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A Guide to Reading & Writing JAPANESE A Comprehensive Guide to the Japanese Writing System Compiled by Florence Sakade Revised by Kenneth Henshall, Christopher Seeley & Henk de Groot Tuttle Language Library A Guide to Reading & Writing JAPANESE Third Edition A Comprehensive Guide to the Japanese Writing System first edition compiled by Florence Sakade third edition revised by Kenneth Henshall, Christopher Seeley & Henk de Groot TUTTLE PUBLISHING Boston * Rutland, Vermont * Tokyo Published by Tuttle Publishing, an imprint of Periplus Editions (HK) Ltd., with editorial offices at 153 Milk Street, Boston, MA 02109 and 130 Joo Seng Road, #06-01/03 Singapore 368357 Original edition © 1959 by Charles E, Tuttle Co., Inc. Third edition © 2003 Periplus Editions (HK) Ltd. Alll rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any informetion storage and retrieval system, without pror written permission from the publisher. LCC Card No. 59-10412 ISBN 0-8048-3365-6 Distributed by: Japan Tuttle Publishing Yaekari Building. 3rd Floor 5-4-12 Osaki, Shinagawa-ku Tokyo 141-0032 Tel: (03) 5437 0171; Fax: (03) 5437 0755 Email: North America, Latin America & Europe Tuttle Publishing 364 Innovation Drive North Clarendon, VT 05759-9436 Tal: (802) 773 8930; Fax: (802) 773 6993 Email: Asia Pacific Berkeley Books Pte. Ltd. 130 Joo Seng Road, #06-01/03 Singapore 368357 ‘Tel: (65) 6280 1330; Fax: (65) 6280 6290 Email: 08 07 06 05 04 8765432 Printed in Singapore CONTENTS Introduction .. 1 Aim v 2 This Book and the Modern Japanese Writing System v 2.1 About the Characters Selected v 2.2. How Characters are Read in Japanese vi 2.3. Writing Characters vit 2.4 Romanisation ix 2.5 Kana Signs and Combination x Layout Details x Final Notes xi Select Bibliography of Main Works consulted for this Edition xi wee Acknowledgements .....:sccscesesseeee Section 1: The 1,006 Essential Characters ..., Grade One: — Characters 1-80. Grade Two: — Characters 81-240... Grade Three: Characters 241-440. Grade Four: — Characters 441-640 Grade Five: Characters 641-825. Grade Six: Characters 826-1,006 Section 2: The 1,945 General Use Characters ..... Katakana and Hiragana Syllabaries Index of Readings... INTRODUCTION 1 Aim This newly revised edition is designed for students and others who have at least an elementary knowledge of spoken Japanese and are wanting to acquaint themselves with the Japanese writing system. To this end, this book sets out the 1,945 Chinese characters contained in the officially approved character list—the Joyé kanji (General Use Characters) List—which in 1981 replaced the carlier list approved in 1946. 2 This Book and the Modern Japanese Writing System 2.1 About the Characters Selected While the Jay6 kanji List (hereafter abbreviated to JK List) does not represent an exhaustive list of Chinese characters which the student will encounter in modern Japanese texts, in combination with the two syllabaries (hiragana and katakana) it does nevertheless provide a very sound basis for reading and writing modern Japanese. In Japanese schools, 1,006 of the more commonly used JK List characters are taught in the six years of elementary school, the balance of 939 characters being spread out over the intermediate and high school curriculum. The JK List characters also form the basis of character usage in modern newspapers, though sometimes the Japan Newspaper Association chooses to deviate from the List in some ways. At the end of 2001 the following 39 characters in addition to those in the JK List were adopted by the Association for active use in newspapers: fi] #4 F Bt #5 St EF] i OD ig BE AT Poe th Ea te AO GB 48 ik fk i . We simply list these here for readers’ possible future reference, and do not go into readings or meanings. For writing the names of their children, Japanese today can choose from a corpus of characters consisting of the JK List together with a supplementary list of characters for use in given names. The first such name character list, approved in 1951, consisted of 92 characters, but that has been expanded on repeated occasions (and not without some controversy) to 285. We do not list these here. This book is divided into two main sections. Section One presents the 1,006 characters designated by the Japanese Ministry of Education to be taught during INTRODUCTION the six years of elementary school—termed here ‘Essential Characters’. The choice of these characters is the result of extensive research and deliberation by the Ministry. For these characters, the editors of this volume have endeavored to give illustrative character compounds that are in common use. Section Two of this book sets out the 1,945 characters designated for general everyday use (including the 1,006 characters taught at elementary school). In 1946 the Japanese writing system underwent fairly radical reform in the direction of simplification, but the 1970s onwards saw some movement away from what some saw as an over-simplification, and the trend towards use of a bigger range of Chinese characters has been encouraged by the development and popularity from the mid-1980s of word-processors and computers that can handle conventional Japanese text. Despite this trend, the major impact of the orthographic reforms of the late 1940s has meant that the Japanese writing system of today still remains much simpler than it was before 1946. 2.2. How Characters are Read in Japanese Typically, each Chinese character has two types of readings—on-yomi and kun-yomi. The on-yomi (on reading, i.c. Sino-Japanese reading) is a reading originally based on the Chinese pronunciation associated with each character, and reflects the fact that the Chinese script was adopted from China the best part of 2,000 years ago, when the Japanese themselves did not have a writing system. Contrasting with the on-yomi is the kun-yomi (kun reading, i.c. native Japanese reading). In some cases, a given Chinese character has several on readings, reflecting different forms of underlying Chinese pronunciation. A given character may also have more than one associated kun reading. Context and the use or absence of accompanying kana (okurigana) are the pointers as to which reading is appropriate in a given case. In this book, the majority of the readings set out in the JK List as it appeared in the Kanpé (Official Gazette) of 1 October 1981 have been included, but some readings have been excluded, bearing in mind the aim of this book, because they are archaic, obsolescent, or not common (e.g. nagomu [to soften] for #11). Also excluded from among the formal readings listed in this book are the sort of common minor—or relatively minor—variations in character readings which are found only in certain environments in compounds. For instance, the character “# has the on reading GAKU, which is truncated to GAK- in the compound “Bf gakk6 [school, college], the kun reading ame [rain] of if) changes to ama- as the first element in compounds such as ff amado [rain-shutters], and the character GO is read GAT- in the compound 47 gatten (understanding, consent]. It was considered best for readers of this book to leam such changes gradually as they progress. INTRODUCTION In modern Japanese usage there are quite a number of characters which lack either an on reading or a kun reading. For instance, nowadays the character i [sugar] is employed only for its on reading TO, while the character #1 [box] is used only for its kun reading hako. 2.3 Writing Characters Firstly, the student should make every effort to practice so as to keep the characters of uniform size in relation to one another. Thus, the 2-stroke character J) katana should be written within the equal-sized imaginary square or circle as the 15-stroke iti RON [argument, opinion], and by the same token the element = should be written larger when used as an independent character (read GEN, GON, [speech, word] than when used as a radical / component in a more complex character such as #7 RON above. Secondly, bear in mind that Chinese characters sometimes consist of just a few strokes, sometimes many, but the characters are always written according to a set stroke order. Listed below are some principles that will be of assistance with regard to priority in the order of strokes. 1, Top to bottom: — — ae WN are | a: 3 INTRODUCTION Other rules are: 3. When two or more strokes cross, horizontal strokes usually precede perpendicular ones: +—[=[+ yt [=| K—[=LFR 4. Sometimes perpendicular strokes precede horizontal ones: w+ |) a L—|T | Fie |] | |e 5. Center first, then left and right: p—[T Tl [ab TKR —> ¥ 7 FR sae) AA | she aS AR viii INTRODUCTION 6. Perpendicular line running through center written last: He | tk) ft th) fo} = 7. Right-to-left diagonal stroke precedes left-to-right: Aes | Ay K+ | F|K KF While the above may all seem rather complicated, the student might find solace in the fact that, as noted above, the writing system has been simplified to a considerable extent compared with the past, and has been mastered by many thousands of students having neither native speaker competence in Japanese nor prior background knowledge of the Chinese script. 2.4 Romanisation There are several different systems of representing Japanese using the Roman alphabet. This book employs a slightly modified form of the Hepburn system, this being a system which is widely used and which is based on conventions associated with the spelling of English. The minor modification involves using the letter n rather than m to represent the syllabic nasal A. when the latter occurs immediately before the consonants m, 6 or p (thus, for instance, shinbun [newspaper], not shimbun, and kenpé [constitution], not kKempo). Other points to note are: 1. use of a macron to indicate vowel lengthening for o and u, e.g. gakk6 [school], renshi [practice]; INTRODUCTION, 2. use of a hyphen in cases where it is considered that this might facilitate understanding of boundaries between constituent elements in a Japanese word, e.g. sara-arai [dishwashing], rather than saraaraf; and 3. use of the apostrophe ’ instead of a hyphen after a syllabic nasal Au, such as tan’i [unit] (a word of three short syllables, which in kana would be written 7 /u\9) as opposed to tani [valley] (a word of two short syllables, written {= in kana). 2.5 Kana Signs and Combinations The two main sections of this book are followed by a section setting out individual symbols in the hiragana and katakana syllabaries, and illustrations of stroke order for cach of those symbols. Each of the two syllabaries evolved and became established over a period of many centuries, thereby becoming cemented as integral components in the modern writing system. Katakana, which are more angular in appearance than hiragana, are today used first and foremost to represent loanwords of European origin, e.g. /\ 2” pan [bread] and E—)l biiru [beer]. Hiragana are used widely and variously elsewhere to represent such elements as grammatical particles, inflectional endings of verbs, and frequently to represent in writing words which would otherwise need to be written with intricate or uncommon characters such as those for 6mu [parrot] (2388) or for the ken of sekken [soap] (fila®). For the convenience of users of this book, the final part consists of an alphabetical index of readings for the 1,945 JK List characters. 3 Layout Details The 1,006 most essential characters are set out in Section One in accordance with the Education Ministry's division into six grades. These are in running sequence, but note that the grade divisions are: 1-80 = Grade One 81-240 = Grade Two 241-440 = Grade Three 441-640 = Grade Four 641-825 = Grade Five 826-1,006 = Grade Six Characters within each grade are set out in the traditional ‘50 sounds’ (gojuion) order which is commonly used for reference-type works in Japanese, except that the characters in Grade One alone are ordered on the basis of semantic groupings. Each character is typically accompanied by the on reading, then the kun reading and English meaning(s). The context is the best guide as to which reading is appropriate in a given case. INTRODUCTION Also included for each of the 1,006 characters is information regarding the total number of strokes (the stroke count) and the set order to be followed in writing individual strokes. In most cases, three examples of character compounds are provided for each of these Essential characters. Section Two, which presents the total 1,945 General Use characters, gives them with their on and/or kun readings, and English meanings, but without illustrative compounds. In many cases, however, compounds containing characters which are among the 939 ‘non-essential’ characters may be found among the compounds given for each of the 1,006 characters in Section One. The order adopted for listing the corpus of 1,945 characters is that of stroke count (and, within a given stroke count, by radical). So as to avoid undue repetition, each of the 1,006 Essential characters appearing in Section Two is given with the corresponding reference to Section One, to which the reader can refer for details. With regard to the typographical conventions employed in giving readings and meanings for characters, these are explained by means of the example below. SL KEN'; mi(ruy, to see, look* | On reading in upper case. ° Kun reading in lower case italics. Parentheses used to indicate end-syllable(s) to be written in kana (thus, mi(ru), since this word is conventionally written 5, %).1 * English meaning(s) given in regular lower case. Also note the use of a comma after a single on-reading to indicate that it can be used as a stand-alone word, e.g. “ZA, seat...” (i.e. ‘za’ exists as a word meaning ‘seat’), as opposed to “U canopy...” (ie. ‘w’ does not exist as an independent word). 4 Final Notes Good luck with your study. For aspects of the modern Japanese language such as grammar, vocabulary, or style, you should refer to other appropriate textbooks and reference works, a variety of which are now available from Tuttle Publishing. 5 Select Bibliography of Main Works Consulted for this Edition Note: All the books in Japanese listed below have been published in Tokyo. Haig, J.H. et al. (ed.), The New Nelson Japanese-English Character Dictionary. Charles E. Tuttle, Tokyo, 1997. Henshall, K. G., A Guide to Remembering Japanese Characters. Charles E. Tuttle, Tokyo, 1988. xi INTRODUCTION Masuda, K., et al. (ed.), Kenkyusha’s New Japanese-English Dictionary, Kenkyusha, 4th ed., 1974. Morohashi T., Dai kanwa jiten. 13 vols. Taishukan, 1955-60. Sanseido henshiisho (ed.), Atarashii kokugo hyoki handobukku. Sanseido, 1991. Satd K. (ed.), Kanji hyakka daijiten. Meiji shoin, 1996. Seeley, C. A History of Writing in Japan. Paperback edition: University of Hawai'i Press, 2000. Shirakawa S., Jit6. Heibonsha, 2nd ed., 1992. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The editors of the Newly Revised Edition respectfully acknowledge the work of the earlier editions carried out by Florence Sakade and her editorial team, work which has been of assistance to generations of students (including the present editors). Grateful acknowledgement is also due to Flavia Hodges, Tan Mike Tze, Nancy Goh, Nathan Burrows, Neil Chandler, Bruce Penno, Paul Eagle, Shozo Tsuji, Yasuko Tsuji, and Kazuko Seeley. The 1,006 ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS ICHI, ITSU, hito-, hito(tsu), one Fl ichigatsu, January a ichiban, first, best —fff issatsu, one (book, magazine) NI, futa(tsu), wo =A nigatsu, February —7\FA_ nikagetsu, two months Sle] nikai, twice SAN, mi-, mit(tsu), three =A sangatsu, March =A sannin, three people =H mikka, three days, the third day 3 strokes, SHI, yon, yo-, yot(tsu), yo(tsu), four VOFL shigatsu, April PYEL yokka, four days, the fourth day DU+ shija, yonjir, forty 4 S strokes 5-9 * ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS 5 4 strokes a 7N 4 strokes 4c 7 2 strokes JN. 8 2 strokes 9 2 strokes GO, itsu(tsu), five LAL gogatsu, May HA _ gonin, five people E+ gojii, fifty ROKU, mut(tsu), mu(tsu), six 7A rokugatsu, June A® AL rokkagetsu, six months A+ rokujii, sixty SHICHI, nana(tsu), nana, seven GAL shichigatsu, July +42. nanakagetsu, seven months E+ shichijé, nanajii, seventy HACHI, yai(tsu) ya(tsu), eight J\AL hachigatsu, August J\2.AL_ hachikagetsu, eight months A+ hachijii, eighty KYU, KU, kokono(tsu), nine JLAL kugatsu, September At kujii, kyaja, ninety JU — kuji, nine o'clock ++ 10 2 strokes a ul 6 strokes a 12 3 strokes A 13 4 strokes A 14 4 strokes TIAL CHARACTERS * 10-14 JU, 6, ten +A jagatsu, October +H toka, ten days, the tenth day -HIEljikkai, ten times HYAKU, hundred nihyaku, two hundred sanbyaku, three hundred i hyakkaten, department store SEN, chi, thousand +-F4_sen‘en, a thousand yen =F _ sanzen, three thousand TILT — gosen, five thousand NICHI, JITSU; hi, day, sun; ~ka, suffix for counting days Hill nichiyobi, Sunday PEA — sakujitsu, yesterday SF asahi, morning sun GETSU, GATSU; tsuki, month, moon HAIMLEL getsuyabi, Monday FL raigetsu, next month “A mikazuki, new moon 15-19 * ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS 4 strokes: 16 4 strokes 7K 17 4 strokes eS 18 8 strokes oa 19 3 strokes KA; hi, fire ACMEEL kayobi, Tuesday (LE hibachi, charcoal brazier AH kaji, fire, conflagration SUI; mizu, water XK 6-mizu, flood, inundation ACH suiryoku, water power AKS% — suihei, sailor BOKU, MOKU: ki, tree, wood ARIE] mokuyobi, Thursday #HAS—zaimoku, lumber AML mokusei, made of wood KIN, gold; KON gold; kane, money PEA kin'yobi, Friday 23 — o-kane, money fi —_kingyo, goldfish DO, TO; tsuchi, carth, soil 1: E1 doyobi, Saturday -Eth —tochi, ground, plot of land +A dojin, native ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS * 20-24 20 6 strokes Le 21 5 strokes, 4a a2 5 strokes E 23 3 strokes e 24 3 strokes NEN; toshi, year /\4EE_ rokunensei, sixth-grade pupil 480 toshiyori, old person #46 seinen, youth SA; hidari, left Fei — saha, leftist (political), left wing efi] sasoku, hidarigawa, left side 42F hidarite, left hand U, YU: migi, ight Jedi sayéi, left and right Ai uba, right wing (political) 4ifll usoku, migigawa, right side JO; ue, top, above, on; kami, upper; nobo(ru), to go up, to go toward Tokyo; a(geru). to raise; a(garu), to rise Lift jorya, upstream, upper class iff. kaij6, on the sea, maritime JILL: kawakami, upstream KA, GE; shita, bottom, under, beneath: moto, base: shimo, lower; kuda(ru), to go down, to go away from Tokyo: sa(geru), to hang (v.t.), to lower; sa(garu), to hang down; kuda(saru), to bestow JF kawashimo, downstream ‘Fidh — gehin, vulgar, coarse Jit F 8k chikatetsu, subway 25-29 « ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS, 25 3 strokes 26 4 strokes 7|\ 27 3 strokes 28 2 strokes, 29 5 strokes DAI, TAL; 6¢kii), big, large, great KY — daigaku, university, college KE taihen, tremendous, serious AJKI#) O-hiroma, grand hall CHU; naka, middle, within, inside 1H2eKE chdgakk6, middle school 1.0) chushin, center, heart (of a city, etc.) 4&4 shaichd, concentration SHO; ko, o-, chii(sai), small, minor ANEBE shOgakk6, primary school Nat Koya, but ‘dt shdsetsu, novel (fiction) NYU; iri, entering, attendance; i(reru), to put in; hai(ry), to enter A°F — nyagaku, entering school ‘iA yunya, importation AM iriguchi, entrance SHUTSU, SUK; de(ru), to come out, to go. out; da(su), to put out, to take out, to bring ‘out, to draw out tL3é — shuppatsu, setting out, departure, starting {Hi — shuppan, publishing HAM deguchi, exit ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS * 30-34 30 5 strokes - 31 7 strokes, f 32 6 strokes Ss = 33, 9 strokes. 34 3 strokes MOKU, BOKU; me, eye; also used as an ordinal suffix HHH yokome, side glance FAY mokuteki, purpose FRR mokuhyo, mark, target KEN; mi(ru), to see, to look; mi(eru), to be visible, to be able to see: mi(seru), to show, to display AG — migoto, splendid AY — kenbutsu, sightseeing RA mihon, sample J; mimi, ear ay hayamimi, keen of hearing 30 —— miminari, ringing in the ears EEAGRUY mimi ga tdi. deaf ON, IN; ne, ofo, sound HE ongaku, music 3€# _ hatsuon, pronunciation BEE boin, vowel KO, KU; kuchi, mouth HOF kuchihige, mostache AQ iriguchi, entrance 1% — koron, dispute 35-39 * ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS 5 " \v 35 4 strokes \ JE Viele 36 I 37 S strokes A 38 5 strokes A 39 2 strokes SHU; te, hand 427 akushu, handshake 48 tebukuro, gloves FM tegami, lewer SOKU; ashi, foot, leg; ta(riru), to be sufficient; ta(su), to add, to supplement JLB — ashi-ato, footprint iii manzoku, satisfaction ANE fusoku, insufficiency RITSU, RYU; ta(tsu), (v.i.), to stand; fa(teru) (v.t.), to erect, to set up $H\7 — dokuritsu, independence {LD yakudatsu, useful Vise tachiba, standpoint RYOKU, RIKI; chikara, strength, power AE (4 BA chikaramochi, strong person kyoryoku, co-operation doryoku, endeavor JIN, NIN; hito, person Ai jinrui, human race ningen, human being jinko, population Aft An ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS * 40-44 + 40 3 strokes x 41 3 strokes 42 7 strokes 7 43 6 strokes. ea 44 5 strokes SHI, SU; ko, child FL kodome, child, children IR genshi, atom ERT —_ysu, the state of things, appearance JO, NYO; me, female; onna, woman, girl EH) jochd, maid yk shojo, maiden KE joo, queen DAN, NAN; otoko, man, male FAVE dansci, male sex, male 7 danshi, male, boy $e chénan, eldest son SEN; saki, previous, ahead S42 sensei, teacher 4€A senjitsu, the other day fF X5E yukisaki, destination SEI, SHO birth, life; u(mareru), to be born; u(mu), to give birth; i(kiru), to live: ki, pure, genuine; nama, raw; ha(eru), to grow, to spring up —" — isshd, one’s (whole) life “E18 seikatsu, livelihood AEE daigakusei, college student 45-49 * ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS. . a yv_ | GAKU, learning, science; mana(bu), to D> learn 45 8 strokes “£86 gakko, school FEY igaku, medicine BF kagaku, science KO school; to correct, to investigate, to compare, to think BEE _ kosei, proofreading #&#; _ késha, school building #_ koyil, alumnus 10 strokes 0. king dsama, king ji, prince Okoku, kingdom, monarchy 41 4 suokes GYOKU,; tama, jewel, round object KE mizutama, drop of water HE medama, eyeball 48 5 strokes kai, sea shell Fi — kaigara, shell EL48U. kaihiroi, shell gathering FERAL shinjugai, pearl oyster 49 7 strokes FA ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS * 50-54 EN, circle, yen Japanese monetary unit); maru(i), round Fi enman, perfection, satisfaction FUEL sen’ensatsu, thousand-yen bill Put = enban, disc 50 4 strokes zi SEKI. SHAKU: aka, aka(i). red: aka(rameru) (v.t.), to colour up, to add blush; aka(ramu), to tum red, to blush AR Ay akachan, baby, infant SI 7 strokes a AEF sckijtlji, Red Cross ARSE shakud6, alloy of copper and gold SEI, SHO; ao, ao(i), blue, green, inexperienced V4 seinen, youth HEL aojiroi, pale 52 8 strokes aozora, blue sky HAKU, BYAKU; shiro, shiro(i), white FLA hakujin, Caucasian FAK hakujé, confession [LE hakucho, swan a 5 strokes gy SEKI; ya, evening Fj yiigata, evening 4% yahan, supper STB yiikaze, evening breeze 54 3 strokes 55-59 * ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS 7 e MEI, MYO name, fame; na, name GA namae, name Az At Bh yiimei, famous, well-known meijin, an expert 55 6 strokes SO; haya, haya(i) early, fast 40} 1 SLT haya-guchi, quick speaking 128 soshun, early spring FLU tebayai, quick, nimble 56 6 strokes $0; kusa, grass, vegetation eR kusahara (kusawara), grassy plain san, draft (of a manuscript) GRD 57 9 strokes kusatori, weeding SAN; yama, mountain WG sand6, yamamichi, mountain path Wi sanmyaku, mountain range 1) tozan, mountain climbing 58 3 strokes 3 strokes ) ) | ) ] | SEN, kawa, river 4$)!|_ tanigawa, mountain stream JIE7E Kawabata, riverside JIL kawaguchi, mouth of a river 59 [sa ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS * 60-64 DEN; fa, rice field FABER] den’en, fields and gardens, rural districts FEA inada, rice field FAH taue, rice planting 60, 5 strokes CHO; machi, town NT9441 machihazure, outskirts of a town HY chénai, the neighborhood HT chéché, mayor of a town 61 7 strokes, SON; mura, village EG sonmin, villager #YE& sonchd, village mayor BEAY ndson, a farm village 62 7 strokes: SHA, kuruma, wheel, vehicle H18)# jiddsha, automobile Fiz jitensha, bicycle 3€4i —_hassha, departure of a vehicle 63 7 strokes RIN: hayashi, woods 4H shokurin, reforestation 84K — mitsurin, thick forest ASK ndrin, agriculture and forestry 64 8 strokes 65-69 * ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS SHIN; mori, forest, grove FH shinrin, forest BR AR Pest shinkan, silent shingen, solemn, awe-inspiring 65 12 strokes KU, sora, sky; a(ku), to become empty: a(keru), to vacate; kara, emptiness Pe = WE BA eh aozora, blue sky kaki, air kako, airport 66 8 strokes. TEN, ame, sky, heaven KS tenki, weather KH RF tenjo, ceiling tensai, genius 67 4 strokes KI, spirit, energy, mind; KE KEL tenki, weather JER genki, good spirits, health JR byoki, sickness U; ame, rain x 6-ame, heavy rain 7% amado, rain door, shutter HER baiu, rainy season of early summer 8 strokes 70 7 strokes ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS * 70-74 KA; hana, flower {EH hanaya, flower shop, florist {EU/u_ kabin, vase 42 hanabi, fireworks CHIKU: take, bamboo {1-3 takeyabu, bamboo grove FAL takezaiku, bamboo ware 4225 takekago, bamboo basket 7 6 strokes, SEKI, KOKU, SHAKU; ishi, stone “ti ko-ishi, pebble Git sekitan, coal Fi jishaku, magnet 72 5 strokes KEN; inu, dog sb ko-inu, puppy XK _ banken, watchdog JERI kydkenbyé, rabies a 4 strokes. U; mushi, insect, bug, worm gaicha, harmful insect mushiba, decayed tooth konchi, insect, bug 14 6 strokes 75-79 * ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS. SHI; ito, thread 2 |2)4 £% keito, woolen yam \ (1 itoguchi, clue 2? 4 4 # itomaki, spool for thread é TN 75 6 strokes HON, book, suffix for counting long, slender objects; moto, basis, essence, (tree) root. -AS ippon, one (bottle, rod, etc.) Afi honbako, bookcase 76 HA Nihon, Nippon, Japan 5 strokes BUN, writings, a sentence; MON, old unit of money; fumi, letter, book ete bunka, culture we bungaku, literature Monbudaijin, Minister of Education 77 4 strokes JI, letter, mark; aza, section (of a village) ; "F5| _jibiki, dictionary MF — moji, monji, letter, character, ideograph SCF sdji, number, numeral 78 6 strokes SEI, SHO; tada(shii), correct, right; tada(su), to correct, to rectify; masa(ni), surely, truly TERE shdjiki, honesty iE iH scihokci, square (geometrical 19 figure) TEAL shogatsu, New Year's ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS * 80-84 KYU; yasu(mi), rest, vacation; yasu(mu), to rest {KE kyakei, rest, intermission {KA kydjitsu, holiday (K€ kyaly6, relaxation, recreation 6 strokes 5 | IN; hiki, pulling; hi(ku), to pull, to draw #451 fukubiki, lotery Sil in’y6, quotation, citation SIZ97T _ hikitate, favor, patronage 81 4 strokes, NIN viv U; hane, ha, feather, plumage; -wa, counter for birds VE ums, feathers, plumage ichiwa, one (bird) 28% haori, haori coat 82 6 strokes UN; kumo, cloud unj6, cloudlike, nebulous AGB nyidéguma, gigantic clouds seiun, nebula 12 strokes EN; sono, garden 43f|_—_-k6en, public park 4E1——hanazono, flower garden SYR] dObutsu-en, zoo 84 13 strokes 85-89 * ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS EN, ON; t6(i), far, distant 3 ensoku, excursion, long walk ix 4 enpo, long distance AK cien, eternity 13 strokes KA; nani, what, how many (interrogative prefix) (81, nannin, how many people? {a[.FR nanjikan, how much time? {of nanji, what time? 86 7 strokes KA, course, branch “261 gakka,a school subject HELE kyokasho, textbook FL~ — kagaku, science 87 9 strokes KA; natsu, summer HERA natsuyasumi, summer vacation #3 shoka, early summer SL manatsu, midsummer KA, KE; ie, ya, house ~— FAE_yanushi, owner of a house, landlord RK Kazoku, family #3¢ —_ndka, farmhouse 89 10 strokes Ne ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS * 90-94 KA; uta, song; uta(u), to sing FEN kokka, national anthem SUE] kageki, opera HA kashu, singer 90 14 strokes ey GA a picture; KAKU, stroke of a Japanese character PAIR zuga, a drawing BRI] eiga, moving picture StH keikaku, plan 1 8 strokes 2] KAI, a turn; mawa(su), to turn (v.t.); mawa(ru), to turn (v.i.) fil] nankai, how many times? (olf, Kaiten, revolution, rotation [13 _kaisii, number of times, 92 6 strokes & frequency KAL meeting: a(u), to meet; E 2:44 kaijo, place of meeting, site 44% kaiché, president (of a society), chairman (of a committee) Zi kaiwa, conversation 93 6 strokes aa ve KAI; umi, sea, ocean iii —_kaigan, seacoast, seaside WK 8 kaisuiyoku, sea bathing W854 ~—_kaigai, overseas, abroad 94 9 strokes 95-99 * ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS. f KAI; E, picture PERE ukiyoe, Japanese print 429828 chagaki, picture postcard +1 LAS sashie, illustration 12 strokes Fh ia e g xq GAI, GE outside, foreign; hoka, other; soto, outside 4K] gaikoku, foreign country 1A gaikokujin, foreigner JRL geka, surgery 96 5 strokes KAKU, angle; tsuno, horn of an animal: kado, comer = 8 sankaku, uiangle p44 shikaku, square 44) — kakudo, angle 97 7 strokes eR AN GAKU, music; RAKU, comfort, ease; tano(shii), pleasant aR LA tanoshimi, pleasure 2 ongakukai, concert, musicale K _ kiraku, ease, comfort 98 13 strokes ‘ ‘ d KATSU energy “E18 — seikatsu, life TEQ) — katsud6, activity YGF katsuji, printer’s type 99 9 strokes 20 ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS * 100-104 KAN, KEN; aida, interval, space; ma, interval, room, time 490 jikan, time F(A] nijikan, two hours ‘Ef hiruma, daytime 100 12 strokes GAN; maru(i), round (adj.); -maru, suffix in ship names; maru(meru), to make (something) round FLX gan'yaku, pill HO3L hinomaru, Rising Sun flag 101 3 strokes LL Ja UA maruta, log (of timber) GAN: iwa, rock, crag 162544 kakogan, granite An ganseki, rock BB iwaya, cavern 102 8 strokes. a GAN; kao, face BRIA ganmen, face #4 kao-iro, complexion Bi} kaotsuki, face, look, countenance 103 18 strokes, P= 5 KI steam, vapor YUE kisha, steam-driven train Yh kiteki, steam whistle YUil — kisen, steamship, steamboat 21 105-109 * ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS kinen, remembrance, souvenir kisha, journalist 10 strokes KI; kae(ru), to return, to leave it 038 kaerimichi, (on) one’s way back WAM. kikajin, naturalized person ‘#0 kikoku, return to one’s native country 10 strokes KYO; yumi, bow, archery *ji8 kyudo, archery 73%, yumizuru, bowstring FAR kyajo, arch, bow shape 107 3 strokes GYU; ushi, cow, bull “v4 ko-ushi, calf 4F9L gydnyd, milk “E/8) gydiniku, beef 108 4 strokes GYO; uo, fish; sakana, fish #8 kingyo, goldfish TH H4 uo-ichiba, fish market dvv\N f2) uotsuri, fishing 109 11 strokes ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS ° 110-114 aN KYO, capital, KEI FRAC § Kyéto, ancient capital of Japan ERE jdky6, going to Tokyo 110 8 strokes KYO, GO; isuyo(i), strong; tsuyo(meru) (v.t.), to reinforce, to emphasize; shi(ite), by force 25% — benkyd, study $839 kyOjaku, strength and weakness an 11 strokes, S81 — gojo, obstinacy KYO; oshi(eru), to teach $2 kyoshitsu, classroom SCH kydiku, education #2 kyokai, church 112 11 strokes Ht KIN; chika(i), near VE chikamichi, shortcut EPI kinjo, neighborhood Hull saikin, recently 113 7 strokes KEI, KYO; ani, older brother Jia; kyodai, brothers (and sisters) SChl_fikei, guardians (of pupils) M4 5 strokes 23 115-119 * ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS, \\ KEI, GYO; katachi, ~gata, shape, form Ae _ ningyé, doll He E2Ai¥) chohokei, rectangle AAI han’enkei, semicircle 115 7 strokes KEI, haka(ru), to measure; haka(rau), to arrange, to discuss at gokei, sum, total kandankei, weather thermometer 116 9 strokes taionkei, clinical thermometer GEN, GAN; moto, beginning, foundation #250 kongen, root, origin, source WU FEH —ganrai, originally, primarily ZEA ganjitsu, New Year’s 17 4 strokes GEN, GON, speech, statement; koto, word, speech, expression; i(u), to say Hi hogen, dialect mugon, silence, muteness kotoba, word, language 118 7 strokes GEN original; hara, field, meadow ‘N D. JIA) gen‘in, cause HA kogen, plateau HERA kusawara, grassy plain 119 10 strokes 24 ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS * 120-124 G 121 5 strokes, 122 4 strokes 1 123 9 strokes A. vu 124 14 strokes KO; to, door FYk kogai, outdoors ARF kido, gate, door iLF Edo, old name for Tokyo KO; furu(i), old, ancient G18 kodai, ancient times 44 — kokon, past and present Sti kokogaku, archeology GO noon Fill gozen, morning, AM. "F4#% gogo, afiernoon, PM iE“F shégo, noon GO, KO; ushi(ro), behind; nochi, after; ato, the rear, after, the remainder Sei —shokugo, after a meal $RI% — saigo, last fi —zengo, before and after, context GO, word, speech; katari, narration; kata(ru), to tell, to speak SKE gaikokugo, foreign language HSE ego, English language ‘i — monogatari, tale 125-129 * ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS KO, KU worker, construction LX _ kofa, workman, laborer “LEH kéjichi, under construction I — kégaku, engineering 125 3 strokes JAN KO; Gyake, public SEA4S shujink6, hero, heroine Ly Zi —_-koen, public park 48% __koten, revolution, turning 126 4 strokes iro(i), wide; hiro(geru) to spread .); hiro(garu), to spread (v.i.); Id hiro(maru), to be spread J&4 _ hiroba, open space, plaza JK kokoku, advertisement 127 5 strokes JK kédai, vast KO; macjiru), to be mixed; maji(waru), to associate with; ka(wasu), to exchange RN A 288% — késai, intercourse, association 384% — koban, police box kétsii, waffic 128 6 strokes KO; hikari, light, ray; hika(ru), to shine ESE kénen, light-year 3 HR kha, light wave LE kank6, sightseeing 129 6 strokes 26 ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS * 130-134 KO; kanga(e), thought, idea, opinion; kanga(eru), to think + {+ BS sanké, reference a # #%# — kéan, idea, plan, scheme #8 _kosa, examination 130 6 strokes 2 2 KO, GYO, AN; i(ku), yutku), to go; A. 7 4 oko(nau), to hold, to conduct Ze | Za] ZH_| iM svoretsu, procession, queue 4 4 4— 4 att kyak6, express §R{T —ginkd, bank 131 6 strokes = | = | KO: taka(i), high, costly; taka(maru), to v =a rise, to be elevated; taka(meru), to lift, to boost => | >| Ye) na mW nea WEEK kotdgakk6, high school BS saiko, highest 132 ee takadai, elevated land 10 strokes KO, 0: ki, yellow Bef —_—ki-iro, yellow ak #{% gon, gold aE HEME onetsubyé, yellow fever ZN 133 11 strokes GO; a(u), to be together, to fit; a(waseru), to join, to combine #82 — tsugo, circumstances, convenience Me Ds | Bid sta sieml sien w kumiai, union 6 strokes 135-139 « ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS 135 7 strokes 136 8 strokes 7\NN 137 11 strokes ZX GS 138 4 strokes KOKU; tani, valley fi] tanima, valley IK tanizoko, bottom of a ravine KOKU; kuni, country [1 —kokugo, national language (Japanese) E12 kokkai, the National Diet 4:[61 —zenkoku, national KOKU; kuro, kuro(i), black BLA kokujin, negro 324K kokuban, blackboard FER ankoku, darkness, blackness KON, KIN; ima, now, the present 4. kongetsu, this month 41% kondo, next time 4-%& kon'ya, tonight + 139 3 strokes SAI, talent, suffix for counting age LAF jirok xteen years old KF —‘tensai, genius FYHE — saind, talent 28 so ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS * 140-144 SAI, hoso(i), slender, narrow; koma(kai), minute, fine, detailed M18 hosomichi, narrow road #1 saiku, work, craftsmanship M04 saikin, bacillus, germ 11 strokes SAKU, SA; tsuku(ru), to make {€X< sakubun, (literary) composition 44{F — meisaku, masterpiece {Ft sakkyoku, musical composition 141 7 strokes & TT SAN reckoning 4K sansa, arithmetic, calculation at keisan, computation, figuring i yosan, budget 142 14 strokes SHI; fo(maru), to stop (v.i.); to(meru), to bring to a stop; tome, stop "Bik chiishi, discontinuation x Kinshi, prohibition JHI{TIE tsukddome, suspension of traffic 143 4 strokes 4 rh SHI, city: ichi, market H(i shiyakusho, city office it} ichiba, shijd, market &Biti—_toshi, cities 144 5S strokes 145-149 * ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS SHE, ya, arrow RED ‘yajirashi, arrow(-sign) DR ie “yumiya, bow and arrow isshi, retort, shot in return 145 5S strokes SHI; ane, elder sister ‘iso shimai, ane-imdto, sisters sip ida b anemusume, elder daughter anemuko, elder sister’s husband 146 8 strokes SHI; omo(u). to think, to recall FEAR shisd, thought, idea iss) NS gst) Bote fashigi, strange omoide, remembrance, recollection 147 9 stokes SHI; kami, paper TK—JLBE borugami, cardboard 7\\ 2 hy@shi, cover, binding MESS kamikuzu, wastepaper 148 10 strokes JI; tera, temple “bi ji-in, Buddhist temple = LI — yamadera, mountain temple 149 6 strokes B ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS * 150-154 JI, SHI; mizuka(ra), self, in person Ei? jibun, self i jishin, confidence ji, freedom 150 6 strokes BF JI; toki, time 4 — tokidoki, sometimes Kyat tokei, watch, clock Kitt jidai, period, epoch 151 10 strokes € SHITSU, room; muro, storeroom, cave #(GE__kyoshitsu, classroom 387) shitsunai, indoors i432 onshitsu, hothouse, greenhouse 152 9 strokes. a SHA, a company; yashiro, Shinto shrine 4t& _ shakai, society, the world, the community 3¢L kasha, (business) company 153 7 strokes: #¢L jinja, shrine JAKU: yowali), weak: yowa(ru), to grow weak, to be perplexed; yowa(meru) (v.L), to weaken 9922 yowamushi, weakling 5323 —yowane, complaints 154 10 strokes #38 hinjaku, scantiness, meagerness 31 155-159 * ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS SHU; kubi, neck ati kubiwa, collar (dog) 155 9 strokes 2a Mt tekubi, wrist shufuy, capital SHU; aki, fall, autumn 4) — shoshii, early autumn 7 $k) akikaze, autumn breeze X45) shiibun, autumnal equinox 156 9 strokes SHU, week HHF08K shakanshi, weekly magazine IX raishi, next week 4738 konshuy, this week 11 strokes SHUN; haru, spring 45H harukaze, spring breeze 4¥ _ seishun, springtime of life 4 — banshun, late spring 158 9 strokes SHO; ka(ku), to write HEH —_ jisho, dictionary 4% —— shomotsu, book, volume #8 kyokasho, textbook 10 strokes I) WM] VS) yp ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS * 160-164 SHO; suko(shi), suku(nai), few, little, scarce “4B shonen, boy, lad 4 tashé, more or less, somewhat ‘Dt shdsa, major (army), lieutenant 160 4 strokes ij commander (navy) JO; ba, place LH} k6j6, koba, factory 589 — basho, place {338 shigotoba, place of work 161 12 strokes SHOKU, SHIKI; iro, color 4% —_kao-iro, complexion KP tennenshoku, natural color, technicolor shikisai, color, hue 162 6 strokes SHOKU, food; ta(beru), to eat; ku(u), to cat #2%) — shokumotsu, food, edibles fet shokud6, dining hall Ay R 9 strokes. £¢%% — shokuji, a meal SHIN; kokoro, spirit, heart, mind AM#5 kokoromochi, mood, feeling, sensation magokoro, sincerity, devotion isshin, whole-heartedness 4 strokes: 165-169 * ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS SHIN; atara(shii), new; ara(tani), newly, afresh; nii-, first, new iE shinbun, newspaper Sit shinnen, the New Year #°F HA shingakki, new school term 165 13 strokes SHIN; oya, parent; shita(shimu), to make friends with, to take kindly to; shita(shii), intimate, familiar iP. rydshin, parents #45) shinsetsu, kindness 166 16 strokes BUH shinrui, relative, relation ZU, drawing, plan; TO; haka(ru), to devise zuga, drawing, a picture chizu, map P4s988 toshokan, library ial sth 167 7 strokes SU; kazu, number; kazo(eru), to count 4 saji, figure, numeral BC# — sugaku, mathematics 8 ninzii, the number of people 168 13 strokes SEI, SAT; nishi, west the West, the Occident 6, Atlantic Ocean t6zai, east and west, Orient and Occident 169 6 strokes 34 as FP ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS « 170-174 SEI, SHO; koe, voice i nakigoe, crying voice ‘E onseigaku, phonetics 47 seitai, the vocal cords of = aye 170 7 strokes Ee SEI, JO; hoshi, star SRE seiza, constellation SE kasei, Mars BASE —mydjo, Venus 171 9 strokes Pe SEI; ha(re), fine weather; ha(reru), to clear (weather), to be dispelled; ha(rasu), to clear away, to dispel (doubts) *KWHTL akibare, clear autumn weather 172 12 strokes t7] 121% haregi, one’s best clothes HFK —_ seiten, fine weather SETSU, SAL; ki(ru), to cut; ki(reru), to be sharp, to snap, to break, to run out, to expire —)41_hitokire, one slice #24) shinsctsu, kindness 173 4 strokes -¥)_issai, all, everything SETSU; yuki, snow ESE yukidaruma, snowman yukidoke, thaw sekisetsu, snowdrift 11 strokes | 175-179 * ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS fies 175 11 strokes AY, 176 15 strokes A 177 9 swokes AL 178 11 strokes. 179 7 strokes SEN; fine, funa, boat, ship YELM} watashi-bune, ferry AMEX sen’in, sailor Hii —_kisen, steamboat, steamship SEN, line, track, wire, string MEG chiheisen, horizon (on land) #8 —_kOsen, light, beam, ray (.@ — chokusen, straight line ZEN: mae, before. in front of, previous “FR wee LAR gozen, morning, A.M zengo, before and after, context izen, ago, since, before SO; kumi, class, group, set; ku(mu), to join, to unite #124\1-C — kumitate, construction, structure hitokumi, one set, one class bangumi, program ei SO; hashi(ru), to run ie kyOs6, race, running match #02 _ hashingaki, hasty writing #044 _ hashirisaru, to run away 36 B ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS * 180-184 TA; O(i), many, much, abundant 4% tasti, large number 25} tabun, perhaps 4% _ tary6, great quantity 180 6 strokes A TAL, TA; futo(i), big, deep (voice), bold (lines), shameless; futo(ru), to grow fat x taiyo, sun A maruta, log ACHE Taiheiyo, Pacific Ocean 181 4 strokes TAI, TEI body; karada, the body, health {KF tai-iku, physical education 182 7 strokes ZA OD GI dantai, a group HEP shatai, body of a vehicle DAI, TAL, a stand F/R taifa, typhoon SET) burai, stage JE t6dai, lighthouse 183 5 strokes $ CHI. JL earth, ground 3: chijo, on the ground 184 6 strokes Ht F chika, underground Jthiii jimen, surface of the earth 37 185-189 * ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS CHI; ike, pond, lake ith —denchi, electric cell, battery iH WHEE —chihan, side of a pond, around a pond JH 7k#th yosuichi, reservoir 185, 6 strokes CHI; shi(ru), to know; shi(raseru), to inform a RIA FEAL chishiki, knowledge chijin, an acquaintance shdchi, assent, agreement 186 8 strokes CHA, tea, tea plant, SA 4544 cha-iro, light brown ab aS 2EO'B cha-no-yu, tea ceremony 28D A. chawan, teacup, rice bowl 187 9 strokes CHU; hiru, noon, daytime ABI hiruma, daytime R7% — chuya, day and night 4242 chiishoku, noon meal, lunch CHO; head of an institution or organization; naga(i), long 189 8 strokes MIE V2 hosonagai, long and narrow CD nagagutsu, boots BER —_kochd, principal of a school inn ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS * 190-194 CHO; tori, bird KGS chorui, birds (as a species) /\& —_ kotori, small bird ¥20 5% wataridori, migratory bird 190 11 strokes CHO; asa, morning #71 chokan, morning paper {££ choshoku, breakfast #64] mai-asa, every morning 191 12 strokes, iEL CHOKU, upright, honest, cheap; JIKI, direct: tada(chini), immediately; nao(su), to repair, to put right, to convert; nao(ru), to be repaired, to change for the better 192 8 strokes af #94 chokkaku, right angle JE( — shOjiki, honesty 31% sunao, gentle, obedient TSU; t0(ru), to go along, to pass; t6(su), to let pass, to continue; kayo(u), to go back and forth, to commute AGH 6-dori, main street 3H{8 —_tsushin, correspondence, 193 10 strokes Ho communication 388R taku, interpreter TEL, DAI: ot6to, younger brother 525 kyédai, brothers 564K — teimai, younger brothers and sisters 194 7 strokes 39 195-199 » ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS TEN; mise, store J5%% — miseban, tending a store R4I% — shéten, store (shop) ehh — baiten, stand, stall TEN, point, marks, dot si tensd, merit marks SAT tenji, braille points DORAL kesshoten, goal DEN lightning, electricity ES denki, electricity iG —denwa, telephone WEM — denpo, telegram + 197 13 strokes TO; katana, sword AJ] kogatana, pocketknife KT) daito, long sword EJ) gunt6, sabre 198 2 strokes TO; fuyu, winter AfKA fuyuyasumi, winter vacation ~ ™~ AIR 16min, hibernation 4g} toki, winter season 199 5 strokes 40 ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS » 200-204 Vy 201 8 strokes, ot 202 12 strokes vp _ 3S a YAR Ie ls le 203 vo’ lo Do 16 strokes. Z 38 Z ‘TO, ZU; atama, head, top, brain; kashira, TO; a(taru), to hit, to be equal to, to win (v.i.); a(feru), to hit, to apply, to guess (vA) kemtd, guess teate, treatment, allowance t6zen, justly, naturally TO; higashi, east HU] higashigawa, east side SUF toyo, the East, the Orient ALL hokut6, northeast TO; kota(e), answer; kota(eru), to answer 3 toan, examination paper 12 mondé, questions and answers RS kaito, answer, solution head, top, leader YESH sentd, leader, head #GA youd, head teacher SSUAF zutsti, headache 34) 204 6 strokes 41 DO; ona(ji), same [AIA — doji, the same time [alt# dojo, sympathy —IF]__ichid6, all (of us, them), all the persons concerned. 205-209 * ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS DO; michi, road, path 7Ki#i suid6, waterworks JH dégu, tool Sk tetsud6, railroad 205 12 strokes DOKU, TOKU; yo(mu), to read me dokusha, reader (person) ee dokusho, reading miRT —yomikaesu, to reread 14 strokes NAI, DAI; uchi, inside, home, within, during, among, between SRN annai, guidance, invitation NY = uchiumi, naikai, inland sea FA _ naiyé, contents 207 4 strokes, NAN; minami, south i#8 — nanbu, southem part (Hi Nankyoku, South Pole va seinan, southwest 208 9 strokes NIKU, meat, flesh 420 gyiiniku, beef A {5/9 kinniku, muscles FE nikuya, butcher, butcher shop 209 42 dvs ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS * 210-214 BA; uma, horse ‘GH basha, carriage ENGI keibajo, race track 210 10 strokes IG BAI; u(ri), sale; u(ru), to sell FOUL uridashi, opening sale, shGbai, business hatsubai, sale 211 7 strokes. BoD “ BAL; ka(u), to buy, to purchase 7¢ _ baibai, purchase and sale, buying and selling QU.) kaimono, shopping HUF kaite, buyer 212 12 strokes RK BAKU; mugi, barley, wheat #DS mugiwara, (barley) straw #230 mugikari, mowing barley Wy komugi, wheat 213 7 strokes x HAN; naka(ba), half “£4 hanbun, half #94 ichiji-han, one-thirty, half-past one 44H) hanto, peninsula 214 5 strokes 43 215-219 * ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS BAN, number, guard, order, (one’s) tum AL bengumi, program Pp le | css ee | se | se 384% — kban, police-box NE junban, order, one’s turn 215 12 strokes te >> HK FU; chichi, father RRA fukeikai, parents’ association AR #152 sofu, grandfather SCRE fiubo, parents 216 4 strokes FU; kaze, wind AE flkei, scenery jal AVA taifit, typhoon 1/8, minamikaze, south wind 217 9 strokes 2™ BUN, BU, part, share; FUN, a minute; wa(keru) (v.t.), to divide; wa(kareru), to 7) be separated, to branch off; wa(karu), to know, to understand 114) jibun, self 218 4 strokes F. iT —45} nifun, two minutes {4} jippun, ten minutes BUN; ki(ku), to hear, to listen to, to ask, to obey; ki(koeru), to be heard shinbun, newspaper HEL shinbunsha, newspaper office FiBH —kenbun, information, experience 219 14 strokes 44 ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS * 220-224 K kK BEI America, rice; MAI rice; kome, rice KE] Beikoku, America, the United States EME beisaku, rice-growing (crop) Fk hakumai, polished rice 220 6 strokes y HO, BU; ayu(mu), aru(ku), to walk, to step 384A dai-ippo, the first step #€4% —shinpo, progress 4s sanpo, a walk, a stroll 221 8 strokes 4 BO; haha, mother ®EOH Haha-no-hi, Mother's Day 1] bokoku, mother country #ERR haha-oya, mother 222 5 strokes + HO, direction, side; kata [gata], side, way of ~ing, person HGF —_rydh6, both sides 40 4 tsukurikata, way of making Sh yugata, evening 223 4 strokes 3b —|— HOKU: kita, north tH Hokkyoku, North Pole fi4t nanboku, north and south CIR kitakaze, north wind 224 5 strokes 45 225-229 * ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS MAL every (prefix) 4A mainichi, every day & £84 mai-asa, every moming 4558 maishil, every week 225 6 strokes MAL; imdto, younger sister Bahk teimai, younger brothers and aR sisters shimai, sisters wit 226 8 strokes MAN, ten thousand; BAN 7i*E% mannenhitsu, fountain pen AT Fi— — man‘ichi, if by any chance Al bankoku, all countries 227 3 strokes MEI, MYO bright; aka(rui), light, bright; aki(raka), bright; a(Keru), to dawn, to H break (day); a(Kasu), to disclose (a secret), to pass the night AAW yoake, dawn 228 8 strokes yy 284] setsumei, explanation 3691 —_hatsumei, invention MEE: na(ku), to sing (birds). to ery (animals), to howl (animals), to chirp (insects); na(ruy) (v.i.), to ring, to sound; yy na(rasu) (v.t.), to ring (a bell), to sound (a drum), to complain, to be famous 229 14 strokes 8&3 nakigoe, cry (of animals) himei, scream, cry of distress meido, rumbling ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS * 230-234 MO; ke, hair 7% — keito, woolen thread, yarn E kemushi, caterpillar EA mofu, blanket 230 4 strokes i. MON, gate: kado, gate #P] komon, school gate #ZP4 senmon, specialty FY kadoguchi, door, entrance 231 8 strokes Be YA; yo, yoru, evening, night #4 —yonaka, midnight > +Htk jagoya, night of the full moon RF | 44% “kon’ya, tonight 232 8 strokes # YA; no, field, plain 7151 nohara, field SFER yakyG, baseball 5744 — yagai, outdoors 233 II strokes YU; tomo, friend KIZ% tomodachi, friend 234 4 strokes 47 235-239 » ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS A YO, business; mochi(iru), to use JAR yoi, preparation FHC) _yjin, heed, care, caution IF yOji, business 235 5 strokes YO term used for days of the week WEA mokuydbi, Thursday Hz ALHEEL doyobi, Saturday 7KHEE suiydbi, Wednesday 236 18 strokes RAI; ku(ru), to come; kita(ru), to arrive, next; kita(su), to cause, to induce SAE Dk ok rainen, next year irai, since, from that time shorai, the future 237 7 strokes RI, Japanese linear unit (2.44 miles); saio village, country, one’s native home (usually as viewed by a woman married into another family) $6'H _kydri, one’s native place, home 238 7 strokes AT" murazato, village —H ichini, one ri RI, reason, logic S92 rikai, understanding EE EE seiri, arrangement, adjustment ry6ri, cooking 239 11 strokes 48 3 a ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS * 240-244 WA; hanashi, story; hana(su), to speak HHtii sewa, aid ‘ii denwa, telephone a8 kaiwa, conversation 240 13 strokes Ww AKU, badness, evil; waru(i), bad, evil 3601 warukuchi, evil talk, gossip SBA. akunin, bad man, villain HEB akuro, bad road 241 11 strokes pis a AN: yasu(i), cheap, inexpensive #0» anshin, peace of mind 2 anzen, safe A# fuan, uneasiness 242 6 strokes Be AN; kura(i), dark BLO M§ makkura, pitch dark ME ang6, code, cryptograph a2 anki, memorization 243 13 strokes, RK Ito heal, to cure [&# _ isha, physician, doctor BE4# _igaku, medical science [EBé i-in, medical practitioner's office 244 7 strokes 49 245-249 « ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS I to entrust with AR 4A i-in, committee, delegate #& fe i-inchéd, chairman of a committee ZA4£ — i-nin, charge, trust, commission 245 8 strokes J, mind, heart, attention, care sz ZEA ohiiicare, attention Be 3651. _iken, opinion, admonition iw 0K imi, meaning 246 13 strokes TKU; soda(teru), to bring up, to educate, 2 to raise; soda(tsu), to grow up SCH kydiku, education 878 tai-iku, physical education #42 — ikuji, upbringing of a child 247 8 strokes i man‘in, no vacancy, full house — ichi-in, (one) member NN H&E shokuin, staff, personnel 248 10 strokes IN member, official, personnel IN temple, academy, board, suffix for (—_ “institution” y i #iBe —_bydin, hospital : ABE biydin, beauty shop FB% —_ ka-in, House of Representatives, 249 Lower House 10 strokes 50 BK 250 12 strokes ao 251 12 strokes 252 8 strokes ny 253 14 strokes 254 5S strokes 51 ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS * 250-254 IN; no(mu), to drink fk Elk inrydsui drinking water $KA7K nomimizu, drinking water $44 nomimono, drinks UN, luck; hako(bu), to carry, to transport FEK<_ un’yoku, luckily J£8) —_und6, exercise, motion irr unmei, fate EL; oyo(gu), to swim Aik suiei, swimming 3X hira-oyogi, breast stroke AGA suiei taikai, swimming meet EKL, station SRFii ekimae, in front of the station BRA ekiché, station master BRE eki-in, station employee O center, middle "PR child, center URGE Chad-sen, the Chad Line (electric railway in Tokyo) #2'R __shin’6, the epicenter, the center of an earthquake 255-259 * ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS —_ 4 | 0: yoko, the side, the width Ha 4 # t BEB yokogaki, writing from left to right PN Raa | be 6dan, crossing, intersection RER —_-yokogao, side view of a 35 person's face, profile isarokes [REE | 78S | RE OKU; ya, shop BR yane, roof Kat tokeiya, watch shop f= okujé, housetop, roof 256 9 strokes ON: warm; atata(kai), warm (to the touch); atata(maru), to warm oneself; atata(meru), to heat iJ ondo, temperature iJ — onsen, hot spring (iid taion, body temperature 12 strokes KA, KE; ba(keru), to take the form of, ba(Kasu), to bewitch 246 henka, change, variation, alteration (t*# kagaku, chemistry (CHE keshd, make-up 258 4 strokes KA; ni, a load, burden 414 —_ nimotsu, baggage taf} —_-mibune, freighter #90 nizukuri, packing 10 strokes 52 ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS « 260-264 KAI world tt sekai, world [¥k— sekai-ichi, best in the world BRI genkai, boundary, limits 260 9 strokes FF. KAI; hira(ku), to open (v.t. & i.); a(keru) (v.t.), to open; hira(keru), to be civilized, to open; a(ku) (v.i.) to be open PAZ kaikai, opening a meeting WBA mankai, full bloom 261 12 strokes. Be BASE —kaihatsu, development, exploitation KAI, story of a building, floor, grade BEER kaidan, stairs, stairway FEB kaikyd, class, caste = — sangai, 3rd floor 262 12 strokes me AR KAN, the coldest season of the year, samut(i), cold 499" _gokkan, bitter cold $€°H — kanchii, cold season Z€ii, -kanryéi, cold current 263 12 strokes Fa we KAN, feeling, thought 1M kanso, thoughts, impressions ‘uly _kanshin, admiration Wi kankaku, sensation 264 13 strokes 265-269 * ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS KAN China; ~kan, suffix for “man” BEF kanji, Chinese character YL kanbun, Chinese composition ARR akkan, villain, crook 265 13 strokes KAN building, hall BH toshokan, library id BRIBIRG cigakan, movie theater W€88 ~——_ryokan, inn, hotel 266 16 strokes GAN: He? MLE ishi, bank, shore Kaigan, seashore ganpeki, quay, wharf ‘kawagishi, riverbank 8 strokes KI; o(kiru), to rise, to get up; o(kosu), to raise, to awaken (v.t.); o(koru), to occur, to develop SLE hayaoki, early rising 268 10 strokes 2A kigen, origin 424% Aijiiki, crane, derrick KI, GO period, term 40) gakki, school term ‘ F B + A az T # WG kitai, expectation FH] jiki, the times, season 269 12 strokes y a & 54 270 9 strokes ne Fu 271 7 strokes GB WS 272 9 strokes 273 9 strokes 7 274 10 strokes ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS * 270-274 KYAKU, guest; KAKU. 23% /v o-kyaku-san, guest BHO kyakusha, railroad passenger car my kyakusen, passenger boat KYU study; kiwa(menu), to study thoroughly RYE kenkyd, research RYE kenkyikai, research society WALA kenkyaka, researcher KYU; iso(gu), to hurry 4255 kyaby6, sudden illness ‘fT __ kyak6, express KAZ o-isogi, great haste KYU, rank, grade “29 gakkya, school class i = jokyit, high class IFIRAE dokyéisei, classmate KYU, GU, KU; miya, shrine, prince (of the blood) ‘BBY kyiiden, palace HEF jingd, Shinto shrine ‘88K miya-sama, royal prince 55 275-279 * ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS KYU, sphere, globe; tama, ball SER yakya, baseball SUER HER chikya, the earth, the globe denkya, electric light bulb 11 strokes KYO, KO past; sa(ru), to leave, to depart te yonen, last year ea i82 kako, the past, past tense 276 5 strokes KYO; hashi, bridge Ba sanbashi, pier * Li AG dobashi, earthen bridge tekkyé, iron bridge 277 16 strokes GYO, occupation, business, industry, studies; GO, karma; waza, act, deed Ea HE shokugyo, occupation, profession HEE — sangyo, industry TM kogyd, industry, manufacturing 278 13 strokes. industry KYOKU, melody: ma(garu), to bend, to twist, to tum, (v.i.); ma(geru), to bend, to HH twist, to turn (v.t.) HbR fer kyokusen, curved line sakkyoku, musical 279 6 strokes composition magarimichi, crooked road, winding lane Haas 05 56 ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS * 280-284 KYOKU, bureau, board, office, department GE) hOsdkyoku, broadcasting station #5 henshakyoku, editorial department VP SK(ER} yabinkyoku, post office GIN, silver SUT ginko, bank (4 gin’iro, silver color $1 ginka, silver coin 281 14 strokes. x KU, ward, section [X $Y kubetsu, distinction, classification HER chiku, area PBI kukaku, boundary, block, division 282 4 strokes = KU, pain, anxiety; kuru(shii), painful; niga(i), bitter i347 — kuro, troubles, toil fils kushin, pains, hard work {54% kusen, hard fighting 283 8 strokes, GU, tool, utensil; ingredients 48 guai, condition, state FUKAY gutaiteki, concrete, definite 284 8 strokes WO) W} 3} ott} te) 1 \ 4 57 285-289 * ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS KUN Mister, Master; kimi, you (familiar form) “eRRE Sat6-kun, Mr. Saté A skikun, you (lit., masc.) #84 shokun, gentlemen, ladies and 285 7 strokes gentlemen, you KEI; kakari, charge, duty, in charge (of); kaka(ru), to affect, to concern AR A RR kakari-in, clerk in charge kankei, relation, connection, participation, implication 286 9 strokes. BER kirokugakari, person in charge of records, recorder KEI, karu, karu(i), light (in weight), slight, easy; karo(yaka), airy, light EZ £76 —_keisotsu, rashness, hastiness ‘EA kei-ongaku, light music 4% kigaru, light-hearted 287 12 strokes KETSU; chi, blood i ketsueki, blood im ‘Hin shukketsu, bleeding, hemorthage tl _kekkan, blood vessel 288 6 strokes, KETSU; ki(maru), to be decided; ki(meru), to decide . d URL. kesshin, making up one's mind TRE kettei, decision fi kaiketsu, solution 289 7 strokes 58 hi ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS * 290-294 KEN study; ro(gu), to sharpen, to wash (rice) BR kenkya, study, research WEB kenkydshitsu, laboratory DAA kenkyajo, research institute 290 9 strokes \B. KEN, prefecture IKGii —_kend6, prefectural road i prefectural office W134 kenchiji, prefectural governor 291 9 strokes KO warehouse WJ shoko, library SNA s0ko, warehouse YAUEIK reizdko, icebox, refrigerator 292 10 strokes wm KO; mizu-umi, lake VK kosui, lake WE kogan, shore of a lake WIE Kohan, border of a lake 293 12 strokes yp KO; mu(ku), to turn toward, to be suited for; mu(kau), to face, to head for; mu(kO), the opposite side, beyond JZ —_ muké, opposite [= 5 Ol) mukdgawa, opposite side 294, 6 strokes Fiat HOk6, direction, course 59 295-299 » ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS KO; saiwa(i), blessings, good luck, happiness, fortune; sachi, happiness, luck; shiawa(se), happiness, good fortune 78% fuk6, unhappiness, misfortune 484 kofuku, happiness 295 8 strokes 3218 — k6un, good fortune KO; minato, harbor ZA] minatomachi, port town AHE nyu, entry into port ZERE — kiik6, airport 296 12 strokes GO, number, issue (of a magazine) 5 bangé, number ac ae kigo, symbol shingo, signal, code 297 5 strokes KON, root (math.), perseverance; ne, root Bat Konki, patience, perseverance A HA daikon, giant white radish onpon, basis 298 10 strokes SAI; matsu(ri), festival; matsu(ru), to deify, to worship as a god, to offer prayers BR sR for the sake of #1280 muramatsuri, village festival $88 saijitsu, national holiday 299 11 strokes SC{ESE bunkasai, cultural festival 60 SUL ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS * 300-304 sara, plate, dish, bow! MILEY sara-arai, dishwashing ULEL2# sara-araiki, dishwasher PRAM. haizara, ashtray 300 5 strokes. SHI, JI work; tsuka(eru), to serve {E38 shigoto, work Hitt kya. office boy, waiter 1195 shikara, way of doing 301 5 strokes bt SHI, death; shi(nu), to die SEM shitai, corpse 3t(%% shishdsha, dead and injured, casualties WE hisshi, certain death, desperation 302 6 strokes, SHI; tsuka(u), to use #8. sukai, errand, messenger (843 — shimei, mission, errand (85H shiy6, use 303 8 strokes 2 D SHI; haji(maru), to begin (v.i.); hhaji(meru), to begin (v.t.) Bia kaishi, commencement, start G98 — shimatsu, circumstances, the particulars; management 304 8 strokes G32 shigyd, beginning of work or class 61 305-309 * ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS & SHI: yubi, finger; sa(su), to point at, to indicate a SUG © oyayubi, thumb 48 — yubiwa, ring SHEA shikisha, conductor, commander 305 9 strokes LE. SHI; ha, tooth 4u4 — mushiba, decayed tooth Be] (HER ha-isha, dentist HEE —haguruma, gear, cogwheel 306 12 strokes SHI, poetry, poem BUN jojishi, epic poem 13 strokes JI, SHI, tsugi, next; isu(gu), to rank next to “KF shidai, order, reason, as soon as RB jikan, vice-minister 6 strokes ELK “‘mokuji, table of contents JI; koto, thing, action, affair, fact ft 3 shigoto, work FAS ydji, business AF daiji, great matter, serious affair, 309 8 strokes importance ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS * 310-314 JI; mo(chi), durability; mo(tsu), to have, to hold Si$# kimochi, feeling FFB jisan, bringing E44 “shiji. support 310 9 strokes SHIKI, ceremony, form, model; ~shiki, ~style (suffix for “style”, “type”) x43 shikijd, ceremonial hall 284230 sotsugyd-shiki, graduation ceremony, commencement 311 6 strokes [HX kydshiki, old-style JITSU, reality; mi, nut, fruit, mino(ru), to bear fruit VR jissai, actual state, reality FX shinjitsu, truth SRF kajitsu, fruit 312 8 strokes rh? SHA; utsu(su), to copy, to imitate, to take (a photograph) shashin, photograph shasei, sketch, drawing from nature 313 5 strokes eisha, projection SHA; mono, person 44 — wakamono, young man R# isha, doctor “£# — gakusha, scholar 314 8 strokes: 63 315-319 * ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS SHU, SU; nushi, master, owner; omo, main, foremost A =A shujin, master fREEHE_minshushugi, democracy hE mochinushi, owner 315 5 strokes SHU, SU; mamo(ru), to protect, to guard, to defend, to obey (the law), to keep (a oF promise); mori, nursemaid, baby-sitter 4550 o-mamori, amulet, charm fASF ——rusu, absence 316 6 strokes (RSF hoshu, conservatism SHU; to(ru), to take FROUS toridasu, to take out 5a Wat Ades shuzai, choice of subject toriatsukai, treatment, handling 317 8 strokes SHU; sake, rice wine, liquor SES IA budéshu, wine ye PARA sakenomi, drinker we sakaya, liquor shop 318 10 strokes. JU; u(keru), to receive; u(karu), to pass (an exam) eZ —X ukemochi, charge, matter in hand uketsuke, receptionist, 319 8 strokes information desk ‘23S juwaki, telephone receiver 64 ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS * 320-324 —— y ~ SHU, province, state (U.S.A.); su, shallows, a sandbank ASM Honshd (main island of Japan) FUN Kydishii (Japan’s third largest island) 320 6 strokes LN = 43H Yuta-shi, State of Utah SHU; JU, ten (used in legal documents); hiro(u), to pick up 48041 hniroimono, something picked up, windfall, bargain fM48% inochibiroi, narrow escape 321 9 strokes. Ys (from death) fa 0FY jani-en, 12 yen SHU; o(wari), end; o(waru), to come to an end; o(eru), to finish #18, shiisen, end of a war AK shiigyo, end of work Jk saishii, the last 322 11 strokes 7 U; nara(u), to learn, to study renshii, practice shijji, penmanship shikan, habit, custom Bas 11 strokes SHU; atsu(meru), to collect (v.t.); atsu(maru), to gather together (v.i.); tsudo(u), to meet, to gather 358 henshi, editing #8 shisha, anthology of poems 324 12 strokes XS bunshi, literary anthology 65 325-329 * ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS JU dwelling; su(mu), to dwell, to live; su(mai), dwelling a {EF jisho, address AEE ishoku-ja, necessities of life (clothing, food, shelter) 325 7 strokes 4E% —_jataku, dwelling, living quarters JU, CHO; omo(i), heavy; kasa(neru), to pile (things) up: kasa(naru), to be piled up; ~e, ~fold {KE taiji, weight (of the body) 326 9 strokes t# — genji, strictness

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