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Instructional Plan

100 Points

Objectives and Alignment:

1. Students will design and develop an instructional plan for their learning experience.

This assignment objective aligns with Course Objective A.

The purpose of this assignment is for you to take what you have learned about adult learners,
adult educators, design, learning, and teaching and apply it. You are now an educator, so let’s
plan some instruction that would be useful to you as you move forward. This will also help you
keep on track with our final project/assignment which is planning for and reflecting on an entire
learning experience (class).

This assignment will assess your ability to plan your own instruction in preparation for the Final
Project which is focused on preparing for and reflecting on actually teaching adults in a
classroom environment. One of the first things you should do (after learner analysis, etc.) is to
plan your instruction. So, we’re going to create an instructional storyboard/plan, again.

Instructional Plan/Storyboard:
For the purposes of the final project, I would like to see you create an instructional
plan/storyboard based on what you would theoretically be teaching in the future. This should be
different than what you selected in your last assignment and should be connected to what you do.
I have provided a pared down instructional storyboard as I mainly want to be sure that you are on
the right track as you complete the next assignment which will build on this.

Also, as an instructor/educator, you may not have a template of a storyboard and may have to
source your own organizational materials. So, I’m starting to peel away some of those layers of
instruction to take off the training wheels, so to speak. Check out the 4C/ID model which has
guided this progression!

To accomplish this, you will need to discuss the process of creating the instructional storyboard.
What learning theories and models do you think will be appropriate, and why? What are you
concerned about as you move onto the final assignment/project? Connect your reflection to our
readings or outside scholarly or trade publications; please be sure to do so using APA Style
Manual, 6th Edition. Use one-inch margins, double-spaced, and Times New Roman font, 12-
point. Be sure to use section headings within your paper. This will help break up the paper.  Let
me know if you have any questions.

The assignment deliverable should include the following:

 Instructional Storyboard/Plan
 Reflection
 Reference Page

Instructional Plan Assignment via the Blackboard Assignment tool which the paper described

APA Style Formatting
Use the actual APA Style Reference Manual. These sources are only to be used as support. Refer
to the book you purchased for the class as the ultimate resource.
Purdue’s Online Writing Lab APA Formatting Site -
APA’s Office Site -
Easy Bib’s Site for APA Formatting -

Grammar Reference
Education First’s Grammar Site -

Writing Learning Objectives

WKU’s Learning Objectives Tutorial -

Instructional Plan/Storyboard Template

Instructional Plan Storyboard

Objective and Assessment:

Objective Assessment


Objectives Activities Assessments What I Need to


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