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At the Restaurant

Key words:

excuse me how much is…? The bill, please.

waiter/waitress Can/Could I have… ? Thank you very much.

sir/madam here you are. I’d like to have…/I would

like to have…

- Excuse me, waiter/waitress.

- Yes, sir/madam?
- How much is a cheese sandwich?
- It’s $5.
- And how much is a pizza?
- It’s $8.
- And how much is a bottle of water?
- It’s $3.
- Ok. I would like to have three sandwiches, two pizzas, two bottles of water, a coffee, a
tea, and two ice-cream.


- Here you are, sir.

- Thank you.


- Waiter! Can I have the bill, please?

- Yes, sir. It’s $56.
- Ok. Here you are.
- Thank you very much, sir. Good-bye!
- Good-bye!
Chinese Restaurant
Hamburger $7 Drinks:
Cheese Sandwich $5
Soda: Sprite, Fanta, Coke. $5,50
Chicken Sandwich $6
Bottle of water $4
Dog sandwich $3
Bottle of beer $6
Hot dog $3
Tea $1,50
Spaghetti with spiders $2
Coffee $1,50
Mouse soup $3,50
Orange Juice $3,50
Green salad $2,50

Beef with rice $10

Fruit and Desserts:
Orange $1

Apple $1

Banana $1

Peach $1

Pear $1

Melon $2

Watermelon $3

Ice-cream $2,50

3 hamburgers

1 chcken

3 teas after food

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