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Coaching Role play

In this coaching role play there are lots of things which we discussed so here are some
important things that is undertaken from this play.

`First of all we have discussed about PAT performance, personal situation, obstacles to
performance, feeling and job satisfaction. Taking about the PAT performance has been
below the down as we expect much more from him. In financial prospective the target was
15000$however he reached it to $16000 but revenue through sales assists was expected to
be 15000$ but it went down to $1000 which is very disappointing. However, in customer
focus has achieved its target which Is a very good news for him and for the company as well
but we need to focus on providing 100% customer service to our customer.

Recently when we conducted the peer evaluation rating both the PAT and the company is
very upset as our target was to reach 80% but our results show it 50% so in this internal
process, we have to improve a lot.

Regarding the PAT situation is has been stand offish and pre occupied with something which
is seriously affecting other employees’ ability to focus on customer effectively and perhaps
worse, is negatively affecting the work climate

There are different obstacles to performance of the PAT because of which he is not able to
perform 100%..As PAT is having the some personal problem in his family.

JOB SATISFACTION: PAT is one of the finest employee in our company however because of
some issue he is not able to commit 100% to his work and he is very much satisfied with his
work but need to improve his weakness such as awareness and empathy.

 promote the development of the emotional intelligence in other

The employees are the key resources of the company so their emotion needs to be
effectively managed through effective training and motivational programPat is one of the
most efficient staff of the company so needs to be promoted so that he can guide the other
team member in the right direction to serve the customer in the better way. Pat has the
ability to put himself in someone else situation to understand their emotion and challenge
those who are acting unfairly.  The pat is also having good communication skill which has
helped him in building good relationship with the other employee of the company and to
serve the customer in the better way. The emotional intelligence of Pat has helped in
identifying the current strength and weakness to serve the customer in the better way
(Espinoza, 2016). The strength of Pat was of strong knowledge of the existing product and
good relationship with the customer. He was also having good internal communication and
successful marketing strategy which was helping him in attaining his desired target. This
strength has helped Pat in effectively handling the high work pressure and serves the
customer in the best possible way.

Weakness of PAT
 Customer service
 Stand offish
 Judgemental

Strength of PAT
 Informal leader
 Quick learner
 Always look for big opportunities
 Ambitious

Pat goal and performance gaps using GROW Model

Coaching phase Activities/questions

Introduction Summarise the reason for the coaching
session from your point of view
 Being committed involves creating
a rigorous process around what
comes out of a coaching session
 Have a way to track the progress of
employee’s goals and to
understand the current progress
and to know whether your
employees need support from you
and the organisation.

Ask pat for input to describe own

 It helps to increase the strength
and motivate to do better and
 To increase the performance and
to sharpen the strength and
overcome the weakness.
GOAL Ask questions to establish Pats
understanding of performance
expectations, personal goal and aspirations.

The current goal of Pat is to get promoted

as the team leader within the next two
year. The goal set by pat meets the SMART
criteria which represent specific,
measurable, attainable, and relevant and
time bound. Pat already has the prior
experience in the relevant field and also
has carrier aspiration and team mission.
Reality Pat needs to look at the current reality as
he has, he has effectively attained the
desired target and has the required skills to
be as the team leader.  To attain the
managerial position, he needs to make the
effort to develop the skills for effectively
handling the team.
Options/opportunities The Pat is having the option to effectively
lead the team or the opportunity of
handling overseas customer.


The pat needs to work on the small team

with the small business project to test his
skills.  His role can be increased if he
performs well with the current team and
needs to continuously review his

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