness. Therefore, the best way to honor the memory of George
Floyd is to fight for change in our communities, be involved in social change, vote, build in our
communities, fight police terrorism, hold evil people accountable, and treat everybody with
dignity and with respect.

By Timothy
Source: "Anonymous
Indianapolis Social Worker"

This protest took place on May 29,

2020 in the State house of

Right now, all of the states

and territories in the United
States of America including
nations across the world have
protested for black human
lives and an end to police
The Timeline of George Floyd’s Passing and the Crisis in America
Date: Events
May 25, 2020 George Floyd, who was a 46 year old African American man, was killed by being pinned on the ground
with a knee on his neck by a police officer named Chauvin. This was on Monday at Memorial Day.
May 26, 2020 Hundreds of protesters in Minneapolis protest for change and demand that all 4 officers are charged
and held accountable. Minneapolis police chief Medaria Arrandondo fired all 4 men involved in the
arrest and death of George Floyd. Officers used tear gas to stop crowds. Some businesses like
restaurants and an auto parts store were set on fire.
May 27, 2020 Protests spread across America in Memphis, Los Angeles, Louisville, etc. Louisville is where 26 years old
Breonna Taylor was killed by the police. The rebellion continues in Minneapolis with fires, etc.
May 28, 2020 The National Guard is deployed to Minneapolis. Governor Tim Walz of Minnesota activated it. One
police precinct was burned down. Trump called the protesters “thugs.”
May 29, 2020 Derek Chauvin is charged. Trump tweeted the provocative language of looting will cause shooting.
Protests in Atlanta exist. Many people smash windows in the CNN building at ATL. Secret Service agents
rush Trump into the White House bunker as protesters gather outside of the White House.
May 31, 2020 Protests continue. A curfew exists in Minneapolis. A driver ran a truck across into a crowd. The driver was
arrested. In Philadelphia, tea gas is used on people breaking into buildings.
June 1, 2020 Curfews spread to cities across America and more states call in the National Guard. Two autopsies rule
Mr. Floyd’s death a homicide. Trump threatened to deploy the military. Anti-racism solidarity protests
are in the UK, New Zealand, Canada, and Brazil. Peaceful protesters were cleared with pepper balls and
flashbangs from police authorities at Washington, D.C. This was done, so Trump would have his photo
op in front of a church. Progressives, conservatives, and even members of the military condemn the
June 3, 2020 Three other officers involved in Floyd’s death are charged. Chauvin is charged with second degree
murder. In America, at least 200 cities have curfews and at least 27 states, including D.C., have activated
over 62,000 National Guard personnel.
June 4, 2020 The funeral of George Floyd takes place in Minneapolis. Virginia Governor Ralph Northam announced
that the Robert E. Lee Monument in Richmond, VA will be removed. Police shoved a 75 year old
protester named Martin Gugino. He bleeds form his head. That was in Buffalo, New York.
June 5, 2020 Vigils are held for Breonna Taylor on her 27 birthday. Black Lives Matter Plaza is formed at Washington,
D.C. The words on the street are painted in yellow letters from Lafayette Square north for 2 blocks.
June 7, 2020 Confederate statues and other statues (of imperialists and enslavers) fall. The Minneapolis council
members announce the intention to disband the police department. Senator Mitt Romney participated
alongside Black Lives Matter protests in a march in D.C. as the first Republican Senator to participate in
the protests.
June 8, 2020 Thousands pay their respects to Floyd at Houston, Texas where George Floyd grew up. The Democrats
propose reforming the police and other actions (via their Justice in Policing Act of 2020).
June 12, 2020 Rayshard Brooks was a 27 year old African American man who was shot and killed by an Atlanta
June 15, 2020 Atlanta Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms have executed police reforms involving the Atlanta Police
June 16, 2020 President Trump promote a moderate executive order condemning chokeholds, promoting a database
about corrupt officers, etc. He refuses to acknowledge systematic racism or class oppression. The
Governor of Virginia Ralph Northam announced the state holiday on Juneteenth on June 19, 2020.
June 17, 2020 The governor of Connecticut issue police reforms. The city of Atlanta’s D.A. has charged ex-Officer Rolfe
with felony murder involving the death of Rayshard Brooks. Devin Brosnan, who is another officer, is
charged with aggravated assault.
June 19, 2020 On Juneteenth of 2020, rallies for justice and Juneteenth celebrations existed in the Brooklyn Bridge of
NYC, Atlanta, Tulsa (where in the Greenwood area, there are the yellow words on one street saying Black
Lives Matter), and across America. In the end, we shall overcome. Selah and Amen.
Black Women Mayors on the Front Lines Fighting the Coronavirus,
Police Brutality, and Racial Injustice

London Breed of Lori Lightfoot of Keisha Lance Muriel Bowser LaToya Cantrell Mayor Vi Lyles Mayor Sharon
San Francisco Chicago Bottoms of of Washington, of New Orleans of Charlotte Weston Broome
Atlanta D.C. of Baton Rouge
Like Always, Black Lives Matter.

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