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How to upload an Aiken Format Multiple Choice Quiz in Moodle?

1. Type the exam with the format below:

It supports the organizational activities such as monitoring, collection, storage, processing, and
dissemination of business transactions.
Data Processing System Electronic Data Processing
Transaction Processing System
Management Information System

2. Save the file using other format: Plain text

1. File, Save As
2. Other Format
3. Drop down Save as Type
4. Choose Plaintext
5. Save
6. In the File Conversion dialogue box, click on Other encoding
7. Unicode (UTF-8)
8. Ok

3. Open the Aiken file created using Notepad. This time edit the file by putting letters of
the choices, like:
It supports the organizational activities such as monitoring, collection, storage, processing, and
dissemination of business transactions.
A. Data Processing System
B. Electronic Data Processing
C. Transaction Processing System
D. Management Information System

It is organized and processed to convey understanding, experience, accumulated learning, and

expertise to solve a problem.
A. Data
B. Information
C. Internet
D. Knowledge

Until no more questions
Note: single space after the period (.) from the letter choices.
single line space every question

4. At the Portal, Create a Quiz Settings (example quiz name: Aiken Quiz)
5. At the Question Bank, choose Import
6. Choose the Category (Aiken Quiz)
7. Click Aiken
8. Add the Aiken file created
9. Click the Import Command Button.
10. If successful you can add all the questions to the Aiken Quiz, by choosing Add questions
using the from question bank option. Otherwise, go back to step 3 and check the format.

Note: The Importing of file will not continue if your created Aiken File has a wrong format.
See step #3.
11. Then you can preview your Aiken Quiz now.

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