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A. E. Akimov and V. Ya. Tarasenko UDC 530.12:530.145

A model is proposed of the physical vacuum, taking into account the existence of
fields generated by classical spins or angular momenta of rotation.

Over the course of recent decades in natural science in genera I and especially in phys-
ics and biology, there has appeared a group both of microscopic and macroscopic phenomena,
which in certain cases have not found satisfactory explanation, and in others have been con-
sidered only on a phenomenological level.
The authors propose the hypothesis that a significant part of such phenomena have been
directly or indirectly connected with the individual or collective appearance of spins (here
and further, if this is not specially marked, there is considered only classical spin [40,
46]) or with the appearance of angular momenta of rotations of macrobodies. Other scholars
have also come forward with similar views. Apparently, at first, the role of spin interac-
tions was exposed by C. Oxley on the example of anomalous difference in scattering of neu-
trons by ortho- and para-hydrogen [i]. In recent decades in the United Institute of Nuclear
Analyses in Dubna and on the accelerator in Protvino, and later in Brookhaven and Argonne
Laboratories in the USA in experiments on the scattering of spin-polarized protons by spin-
polarized protonic targets it has been established that if for the unidirectional orienta-
tion of spins of protons in the beam and target, the scattering of protons agrees suffic-
iently well with traditional representations, then for oppositely oriented spins of protons
of the beam and target, the protons of the beam, according to a descriptive expression of
A. Krish, pass through the protons of the target as though without interaction [2].
The overwhelming majority of results of experiments comprising the interesting part of
the concept of quantum nonlocality testifies to the presence of macroscopic appearances of the
properties of microscopic objects [3]. Of special interest are the foundational experiments
of Wu on the change of the angle of polarization of y-quanta flying out in one direction, in
the presence of the annihilation of electrons and positrons under a change of the angle of
polarization of y-quanta flying out in the opposite direction. Here the spin states of these
y-quanta prove to be connected.
In 1977 it as experimentally discovered that parallel laser rays, depending on the mu-
tual orientation of the circular polarization, are either attracted or repelled [4].
One can also point to important areas such as nuclear spin waves [5, 6] or pseudomagnet-
ism [7, 8], where the spin nature of observable phenomena has been recognized, however, there
has not been success in finding a description settling them in the framework of electrody-
namics based on the representations of spins as magnetic moments.
Finally, it is necessary to note that many authors have directly pointed to the import-
ance of the role of spin systems (see, for example, [9]). In particular, the opinion has
been expressed that in the concepts of a unified field theory, superspace must additionally
include spin structure parameters.
Attempts have been taken to theoretically investigate the properties of spin systems.
It has been shown [i0] that the spin perturbation signal in a spin medium is not screened.
On the macroscopic level, probably, the first direct indication of the existence in
nature of a special field was the conjecture of E. Cartan on the possible existence of fields
connected with the density of the angular momentum of rotation. In that same period of time
- at the end of the 19th and start of the 20th centuries - aside from any connection with

Interdepartmental Scientific-Technological Center of Venture Technologies. Translated

from Izvestiya Vysshikh Uchebnykh Zavedenii, Fizika, No. 3, pp. 13-23, March, 1992.

214 0038-5697/92/3503-0214512.50 9 1992 Plenum Publishing Corporation

the papers of E. Cartan, there were conducted in Russia, experimental analyses by a profes-
sor of the Russian Phys.-Chem. Society, Myshkin [ii, 12], which in essence emerged as the
discovery of macroscopic fields connected with rotation. In the 70's similar experiments
were implemented by V. S. Belyaev.
The papers of E. Cartan led to the creation of a theory of gravitation with torsion
(see, for example, [13]), and later in the general form - a quantum field theory with tor-
sion [42, 43].
In astrophysics, already for almost half a century, effects connected with such ob-
jects, for example, stars or black holes, are considered only in the system of MQJ parameters -
mass, charge, rotational momentum of these objects [14, 15]. In particular, it was proved
by R. M. Val'dom that black holes with rotational momentum ~J interact with particles with
spin S so that ~J = oS, where o = 1 if the rotational momentum and spin are unidirectional
which corresponds to repulsion, and o = -i, if the rotational momentum and spin are opposite,
which corresponds to attraction.
The papers of the Soviet astrophysicist Kozyrev [16, 17] allow one to assume that the
actions of objects possessing rotational momentum are propagated with a speed incommensur-
ably larger than the speed of light.
In the theoretical and applied papers of Vasil'ev [18] and I. Nesmyanovich [19] the
dependence of earthquakes on the rotational momenta of the Earth, Sun and a number of planets
of the Solar System was established. The presence of such a mutual connection was also pro-
posed in papers of B. S. Belaev.
The action of objects possessing a rotational momentum on different materials and sys-
tems has been analyzed in the USSR from the end of the 50's by many authors.
T h e short list of theoretical and experimental physics problems presented, which could
be materially widened, allows one to propose with a sufficient basis, which is especially
remarkable in considering these problems in totality, the presence of specific interactions
of fields connected with classical spin or angular momentum of rotation. Their appearance
testifies that these fields are as universal, as the electromagnetic and gravitational, also
apparent on the micro- and macroscopic level. Even from the information presented above,
one can propose the presence of unique properties of these fields - the passage of interac-
tion through a medium with a vanishingly low attenuation and with an anomalously high group
velocity [16, 17].
In the past the proposition has been expressed that "true" fields (fields of the "first
kind" in the terminology of R. Utiyama) are connected with the physical vacuum. Let us con-
sider from these positions models of the physical vacuum which could help to understand the
physical essence of fields generated by classical spins or angular momenta of rotation.
To begin let us make a number of preliminary remarks. Let us define the physical vac-
uum as a material medium isotropically filling all space (both free space and matter) having
a quantum structure and not observable (in the average over time) in an unperturbed state.
I n the contemporary representation such a vacuum is described by the operator <01> [20]. In
considering different physical situations, investigators usually "construct" their own models
of the physical vacuum. Such a situation is especially characteristic for contemporary as-
trophysics, in which, for example, the e-vacuum, the Unruh vacuum, the Bul'var vacuum, the
Hartle-Hawking vacuum etc., are used as constructive models.
From the positions of quantum field theory, the physical vacuum is a complicated quan-
tum dynamical object, which appears itself on the microscopic level through its fluctuation.
At the present time, a whole series of components of the physical vacuum is under investi-
gation, such, for example, as the gluon condensate, quark condensate, Higgs "gas," local
field fluctuations, and spontaneous creation of virtual pairs of particles and antiparti-
However, considering that subsequently phenomena will be considered on the macroscopic
level, it is advisable to return to the original representations of the physical v a c u u m -
to the vacuum of P. Dirac.
We will consider the physical vacuum as a material medium consisting of elements formed
by pairs of particles and antiparticles (according to P. Dirac, electron-~ositron pairs).
The now classical experiments on the annihilation of particles and antiparticles can be con-

sidered as a demonstration of the process of creation of elements of the physical vacuum,
and the experiments on the creation of pairs of particles and antiparticles by streams of
y-quanta of definite energies as the process of destruction of the elements of the physical
vacuum. Such an approach in contemporary theory is interpreted otherwise. However, in the
simultaneous consideration of the process of annihilation and creation from the vacuum of
pairs of particles and antiparticles and the model of structure of elements of the physical
vacuum of Gerlovin [22], the model under consideration appears, at least, possible. The
possibility is not excluded that the physical vacuum demonstrates to us the possibility of
"massless" existence in it after the annihilation of the particle-antiparticle system with
the preservation on the field level of the "memory" of their properties. In the indicated
approach, the structure of the Dirac physical vacuum (macrostructure on the microscopic
level) is convenient, although highly archaic. However, here, the question remains open as
to in which form the particle-antiparticle system (or their set) exists in each element of
the physical vacuum.
The approach developed originates from an evaluation of the structure of the elements
of the physical vacuum from the positions of an external observer. This, as will be shown
further, allows one to construct a general structural model of elements of the physical
vacuum, sufficient for the analysis of many physical processes.
Let us yet again formulate the problem. Assuming that the elements of the physical
vacuum consist of particles and antiparticles, it is necessary to determine which condi-
tions the particle-antiparticle system must satisfy, starting from a unique requirement -
the fact of unobservability of the physical vacuum in the unperturbed state.
Firstly, it is not hard to show that if the volume distribution of charges in a parti-
cle and the antiparticle corresponding to it are identical, that true charge neutrality will
be ensured only when the particle and antiparticle in the formed system are imbedded one in
the other. In this case, for any distribution law of the volume density of the charges at
any point inside the system, the positive and negative charges will precisely coincide, com-
pensating for each other. As a result, the system from the particle and antiparticle imbed-
ded in one another will be truly electroneutral.
Aside from the electric properties in the particle-antiparticle system, both particles
possess spin (having in mind spin as the microscopic quantum analog of macroscopic rotation).
Therefore, starting from the requirement of "unobservability," it is natural to require com-
pensation in the indicated system of spins. Then, one will be able to represent the parti-
cle-antiparticle system as a pair of particles imbedded in each other with oppositely directed
spins. As a result of the true electroneutrality and opposition of the spins, such a system
will not possess a magnetic moment.
Finally, it is necessary to indicate a third requirement on the particle-antiparticle
system, stemming from a recognized experimental fact - the possibility of generating from
the physical vacuum, for an appropriate choice of energy of the y-quanta stream, different
pairs of particles and antiparticles. Starting from this, the particle-antiparticle system
must possess a set of quantum energy levels.
We will call a system of particles and antiparticles possessing the indicated proper-
ties [23] a fiton (Fig. i). A dense packing of fitons will then form a medium, which we
will call the physical vacuum (Fig. 2). Let us again emphasize that in the approach laid
out we obtain a convenient simple model, although differing from contemporary representa-
tions, of the physical vacuum.

Ir &p ++l

Fig. i Fig. 2

Fig. 3

Fig. 4

Let us note that the model constructed is not that absolutely new. Systems in the form
of composite particles have been considered from the time of Yukawa. The concept of imbed-
ded states for particles with oppositely oriented spin was indirectly verified in experiments
on the scattering of beams of polarized protons by spin-polarized protonic targets [2], when
a dynamic imbedded state is realized.
It is important to consider the basic circle of situations connected with the perturba-
tion of the physical vacuum.
i. The source of perturbation is the charge Q. In this case in the space surrounding
this charge, a charge polarization of the physical vacuum is produced, as this is condition-
ally shown in Fig. 3. This case has been well studied in quantum electrodynamics [24]. The
screening of electrons in orbits of atoms by the polarized physical vacuum diminishes the
true charge of the electron, that generates the phenomenon known as the Lamb shift in the
fine structure of the spectra of radiation of the atoms. For the external observer the
charge-polarized physical vacuum will be interpreted as the electrostatic field (E-field).
2. The source of perturbation is the mass M. There are reasons to suppose that in this
case the particles and antiparticles of the physical vacuum will experience symmetric longi-
tudinal vibrations (Fig. 4), that is there will be observed spin longitudinal polarization
of the physical vacuum, interpreted as the gravitational field (G-field).
In [25] Dubrovskii, not touching upon the mechanism of gravitation, but also proposing
that gravitational waves are longitudinal waves in the physical vacuum as an elastic medium,
showed that the velocity of such a wave must comprise 109 sec. An attempt has been under-
taken to obtain an estimate of the frequency of vibrations corresponding to gravity, in fact
by other authors [26].
3. The source of perturbation is the classical spin S or the density of the angular
momentum of rotation J on the macroscopic level. In this case if the source of the pertur-
bation has spin as indicated in Fig. 5, then for each fiton that spin, which is oriented op-
positely to the source, experiences inversion in the plane transverse to the normal at the
source of the perturbation.
As a result, in some space surrounding the source of perturbation the physical vacuum
will be in a state of spin transverse polarization. This polarization state of the physical
vacuum in its physical sense could be called the spin-field (S-field). The spatial orienta-
tion of the static spin field is presented in Fig. 6. Following Cartan [27-31] and Dirac
[33], S-fields are interpreted as long-range spinors [23].
In the era of E. Cartan the first attempt to use the spinor apparatus in physics was
undertaken by A. Einstein in 1922. There then appeared the now fundamental papers of Dirac
and Weyl [33, 34]. In recent years Penrose and Rindler [35] edited a large generalizing
work, it is also useful to note a paper by Zhelnorovich [47]. Long-range spinors, that is
S-fields such as the electromagnetic (E-fields) and gravitational (G-fields), are universal
fields, the actions of which appear both on the microscopic and macroscopic level.

SR -fields

I ~.s
( i i

\ 5L- fields

Fig. 5

However, in order to emphasize the difference of the macroscopic spinor fields in the
generalized sense under consideration from the particular case of spinor fields considered
in quantum field theory (see, for example, [32]), it has been acknowledged as fundamental to
use the concept of spin-torsion interactions and torsion fields.
In the practical and experimental aspect, mankind has collided with the natural ap-
pearances of macroscopic torsion fields of living and nonliving nature for a long time [36].
The end of the last century and the present century have proved particularly rich. We con-
sider that among those or other appearances of the macroscopic torsion (spinor) fields were
the 0-radiation of Reich, N-radiation of Blondot [37] "radiant energy" as it is called by
Abrams [21], the "ponderomotive forces" of Myshkin [ii, 12], the basic component of complex
action in the "mitogenetic rays" of Gurvich [38], in the "mirror cytopathic effect" of
Kaznacheev [39], effects connected with the memory of water, starting with Hahnemann and
later V. I. Dokuchaev, G. N. Shangin-Berezovskii, Benvenisto etc.
In the framework of the models under consideration all three fields - electromagnetic,
gravitational and torsion (E, G, S) - can be considered as different "phase" states of one
medium - the physical vacuum. From this position the EGS-fields are true.
Considering that the torsion and gravitational fields in the constructed model have a
spin nature, one can expect that these fields can possess similar properties and essentially
differ from the electromagnetic field. Actually, experiments show that torsion fields, as
well as gravitational, are not screened by natural media.
However, in distinction from gravitational fields, which are not screened in artificial
materials, that is indirect support of longitudinal polarization in gravitation, torsion
fields are screened by artificial materials having an orthonormal topology of structure.
If one can conditionally separate the electrostatic fields into positive and negative (E +
and E-) ones depending on the sign for the charge generating the field, then the torsion
fields can be separated into right-helical S R and left-helical S L.
The physical vacuum in the phase state corresponding to the electromagnetic field is
usually considered as a superfluid liquid. In the phase state of spin polarization the
physical vacuum must behave as a supersolid body, which creates specific conditions for the
propagation of waves in a medium when the group velocity of the torsion waves possibly ex-
ceeds the velocity of light.
The indicated considerations allow one t o r e c o n c i l e what would seem to be two mutually
exclusive points of view - the point of view of the end of the past and the beginning of the
present century, when the ether was considered as a solid, and the representation of contem-
porary physics of the physical vacuum as a superfluid liquid. Both points of view are cor-
rect, but each for its own phase state of the physical vacuum. Here it is necessary to in-
dicate that in recent decades in a number of papers the presence has been noted of proper-

9 9 SL


Fig. 6 Fig. 7


Fig. 8

ties of elasticity for the physical vacuum. As has already been mentioned, in the paper of
Dubrovskii [25], starting from the elastic properties of the physical vacuum, an estimate
was constructed of the velocity of a gravitational wave which turned out to be anomalously
larger than the velocity of light. (Among the first who conducted preliminary experiments
in which the velocity was fixed as larger than the velocity of light were Kozyrev and Naso-
nov [16, 17]. These experiments have been interpreted as the appearance of some "chronolog-
ical field." If one considers that N. A. Kozyrev emphasized that one of the main properties
of this field is "right" and "left," and the sources of the recorded radiation were stars,
objects with large angular momentum of rotation, then the identity of the "chronological
field" in the terminology of N. A. Kozyrev and the torsion field considered in this paper
will be understood.)
The indicated considerations, as the concept itself of the spin polarization of the
physical vacuum, allow one to construct a model which describes a process explaining the
mutual dependence of the angles of polarizations of y-quanta under the annihilation of par-
ticles and antiparticles observed by Wu [3]. The spreading 7-quanta polarize according to
spin the physical vacuum along the trajectory of flight. For a change of the angle of
polarization of one of these y-quanta an impulse of the torsion signal arises, which with-
out weakening is transmitted across this spin-polarized filament. The action of this im-
pulse changes the angle of polarization of another 7-quantum. These general representa-
tions require detailed study, but at the same time they allow one to hope that one can un-
derstand the physical essence of observable phenomena on the process level.
As in electricity, the primary carriers of electric charges are charged elementary
particles, possessing charge, the primary carriers of the torsion charges are elementary
particles with spin. Therefore, the interaction of mutually spin-oriented particles or
mutually spin-oriented ensembles of particles is a convenient process of radiation of spin-
torsion interactions. It is also necessary to note that, apparently, the specification of
spin-torsion interactions explains the unusualness of the nature of the interaction of spin-
polarized protons with a spin-polarized protonic target, as this was considered in the ex-
periments of A. Krish [32] already mentioned.

I ~ / "

I S~
I It I /
t ] t / /
t i/# \\j/.-"
k jt ,1


',, / i \\ /
\ / ., I/

t/ , / I,h~'SI , ',
, t ) '<
~ /
'.... /
\... i I\

t ", /

s~; b

Fig. 9

The nuclear spins, and also the full atomic momenta, can act on the level of matter, as
the primary sources of the torsion field. Due to a number of evident factors, all substances
have some initial spin ordering. Therefore, all the bodies of living and nonliving nature
possess characteristic torsion fields, the same as the presence of a nonzero mass for all
bodies of living and nonliving nature explains why all bodies possess a proper gravitational
field. The characteristic torsion fields of bodies are the collective appearance on the
macroscopic level of ordered nuclear and atomic spins. For this it is necessary that the
nuclear and/or atomic spins be parallel and unidirectional. Taking into account Fig. 6 the
collective torsion field of some body will have a spatial orientation as indicated in Fig.
Since the charge polarization leads simultaneously from the charge to spin nonequili-
brium (Fig. 8), then always when an electrostatic field arises, in the entire space where
the electrostatic field appears, a torsion field automatically arises. Electrostatic fields
without a torsion field do not exist. In this manner, the sources of electrostatic or elec-
tromagnetic fields are the second class of sources of torsion fields. In the conceptual
plan, the deduction that torsion fields always accompany the appearance of electromagnetism
is extremely important for a large number of fundamental and applied problems.
One can indicate a number of experimental results which can sequentially and without
contradiction explain only from the position of the emergence of a torsion field as a con-
sequence of the electromagnetic action on the physical vacuum (for example, the experiments
of Tszyan Kan'chzhen, Kh. Uchid et al.). By exactly this one can explain why certain phe-
nomena, not yielding a unique interpretation, nevertheless are identified with electromag-
The third class of natural sources of torsion fields is the wide spectrum of forms
formed by various substances. In correspondence with the models constructed, one can sup-
pose that a reaction by a topological perturbation of the physical vacuum is a redistribu-
tion of torsion potentials in a neighborhood of this body, which compensates for this per-
turbation. As a result, in some neighborhood of the body the distortion of the linear spa-
tial structure of the physical vacuum will be compensated by the indicated redistribution
of torsion potentials, so that in relation to external space the neighborhood of the body
will be the interior of the self-compensated zone. (Why a change of topology of the space
leads to a redistribution just of torsion, and not for example, of electric or gravitational
potentials, will have to be explained in future investigations.) Examples of a spatial con-

figuration of torsion fields caused by the effect of form are presented in Fig. 9. The ac-
tion of these torsion sources has been known for a long time [36, 41].
It is of interest to consider the phenomenon of "memory," observable in the theory and
practice of torsion fields. Let us once again return to Figs. 3 and 5. If from some do-
main of space one removes a charge, then the spatially split particle and antiparticle in
the fitons automatically return to a symmetric imbedded state. The state of the charged
splitting is unstable and can be retained only in the presence of an external source of
perturbation - a charge (Fig. 3).
In a spin transverse polarization (Fig. 5) the spin-polarized physical vacuum is found
in a metastable state. Therefore, in removing the source of the torsion field and in the
absence of internal and external perturbations, the physical vacuum in the state of spin
transverse polarization can be retained arbitrarily long.
Secondly, as would not be as complicated as the spatial structure of a static torsion
field in the presence of the removal of the source generating this field, the spatial struc-
ture of a static torsion field is preserved as a metastable state of spins of the polarized
physical vacuum. The domain of space where such a state of the physical vacuum is observed,
can be called a torsion field phantom or simply a torsion phantom.
On the qualitative level one can indicate the analogue of this phenomenon in electro-
magnetism. The residual magnetism on a magneto-susceptible sheet of metal in a domain where
a magnet laid on this place, forms a metastable magnetic phantom, for which with the help of
a magnetic probe the spatial characteristics of the residual magnetism (magnetic phantom)
can be measured, according to which it is possible to make specific deductions regarding
the absent magnet.
In recent years observable phenomena called the "fifth force" [44], widely interpreted~
as the appearance of baryonic interactions, essentially repeating the experiments of N. P.
Myshkin, represent one of the appearances of natural torsion fields.
The enumerated properties of torsion fields allow one to find an uncontradicted and,
what is especially important, deeply physical explanation of a wide circle of phenomena,
having remained phenomenological a lengthy time. While, the developed physical models have
allowed one to ensure a sufficiently general approach that has been manifested in the pos-
sibility of explaining phenomena both of the microscopic and macroscopic levels.
Torsion fields, for all their uniqueness, are only one of the sides of nature. It
would be naive to suppose that all problems standing in front of contemporary science could
be solved by taking them into account.
The main deduction from the considered positions consists first of all in the fact
that the base of the four interactions is completed by the fifth interaction. Consequences
of this situation are evident and do not require commentary. Experiments with the use of
the developed torsion generators, including the technological nature in the domain of con-
nection, material sciences, medicine, and other areas, testify to the serious reality in
scientific and technical spheres generated by the new concepts of torsion fields.

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