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COMES NOW the _____________________, by the

undersigned counsel, and unto this Honorable Court, respectfully
moves for the execution of judgment under the following premise:

1. That a decision has been rendered in this case on

_______________________, 20__, in favor of the
__________________ and against the __________________;

2. That the period for appeal has already expired without the
_________________ having perfected an appeal from said decision;

3. That said decision is now final and executory.

WHEREFORE, it is respectfully prayed that an Order be issued

for the execution of the above judgment.

Agoo, La Union, ___________________, 20__.

Counsel for _____________

_____________Signature of Lawyer__________
ATTY. _____ Name of Lawyer _____________
OFFICE: _______________________________
ROLL NO. _____ ADMITTED AT BAR: ______
IBP NO. ________ ; __/__/__ ; ______________
PTR NO ________ ; __/__/__ ; ______________
MCLE COMPLIANCE No. __________; _______

TO : _________________________
Attorney for Plaintiff


Please take notice that on Friday, __________________, 20__,

at 2:00 P.M. or as soon thereafter as counsel may be heard, the
undersigned attorney will ask the Regional Trial Court of Agoo, La
Union to grant the foregoing motion.

Counsel for Defendant:

_____________Signature of Lawyer__________
ATTY. _____ Name of Lawyer _____________
Counsel for Defendant
OFFICE: _______________________________
ROLL NO. _____ ADMITTED AT BAR: ______
IBP NO. ________ ; __/__/__ ; ______________
PTR NO ________ ; __/__/__ ; ______________
MCLE COMPLIANCE No. __________; _______

Copy Received:

Attorney for Plaintiff

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