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Week 1 – May 18, 2020


Describe how marketing success is measured?

Marketing success can be measured by the return of investment on marketing activities.

Making sure that your marketing activity is operating at max efficiency is extremely important.

Give 4 ways to grow market share?

Engagement with customers

Innovate with trends
Operate within your niche
Make sure every activity is maximizing your ROI

Pros and Cons of growing market share, give 4 of each.



Calulating New Sales – Current Sales - Old Sales

Calculating Sales Growth Rate – (Current Sales - Old Sales) / Old Sales
Calculating Market Share – Company Sales / Total Market Sales


Sales Sales
X` Sales Share Sales Share Change Sales Share Change
A 500 50% 615 51.25 23 716 47.73 16.43
B 300 30% 345 28.75 15% 396 26.45 15
D 200 20% 240 20 20 288 19.20% 20%
BN n/a         100 15%  
Total 1000 100% 1200 100   1500 100  


What does market analysis tell you about the companies in this market?

Compare the advantages and disadvantages of large vs small market share.


How might a company grow market share? Consider the financial impacts of changes in
marketing mix?



Market Share for:

Nestle: (9.58 B / 32.4 B Litres) * 100 = 29.56% market share

PepsiCo: (4.3 B / 32.4 B Litres) * 100 = 13.27% market share
Coca Cola: (3.74 B / 32.4 B Litres) * 100 =11.54% market share


32.4 B * .01 = 324,000,000 litres in 1% of market

324,000,000 L * $0.48 = $155,520,000 worth of 1% of market in 2006

32.4 B with 8.5% growth = 35.154 B L in 2011

Assuming that average revenue stays at $0.48, the value of the market in 2011 will be
$16,873,920,000 or $16.87 B



Market share this year 30,000 rounds of golf and HHGC holds 3500 which means:
(3500 / 30000) * 100 = 11.67% market share on rounds of golf in the area


Next year market share =

3500 rounds of golf increases by 7% = 3745 rounds of golf for HHGC

30000 rounds of golf increases by 6% = 31800 rounds of golf in market
Which means HHGC’s market share will be (3745/31800) * 100 = 11.78%

How might HHGC grow their business next year?


How might you compare your performance relative to other players in the market place?



5500 homes in the area and 35% use maid services which means that
5500 *.35 = 1925 maid customers

MMH cleans 225 homes

(225 / 1925) * 100 = 11.69% market share


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