Communication Development in Children Who Receive The Cochlear Implant Younger Than 12 Months Risks Versus Benefits

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Communication Development in Children

Who Receive the Cochlear Implant Younger
than 12 Months: Risks versus...

Article in Ear and Hearing · May 2007

DOI: 10.1097/AUD.0b013e31803153f8 · Source: PubMed


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5 authors, including:

Shani Dettman Richard Charles Dowell

University of Melbourne University of Melbourne


Jaime R Leigh
University of Melbourne


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Communication Development in Children Who
Receive the Cochlear Implant Younger than
12 Months: Risks versus Benefits
Shani J. Dettman, Darren Pinder, Robert J. S. Briggs,
Richard C. Dowell, and Jaime R. Leigh

Background: The advent of universal neonatal time on the language comprehension and language
hearing screening in some countries and the avail- expression subscales of the Rossetti Infant-Toddler
ability of screening programs for at-risk infants in Language Scale.
other countries has facilitated earlier referral, di-
Results: Results demonstrated that cochlear im-
agnosis, and intervention for infants with hearing
plantation may be performed safely in very young
loss. Improvements in device technology, two de-
cades of pediatric clinical experience, a growing children with excellent language outcomes. The
recognition of the efficacy of cochlear implants for mean rates of receptive (1.12) and expressive (1.01)
young children, and the recent change in the U.S. language growth for children receiving implants
Food and Drug Administration’s age criteria to in- before the age of 12 mo were significantly greater
clude children as young as 12 mo has led to increas- than the rates achieved by children receiving im-
ing numbers of young children receiving cochlear plants between 12 and 24 mo, and matched growth
implants. Evidence to support provision for infants rates achieved by normally hearing peers. These pre-
younger than 12 mo is extrapolated from physiolog- liminary results support the provision of cochlear
ical studies, studies of children using hearing aids, implants for children younger than 12 mo of age
and studies of children older than 12 mo of age with within experienced pediatric implantation centers.
implants. To date, however, there are few published (Ear & Hearing 2007;28;11S–18S)
research findings regarding communication devel-
Widespread universal newborn hearing screening
opment in children between 6 and 12 mo of age who
receive implants. The current study hypothesized
programs and increased general awareness of co-
that earlier implantation would lead to increased chlear implants have resulted in increasing num-
rates of language acquisition as the children were bers of children younger than 12 mo of age being
still in the critical period for their development. diagnosed and referred to implantation centers. The
“earlier is better” argument as it relates to cochlear
Method: A retrospective review was completed for
19 infants (mean age at implantation, 0.88 yr; range,
implants is supported by evidence from physiologi-
0.61–1.07, SD 0.15) and 87 toddlers (mean age at cal studies and from studies of children using hear-
implantation, 1.60 yr; range, 1.13–2.00, SD 0.24) who ing aids. A younger age at implantation is also
received the multichannel implant in Melbourne, associated with optimum communication outcomes
Australia. Preimplantation audiological assess- for children with cochlear implants.
ments for these children included aided and un-
aided audiograms, auditory brain stem response,
auditory steady state response (ASSR), and oto-
acoustic emission and indicated profound to total PHYSIOLOGICAL STUDIES
bilateral hearing loss in all cases. Communication
Auditory perception, that is, learning to listen, in
assessment included completion of the Rossetti In-
fant-Toddler Language Scale and educational psy- hearing children as well as children with hearing loss,
chologists’ cognitive and motor assessment. Com- is associated with the regular occurrence of speech
puted tomography scan, magnetic resonance events coupled with the features of attention, memory,
imaging, and surgical records for all cases were and meaning. If listening is not developed during the
reviewed. Postimplantation language assessments critical language learning years, a child’s potential to
were reported in terms of the rate of growth over use speech input is likely to deteriorate. The key
feature of the developing auditory system is plasticity,
The University of Melbourne (S.J.D., R.J.S.B., R.C.D.), Parkville, which is present at birth and decreases with age
Australia; The Cooperative Research Centre for Cochlear Im- (Ruben & Rapin, 1980). Evidence suggests that the
plant and Hearing Aid Innovation (S.J.D., R.J.S.B., R.C.D., myelination occurs early in life and enables stable
J.R.L.), East Melbourne, Victoria, Australia; Cochlear Implant
Clinic (S.J.D., R.J.S.B., R.C.D., J.R.L.), Royal Victorian Eye and
neural connections to form so that memory and learn-
Ear Hospital, East Melbourne, Victoria, Australia; Radcliffe In- ing can develop (Ryugo, Limb, & Redd, 2000). The
firmary (P.D.), Oxford, UK. earlier that a child receives the cochlear implant, the

0196/0202/07/282 Supplement-0011S/0 • Ear & Hearing • Copyright © 2007 by Lippincott Williams & Wilkins • Printed in the U.S.A.


greater is the child’s potential to benefit from these RISKS VERSUS BENEFITS
critical periods of neural development.
Cochlear implants for infants younger than 12 mo
Studies regarding the human fetus’ ability to detect
should only be considered if the potential benefits
sound, neonates’ preferences for their native language,
outweigh the potential risks of the procedure. Objec-
fundamental frequency and prosodic cues (of the pri-
tions to elective surgery in very young infants are
mary caregiver), coupled with a curtailing of percep-
sometimes raised with regard to the safety of gen-
tual discrimination skills toward the end of the first 12
eral anesthesia in this age group. Outpatient anes-
mo suggest a phonological critical period from the 6th
thetic studies reported mortality rates of zero in
mo of fetal life to 12 mo chronological age (Ruben,
healthy children for ophthalmological surgery
1997). So, from a neurolinguistic perspective, it ap-
(Petruscak, Smith, & Breslin, 1973; Romano, 1981);
pears possible that if phonological distinctions are not
however, other studies reported that the risk of cardiac
made in the first year post-implantation, long-term
arrest increased with decreasing age (Cohen, Cameron,
language processing difficulties will result. Ruben
& Duncan, 1990; Tiret, Nivoche, Hatton, Desmonts, &
(1997) suggested “insufficient early phonological input
Vourc’h, 1988). A history of anesthesia, emergency
results in flawed semantic and syntactic capacities” (p.
procedures, and/or fasting of less than 8 hr were risk
There is also evidence from animal models and factors for anesthetic complications (Tiret, Nivoche,
investigations of brain plasticity that suggests that Hatton, Desmonts, & Vourc’h, 1988). Initial findings of
the Pediatric Perioperative Cardiac Arrest Registry*
auditory stimulation can facilitate preservation of au-
ditory structures and reverse the effects of auditory suggested that, of all cardiac arrests, 55% occurred in
deprivation (Matsushima, Shepherd, Seldon, Xu, & infants younger than 12 mo, and 43% occurred in
Clark, 1991; Shepherd, Hartmann, Heid, Hardie, & infants younger than 5 mo. When data were analyzed
Klinke, 1997). according to the American Society of Anesthesiologist’s
physical status classification system, it was found that
emergency procedures, not age alone, were predictive
of infant mortality (Morray et al., 2000). Pediatric
CHILDREN YOUNGER THAN 6 MO USING anesthesiologist’s expertise was suggested as a possi-
HEARING AIDS ble factor in the incidence of critical pediatric periop-
erative events (Keenan, Shapiro, & Dawson, 1991),
For children using hearing aids, many of the nega-
but the Pediatric Perioperative Cardiac Arrest Regis-
tive effects of hearing loss on communication develop-
try data, being from larger university-based and chil-
ment can be prevented, or at least substantially min-
dren’s hospitals, not smaller and community hospitals,
imized, if intervention and training are initiated early
did not add support to this finding.
in life (Hayes & Northern, 1997; Yoshinaga-Itano,
Waltzman and Cohen (1998) reported on the safe
Sedey, Coulter, & Mehl, 1998). Studies have shown
implantation of children between the ages of 12 and 24
that early diagnosis and appropriate intervention for
mo. No additional surgical risk was reported for the
infants with hearing aids is associated with improve-
younger children. The authors, however, acknowl-
ments in receptive and expressive language skills
edged the difficulties inherent in documenting speech
(Apuzzo & Yoshinaga-Itano, 1995; Markides, 1986;
perception improvement with this young group due to
Robinshaw, 1995; White & White, 1987; Yoshinaga-
the nature of the assessment materials. It was not
Itano et al., 1998). Apuzzo and Yoshinaga-Itano (1995)
possible to make valid comparisons with older children
demonstrated that children who were identified and
due to the differences in linguistic knowledge. Nikolo-
aided in the first 2 mo of life had significantly better
poulos et al. (1999) stated the need for long-term
language development than children identified between
follow-up as children who were older at implantation
3 and 12 mo of age, despite significant hearing loss.
initially performed tests better due to advanced cogni-
tive skills, longer exposure to language, and greater
familiarity with test conditions. This advantage grad-
CHILDREN USING COCHLEAR IMPLANTS ually diminished over time as the children who were
younger at implantation gradually overtook and out-
For children using cochlear implants, a younger age
performed them. Lesinski-Schiedat, Illg, Heermann,
at surgery is associated with optimum speech percep-
Bertram, and Lenarz (2004) reported there was no
tion, speech intelligibility (Dowell, Blamey, & Clark,
higher incidence of surgical complications, and higher
1995; Nikolopoulos, O’Donoghue, & Archbold, 1999;
Waltzman & Cohen, 1998) and language outcomes *
The Pediatric Perioperative Cardiac Arrest Registry is an
(Hammes, Novak, Rotz, Wills, Edmondson, & Thomas, U.S.-based registry that was established to collect data regarding
2002; Kirk, Miyamoto, Lento, Ying, O’Neill, & Fears, pediatric cardiac arrests and deaths in the perioperative and
2002; Svirsky, Teoh, & Neuburger, 2004). immediate postoperative period and analyze causal relationships.

mean speech perception scores for 27 children who appropriate early indicators of language progress,
were implanted under 12 months compared to 89 rather than wait for the child to perform formal test
children implanted between 12 and 24 months (both procedures. Nott, Cowan, Brown and Wigglesworth
group being tested at 2½ yr of age). The problem with (2003) used the Rossetti Infant-Toddler Language
reporting results in this way is that the younger group Scale (RI-TLS) (Rossetti, 1990) in addition to the
had, on average, 18 to 24 mo of device experience, MacArthur Communicative Developmental Invento-
whereas the older group had, on average, less than 12 ries and parental diary entries to chart early lexical
mo and in some cases only 6 mo of device experience. development in young children with profound hear-
Cochlear implantation was reported to be safe and ing loss using cochlear implants and/or hearing aids.
facilitated normalization of babbling in 10 infants who Good correlations were found between the diary
underwent implantation before 12 mo (Colletti, entries, RI-TLS, and the Communicative Develop-
Carner, Miorelli, Guida, Colletti, & Fiorino, 2005). Full mental Inventories.
insertions without perioperative or immediate postop-
erative surgical complications, and the development of
auditory perception (Infant-Toddler Meaningful Audi-
tory Integration Scale, open-set words and sentences) RATIONALE
was reported for 18 children who received implants The aim of the present study was to examine the
before 12 mo of age (Waltzman & Roland, 2005). One receptive and expressive language growth of chil-
child underwent successful reimplantation after dren who received implants before 12 mo of age
wound breakdown (thought to be due to eyeglass compared to children who received them between 12
frame irritation) after 12 mo of device use. Anecdotal and 24 mo of age and to determine the prevalence of
reports from parents and teachers indicated good surgical and/or anesthetic complications. As most
development of speech production and language cochlear implantation centers do not routinely pro-
skill, but formal tests of language were not yet ceed with children younger than 6 mo, it is not yet
reported for this group. possible to replicate the studies by Apuzzo and
Yoshinaga-Itano (1995) or Yoshinaga-Itano et al.
(1998), but it is possible to examine children using
LANGUAGE OUTCOMES cochlear implants from 6 mo onward. Accurate
For children who were old enough to complete records regarding prevalence of mapping and/or
formal test procedures, language data are customarily device problems are required as preverbal children
reported in terms of the difference between the child’s may be unable to report changes in their hearing.
chronological and equivalent language age, gap index Given potentially greater surgical and anesthetic
(El-Hakim, Levasseur, Blake, Papsin, Panesar, risks in those younger than 12 mo of age, improved
Mount, Steven, & Harrison, 2001), rate of growth over dissemination of appropriate evidence is required
time, and/or developmental trajectory (Svirsky, Teoh, for parents trying to decide whether to proceed with
& Neuburger, 2004). Studies suggest that for children cochlear implantation.
receiving cochlear implants during the critical lan-
guage period, deficits associated with profound hear-
ing loss may be minimized (Bollard, Shute, Popp, &
Parisier, 1999; El-Hakim, Levasseur, Blake, Papsin,
Panesar, Mount, Steven, & Harrison, 2001; Novak, There were 106 children who received the Co-
Firszt, Rotz, Hammes, Reeder, & Willis, 2000; Rob- chlear Ltd. multichannel implant at the Melbourne
bins, Bollard, & Green, 1999; Robbins, Svirsky, & Cochlear Implant Clinic before the age of 24 mo.
Kirk, 1997; Svirsky, Teoh, & Neuburger, 2004; Truy, Each had profound bilateral sensorineural hearing
Lina-Granade, Jonas, Martinon, Maison, Girard, Porot, loss, used the ACE or SPEAK speech-processing
& Morgon, 1998). Language outcomes for children strategy with SPrint, ESPrit 3G, or Freedom speech
with cochlear implants, however, vary considerably, processors, and used a range of communication
and there are complex interactions between preex- modes. There were 19 children in group 1 (mean age
isting child and family characteristics, child intelli- at implantation, 0.88 yr; range, 0.61–1.07; SD 0.15)
gence, hearing thresholds, device used, mode of commu- and 87 toddlers in group 2 (mean age at implanta-
nication, and age (Connor, Hieber, Arts, & Zwolan, tion, 1.60 yr; range, 1.13–2.00; SD 0.24). Individual
2000; Dowell, Dettman, Blamey, Barker, & Clark, demographic and developmental features for the 19
2002; Geers, Nicholas, & Sedey, 2003; Musselman, children who underwent implantation at younger
Lindsay, & Wilson, 1988). than 12 mo of age are given in Table 1. Statistical
Studies examining the impact of the cochlear comparisons between groups 1 and 2 for hearing
implant on language development need to select level and cognitive status are given in Table 2.

TABLE 1. Individual demographic and audiological data for group 1 (N ⴝ 19)

Onset of Age at Age at Duration

L PTA R PTA profound hearing implantation of profound Comm Cognitive
Case Sex unaided unaided Etiology loss (yr) aid (yr) (yr) loss (yr) mode† status‡
1 M 100** 100* Unknown 0 0.50 0.61 0.61 5 0
2 M 113* 115 Connexion 26 0 0.33 0.64 0.64 5 1
3 M 100 100* Family history 0 0.33 0.65 0.65 2 1
4 M 120 120* Unknown 0.08 0.25 0.75 0.67 5 1
5 F 110* 110** Family history 0 0.50 0.75 0.75 5 1
6 M 110* 110 Unknown 0 0.58 0.81 0.81 5 1
7 M 115* 115 Family history 0 0.17 0.84 0.84 5 1
8 F 120 123* Unknown 0 0.25 0.85 0.85 5 1
9 M 118* 115 Neonatal O2/gentamicin 0 0.25 0.86 0.86 5 1
10 F 113 110* Connexion 26 0 0.17 0.90 0.90 5 1
11 F 125* 125 Unknown 0 0.50 0.97 0.97 Spec 2
12 M 105* 105 Unknown 0 0.21 0.97 0.97 5 1
13 M 120* 115 Connexion 26 0 0.33 1.00 1.00 5 0
14 F 120** 120* Unknown 0.66 0.75 1.01 0.35 5 1
15 M 125* 125 Meningitis 0.5 0.66 1.04 0.54 Spec 5
16 F 125* 125 Unknown 0 0.25 1.05 1.05 5 1
17 M 117* 107 Unknown 0 0.83 1.05 1.05 5 1
18 F 110* 110 Unknown 0 0.75 1.06 1.05 2 1
19 F 120* 120 Connexion 26 0 0.25 1.07 1.07 5 1
Mean 113.25 115.92 0.07 0.41 0.88 0.82
Min 100.00 105.00 0.00 0.17 0.61 0.35
Max 120.00 125.00 0.66 0.83 1.07 1.07
SD 9.43 6.79 0.18 0.21 0.15 0.20

* Implanted ear, ** Second implanted ear.

Comm (communication) mode (1– 6) as defined by Geers and Brenner (2003).

Cognitive status: 0 ⫽ accelerated, 1 ⫽ normal, 2 ⫽ borderline cognitive delay, 3 ⫽ mild, 4 ⫽ moderate, 5 ⫽ severe global delay.
L PTA, left pure-tone average; R PTA, right pure-tone average; Spec, specialized early intervention.

Cognitive Assessment achieved. All six subscales including Interaction-At-

All children completed a standardized psychologi- tachment, Pragmatics, Gesture, Play, Language Com-
cal, cognitive, and motor evaluation by an educational prehension (LC), and Language Expression (LE) were
psychologist, using a range of assessment materials administered. Results are reported for 11 group 1
suitable for the age and developmental level of each children and 36 group 2 children who completed two or
child. There was one group 1 child with severe global more RI-TLS over time. The slope of the linear regres-
delay (after meningitis), and eight group 2 children sion lines through the available data points for the
who had mild, moderate, or severe cognitive delay. subscales LC and LE were derived.

Language Assessment Surgical

The RI-TLS (Rossetti, 1990) uses a combination of Computed tomography, magnetic resonance imag-
author observations, developmental hierarchies, and ing, anesthetic, and surgical records for all 106 chil-
behaviors recognized by leading authorities in the field dren were reviewed. In all cases, a minimally invasive
of infant/toddler assessment to assess the language surgical approach was used similar to that described
skills of children from birth to 36 mo of age. The by O’Donoghue and Nikolopoulos (2003). Before rever-
RI-TLS differs from other rating scales as it is appro- sal of anesthesia, a plain radiograph of the mastoid
priate for use from birth through to 3 yr of age and was taken to check the position of the electrode. The
examines mastery or emergence of important aspects of functional status of the implant was tested with im-
preverbal and verbal interaction such as interaction- pedance and neural response telemetry. A head ban-
attachment, pragmatics, gesture, and play, in addition to dage was applied.
76 language comprehension and 93 language expression
milestones. These milestones may be observed, elicited,
or reported by the clinician and/or the primary caregiver RESULTS
within an interview/play interaction session.
It was desirable to obtain at least one test admin- Rate of Language Growth
istration of the RI-TLS pre-implantation and at yearly For the 11 group 1 subjects, the individual rates
intervals post-implantation, but this was not always of growth for LC and LE are given in Figures 1 and

TABLE 2. Comparison of groups 1 and 2

Group 1, Group 2,
Variable CI ⬍12 mo CI 12–24 mo Two-sample t-test
No. of children 19 87
Age at hearing aid (yr)
Mean 0.41 0.92 t ⫽ ⫺8.11, p ⬍ 0.000
SD 0.21 0.36
Age at implantation (yr)
Mean 0.88 1.60
Range 0.61–1.07 1.13–2.00
SD 0.15 0.24
No. children with cognitive delay 1 8
Degree of cognitive delay
Mean 1.16 1.27 t ⫽ ⫺0.45, p ⬍ 0.658, ns
SD 1.01 0.85
3 Freq PTA dB (best ear)
Mean 113.95 114.03 t ⫽ ⫺0.04, p ⬍ 0.966, ns
SD 7.81 9.34
No. of children completed ⱖ2 RI-TLS 11 36
Age at hearing aid (yr)
Mean 0.42 0.91 t ⫽ ⫺5.55, p ⬍ 0.000
SD 0.23 0.34
Age at implantation (yr)
Mean 0.89 1.56
Range 0.61–1.07 1.15–2.00
SD 0.15 0.25
3 Freq PTA dB (better ear)
Mean 111.5 113.0 t ⫽ ⫺0.55, p ⬍ 0.584, ns
SD 6.58 10.8
No. of children with cognitive delay 0 6
Degree of cognitive delay
Mean 0.82 1.40 t ⫽ ⫺3.14, p ⬍ 0.003
SD 0.41 0.84
LC growth
Mean 1.12 0.71 t ⫽ 3.50, p ⬍ 0.001
Range 0.78 –1.62 0.0 –2.00
SD 0.265 0.514
LE growth
Mean 1.01 0.68 t ⫽ 3.38, p ⬍ 0.002
Range 0.73–1.45 0.00 –1.56
SD 0.215 0.436
No. of children (mild, moderate, severe cognitive delay removed) 11 30
Degree of cognitive delay
Mean 0.818 1.050 t ⫽ ⫺1.82, p ⬍ 0.096, ns
SD 0.405 0.201
LC growth
Mean 1.12 0.78 t ⫽ 2.71, p ⬍ 0.011
Range 0.78 –1.62 0.0 –2.00
SD 0.265 0.521
LE growth
Mean 1.01 0.73 t ⫽ 2.67, p ⬍ 0.011
Range 0.73–1.45 0.00 –1.56
SD 0.215 0.443

CI, cochlear implant; PTA, pure-tone average; RI-TLS, Rossetti Infant-Toddler Language Scale; LC, language comprehension; LE, language expression.

2, respectively. There was a significant difference tween the rates of growth remained statistically
between the average rate of growth for LC for group significant (Table 2).
1 (1.12) and group 2 (0.71) (t ⫽ 3.50, p ⬍ 0.001)
(Table 2). There was also a significant difference
between the rate of growth for LE for group 1 (1.01) Surgical and Programming Considerations
and group 2 (0.68) (t ⫽ 3.38, p ⬍ 0.002) (Table 2). Most children were discharged from the hospital
When data from all children with cognitive delay 1 d after surgery and reviewed in the clinic after 1
were removed from the analysis, the difference be- wk. Activation of the device usually took place 2 to 3

and were checked by eliciting an auropalpebral

reflex (eye blink in response to a loudness discomfort
level) and subsequently reducing levels by 30%
(Rance & Dowell, 1997).

This study demonstrated that children who re-
ceived the cochlear implant who were younger than
the age of 12 mo could demonstrate language com-
prehension and expressive development comparable
to that of their hearing peers. The rate of growth
was significantly better than the rate of comprehen-
Fig. 1. Individual growth rates for Language Comprehension sion and expressive growth demonstrated by a group
(LC) subscale of the Rossetti Infant-Toddler Language Scale of children who received the implant between 12 and
(RI-TLS); group 1 (n ⴝ 11). 24 mo of age.
The relationship between cognitive status and
wk after surgery. A number of children had a pre- communication outcomes in previous literature sug-
implantation history of ear infections that required gests that children with cochlear implants who also
careful management. One group 1 child presented demonstrate cognitive delays tend to progress more
with mastoiditis 6 d after discharge that resolved slowly than other children in the areas of speech
after readmission for intravenous antibiotics. There perception (Dowell, Dettman, Blamey, Barker, &
were three group 2 children who underwent explan- Clark, 2002; Isaacson, Hasenstab, Wohl, & Williams,
tation: one for infection after trauma (fall from a 1996; Pyman, Blamey, Lacy, Clark, & Dowell, 2000;
child’s seat) at 4 mo post-implantation, one due to an Tomov, Dettman, Barker, Dowell, Williams, &
unknown cause of device failure at 9 mo post- Hughes, 2002; Waltzman, Scalchunes, & Cohen,
implantation, and one due to device failure (after a 2000) and language (Dettman, Tomov, Dowell,
blow to the head) at 3 yr post-implantation. All three Barker, Hughes, Williams, & Saldic, 2003). As cog-
children underwent successful reimplantation and nitive delays could potentially reduce the average
attended regular otological and audiological re- rate of growth for the group 2 children, the language
views. data from children who demonstrated mild, moder-
Appropriate threshold levels were obtained for all ate, or severe delay were removed from the analysis.
children using visual reinforcement audiometry This had the effect of improving the group 2 mean
(Moore, Thompson, & Thompson, 1975; Moore & rate of LC from 0.71 to 0.78 and LE from 0.68 to
Wilson, 1978) and/or play audiometry (Wilson & 0.73, but these rates were still statistically signifi-
Thompson, 1984) depending on the age, develop- cantly poorer than the rates demonstrated by group
mental stage, and response state of the child. Max- 1 children. The poorest group 1 rates of development
imum comfort levels were obtained using language of LC (case 18, 0.78) and LE (case 4, 0.73) were
that was appropriate for each child’s comprehension coincidentally the same as the average group 2 rates
(LC ⫽ 0.78, LE ⫽ 0.73).
Reporting of the language results in terms of the
slope of the child’s receptive and expressive devel-
opment over a consistent time interval proved useful
in this study. Making comparisons with normalized
data for hearing children then enables clinicians to
determine whether the gap between the children’s
chronological and equivalent language age is de-
creasing or increasing over time.
The finding that children who receive a cochlear
implant at a younger age demonstrate better
postimplantation language outcomes is consistent
with previous research (Brackett & Zara, 1998;
Hammes et al., 2002; Miyamoto, Houston, Kirk,
Fig. 2. Individual growth rates for Language Expression (LE) Perdew, & Svirsky, 2003; Robbins, 2000; Yoshinaga-
subscale of Rossetti Infant-Toddler Language Scale (RI-TLS); Itano et al., 1998). It must be noted that the average
group 1 (n ⴝ 11). age at hearing aid fitting was also significantly

different for group 1 (0.41 yr) and group 2 (0.92). Colletti, V., Carner, M., Miorelli, V., Guida, M., Colletti, L.,
Future research may consider cohorts of children Fiorino, F. G. (2005). Cochlear implantation at under 12
months: report on 10 patients. Laryngoscope, 115, 445–449.
matched for cognitive status, who variously receive Connor, C., Hieber, S., Arts, H. A., Zwolan, T. A. (2000). Speech,
hearing aids early/undergo implantation early, re- vocabulary, and the education of children using cochlear im-
ceive hearing aids late/undergo implantation early, plants: Oral or Total Communication. Journal of Speech, Lan-
and receive hearing aids late/undergo implantation guage, and Hearing Research, 43, 1185–1204.
late to examine the relative influence of these vari- Dettman, S. J., Tomov, A. M., Dowell, R. C., Barker, E. J.,
Williams, S. S., Hughes, K. C., Saldic, I. (2003). Early language
ables. It was not within the scope of this article to
outcomes for children with multiple disabilities. Proceedings of
report on speech perception outcomes for this group the 9th Symposium on Cochlear Implants in Children, Wash-
of children; speech perception and emerging babble ington, DC, April.
production will be the focus of subsequent publica- Dowell, R. C., Blamey, P., Clark, G. M. (1995). Potential limita-
tions. tions of cochlear implantations in children. In G. M. Clark &
R. S. C. Cowan (Eds.), International Cochlear Implant, Speech
and Hearing Symposium 1994. Annals of Otology, Rhinology
CONCLUSIONS and Laryngology, 166, 324S–327S.
Dowell, R. C., Dettman, S. J., Blamey, P. J., Barker, E. J., Clark,
These preliminary comprehension and expression G. M. (2002). Speech perception in children using cochlear
results obtained from this group of children, coupled implants: prediction of long-term outcomes. Cochlear Implants
International, 1, 1–18.
with the absence of anesthetic and/or surgical com-
El-Hakim, H., Levasseur, J., Papsin, B., Panesar, J., Mount, R.,
plications, provides support for the consideration of Stevens, R., Harrison, R. (2001). Assessment of vocabulary
cochlear implants for children younger than 12 mo development in children after cochlear implantation. Archives
of age. The children who underwent implantation at of Otolaryngology, Head, Neck and Surgery, 127, 153–159.
younger than 12 mo of age achieved mean rates of Geers, A. E., Brenner, C. (2003). Background and educational
receptive (1.12) and expressive (1.01) language characteristics of prelingually deaf children implanted by five
years of age. Ear and Hearing, 24, 2S–12S.
growth that were comparable to their normally
Geers, A. E., Nicholas, J. G., Sedey, A. L. (2003). Language Skills
hearing peers and were significantly greater than of children with early cochlear implantation. Ear and Hearing,
the rates achieved by children who underwent im- 24, 46S–58S.
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Isaacson, J. E., Hasenstab, M. S., Wohl, D. L., Williams, G. H.
(1996). Learning disability in children with post-meningitic
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS cochlear implants. Archives of Otolaryngology, Head & Neck
Surgery, 122, 929–936.
The authors acknowledge the Speech Pathologists and Audiolo-
Keenan, R. L., Shapiro, J. H., Dawson, K. (1991). Frequency of
gists at the Cochlear Implant Clinic, Royal Victorian Eye and Ear
anaesthetic cardiac arrests in infants: effect of paediatric
Hospital, Melbourne, Australia.
anaesthesiologists. Journal of Clinical Anesthesia, 3, 433–437.
Address for correspondence: Dr. Shani Dettman, Cochlear Im- Kirk, K. I., Miyamoto, R. T., Lento, C. L., Ying, E, O’Neill, T.,
plant Clinic, The Royal Victorian Eye and Ear Hospital, 32 Fears, B. (2002). Effects of age at implantation in young
Gisborne Street, East Melbourne, 8002, Victoria, Australia. children. Annals of Otology Rhinology and Laryngology, 111,
E-mail: 69–73.
Lesinski-Schiedat, A., Illg, A., Heermann, R., Bertram, B., &
Received December 15, 2005; accepted May 17, 2006. Lenarz, T. (2004). Paediatric cochlear implantation in the first
and second year of life: a comparative study. Cochlear Implants
International, 5, 146–154.
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