Rsp5 Yeast

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Yeast 2009; 26: 1–15.

Published online in Wiley InterScience
( DOI: 10.1002/yea.1645

Research Article

Ubiquitin ligase Rsp5p is involved in the gene

expression changes during nutrient limitation
in Saccharomyces cerevisiae
F. Cardona1,2# , A. Aranda1,2 *and M. del Olmo1
1 Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, University of Valencia, Spain
2 Department of Biotechnology, IATA (CSIC), Valencia, Spain

*Correspondence to: Abstract

A. Aranda, Departament de
Bioquı́mica i Biologia Molecular, Rsp5p is an essential ubiquitin ligase involved in many different cellular events,
Universitat de València, Apartado including amino acid transporters degradation, transcription initiation and mRNA
73, Burjassot, Valencia export. It plays important role in both stress resistance and adaptation to the change
46100, Spain. of nutrients. We have found that ubiquitination machinery is necessary for the correct
E-mail: induction of the stress response SPI1 gene at the entry of the stationary phase. SPI1
# Present address: Unitat de is a gene whose expression is regulated by the nutritional status of the cell and whose
deletion causes hypersensitivity to various stresses, such as heat shock, alkaline stress
Genètica Molecular, Institut de
Biomedicina de València (CSIC),
and oxidative stress. Its regulation is mastered by Rsp5p, as mutations in this gene
Valencia, Spain. lead to a lower SPI1 expression. In this process, Rsp5p is helped by several proteins,
such as Rsp5p-interacting proteins Bul1p/2p, the ubiquitin conjugating protein Ubc1p
and ubiquitin proteases Ubp4p and Ubp16p. Moreover, a mutation in the RSP5 gene
has a global effect at the gene expression level when cells enter the stationary phase.
Rsp5p particularly controls the levels of the ribosomal proteins mRNAs at this stage.
Rsp5p is also necessary for a correct induction of p-bodies under stress conditions,
indicating that this protein plays an important role in the post-transcriptional fate of
Received: 5 June 2008 mRNA under nutrient starvation. Copyright  2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Accepted: 21 October 2008
Keywords: RSP5; SPI1 ; stress response; stationary phase; p-bodies

Introduction Entry into the stationary phase has been described

under laboratory conditions (Gray et al., 2004; Her-
Nutrient depletion in Saccharomyces cerevisiae man, 2002). The target of rapamycin kinase (TOR)
induces a plethora of physiological, biochemical and protein kinase A (PKA) transduction signal
and morphological changes. A yeast culture grown pathways coordinately respond to nutrient avail-
on glucose-based medium changes from a ferment- ability, thus favouring growth and cellular division
ing metabolism to a respiratory one when glucose and repressing the stress response (Jorgensen et al.,
becomes limited. This phenomenon is called the 2004; Martin and Hall, 2005). One of the gene fam-
diauxic shift. When the carbon source is exhausted, ilies involved in cell growth that is regulated by
the culture enters the so-called stationary phase these pathways and depends on nutrient availabil-
(Gray et al., 2004; Herman, 2002). This state ity is the ribosomal proteins (RP) (Jorgensen et al.,
allows cell survival over long periods of time with- 2004; Powers, 2004). On the other hand, these
out added nutrients. Cells in stationary phase cul- pathways under nutrient depletion block the cell
tures accumulate glycogen and trehalose, develop a cycle and allow the activation of stress response
thickened cell wall and become resistant to stresses mechanisms (Hohman and Mager, 2003, and ref-
such as increased temperature and oxidative stress. erences therein). Several reports have described

Copyright  2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

2 F. Cardona, A. Aranda and M. del Olmo

extensive transcriptomic changes under stationary pol II in response to DNA damage (Somesh et al.,
phase conditions (DeRisi et al., 1997; Gasch et al., 2005). The export of all three kinds of RNA
2000). Recently the existence of a large number of requires Rsp5p (Neumann et al., 2003) and also
extraction-resistant mRNAs in the stationary phase Hpr1p, a member of the THO/TREX (transcrip-
has been described (Aragon et al., 2006). These tion/export) complex, which is regulated by Rsp5-
transcripts are protein-bound, as they are extracted mediated ubiquitination (Gwizdek et al., 2005).
by protease action and are rapidly released after a Finally, recent data indicate an important role of the
stressful condition such as oxidative shock. Under Rsp5p-mediated ubiquitination in translation accu-
stress conditions, such as nutrient deprivation, this racy (Kwapisz et al., 2006).
phenomenon has been linked to the induction of There are evidences that links Rsp5p to the
mRNA relocalization to sites of degradation or stress response in S. cerevisiae. Rsp5p binds to
storage of RNA called processing bodies (p-bodies) two homologous proteins, Bul1p and Bul2p, and
(Parker and Sheth, 2007). RNAs accumulated in the double disruptant bul1bul2 is sensitive to var-
these protein-bound structures can return to trans- ious stresses, including a growth defect on a
lation when the stress disappears (Brengues et al., non-fermentable carbon source (Yashiroda et al.,
2005). Therefore, they are a post-transcriptional 1998). The Rsp5p–Bul1p–Bul2p complex is nec-
way to regulate the gene expression. essary for heat shock element (HSE)-mediated tran-
Ubiquitination is a complex protein modification scription (Kaida et al. 2003). This ubiquitin lig-
process that involves a cascade of E1 (ubiquitin- ase has been described to regulate the expression
activating), E2 (ubiquitin-conjugating) and E3 of stress proteins via post-translational modifica-
(ubiquitin ligases) enzymes which regulate ubiq- tion of the stress response transcription factors
uitination specificity (Pickart, 2004). Polyubiquitin Hsf1p and Msn4p (Haitani et al., 2006). Recently
chains are built through the K29 and K48 residues
it has been shown that Rsp5p is required for the
of ubiquitin target proteins for proteasomal degra-
nuclear export of HSF1 and MSN2/4 mRNAs
dation by the 26S proteasome (Hochstrasser, 1996),
under stress conditions (Haitani and Takagi, 2008).
whereas polyubiquitin K63 chains are associated
Besides, cells overexpressing Rsp5p or ubiquitin-
with stress resistance, DNA repair, signal transduc-
conjugation enzymes (E2, Ubc1–Ubc13) display
tion, and degradation via the vacuole (Horak, 2003;
Sigismund et al., 2004). Mono-ubiquitination at enhanced tolerance to several forms of stress (heat
K63 controls many processes, including mem- shock, osmotic stress, oxidative stress and ethanol)
brane trafficking, meiosis and chromatin modelling (Hiraishi et al., 2006).
(Hicke, 2001). Ubiquitinated proteins undergo de- We are interested in the transcriptional response
ubiquitination by proteases called de-ubiquitinating at postdiauxic and stationary phases and we have
enzymes (DUBs) prior to degradation (Pickart, used SPI1, one of the yeast genes induced under
2004). The yeast HECT-domain ubiquitin-ligase these conditions during industrial (Puig and Pérez-
Rsp5p, which adds mono- and polyubiquitin chains Ortı́n, 2000) and laboratory conditions (Gasch
linked through K63, has been involved in a et al., 2000), as a model. Its transcription also rises
wide variety of physiological processes, such as under several stress conditions (Gasch et al., 2000).
minichromosome and actin cytoskeleton mainte- It encodes a protein which is important for the
nance, mitochondrial inheritance, drug resistance, structure and biogenesis of the cell wall (Horie
regulation of intracellular pH, biosynthesis of fatty and Isono, 2001). In this study we analysed the
acids, cell wall organization and protein sorting relevance of SPI1 under several stress conditions
(Horak, 2003; Kaminska et al., 2005; Kus et al., and we particularly focused on its response during
2005). Recent studies have linked Rsp5p to all entrance into the stationary phase. We showed
the levels of gene expression. The activity of tran- that the expression of this gene is affected by
scription factor Spt23p is specifically activated by not only the ubiquitin-ligase Rsp5p but also some
Rsp5p-mediated proteolysis (Hoppe et al., 2000). interacting proteins, and we provide evidence of
At the general transcription machinery level, Rsp5p this protein’s involvement in the tolerance to this
interacts with RNA polymerase II CTD and stim- and to other forms of stress. Furthermore, we have
ulates its phosphorylation (Max et al., 2007) and found that Rsp5p represses the expression levels
ubiquitination, as well as the destruction of RNA of ribosomal proteins (RPs) at the start of the

Copyright  2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Yeast 2009; 26: 1–15.
DOI: 10.1002/yea
Rsp5p controls gene expression at the entry of stationary phase 3

Table 1. Yeast strains used in this work

Strain Description Origin

BY4742 MATα, his3-1, leu2-0, lys2-0, ura3-0 EUROSCARF

BY4742 spi1 BY4742 spi1::KanMX4 EUROSCARF
YPH499 MATa, his3-200, leu2-1, lys2-801, trp1-1, ade2-101, ura3-52 F. Abe
FAY18A YPH499 HPG1-1 (Pro514>Thr) F. Abe
FAY29E YPH499 HPG1-4 (Ala799>Thr) F. Abe
FAJ72 YPH499 bul1::URA3,bul2::HIS3 F. Abe
yYDcG YPH499 DCP2-GFP (kanMX) This work
yHDcG FAY18A DCP2-GFP (kanMX) This work
yBDcG FAJ72 DCP2-GFP (kanMX) This work
yYDhG YPH499 DHH1-GFP (kanMX) This work
yHDhG FAY18A DHH1-GFP (kanMX) This work
yBDhG FAJ72 DHH1-GFP (kanMX) This work
BY4741 MATa, his3-1, leu2-0, met17-0, ura3-0 EUROSCARF
BY4741 ubi4 BY4741 ubi4::KanMX4 EUROSCARF
BY4741 ubc7 BY4741 ubc7::KanMX4 EUROSCARF
BY4741 ubp4 BY4741 ubp4::KanMX4 EUROSCARF
BY4741 ubp6 BY4741 ubp6::KanMX4 EUROSCARF
BY4741 ubp14 BY4741 ubp14::KanMX4 EUROSCARF
BY4741 ubc2 BY4741 ubc2::KanMX4 EUROSCARF
BY4741 ubc1 BY4741 ubc1:: KanMX4 EUROSCARF
BY4741 ubc4 BY4741 ubc4:: KanMX4 EUROSCARF
BY4741 ubc5 BY4741 ubc5:: KanMX4 EUROSCARF
W303-1a MATa ade2-1, ura3-1, leu2-3, his3-1, trp1-1 R. Rothstein
2344c (WT) MATα ura3 B. André
27038a (npi1) MATα npi1 ura3 B. André
OS2718(bul1bul2) MATα bul1::KanMX4bul2::KanMX4 ura3 B. André
MLY40α (WT) MATα ura3-52 J. Heitman
XPY80α (sok2) MATα sok2::hygB ura3-52 J. Heitman

stationary phase and that it has a positive role in p- to YPD containing 1 M KCl and incubation for
body formation in the glucose-depleted condition. 1 h (osmotic stress); and YPD buffered at pH 2
or 10 for acid or basic stress, respectively. In all
cases, cell viability was determined by counting the
Materials and methods number of colonies growing in YPD plates from
Yeast strains and growth conditions appropriate dilutions of cultures. To analyse resis-
tance to oxidative stress, the diameter of the growth
The yeast strains used in this work are listed inhibition region produced by a paper disc with
in Table 1. For yeast growth, YPD medium (1% 10 µl 33% H2 O2 on stationary phase cultures on
w/v yeast extract, 2% w/v bactopeptone, 2% w/v YPD plates was measured (Stephen et al., 1995).
glucose), SD or SC medium (0.17% w/v yeast For microscopy studies, the cells in the exponen-
nitrogen base without amino acids and ammonium tial phase were transferred from YPD to YP for
sulphate, 0.5% w/v ammonium sulphate, 2% w/v 10 min and were then washed with SC. Observa-
glucose) supplemented with the required amino tions were made using a Nikon PCM 2000 micro-
acids, were used. Cultures were incubated at 30 ◦ C scope, using a ×100 objective with a ×3 zoom.
with shaking. Solid plates contained 2% agar
and the specific plates contained 0.008% SDS,
0.1 µg/ml rapamycin and cycloheximide.
Construction of yeast strains
To analyse stress resistance, the cells from expo- In order to analyse the transcriptional regulation of
nential cultures in the YPD medium were affected the SPI1 gene, a fusion of the promoter of this
by the following adverse conditions: ethanol addi- gene with the lacZ reporter gene was constructed
tion up to 12% v/v final concentration and incu- in the Yep357 plasmid. For this purpose, we cloned
bation for 1 h; heat shock at 45 ◦ C for 1 h; shift the intergenic region of the SPI1–PEA2 intergenic

Copyright  2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Yeast 2009; 26: 1–15.
DOI: 10.1002/yea
4 F. Cardona, A. Aranda and M. del Olmo

region by PCR and added the XbaI and EcoRI The expression of some genes with the differen-
restriction sites to the oligonucleotides used (see tial expression in the wild-type (WT) and HPG1-1
Supporting information, Table S1). strains in the microarray analysis was also analysed
Dcp2p and Dhh1p proteins were C-terminal by semiquantitative RT–PCR. cDNA preparation
tagged with GFP from plasmid pFA6–GFP(S65T)– was carried out as previously described (Jiménez-
KanMX6, following the PCR-based gene modifica- Martı́ et al., 2007). For the amplification of specific
tion method described by Longtine et al. (1998), genes in the resulting cDNA, it was diluted 20-fold
using the appropriate oligonulceotides (see Sup- and 5 µl were used for a PCR reaction carried out in
porting information, Table S1). The appropriate a final volume of 15–25 µl, containing the primers
strains were transformed. (0.5 mM of each), dNTPs (0.2 mM of each), MgCl2
(3 mM), buffer and 1 U DNA polymerase Biotaq
β-galactosidase analysis (Bioline) from Thermus aquaticus YT-1. The reac-
tion conditions were: 1 cycle at 94 ◦ C for 3 min,
The SPI1p–lacZ fusion expression was determined 20–25 cycles at 94 ◦ C for 1 min, 1 min at the opti-
as β-galactosidase activity via the method of per- mal primer hybridization temperature in each case,
meabilized cells, using ONPG as a substrate, as 1 min at 72 ◦ C and, finally, a 10 min cycle at 72 ◦ C.
described by Adams et al. (1997). To detect blue The ACT1 gene was used to normalize the data.
colonies, plates containing SC − ura + Xgal The specific oligonucleotides used for the analysis
0.4 mg/ml + phosphate buffer, pH 7, were used. of each gene considered are shown in the Support-
The white colonies defective in SPI1p–lacZ fusion ing information.
activity were transformed with a library constructed
in the episomal plasmid YEp32 (a gift from J. C. Western blotting
Igual). The transformation was replica-plated on X-
gal plates. To prepare protein extracts, 2.5 OD unit cells
were collected by centrifugation and were resus-
RNA analysis pended in 100 µl water, then 100 µl NaOH 0.2
M were added and the preparation was incubated
RNA isolation, quantification and analysis were for 5 min. After centrifuging at 12 000 r.p.m.
carried out as previously described (Carrasco et al., for 1 min, the pellet was resuspended in 50 µl 2×
2003). The expression of the SPI1 gene on several loading buffer (Tris–HCl 150 mM, pH 6.8, DTT
strains and conditions was followed by Northern 300 mM, SDS 6%, bromophenol blue 0.3%, glyc-
blot analysis, using a specific probe for this gene erol 30%) and incubated at 95 ◦ C for 5 min. After
obtained with the oligonucleotides SPI1-F/G (see cooling and centrifuging (3000 r.p.m. for 10 min),
Supporting information, Table S1). the supernatant was collected. The total protein
For microarray analyses, cDNA preparation, concentration was determined by the Bradford
labelling and hybridization were carried out as method (BioRad), and 50 µg protein was used for
described by Fazzio et al. (2001). The combi- each analysis. After SDS–PAGE electrophoresis
nations for hybridization Cy3–Cy5 were: WTa– in 7.5% polyacrylamide, proteins were transferred
HPG1–1a, HPG1–1b–WTb, where the a and b to a 0.45 µm nitrocellulose membrane (Trans-Blot,
samples were obtained from two independent cul- 1620113, Bio-Rad) by electrotransference. Immun-
tures of each strain. The intensity obtained in odetection was carried out using a GFP antibody
each channel for each pair of microarrays was (Sigma). This primary antibody and the secondary
normalized by Lowess (Yang et al., 2002). The antibody (peroxidase anti-rabbit) were diluted at
overrepresentation of categories containing func- 1/10 000 and 1/50 000, respectively. Blocking and
tionally related genes in each strain was statis- incubation with the antibodies were carried out
tically analysed using the ‘Function Associate’ in TBST buffer (20 mM Tris–HCl, pH 8, 0.5 M
tool ( NaCl, 0.05% v/v Tween 20) with 5% w/v non-fat
associate). The analysis of the transcription fac- dried milk. Washes were done in TBST. ECF plus
tors involved in the expression of differentially the Western Blotting detection system (RPN2132,
expressed genes was carried out with the YEAS- Amersham) were used for detection, following the
TRACT package ( manufacturer’s instructions.

Copyright  2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Yeast 2009; 26: 1–15.
DOI: 10.1002/yea
Rsp5p controls gene expression at the entry of stationary phase 5

Results 160 BY4742

140 spi1
Spi1p is involved in stress tolerance and is 100

expressed in the late growth phases 80
We have previously used the SPI1 promoter as 40
a biotechnological tool to increase stress toler- 20
ance by overproducing the general stress response 0
transcription factor Msn2p (Cardona et al., 2007). 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45
We aim now to obtain a better understanding t (days)
of not only its role in stress resistance but also Figure 1. SPI1 deletion causes decreased cell viability along
its regulation. First, we tested the effect of the with growth. Exponentially growing cells of wt (BY4742)
spi1 deletion on viability after exposure to sev- and spi1 deletion mutant on YPD at OD600 = 0.3 were
eral adverse conditions. Table 2 shows the viability taken as the starting point. Samples of cells were taken at
of the wild-type strain and the spi1  mutant after different times, diluted and plated on YPD plates to obtain
the cfu number (N), which is expressed as the ratio to the
heat shock, ethanol stress and high and low pH. initial cfu value (N0 )
The strain carrying the deletion is hypersensitive
to heat shock and alkaline stress, while ethanol
this gene during growth is around 7 h after the cul-
and acidic stress determine minor, but clear, differ-
ture started, with a dilution of an overnight culture
ences between the wt and mutant strains. There is
at OD600 = 0.5. Similar results were observed in
no influence of the spi1 deletion regarding viabil-
the rich medium YPD using microarrays (Gasch
ity under other stress conditions, e.g. acetaldehyde
et al., 2000), where the maximum of expression is
or osmotic stress (data not shown). Oxidative stress
reached between 6–12 h (depending on individual
was measured as the diameter of the halo of inhi-
experiments) from a starting point of OD = 0.3,
bition caused by hydrogen peroxide. The mutant and its expression remains high throughout the
strain also shows increased sensitivity to oxida- stationary phase. However, in our β-galactosidase
tive insult (Table 2). To assess the influence of assay, the enzyme activity decreases at later stages
Spi1p in the late phases of growth, the survival of growth, probably reflecting the general decrease
viability of a culture of the deletion strain in YPD in translation that happens in the stationary phase
was measured. The number of viable cells in the (Gray et al., 2004). Therefore, the SPI1p–lacZ
spi1  deletion mutant compared to the wild-type construct is a useful tool to study the gene expres-
was lower during the postdiauxic and early station- sion changes previous to the entry into the station-
ary phases (Figure 1). Therefore, Spi1p is a protein ary phase.
that is relevant to many stress conditions, including
In order to study the expression of the SPI1 Expression of the SPI1 gene is affected by RSP5
gene, we constructed a SPI1 promoter-controlled We used the SPI1p–lacZ fusion to identify the
version of the lacZ reporter gene on a plasmid. genes involved in SPI1 gene regulation. We car-
To test this reporter gene, we measured the β- ried out an EMS mutagenesis and isolated colonies
galactosidase activity along the growth curve in a that were white on SD plates with low sugar con-
minimal medium on strain YPH499 (Figure 2A). centration (0.5% glucose) and X-gal, instead of
The results indicated that the maximal activity of the wild-type blue colour. One of those white

Table 2. Stress tolerance in the wild-type and spi1∆ mutant. The percentage of colony-forming units after the stress
condition is shown
Ethanol Heat shock Low pH High pH Oxidative (mm)

wt 22 ± 1.5% 0.88 ± 0.001% 67 ± 7% 25 ± 2% 3.08 ± 0.15

spi1 17 ± 1.2% 0.42 ± 0.0001% 56 ± 2% 10 ± 1% 3.9 ± 0.3

For oxidative stress, the diameter (mm) of the inhibition halo is shown. All experiments were carried out in triplicate. SD is shown.

Copyright  2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Yeast 2009; 26: 1–15.
DOI: 10.1002/yea
6 F. Cardona, A. Aranda and M. del Olmo

A 35 WT the location of mutation m4, but it seems clear that

β-galactosidase (a.u)

30 HPG1-1 tryptophan metabolism is apparently important for

25 SPI1 expression.
20 It is known that the activity of the tryptophan
permeases Tat1p and Tat2p is controlled by the
ubiquitin ligase Rsp5p (Abe and Iida, 2003) and
that Rsp5p also controls the stress response (Hai-
tani et al., 2006). Therefore, we tested the role of a
0 4 8 12 16 20 24 mutant of the RSP5 gene called HPG1-1 (Abe and
time (hours) Ida, 2003) in SPI1–lacZ fusion (Figure 2A). The
mutant had lower levels of β-galactosidase activ-
B m4 pTRP1 pTAT2 ity at the entry of the stationary phase, indicating a
positive role of Rsp5p in SPI1 expression at the
late phases of cell growth. To confirm that this
effect is indeed located at the transcriptional level,
a Northern blot analysis of SPI1 was carried out
C YPH499 HPG1-1 using the same mutant (Figure 2C), and showed a
E PD E PD defect in the transcriptional induction of SPI1 in
the postdiauxic phase.

Role of the ubiquitination machinery in SPI1
Figure 2. SPI1 expression depends on the growth phase We next attempted to gain a better understanding
levels and Rsp5p. (A) The SPI1 expression measured as of the role that ubiquitination plays in SPI1 gene
β-galactosidase activity, wild-type (YPH499 strain) and expression, using different mutations in the genes
the rsp5 mutant (HPG1-1) throughout its growth in
minimal medium using the SPI1 promoter–lacZ fusion. related to this process. RSP5 is an essential gene
β-Galactosidase activity was expressed as arbitrary units and HPG1-1 is one of the mutants isolated from
(a.u.) according to Adams et al. (1997). The experiments this gene. In this case, it carries a mutation of
were carried out by triplicate and standard deviation (SD) the Pro 514 to Thr in the catalytic centre of the
is shown. (B) β-Galactosidase assays on plates with low enzyme, which causes a semi-dominant mutation
glucose (0.5%) in a mutant unable to express the SPI1p–lacZ
fusion, transformed with either an empty plasmid (m4) or a that confers resistance to high pressures, given its
plasmid containing genes implied in tryptophan metabolism inability to ubiquitinate and to lower the levels of
(pTRP1) or transport (pTAT2). (C) SPI1 mRNA levels in tryptophan permease Tat2p (Abe and Ida, 2003).
both wild-type and HPG1-1 mutant in either the exponential To test whether other mutations in the RSP5
(E) or postdiauxic (PD) phase
gene show the same phenotype, we transformed
one called npi1, which plays a clear role in the
mutants, named m4 (Figure 2B), was transformed degradation of the amino acid transporters Gap1p
with a multicopy library in order to isolate reg- and Fur4p (Hein et al., 1995) with the SPI1p–lacZ
ulators of SPI1 expression. We found two kinds fusion. A decreased expression was also observed
of plasmids that cause a reversion to the blue along the culture curve (Figure 3A). Bul1p and
colour (Figure 2B). One contains the high-affinity Bul2p are two functional homologous proteins that
tryptophan transporter TAT2, and the other con- interact with Rsp5p and are sometimes referred to
tains the TRP1 gene that codes for phosphori- as E4 proteins (Hoppe, 2005). The deletion of both
bosylanthranilate isomerase, which catalyses the genes also leads to a reduction of SPI1 expression
third step in tryptophan biosynthesis. The strain at the entry of the stationary phase (Figure 3B),
used in the screening, W303-1a, is a trp1-1 strain. which also indicates a positive contribution of these
We failed to fully complement the m4 muta- two proteins to SPI1 expression.
tion with a centromeric plasmid containing neither We then tested the effect of deleting other com-
the TRP1 marker nor the TAT2 gene (data not ponents from the ubiquitination machinery, using
shown). So far, we have been unable to identify a single measurement of β-galactosidase activity

Copyright  2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Yeast 2009; 26: 1–15.
DOI: 10.1002/yea
Rsp5p controls gene expression at the entry of stationary phase 7

A 30 UBI4 is shown to be strongly inducible by stresses

WT such as starvation, heat and DNA-damaging agents
β-galactosidase (a.u.)

25 npi1
(Simon et al., 1999). However, UBI4 deletion has
20 no effect on SPI1 expression (Figure 3C). There-
15 fore, this stress-regulated version of ubiquitin is not
10 essential to the regulation of the stress-responsive
gene SPI1. There are around 13 genes which
encode for the ubiquitin-conjugating (E2 or UBC)
0 enzymes in yeast (Hiraishi et al., 2006). Ubc4p
0 4 8 12 16 20 24
time (hours)
and Ubc5p E2s have been named ‘stress ubiquitin-
conjugating enzymes’ because of their role in stress
B 40 resistance (Arnason and Ellison, 1994). However
β-galactosidase (a.u.)

35 WT their deletion has no effect on SPI1 expression. The

bul1∆bul2∆ same result was obtained with the UBC2 /RAD6
25 mutant, an E2 involved in the N-end rule degra-
20 dation (Dohmen et al., 1991). UBC1 deletion has
15 a negative effect, as it decreases lacZ activity, so it
10 is apparently necessary to achieve full SPI1 expres-
5 sion. Ubc1p acts with Rsp5p to signal Gal2p for an
0 effective internalization by endocytosis and subse-
0 4 8 12 16 20 24
time (hours) quent proteolysis in the vacuole (Horak and Wolf,
2001). Ubc7p physically and genetically interacts
C 2
with Rsp5p to achieve proper chromatin formation,
and it has been proposed that it is a bona fide E2
β-galactosidase (a.u.)

for Rsp5p (Arnason et al., 2005). UBC7 deletion

shows an increase of SPI1 expression (Figure 3C),
which either indicates that it may compete with
1 other E2 enzymes, such as Ubc1p for Rsp5p, or acts
on an opposite pathway, maybe at the chromatin
0.5 level, causing a more relaxed chromatin on the
SPI1 promoter. Therefore, different E2 enzymes
0 could regulate Rsp5p activity in order to properly
control its function as a gene expression regulator.

ubi4 ∆
ubc1 ∆
ubc2 ∆
ubc4 ∆
ubc5 ∆
ubc7 ∆
ubp4 ∆
ubp6 ∆
ubp14 ∆
sok2 ∆

On the other hand, there are 17 ubiquitin-specific

protease genes (UBP ) in yeast. Ubp4p (Doa4p),
Ubp6p and Ubp14p are involved in the degrada-
Figure 3. The ubiquitination machinery controls the SPI1 tion of Tat2p mediated by Rsp5p (Miura and Abe,
expression. (A) β-galactosidase levels of the SPI1–lacZ 2004). We tested the effect of the deletion of these
fusion expression of 2344c strain (WT) and 27038a npi1 genes in SPI1 expression (Figure 3C). The dele-
mutant strain throughout its growth in SC-URA medium. tion of UBP4 did not decrease the SPI1p–lacZ
(B) Same as (A) for TB50a (WT) and JC60-4b (bul1bul2)
strains. (C) The SPI1–lacZ fusion expression in several levels and even had an slightly positive effect.
mutants of the ubiquitination pathway after 8 h of growth Nonetheless, the deletion of both UBP6 and
from an OD = 0.3 starting point. In this case the activity is UBP14 dramatically decreased the SPI1–lacZ lev-
referred to as wt activity = 1. All experiments were carried els (Figure 3C), indicating that these proteins play
out in triplicate and SD is shown an important role in this particular event of the
gene expression, by triggering the degradation of
in the postdiauxic phase (Figure 3C). S. cere- an unknown factor that probably acts negatively
visiae ubiquitin is a 76-amino acid protein encoded on SPI1 expression. In conclusion, the ubiquitina-
by four structural genes, UBI1, UBI2, UBI3 and tion machinery shows a complex pattern in terms
UBI4. While each of these genes is reported to of the SPI1 expression during starvation, with both
be expressed during yeast exponential growth, only positive and negative regulatory effects.

Copyright  2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Yeast 2009; 26: 1–15.
DOI: 10.1002/yea
8 F. Cardona, A. Aranda and M. del Olmo

Transcriptomic analysis of the rsp5 mutant Table 3. Genes with a differential expression in HPG1-1
indicates an induction of the genes involved in mutant vs. the wild-type strain
protein biosynthesis Categories Genes

In order to understand the role of Rsp5p in yeast (A) Induced

gene expression at the beginning of the stationary Translation RPL9A (8.19), RPS5 (7.42), RPS22 (7.35),
phase, a transcriptomic analysis was carried out RPL32 (6.82), RPL24A (6.71), RPS15 (6.56),
with the mutant HPG1-1 and the corresponding RPL8B (6.46), RPS4B (6,19), RPS0A (6.15),
wild-type (YPH499) strain by microarrays. For this RPS9B (6.13), RPS9A (6.12), RPS24B (6.12),
RPS1B (5.9), RPL22A (5.84), RPS24A (5.77),
purpose samples were obtained from both strains at RPL8A (5.75), RPP2A (5.7), RPL37A (5.65),
the entry of the stationary phase after 8 h growth RPS4A (5.63), RPS16B (5.52), RPL6A (5.45),
in YPD from a starting point of OD600 = 0.3. RPS17B (5.4), RPL25 (5.34), RPP0 (5.34),
It is worth mentioning that no differences in the RPS17A (5.33), RPL9B (5.32), RPL12A (5.27),
growth phase of the culture were found under the RPL26B (5.24), RPS10A (5.23), RPL6B (5.23),
RPL42A (5.19), RPL13B (5.11), RPS1B (5.11),
conditions used (data not shown). RPS26B (5.06), RPL20A (5.02), RPL19A
In the HPG1-1 mutant, the expression of 88 non- (4.98), RPL5 (4.95), RPS6A (4.94), RPS31
dubious genes was induced by a factor of 3, 118 (4,90), RPL12B (4.79), RPL21A (4.76), RPS1A
genes by a factor of 2 and 255 genes by a fac- (4.76), RPL21B (4.75), RPL42B (4.72), RPL2A
tor of 1.5. Among the repressed genes, 14 were (4.70), RPS13 (4.63), RPL20B (4.62), RPL34A
(4.54), RPS14A (4.53), RPL19B (4.49),
repressed by a factor of 3, 54 by a factor of 2 RPL43A (4.48), RPS3 (4.47), RPS2 (4.44),
and 192 by 1.5. We used the Funcassociate tool RPL39 (4.43), RPS12 (4.42), RPS21B (4.33),
to detect the functional categories overrepresented RPL23A (4.29), RPL27B (4.20), RPL13A
among the genes that had a differential expression (4.17), RPL34B (4.15), RPL33A (4.15), RPL30
of 2 or more. Among the genes induced (Table 3A), (4.14), RPL33B (4.06), RPS27B (4.03), RPL29
(4.03), RPS14B (3.97), RPL15A (3.81),
most belonged to the overlapping categories related RPL36B (3.78), RPS29B (3.71), RPS29A
to translation (97/118 genes; p value = 5.6e76), (3.67), RPL35B (3.62), RPL15B (3.56),
particularly to the cytosolic ribosome (96/118; RPL43B (3.57), RPL37B (3.57), RPL36A
p value = 3.6e144). Some of these proteins were (3.55), RPL1A (3.50), RPL35A (3.48), RPS25B
also involved in other events, such as ribosome (3.44), RPL11B (3.39), RPS20 (3.37), RPL38
(3.23), RPL11A (3.22), RPS25A (3.18), RPL1B
assembly (16 genes) and telomere maintenance (18 (3.13), RPL22B (3.13), RPP2B (2.91), STM1
genes). Of the 22 genes not related to the ribosome, (2.88), RPL4B (2.70), RPS30A (2.62), RPL41A
the most significant category was the cell wall (2.55), RPS30B (2.54), RPL41B (2.47),
components (6/22; p value = 1.5e6). The Yeastract RPS28B (2.41), RPP1A (2.33), RPL4A (2.32),
TEF1 (2.21), RPS28A (2.12)
tool, which groups genes by the transcriptional fac-
tor regulating them (Teixeira et al. 2006), showed Cell wall GAS3 (3.05), YLR042c (3.00), PLB2 (2.65),
that 83.9% of these genes were controlled by the SCW10 (2.33), SRL1 (2.13), MCD4 (2.00)
Rap1p transcription factor, while 80.5% were con- Other CHA1 (19.62), RNR1 (2.74), NMR1 (2.67),
trolled by Ifh1p, two well-known regulators of ribo- POL30 (2.57), BTN2 (2.48), MIS1 (2.34),
HXK1 (2.30), ACM1 (2.25), ARO10 (2.18),
some biogenesis (Wade et al., 2004). RNH203 (2.15), SCP160 (2.10), TOS4
The categories among the genes repressed in (2.08), SPO16 (2.08), PMI40 (2.04), GND1
the HPG1-1 mutant are more diverse but are all (2.02)
related to metabolic processes, such as carboxylic (B) Repressed
acid metabolism (13/54; p value = 1.16e-06), the Amino acid SER3 (3.11), AGX1 (3.09), MET3 (2.90),
amino acid metabolic process (10 genes; p value = metabolism YAT2 (2.70), LEU2 (2.57), MET17 (2.53),
5e-06) and proline transporters (3 genes; p value = IDP2 (2.11), GDH1 (2.11), MET2 (2.10),
2.2e-06) (Table 3B). Using the Yeastract tool, MLS1 (2.07)
61.1% of the genes were controlled by the cell Proline transport GAP1 (3.19), PUT4 (3.10), AGP1 (2.25)
cycle regulator Sok2p (although the SOK2 mRNA Stress HSP12 (11.94), HSP26 (4.11), MEI5 (2.55),
itself is not changed in the HPG1 mutant). SPI1 GRE1 (2.48), SPL2 (2.40), DDR2 (2.29), SPI1
was also downregulated in the microarray analy- (2.25), TSA2 (2.25), NCE103 (2.13)
sis, together with a few stress-response genes. To

Copyright  2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Yeast 2009; 26: 1–15.
DOI: 10.1002/yea
Rsp5p controls gene expression at the entry of stationary phase 9

Table 3. Continued HSP26, the amino acid biosynthetic genes SER3

Categories Genes
and MET3 and the amino acid permease GAP1
were also confirmed (Figure 4).
Other PHO89 (4.73), FMP45 (4.36), FMP16 (4.11),
NDE2 (3.73), NQM1 (3.63), SPS100, (3.57), Stress resistance in HPG1 and bul1/2 mutants
PHM6 (2.95), YCT1 (2.93), GND2 (2.88),
MSC1 (2.78), AQY1 (2.71), PUR5 (2.67), We went on to attempt to relate the expression data
NCE102 (2.60), FRM2 (2.58), GMP2 (2.40),
LAP4 (2.30), BOP2 (2.26), PHM7 (2.20),
to the role of RSP5 mutants and bul1/2 deletion in
PDH1 (2.17), ALD4 (2.15), FLR1 (2.06), stress resistance. In addition to the HPG1-1 mutant,
ZRT1 (2.04), RMD6 (2.03) we used a different allele of RSP5, HPG1-4, whose
Unknown YMR107w (6.93), YDL218w (5.04),
mutation is placed in a different region of the
YKL071w (2.82), YHR033w (2.60), RSP5-coding region, providing a thermosensitive
YHR140w (2.48), YBR285w (2.32), YAL061w phenotype (Abe and Ida, 2003). Some cell wall-
(2.24), YGR154c (2.16), YDL223c (2.10) related genes were induced in the HPG1-1 mutant
(Table 3A), a fact that may indicate an imbalance
Those genes that are induced or repressed by >2 are shown, and
their induction or repression values are shown in brackets. in cell wall assembly or a response to cell wall
damage. We grew all these mutants on plates
containing 0.008% SDS to detect a cell wall defect.
test whether Sok2p is a positive regulator of SPI1 Indeed, we found this to be the case, particularly
expression, we transformed a sok2 deletion strain for the HPG1-1 and bul1/2 mutants (Figure 5A).
with the SPI1p–lacZ fusion. We found that Sok2p The identification of genes involved in amino
is indeed necessary to fully activate the fusion acid metabolism in our microarray analysis sug-
under starvation conditions (Figure 3C). gests a putative involvement of Rsp5p in the
To confirm the array data, a semi-quantitative response to nutrient limitation. To address this pos-
RT–PCR analysis of selected genes was carried sibility, our mutant cells were grown in the pres-
out, using the actin gene ACT1 as a control ence of rapamycin, which inhibits the conserved
(Figure 4). RPL9 was used as a representative of
the ribosomal protein cluster. It was clearly overex-
pressed in the mutant strain. CHA1, a gene involved WT
in serine catabolism, was the most overexpressed
gene in the HPG1-1 mutant, according to the array HPG1-1
data (19.6-fold; see Table 3). Its induction was con-








firmed by RT–PCR. GAS3 encodes for a 1,3-β-
glucanosyltransferase representative of the cell wall
cluster that also showed the expected transcription
Figure 4. Gene expressı́on analysis by semi-quantitative
pattern. Among the repressed genes, examples of RT–PCR of several genes genes that were either identified
each functional family were tested, and the repres- as being induced or repressed in the HPG1-1 mutant at the
sions of SPI1 itself, the stress-responsive gene post-diauxic shift. ACT1 was used as a control

Figure 5. Effects of toxic agents on the growth of ubiquitination mutants. The HPG1-1, HPG1-4 and bul1bul2 mutants
were replica-plated on (A) SDS 0.008% or rapamycin 0.1 µg/ml and (B) cycloheximide 0.1 µg/ml

Copyright  2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Yeast 2009; 26: 1–15.
DOI: 10.1002/yea
10 F. Cardona, A. Aranda and M. del Olmo

A WT Dcp2p-GFP HPG1-1 Dcp2p-GFP bul1∆bul2∆ Dcp2p-GFP

YP 15′

1M KCl 15′

B WT Dhh1p-GFP HPG1-1 Dhh1p-GFP bul1∆bul2∆ Dhh1p-GFP

YP 15′

1M KCl 15′

C KCl 1M / 15′ YP / 15′







Figure 6. The RSP5 mutant is defective in p-body formation. Microscopy after 15 min without glucose (YP) or with osmotic
stress (1 M KCl) in WT, HPG1-1 and bul1bul2 strains transformed with (A) Dcp2p–GFP fusion and (B) Dhh1p–GFP
fusion. (C) Western blot of the Dcp2p–GFP and Dhh1p–GFP protein levels of these strains under the same stress
conditions, using an anti-GFP antibody

Copyright  2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Yeast 2009; 26: 1–15.
DOI: 10.1002/yea
Rsp5p controls gene expression at the entry of stationary phase 11

protein kinase that links nutrient status and cell pro- Rsp5p plays a role in gene expression at the post-
liferation, target of rapamycin (TOR). Our muta- transcriptional level (see Introduction). Therefore
tions were hypersensitive to rapamycin, indicating we tested the effect of our ubiquitination mutants in
that ubiquitination machinery contributes to the another post-transcriptional event related to stress
response to nutrient starvation. and nutrient starvation, that of the formation of pro-
A relationship between Rsp5p and translation cessing bodies (p-bodies).
accuracy has been recently reported (Kwapisz To analyse this event, we fused the green flu-
et al., 2006), according to which a S. cerevisiae orescent protein GFP to two proteins implicated
strain carrying an rsp5-13 mutation shows altered in mRNA degradation that are well established p-
sensitivity to antibiotics and a slower rate of trans- body markers, Dcp2p and Dhh1p in the HPG1-1
lation. The results obtained in the microarray and and the bul1/bul2 mutants. Under glucose depri-
in the semi-quantitative RT–PCR analysis indi- vation stress (15 min in YP) and osmotic shock
cate that there is a higher level of transcripts (15 min in 1 M KCl), the p-bodies were clearly
related to protein biosynthesis in the mutant HPG1- formed in the wild-type cells, both when Dcp2p
1 under stationary phase conditions. In order to (Figure 6A) and Dhh1p (Figure 6B) were fused to
confirm this effect on the translation of the rsp5 GFP. In the RSP5 mutant tested, HPG1-1, the num-
mutant alleles that we used and the role of the ber and intensity of the p-bodies decreased for both
BUL1/2 role in translation, experiments of resis- GFP fusions (Figure 6) in both conditions, particu-
tance to the translation inhibitor cycloheximide larly in the starvation condition. This effect was not
were carried out (Figure 5B). The HPG1-1 allele seen in the bul1/bul2 mutant, where there is still
presented a significant defect on translation. How- a high number of cells containing p-bodies after
ever, the HPG1-4 allele did not have such a sig- the stress. Therefore, the Rsp5p has an important
nificant growth defect. Therefore, the cyclohex- role in the formation of p-bodies under different
imide sensitivity showed some allele specificity. stress conditions without the help of Bul1/2p in
The bul1/2 deletion also revealed an increased this particular event.
cycloheximide sensitivity. These data confirm the In order to rule out a defect in the fusion pro-
role of Rsp5p–Bul1p–Bul2p in translation and tein amount, we carried out a Western blot analy-
indicate that this role may be related to the alter- sis using an anti-GFP antibody (Figure 6C). The
ation of the translation machinery expression. levels of GFP-fused Dcp2p and Dhh1p proteins
were similar in the HPG1-1 mutant compared to
RSP5 is involved in p-body formation under the wild-type. Therefore, Rsp5 seems to affect the
stress conditions assembly of the p-bodies during these environmen-
According to our microarray data an increased tal changes, not their protein levels.
expression of the ribosomal proteins was found
in the rsp5 mutant. To a lower extent, there was
also an increase in the levels of several factors Discussion
involved in translation elongation, such as the EF-
1α component TEF1 (2.2-fold induction), EF-1β In this work, we have used the SPI1 gene as a
component EFB1 (1.87-fold), EF-2 components marker of the entry into the stationary phase. Spi1p
EFT2 (1.96-fold) and EFT1 (1.62), and the EF-3 is a GPI-anchored cell wall protein that plays a
component YEF3 (1.77-fold). In higher eukaryotes, positive role in stress response. Its deletion caused
ribosomal and translational elongation factors are an increased sensitivity to various insults, such as
co-regulated at the translation initiation level in heat shock, high ethanol concentration, extreme pH
a TOR-dependent manner during nutrient depriva- values, oxidative stress and starvation (Table 2).
tion, given the presence of a 5 -terminal oligopy- As a typical stress-regulated gene, SPI1 expres-
rimidine tract (TOP) at their 5 -UTR (Hamilton sion is induced under many adverse conditions
et al., 2006). This regulation system is not present (Gasch et al., 2000) and is highly expressed in the
in S. cerevisiae, but the co-regulation of these genes late growth phases under both laboratory (Gasch
in the HPG1-1 mutant suggests that a common reg- et al., 2000) and industrial conditions (Puig and
ulation mechanism may be involved in the expres- Pérez-Ortı́n, 2000). We have constructed a fusion
sion of this family of functionally related genes. of the SPI1 promoter to lacZ to identify new

Copyright  2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Yeast 2009; 26: 1–15.
DOI: 10.1002/yea
12 F. Cardona, A. Aranda and M. del Olmo

regulators of its nutrient-controlled expression. It with SPI1. The presence of the genes involved
is known that increasing tryptophan concentration in proline transport and amino acid metabolism is
or overexpressing tryptophan transporters in trypto- significant, which provides a clue that links Rsp5p
phan auxotrophs increases tolerance to weak acids to the response to the nutritional status. Sok2p
(Bauer et al., 2003) and to ethanol (Hirasawa et al., transcription factor controls 61% of the genes
2007). We found that multicopy plasmids contain- repressed in the mutant HPG1-1 (Teixeira et al.,
ing the tryptophan biosynthetic gene TRP1 and the 2006). We confirmed that the SPI1–lacZ fusion
high-affinity tryptophan transporter TAT2 suppress activation is indeed Sok2p-dependent. SOK2 acts
a mutation that causes low SPI1 expression. There- downstream of a main nutrient control pathway,
fore, the effects of tryptophan metabolism on stress PKA, to regulate the expression of those genes
are also applied to SPI1 gene expression. Similarly, that are important for growth and development
we have found that TAT2 overexpression regulates (Ward et al., 1995). Rsp5p may somehow regulate
a similar fusion of another starvation-induced gene, Sok2p activity when the stationary phase begins.
YGP1 (data not shown). There is ongoing controversy as to whether Rsp5p
A known link between stress resistance and tryp- controls the activity of the transcription factor
tophan transport is the ubiquitin ligase Rsp5p. Its Gln3p, involved in nitrogen catabolite repression
deletion leads to sensitivities to various environ- (Crespo et al., 2004; Feller et al., 2006). Our
mental challenges and it plays a role in Tat2p arrays do not suggest a global control of the
degradation under starvation. We used a strain con- nitrogen catabolite repression regulon by Rsp5p
taining the HPG1-1 allele of RSP5 to prove the under the conditions tested. It is intriguing that
role of this gene in SPI1 expression (Figure 2). the gene which displays the greatest induction in
This mutant was isolated by Abe and Ida (2003) the HPG1-1 mutant (19.6 fold) is CHA1 (Table 3,
as a semi-dominant mutant that allows growth at Figure 4), a gene involved in serine catabolism,
high pressures, due to its incapacity to degrade while the genes in the serine biosynthetic pathway,
Tat2p. We have further studied the contribution of such as SER3 (3.1-fold repression), AGX1 (3.1-
the ubiquitination machinery to SPI1 expression fold), MET17 (2.5-fold) and SER33 (1.9-fold)
(Figure 3). The analysis of the double mutant of are repressed. This indicates a particular role of
the Rsp5p interacting proteins Bul1p and Bul2p Rsp5p in the control of the serine and threonine
have established a clear function of this complex metabolism by a mechanism that is unknown to
in SPI1 gene activation at entry to the station- date. The antagonistic regulation of CHA1 and
ary phase. Of the potential E2 of Rsp5p tested, SER3 depends on the Cha4p transcription factor
we found that Ubc1p and Ubc7p have a positive that can act as both an activator and repressor
and negative effect, respectively, on the control in response to serine (Martens et al., 2005). It
of the SPI1 expression. Therefore, it seems that is temping to suggest that Rsp5p may somehow
Ubc1p is necessary for the ubiquitination reac- regulate serine metabolism via this transcription
tion that leads to SPI1 activation, and that Ubc7 factor or their interacting proteins, although an
competes with it, or activates an antagonistic path- indirect effect due to the control of amino acid
way. Ubp6 and Ubp14 may contribute to degrad- permease by ubiquitination cannot be ruled out.
ing whatever target may lead to the SPI1 induc- A larger number of genes are repressed by Rsp5p
tion, because the deletion of both proteins leads to at the entry of the stationary phase. They over-
a defect in SPI1 expression. Therefore, it seems whelmingly belong to the category of ribosomal
that Rsp5p–Bul1/2p/Ubc1/Ubp6/14p may degrade proteins (RP), along with some translation elon-
a factor that negatively affects the SPI1 gene induc- gation factors (see Table 3). Rsp5p is involved in
tion at the entry to stationary phase. There is no translation accuracy and mutations on it cause sen-
evidence in the global analysis of Rsp5p-mediated sitivity to cycloheximide (Zwapisz et al., 2002).
ubiquitination of Spi1p as a direct target of Rsp5p Cycloheximide is an antibiotic that targets riboso-
activity (Kus et al., 2005). mal proteins, which leads to a defect on transla-
We carried out a global analysis to further study tion. The rsp5 allele we were using, HPG1-1, is
the role of Rsp5p in gene expression at the onset also cycloheximide-sensitive (Figure 5B), despite
of the stationary phase. A small number of genes the larger amount of ribosomal protein expression,
show lower levels in the HPG1-1 mutant, together which either suggests additional effects at the post-

Copyright  2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Yeast 2009; 26: 1–15.
DOI: 10.1002/yea
Rsp5p controls gene expression at the entry of stationary phase 13

transcriptional level or an unbalanced situation that It has been postulated that the mRNAs in these
leads to a translation deficiency. The translation aggregates formed during the stationary phase are
accuracy defect detected in the rsp5-13 allele is more resistant to extraction (Aragon et al., 2006).
partially suppressed by an additional copy of the We postulate that the increase in the mRNA levels
translation elongation factor eIF1A TEF2 (Zwapisz that we observed in the transcriptomic analysis of
et al., 2002). Our rsp5 mutation, HPG1-1, activates the HPG1-1 mutants may be related to the fact
the levels of the other coding gene for eIF1A, TEF1 that a deficiency in p-body formation increases
(Table 3), and also other transcription elongation the pool of protein-free mRNA, which is easily
factors, thus reinforcing the role of Rsp5p in trans- extracted by the usual phenol RNA purification.
lation accuracy. Rsp5p has an antagonistic effect This would imply that Rsp5p has a specific ability
on the TOR pathway at the RP expression level. to sequestrate the mRNAs of RP proteins on p-
TOR stimulates RP transcription when nutrients are bodies under starvation conditions. A potential link
abundant (Powers, 2004), while Rsp5p represses between ubiquitination and p-body formation may
RP levels when nutrients become scarce. A sim- be the fact that a global screening of Rsp5p targets
ilar antagonistic role between Rsp5p and TOR has identified the p-body component Dhh1p as a
regarding amino acid transporter levels has been target of this ubiquitin ligase (the 34th place in the
proposed. For instance, under starvation and upon most likely targets; Kus et al., 2005). As a matter
Rsp5p/Bul11/2p-dependent ubiquitination, amino of fact, we have observed a slower growth when
acid transporters are internalized, transported to the Dhh1p is fused to GFP in the HPG1-1 background
vacuole and degraded by vacuolar hydrolases (Abe (data not shown), an observation that may indicate
and Ida, 2003). TOR inhibits this turnover when a functional relationship between the two proteins.
nutrients are high in the medium via Npr1p kinase Additional global studies using proteases to release
(Schmidt et al., 1998). A similar molecular mech- protein-bound mRNAs would be necessary to fully
anism has been proposed to explain the role of assess this hypothesis.
Rsp5p in the regulation of the nitrogen metabolism
controller Gln3p (Crespo et al., 2004). TOR acti- Acknowledgements
vates Npr1p kinase when nutrients are high, and in
turn inhibits Rsp5p activity. Under nitrogen limi- We are indebted to F. Estruch for supplying us with the
GFP antibody and J. C. Igual for the multicopy library.
tation, Rsp5p would be active and would stimulate
We also thank F. Abe, B. André and J. Heitman for the
the Gln3p shift to the nucleus. However, this effect strains provided. This work was supported by Grant No.
seems to be ammonia-specific (Tate et al., 2006). AGL2005-00508 from the Ministerio de Educación y Cien-
The HPG1-1 mutant is rapamycin-sensitive, which cia and Grant No. GRUPOS03/012 from the Generalitat
indicates that Rsp5p works in the same pathway as Valenciana to M.O. and A.A. F.C. was an FPU Fellow of
TOR, even though they have opposite effects on the Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia.
the RP levels.
Outside the RP genes, the transcriptomic effect
of rsp5 mutation does not match that caused by Supporting Information
either TOR deletion or rapamycin treatment under
different conditions (Hardwick et al., 1999; Shamji Supporting information may be found in the online
et al., 2000; Chen and Powers, 2006). This suggests version of this article.
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