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BSBLDR511 learner instruction 2(Respond to emotional intelligence

case study
Question 1
Q.1 Two example of possible mis interpretation of expression or behaviour that may arise in the
content of a diverse work force are:
The new member is always rubbed my existing employee
Be positive, kind to everyone and always be on discipline

Q.2 The staff who came to issue with the cultural expression. First of all, I will tell him/her to make or
feel a connection with the other team member apart from that I will tell him/her to accept the
environment and be according to it. And don’t be conservative in the work place as it might affect
the working environment. In other hands as they make good connection it will be easy to cop up
with the other staff.

Observation and sensitivity: There are several ways to become more culturally aware. Studying up
on the target market is an obvious first step. Still, the most reliable tools could be your level of
sensitivity and your powers of observation. When you’re in a foreign country, learn how those
around you conduct themselves and their business. Listen more than you talk, and chances are you’ll
learn more, faster.
Flexibility: When doing business internationally, you may face situations in which you are not in
control or don’t have all the answers. You will have to deal with uncertainty, especially in cultures
where communication may be more subtle and nuanced than in the United States. Be patient with
yourself as well as with business partners or potential customers. Keep the focus on the big picture.
Self-awareness: It’s not easy to absorb and understand everything that is happening around you
in cross-cultural business settings. At such times, it can be beneficial to tap into your self-awareness
skills. Ask yourself, “Why do I think this?” and “Why am I feeling this way?” and then adjust your
responses or actions as necessary.

With these considerations in mind, there are strategies that business leaders can adopt in order to
nurture and strengthen their cultural awareness. Among them:

  Appreciate differences: A culture is built on more than just food, music, art and clothing. Its
foundation includes stories, values and beliefs passed down through generations. Learn to value a
culture’s contributions to the greater human story.
 When in doubt, ask: Don’t be afraid to ask questions. You won’t be perceived as less
intelligent, as people generally appreciate the interest, and enjoy sharing information about their
nation and its culture. By being humble and acknowledging that you’re still learning you may be
more likely to gain acceptance in a new culture.
Smile: You may have heard the saying, “A smile is the same in every language.” Indeed, a smile can
be a great ice-breaker and stress reliever. Have a smile ready when facing unexpected challenges
and look for humour in a predicament.

Questions 2
 Two example of possible mis interpretation of expression or behaviour that may arise in the
content of a diverse work force are:
The new member is always rubbed my existing employee
Be positive, kind to everyone and always be on discipline
BSBLDR511 learner instruction 2(Respond to emotional intelligence
case study

 The staff who came to issue with the cultural expression. First of all, I will tell him/her to
make or feel a connection with the other team member apart from that I will tell him/her to
accept the environment and be according to it. And don’t be conservative in the work place
as it might affect the working environment. In other hands as they make good connection it
will be easy to cop up with the other staff.

 Observation and sensitivity: There are several ways to become more culturally aware.
Studying up on the target market is an obvious first step. Still, the most reliable tools could
be your level of sensitivity and your powers of observation. When you’re in a foreign
country, learn how those around you conduct the selves and their business. Listen more
than you talk, and chances are you’ll learn more, faster.
Flexibility: When doing business internationally, you may face situations in which you are not in
control or don’t have all the answers. You will have to deal with uncertainty, especially in cultures
where communication may be more subtle and nuanced than in the United States. Be patient with
yourself as well as with business partners or potential customers. Keep the focus on the big picture.
Self-awareness: It’s not easy to absorb and understand everything that is happening around you
in cross-cultural business settings. At such times, it can be beneficial to tap into your self-awareness
skills. Ask yourself, “Why do I think this?” and “Why am I feeling this way?” and then adjust your
responses or actions as necessary.

With these considerations in mind, there are strategies that business leaders can adopt in order to
nurture and strengthen their cultural awareness. Among them:

  Appreciate differences: A culture is built on more than just food, music, art and clothing. Its
foundation includes stories, values and beliefs passed down through generations. Learn to value a
culture’s contributions to the greater human story.
 When in doubt, ask: Don’t be afraid to ask questions. You won’t be perceived as less
intelligent, as people generally appreciate the interest, and enjoy sharing information about their
nation and its culture. By being humble and acknowledging that you’re still learning you may be
more likely to gain acceptance in a new culture.
Smile: You may have heard the saying, “A smile is the same in every language.” Indeed, a smile can
be a great ice-breaker and stress reliever. Have a smile ready when facing unexpected challenges
and look for humour in a predicament.

Questions 3

1. Emotions in the workplace play a large role in how an entire organization communicates within itself
and to the outside world. “Events at work have real emotional impact on participants. The consequences
of emotional states in the workplace, both behaviours and attitudes, have substantial significance for
individuals, groups, and society”. “Positive emotions in the workplace help employees obtain favourable

outcomes including achievement, job enrichment and higher quality social context”. “Negative

emotions, such as fear, anger, stress, hostility, sadness, and guilt, however increase the predictability of
workplace deviance,”, and how the outside world views the organization.

“Emotions normally are associated with specific events or occurrences and are intense enough to disrupt
thought processes. Moods on the other hand, are more “generalized feelings or states that are not
typically identified with a particular stimulus and not sufficiently intense to interrupt ongoing thought
processes”. There can be many consequences for allowing negative emotions to affect your general
BSBLDR511 learner instruction 2(Respond to emotional intelligence
case study
attitude or mood at work. “Emotions and emotion management are a prominent feature of
organizational life. It is crucial “to create a publicly observable and desirable emotional display as a part
of a job role.
What I believe is that it is not good to show emotion at the workplace because it might impact your
performance and even its not fear to show the emotion towards their employee. As you show your
emotion towards your employee you may show sympathy towards is performance in accordance to that
he/she performance might be detoriated so its better to motivate them rather than showing emotion
towards the employee but motivate them to do better and better.

2. The fundamental truth is important for leader to have the knowledge of learning style or personality is
to consider the personality of their team member and deciding how to manage the team. By using this
knowledge, help managers to know motivates an individual. Personality often gives clues to things a
person loves to do and can understand the body language of the individual. If you understand the
personality of your team member will have knowledge what will be best for him or her and this might be
different from each team member. Some of the employee may have different way of understanding and
adapting the situation on solution may not be the solution of other employee so if the individual
understands his or her style of understanding it will be easy to deal with it. I one approach is not working
the employee must use another approach to make him understand. Someone who is having the problem
understanding how to operate a computer might learn best with a combination of hands on interactive
and spoken instructions.

3. The management needs to follow the empathy where he needs to set aside his own emotion to
understand the feeling of the employees. The leader with the empathy has the quality to put himself
in someone else situation which helps in developing effective team. The management needs to be
emphatic to build loyalty and trust of the team member. To implement the same the management
needs to view the problem from the perception of the employee and use the appropriate technique
for the purpose of doing same. Also, the attention needs to be paid on the body language as it helps
in understanding the situation. Also, the management needs to respond to the feeling in the positive
way. Every manager adopts different style of learning and makes the decision which passes to the
employee and allow them to be the part of the decision. A good leader creates the working
environment where employees succeed and recognize that workers learn and process information
to attain success (Afshar and Rahimi, 2014).  At the time of training with others you need to identify
the idea which helps in learning in the effective way. The increase in the awareness of the emotions
helps in building good relationship with the employee which increases their outcome. It assists the
management in building good relationship with the team members which helps in attaining the
outcome as per the set standard.  Also, it motivates the employee to work within the team and
increase coordination with the other team members.

Question 4
The people who are emotionally effective build good relationship with the other co-workers
which helps the business in attaining its goals and objective. They effectively understand
their part of work thus deliver quality outcome for their part of work. They avoid anger and
rush which helps them in making quality decision as they analyse the complete situation
before decision making and avoid biased situation (Theory, 2013).The manger needs to set
the proper schedule and set priorities for each and every activity to guide the employee in
relation to their part of work. There are certain laws which need to be followed at the
workplace to create the supporting environment and culture in which the safety of the staff
BSBLDR511 learner instruction 2(Respond to emotional intelligence
case study
is priority and implementing health and safety policy. Also the information needed to
support the staff and the efforts for working with the staff to handle potential stress needs
to be made. The occupation health and safety legislation (OHS) helps in identifying the
possible hazard at the workplace and the way risk arising from it needs to be controlled. It is
mandatory for each of the organization to manage its risk regardless of their size and act

4. Make the employee participant of the business objectives can lead to good boundaries among
them and make them feel supported by the organisation they can vote for the decision and this will
feel part of the solution, more engaged.

5. Could be as simple as a survey among the employees, setting higher target can be taken
negatively if the employees don’t know all the information that lead to that decision and the
possible impacts if the strategy is not taken. In a survey they can vote for what program can be
removed and form an opinion on why some program must be taken.

Legal responsibilities for employers while a mentally healthy workplace offer and benefits, employer
also have a range of legal responsibilities they must fulfil in relation to workplace health and safety,
and employee rights. Discrimination the disability discrimination act 1992 requires employer to
ensure workplace do not discriminants against or harass employees with a disability, which includes
mental health conditions. Employers are also required to make reasonable adjustments to meet the
needs of the employees with mental health conditions.

Work health and safety WHS legislation requires employers to ensure that workplace are both
physically and mentally safe and healthy. The legislation also acknowledges that employee have a
responsibility for their own health and safety.


Privacy legislation requires employers to ensure personal information about an employee’s mental
health status is not disclosed to anyone without their consent.

Fair work

Employers are required under commonwealth industrial law to ensure a workplace does not take
any adverse action against an employee because of their mental health conditions.

Employee rights

Employers are permitted to enquire about a person mental health status if the information is
required for a legitimate purpose for example it might be legitimate to ask an employee questions
about their medication if the job involves operating machinery.

Other cases in which questions may be legitimate include

a. Determining whether the person can perform the inherent requirement of the job
b. Identifying if any reasonable adjustment may be needed
BSBLDR511 learner instruction 2(Respond to emotional intelligence
case study
c. Establishing facts for entitlements such as sick leave, superannuation, workers
compensation and other insurance.

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