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US 20060000570A1

(19) United States

(12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. N0.2 US 2006/0000570 A1
Song et al. (43) Pub. Date: Jan. 5, 2006
(54) AMPHOTERIC CATIONIC POLYMERS FOR (22) Filed: Jun. 22, 2005

(76) Inventors: Zhiqiang Song, NeWtoWn, CT (US); (60) Provisional application No. 60/585,184, ?led on Jul.
Philip A. Ford, Suffolk, VA (US); 2, 2004. Provisional application No. 60/662,755, ?led
Vincent F. Roy, St-Augustin de on Mar. 17, 2005.
Desrnaures (CA); SWindell A.
Grimsley, Chesapeake, VA (US); Publication Classi?cation
Kenneth W. Satcher, Southaven, MS
(US); Matthew A. Blazey, Suffolk, VA (51) Int. Cl.
(US); Robert Pelbois, Quebec City D21H 21/02 (2006.01)
(CA) D21H 17/45 (2006.01)
(52) US. Cl. .................... .. 162/199; 162/1646; 162/183;
Correspondence Address: 162/1816; 162/1681; 162/1683
540 WHITE PLAINS RD The present invention relates to a method and composition
P O BOX 2005 for controlling pitch and stickies deposit in a pulp and
TARRYTOWN, NY 10591-9005 (US) paperrnaking process using arnphoteric copolyrners of dial
lyldirnethylarnrnoniurn chloride (DADMAC) With acrylic
(21) Appl. No.: 11/158,845 acid and/or acrylarnide and optionally a siliceous material.
US 2006/0000570 A1 Jan. 5, 2006

AMPHOTERIC CATIONIC POLYMERS FOR [0007] The term “stickies” used herein refers to sticky
CONTROLLING DEPOSITION OF PITCH AND materials and interfering substances that arise from compo
STICKIES IN PAPERMAKING nents of recycled ?bers, such as adhesives and coatings.
Stickies can come from coated broke, recycled Waste paper
[0001] This application claims the bene?t of Provisional
for board making and de-inked pulp (DIP). The stickies from
Application No. 60/585,184, ?led Jul. 2, 2004 and Provi coated broke is sometimes called White pitch. Deposition of
sional Application No. 60/662,755, ?led Mar. 17, 2005. pitch and stickies often leads to defects in the ?nished
[0002] The present invention relates to a method for product and paper machine doWntime causing lost pro?ts for
controlling pitch and stickies deposition in a pulp and the mill. These problems become more signi?cant When
papermaking process using amphoteric copolymers formed paper mills “close up” their process Water systems for
from the monomers diallyldimethylammonium chloride conservation and environmental reasons. Unless the pitch
(DADMAC), acrylic acid and optionally acrylamide. The and stickies are continuously removed from the system in a
method may optionally further comprise the addition of a controlled manner, these interfering substances Will accu
siliceous material. The pitch and stickies are found in mulate and eventually lead to deposition and runnability
mechanical pulps, recycled ?ber, coated broke, White Water problems. Technology in place today is based on ?xing the
and the like. The invention also encompasses a composition pitch or stickies to the ?bers before they have a chance to
for pitch and stickies control in papermaking comprising the agglomerate, or alternatively coating the pitch or stickies
amphoteric copolymer and optionally, a siliceous material. With a polymer that makes them non-tacky and therefore
unable to agglomerate.
[0008] Three chemical methods are commonly used by
[0003] The present invention is directed to the use of paper mills to control pitch and stickies deposit:
amphoteric copolymers or terpolymers of diallyldimethy
lammonium chloride (DADMAC) With acrylic acid and [0009] 1) detacki?cation
optionally acrylamide for controlling and preventing depo [0010] 2) stabiliZation
sition of pitch and stickies in papermaking. The amphoteric [0011] 3) ?xation.
copolymer may otionally, further comprise a siliceous mate
These methods are, hoWever, not commonly used together
since they may con?ict With each other. In detacki?cation, a
[0004] The siliceous material may be any of the materials chemical is used to build a boundary layer of Water around
selected from the group consisting of silica based particles, the pitch and stickies to decrease depositability. Detacki?
silica microgels, colloidal silica, silica sols, silica gels, cation can be achieved by addition of pitch adsorbents such
polysilicates, cationic silica, aluminosilicates, polyalumino as talc and bentonite. HoWever, pitch adsorbents such as talc
silicates, borosilicates, polyborosilicates, Zeolites and sWell can end up contributing to the pitch deposit problem if the
ing clays. This siliceous material may be in the form of an talc/pitch particles are unable to be retained in the paper
anionic microparticulate material. When the siliceous mate sheet With surfactants and Water-soluble polymers. In sta
rial is a sWelling clay it may typically be a bentonite type biliZation, surfactants and dispersants are used to chemically
clay. enhance colloidal stability and alloW pitch and stickies to
pass through the process Without agglomerating or deposit
[0005] Cationic polymers have been used extensively in ing.
paper making as ?occulants for improving retention and
drainage and as coagulants or ?xatives to control anionic [0012] In ?xation, polymers are used to ?x pitch and
trash and deposition of pitch and stickies. Among the most stickies to the ?ber and remove them from the White Water
important and extensively used cationic polymers for system. The interfering substances in papermaking systems
deposit control are the quaternary ammonium polymers of are usually anionic in nature and are sometimes referred to
diallyidialkyl ammonium compounds (e.g., DADMAC) and as anionic trash or cationic demand. Anionic trash consists
copolymers of epichlorohydrin and dimethylamine knoWn of colloidal (pitch and stickies) and dissolved materials that
as polyamines. Homopolymers of DADMAC and adversely affect the paper making in a variety of Ways
polyamines With high cationic charge density are good for through deposit formation or interference With chemical
neutraliZing anionic trash but have limited success for additives. Removal of anionic trash by reducing cationic
controlling pitch and stickies deposition. There is still a need demand With a cationic polymer is a Way of deposit control
for polymer compositions Which Will prevent pitch and through ?xation. The advantage of using cationic polymeric
stickies deposition. coagulants for pitch and stickies control is that the pitch and
stickies are removed from the system in the form of micro
[0006] Pitch and stickies are interfering substances in the
Wet end of papermaking that can affect both the machine
scopic particles dispersed among the ?bers in the ?nished
runnability and paper quality. The term “pitch” used here paper product.
refers to a colloidal dispersion of Wood-derived hydrophobic [0013] Cationic polymers are normally used as ?xatives to
particles released from the ?bers during a pulping process control pitch and stickies through ?xation. Nonionic poly
and is also called Wood pitch. Wood pitch includes fatty mers discussed in PCT Application No. 200188264 such as
acids, resin acids, their insoluble salts, and esters of fatty polyvinyl alcohol and copolymers such as polyacrylamide
acids With glycerol, sterols, and other fats and Waxes. The vinyl acetate have been developed and used for stickies
hydrophobic components of pitch, particularly triglycerides, control through detacki?cation. US. Pat. No. 6,051,160
are considered one of the major factors determining Whether discloses hydrophobically modi?ed anionic polymers such
the presence of such pitch Will lead to deposit problems. as a copolymer of styrene and maleic anhydride for used in
Deposit-forming pitch often contains signi?cantly high pitch deposit control through, most likely, the pitch stabili
amounts of triglyciderides. Zation mechanism.
US 2006/0000570 A1 Jan. 5, 2006

[0014] Homopolymers of DADMAC are commonly used [0022] Amphoteric polymers are polyelectrolytes contain
alone or With other components as ?Xatives for anionic trash ing both positive and negative functional groups in the same
control and pitch control. polymer molecule. Amphoteric DADMAC polymers are
DADMAC copolymers containing negative, or potentially
[0015] Canadian Patent No. 1,194,254 teaches a method
negative, functional groups.
of reducing Wood pitch particles in aqueous pulp With a
polyDADMAC. The patent does not teach use of the poly [0023] European Application No. 464,993 discloses use of
DADMAC for stickies containing pulps from recycled sec an amphoteric copolymer of DADMAC and acrylic acid
ondary ?bers. Papermakers today face the increased use of salts for controlling Wood pitch deposition or natural pitch.
recycled secondary ?ber. Unlike virgin ?ber that Was used in A ?ltrate turbidity test is one of the test methods used to
the past, recycled ?bers contain stickies from many sources evaluate pitch deposit control performance. The polymers
such as glue, adhesives and coating binders. The Canadian disclosed are not claimed for use in deposit control of
patent is also limited to use of DADMAC homopolymer. stickies and White pitch in recycle pulps and coated broke.
US. Pat. No. 5,989,392 teaches use of crosslinked DAD The amphoteric DADMAC terpolymer claimed does not
MAC polymers for controlling anionic trash and pitch include polymers containing acrylamide.
deposition in pulp containing broke. Apulp ?ltrate turbidity [0024] PCT Application No. 200034581 teaches use of
test is used to evaluate polymer performance in pitch depo
sition control therein. Improved ef?ciencies of solution amphoteric terpolymers of DADMAC, acrylamide and
acrylic acid as a retention/drainage/formation aid in a paper
crosslinked or branched polyDADMACs over conventional
making process. The terpolymers are also taught for con
linear polyDADMAC are demonstrated. The crosslinked or
branched polyDADMACs used are prepared using a poly
trolling White pitch for coated broke. The preferred terpoly
mers of DADMAC, acrylamide and acrylic acid claimed for
ole?nic crosslinking monomer such as triallylamine hydro
treating White pitch contain more than 25% of acrylamide
chloride or methylene bisacrylamide.
and not more than 50% of DADMAC. A?ltrate turbidity test
[0016] US. Pat. No. 4,964,955 discloses a method of is used to determine the polymers White pitch deposit control
using an aqueous slurry of polyDADMAC and kaolin clay performance.
for reducing pitch in pulping and papermaking. [0025] European Application No. 058622 teaches a
[0017] US. Pat. No. 4,913,775 provides a process Wherein method for reducing or preventing the deposition of Wood
a Water soluble substantially linear cationic polymer is pitch during the papermaking process With an emulsion
applied to the paper making stock prior to a shear stage and copolymer of DADMAC, DADEAC, acrylamide and
then re?occulating by introducinting bentonite after that acrylic acid. The copolymer contains 45 to 50% acrylamide,
shear stage. This process provides enhanced drainage and no more than 50 Wt % of DADMAC and at least 2 Wt % of
also good formation and retention. This process Which is an uncommon monomer, DADEAC, (diallyldiethylammo
commercialiZed by Ciba Specialty Chemicals under the nium chloride) Which is not commercially available today.
HYDROCOL trade mark has proved successful for more No mention is made for use of the copolymer for stickies
than a decade. This process hoWever, relates to retention and control of recycled ?bers.
drainage, not pitch and sticky deposit control. The bentonite
[0026] US. Pat. No. 4,505,828 teaches use of an inverse
and cationic polymer are normally added to the thin stock in
emulsion amphoteric copolymer made from acrylamide,
the papermaking process. acrylic acid and dimethylaminoethyl methacrylate in petro
[0018] US. Pat. No. 4,795,531 describes a method of leum recovery by a Water ?ooding process and in paper
making paper in Which a loW molecular Weight cationic making as a drainage aid. Use of a solution amphoteric
organic polymer is added to the furnish and then a colloidal terpolymer of DADMAC, acrylamide and acrylic acid is not
silica and a high molecular Weight charged acrylamide taught. The patent is not related to pitch and stickies deposit
copolymer of molecular Weight of at least 500,000. control in papermaking.
[0019] US. Pat. No. 5,256,252 discloses a method for [0027] US. Pat. No. 3,639,208 discloses the preparation
controlling pitch deposit using enZyme (lipase) With DAD and composition of certain amphoteric terpolymers of DAD
MAC polymers. This patent is related more to use of enZyme MAC, acrylamide and acrylic acid obtained by partly hydro
Which is a necessary component for the method. A ?ltrate lyZing a copolymer of acrylamide and DADMAC. The
turbidity test is used to evaluate pitch control performance. copolymer and its hydrolyZed terpolymer contains less than
70% DADMAC. The terpolymers obtained are used as
[0020] US. Pat. No. 5,230,774 is directed to a process for retention aids in papermaking. Use of the amphoteric ter
controlling pitch deposits by adding a blend of a homopoly polymer for pitch control is not taught.
mer of DADMAC and ammonium Zirconium carbonate.
None of the polymers are copolymers of DADMAC. [0028] US. Pat. No. 5,837,100 teaches the use of blends
of a dispersion polymer and a coagulant for coated broke
[0021] US. Pat. No. 5,131,982 teaches use of DADMAC treatment to improve retention and/or drainage. The Water
homopolymers and copolymers for coated broke treatment dispersion polymer is a copolymer of acrylamide and qua
to control White pitch. The patent teaches a method of adding ternary dimethylaminoethyl acrylate. The coagulant is a
DADMAC polymer to re-pulped coated broke and then copolymer of epichlorohydrin and dimthylamine. Turbidity
admixing the treated coated broke pulp With other ?ber reduction testing is used to determine the activity ef?ciency
sources before forming a paper sheet. Use of DADMAC
of the polymers.
polymers for pitch and stickies control for mechanical pulp
and deinked recycled pulp is not taught. The copolymers [0029] FiXatives With increased pitch and stickies ?xation
claimed are mainly copolymers of DADMAC and acryla poWer are needed. Alum, starches and loW molecular Weight
mide With more than 25% of acrylamide. cationic coagulants conventionally used for deposit control
US 2006/0000570 A1 Jan. 5, 2006

can neutralize anionic trash and detrimental substances [0037] adding to a paper furnish
(pitch and stickies) and form complexes. However, they may
not carry suf?cient charge and/or molecular Weight to ?x
[0038] a composition comprising an amphoteric polymer
pitch and stickies complexes to the ?ber. If not strongly ?xed
to the ?bers, the complexes Will become concentrated in the
system and Will lead to deposition problems.
[0030] Innovations in ?xatives for runnability improve
ment by the present inventors have led to development of a
number of diallyldimethylammonium chloride (DADMAC)
copolymers With high ?xation poWer for pitch and stickies
control. These DADMAC polymers have signi?cantly
greater poWer to remove detrimental pitch and stickies from
a papermaking Water system than existing commercial ?xa Wherein X“ is an anion;
tive products. When combined With siliceous material, the [0039] M+ is hydrogen, ammonium, sodium, or potas
polymers are also effective. sium;
[0031] The above revieW shoWs that there is a need for [0040] R is hydrogen or methyl;
controlling pitch and stickies deposition in paper making
With effective polymers. The search for polymer composi
[0041] R1 is methyl or ethyl;
tions Which Will prevent pitch and stickies deposition has [0042] n is from about 70 to about 99.8%,
met With limited success and is still ongoing. It has noW been [0043] m is from about 0.2 to about 30%, and
found that an amphoteric DADMAC copolymer With high
DADMAC and acrylic acid units in an amount from [0044] p is from 0 to about 30%,
about 0.1 to about 15% based on the Weight of the DAD Wherein n+m+p=100% based on the total Weight of the
MAC copolymer content is very effective in reducing pitch amphoteric polymer.
and stickies. The amphoteric polymers are effective When [0045] Preferably, X- is Cl‘,
used on their oWn and When combined With siliceous
material. [0046] M+ is Na”,
[0047] n is from about 85 to about 98%,
[0048] m is from about 1 to about 15%, and
[0032] A dual functional polymer capable of controlling [0049] p is from about 1 to about 10% by Weight based on
deposition through both ?xation and anionic trash reduction the total Weight of the amphoteric polymer.
is desirable. The inventive Water-soluble amphoteric poly
mers described herein serve this dual purpose since they [0050] The amphoteric polymer composition may further
contain anionic and nonionic hydrogen bonding groups in comprise a siliceous material. The method above may fur
addition to cationic functionality for ?xation and charge ther comprise the step of adding a siliceous material. The
amphoteric polymer may be added before, after or simulta
neutraliZation. The polymers are also effective When com
neously (preferably separately) a siliceous material to the
bined With siliceous material. furnish.
[0033] Amphoteric polymers are polyelectrolytes contain [0051] The ratio of cationic charge to anionic charge or
ing both positive and negative functional groups in the same potentially anionic charge refers to the ratio of the moles of
polymer molecule. Amphoteric DADMAC polymers are the cationic monomer divided by the moles of the anionic
DADMAC copolymers containing negative, or potentially monomer or potentially anionic monomer Which form the
negative, functional groups. amphoteric polymer.
[0052] The present inventors have discovered that a cat
[0034] One objective of this invention is to provide for ionic amphoteric DADMAC polymer With a ratio of cationic
pitch and stickies deposit control in papermaking an ampho charge to anionic charge greater than about 1.2 can be
teric polymer of DADMAC containing anionic groups successfully used to control pitch and stickies deposit by
Which impart variable charge density and hydrophobicity for removing them from the system in the form of microscopic
the polymer in response to pH change. particles.
[0035] Another objective of this invention is to provide for [0053] The present invention is directed to application of
pitch and stickies deposit control in papermaking an ampho a Water-soluble cationic amphoteric polymer for controlling
teric polymer of DADMAC containing nonionic functional and preventing deposition of pitch and stickies in paper
groups Which can provide additional interactions through making. The method comprises the step of adding the
hydrogen bonding in addition to ionic charge interaction. amphoteric polymer to treat mechanical pulp for controlling
Wood pitch deposits, coated broke for controlling stickies or
[0036] Accordingly, the invention encompasses a process With pitch deposit, and recycled pulp for controlling stickies
for pitch and stickies deposit control in papermaking com deposit. The amphoteric polymer may further comprise a
prising siliceous material.
US 2006/0000570 A1 Jan. 5, 2006

[0054] The cationic amphoteric polymer is made by radi [0064] and

cal polymerization of DADMAC With (meth)acrylic acid
[0065] p is from 0 to about 30% With n+m+p=100% based
and/or acrylamide. on the total Weight of the amphoteric polymer.
DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE [0066] Preferably, X“ is Cl“;
[0067] M+ is Na";
[0055] In the invention, the amphoteric polymer is any
polymer containing both a cationic charge and an anionic [0068] n is from about 85 to about 98%;
charge. The cationic amphoteric polymer is an amphoteric [0069] m is from about 1 to about 15%
polymer With a cationic charge content greater than the
anionic charge. The cationic amphoteric polymer can be a [0070] and
copolymer of tWo monomers derived from cationic and [0071] p is from about 1 to about 10% by based on the total
anionic monomers or a terpolymer of three monomers Weight of the amphoteric polymer.
derived from cationic, anionic and nonionic monomers.
[0072] The unit n of the above polymer represents a unit
[0056] Cationic polymers are commonly used in paper derived from a cationic monomer selected from the group
making to remove anionic trash by charge neutralization. consisting of diallyidialkylammonium compounds.
Anionic trash consists of colloidal (pitch and stickies) and
dissolved materials that adversely affect the papermaking in [0073] For example, the cationic monomer can be a dial
a variety of Ways through deposit formation or interference lyldiethylammonium halide or diallydimethylammonomium
With chemical additives. Removal of anionic trash by ?xing halide.
the colloidal particles to ?ber and reducing the cationic [0074] The unit m of the above polymer represents a unit
demand With a cationic polymer is a Way of pitch and derived from an anionic monomer or potentially anionic
stickies deposit control. The advantage of using cationic monomer selected from the group consisting of hydrolysed
polymeric coagulants for pitch and stickies control is that the acrylamide and (meth)acrylic acids and/or salts thereof.
pitch and stickies are removed from the system in the form
of microscopic particles dispersed among the ?bers in the [0075] The potentially anionic monomer can be hydroly
?nished paper product. sed acrylamide.
[0057] The present inventors have discovered that the [0076] Alternatively, the anionic monomer may preferably
?xation of pitch and stickies to paper ?ber and charge be (meth)acrylic acid and/or salts thereof.
neutralization can be enhanced by the use of amphoteric [0077] The amphoteric DADMAC polymer for use in
copolymers With a mole ratio of cationic charge to anionic accordance With the present invention is preferably one
charge greater than about 1.2, preferably greater than about containing cationic charge in excess of the anionic charge.
4 and most preferably greater than about 5. The amphoteric The molar ratio of n/m is preferably greater than about 1.2,
copolymers are formed by polymerization of diallyldialky more preferably, greater than about 4 and most preferably
lammonium compounds and (meth)acrylic acid (and/or its greater than about 5.
salts) and optionally acrylamide. The preferred diallyl
dialkyl ammonium compounds are diallyldimethylammo [0078] The amphoteric DADMAC polymer may have a
nium chloride (DADMAC). Weight average molecular Weight ranging from about 10,000
to about 20,000,000, preferably, from about 100,000 to
[0058] For the purposes of the invention, the phrase about 2,000,000, and more preferably from about 300,000 to
(meth)acrylic or (meth)acrylate refers to both the acrylic and about 2,000,000.
methacrylic or acrylate or methacrylate derivatives.
[0079] The amphoteric DADMAC polymer can be used in
dosages that range from about 0.01 to about 20 lbs/ton,
(1) preferably from about 0.2 to about 10 lbs/ton based on dry
[0080] Polymerization of the cationic amphoteric polymer
can be carried out by aqueous solution polymerization,
Water-in-oil inverse emulsion polymerization or dispersion
polymerization using a suitable free radical initiator.
Examples of suitable initiators include persulfates such as
ammonium persulfate (APS); peroxides such as hydrogen
peroxide, t-butyl hydroperoxide, and t-butyl peroxy pivalate,
azo initiators such as 2,2‘-azobis(2-amidinopropane) dihy
Wherein X- is an anion; drochloride, 4,4‘-azobis-4-cyanovaleric acid and 2,2‘-azobi
[0059] M+ is hydrogen, ammonium, sodium, or potas sisobutyronitrile; and redox initiator systems such as t-butyl
sium; hydroperoxide/Fe(II) and ammonium persulfate/bisul?te.
Aqueous solution polymerization using ammonium persul
[0060] R is hydrogen or methyl; fate (APS) is the preferred method for preparing the cationic
[0061] R1 is methyl or ethyl; amphoteric polymer of the preferred monomers of DAD
MAC, (meth)acrylic acid and acrylamide.
[0062] n is from about 70 to about 99.8%;
[0081] (Meth)acrylic acid monomer can be used in its acid
[0063] m is from about 0.2 to about 30% form in polymerization. The produced acid polymer solution
US 2006/0000570 A1 Jan. 5, 2006

can then be neutralized With a suitable base to the desired pH colloidal borosilicate may be prepared by contacting a dilute
and counter ions. Alternatively, (meth)acrylic acid monomer aqueous solution of an alkali metal silicate With a cation
can be partly or completely neutraliZed before polymeriZa exchange resin to produce a silicic acid and then forming a
tion. Examples of suitable bases for neutraliZation of (meth heel by mixing together a dilute aqueous solution of an alkali
)acrylic acid monomeric units include NaOH, KOH, and metal borate With an alkali metal hydroxide to form an
(NH 4)OH. aqueous solution containing 0.01 to 30% B203, having a pH
of from 7 to 10.5. In one preferred aspect the siliceous
[0082] It is preferred to carry out the polymerization in the material is a silica.
absence of oxygen. Oxygen can be removed from the
reaction medium by applying vacuum With agitation or by [0089] Preferably When the siliceous material is a silica or
purging With an inert gas such as nitrogen or argon. The silicate type material it has a particle siZe in excess of about
polymeriZation can then be conducted under a blanket of the 10 nm. More preferably the silica or silicate material has a
inert gas. particle siZe in the range about 20 to about 250 nm,
[0083] The siliceous material may be any of the materials especially in the range about 40 to about 100 nm.
selected from the group consisting of silica based particles, [0090] In a more preferred form of the invention the
silica microgels, colloidal silica, silica sols, silica gels, siliceous material is a sWelling clay. The sWellable clays
polysilicates, aluminosilicates, polyaluminosilicates, boro may for instance be typically a bentonite type clay. The
silicates, polyborosilicates and Zeolites. This siliceous mate preferred clays are sWellable in Water and include clays
rial may be in the form of an anionic microparticulate Which are naturally Water sWellable or clays Which can be
material. Alternatively the siliceous material may be cationic modi?ed, for instance by ion exchange to render them Water
silica. sWellable. Suitable Water sWellable clays include but are not
[0084] In one more preferred form of the invention the limited to clays often referred to as hectorite, smectites,
siliceous material is selected from silicas and polysilicates. montmorillonites, nontronites, saponite, sauconite, hor
The silica may be any colloidal silica, for instance as mites, attapulgites and sepiolites. These clays may be either
described in US. Pat. No. 4,961,825. The polysilicate may naturally occurring or synthetic. An example of a synthetic
be a colloidal silicic acid as described in Us. Pat. No. hectorite clay Would be LAPONITE available from South
4,388,150. ern Clay Products, Inc., USA. Typical anionic sWelling
clays are described in US. Pat. Nos. 4,753,710 and 4,913,
[0085] The polysilicates of the invention may be prepared 775.
by acidifying an aqueous solution of an alkali metal silicate.
For instance polysilicic microgels otherWise knoWn as active [0091] Most preferably the clay is a bentonite type clay.
silica may be prepared by partial acidi?cation of alkali metal The bentonite may be provided as an alkali metal bentonite.
silicate to about pH 8-9 by use of mineral acids or acid Bentonites may be natural or synthetic. Naturally occurring
exchange resins, acid salts and acid gases. It may be desired bentonites may be either as alkaline bentonites, such as
to age the freshly formed polysilicic acid in order to alloW sodium bentonite or as the alkaline earth metal salt, usually
sufficient three dimensional netWork structure to form. Gen the calcium or magnesium salt. Generally the alkaline earth
erally the time of ageing is insuf?cient for the polysilicic metal bentonites are activated by treatment With sodium
acid to gel. Particularly preferred siliceous materials include carbonate or sodium bicarbonate. Activated sWellable ben
polyalumino-silicates. The polyaluminosilicates may be for tonite clay is often supplied to the paper mill as dry poWder.
instance aluminated polysilicic acid, made by ?rst forming Alternatively the bentonite may be provided as a high solids
polysilicic acid microparticles and then post treating With ?oWable slurry of activated bentonite, for example at least
aluminium salts, for instance as described in US. Pat. No. about 15 or about 20% solids, for instance as described in
5,176,891. Such polyaluminosilicates consist of silicic US. Pat. Nos. 5,223,098, 6,024,790 and 6,045,657.
microparticles With the aluminium located preferentially at [0092] The bentonite may be applied to the cellulosic
the surface. suspension as an aqueous bentonite slurry. Typically the
[0086] Alternatively the polyaluminosilicates may be bentonite slurry comprises up to 10% by Weight bentonite.
polyparticulate microgels of surface area in excess of about The bentonite slurry Will normally comprise at least 3%
1000 m2/g formed by reacting an alkali metal silicate With bentonite clay, typically around 5% by Weight bentonite.
acid and Water soluble aluminium salts, for instance as When supplied to the paper mill as a high solids ?oWable
described in Us. Pat. No. 5,482,693. Typically the polya slurry usually the slurry is diluted to an appropriate concen
luminosilicates may have a mole ratio of aluminazsilica of tration. In some instances the high solids ?oWable slurry of
betWeen 1:10 and 1:1500. bentonite may be applied directly to the paper making stock.
[0087] Polyaluminosilicates may be formed by acidifying [0093] The bentonite may be added to the cellulosic
an aqueous solution of alkali metal silicate to pH 9 or 10 suspension either before or after addition of the amphoteric
using concentrated sulphuric acid containing 1.5 to 2.0% by polymer of the invention. The bentonite may also be added
Weight of a Water soluble aluminium salt, for instance simultaneously, (preferably separately), With the amphoteric
aluminium sulphate. The aqueous solution may be aged polymer.
sufficiently for the three dimensional microgel to form.
Typically the polyaluminosilicate is aged for up to about tWo [0094] Desirably the siliceous material is applied in an
amount of at least about 100 ppm by Weight based on dry
and a half hours before diluting the aqueous polysilicate to
0.5 Weight % of silica. Weight of suspension. Desirably the dose of siliceous mate
rial may be as much as about 10,000 ppm by Weight or
[0088] The siliceous material may be a colloidal borosili higher. In one preferred aspect of the invention doses of
cate, for instance as described in WO-A-9916708. The about 100 to about 500 ppm by Weight have been found to
US 2006/0000570 A1 Jan. 5, 2006

be effective. Alternatively, higher doses of siliceous material about 30 minutes. Then an aqueous solution containing 5.6
may be preferred, for instance about 1000 to about 2000 g of sodium metabisu?te is added over 40 minutes. The
ppm by Weight. reactor is held at 90° C. for another 30 minutes to complete
[0095] Dosages in the paper industry are frequently the polymeriZation (above 99% conversion). The polymer
solution is diluted With suf?cient Water to about 35% solids.
expressed in the units kg/ton based on dry Weight of the This product has a solids content of 35.3 Wt. % With a 25°
furnish. Expressed in these units the amount of siliceous
C. Brook?eld viscosity of 8,800 cps and a 25° C. Brook?eld
material added to the furnish may range from about 0.2 to
about 10 kg/ton; preferably about 1.0 to about 6 kg/ton; most viscosity at 20% solids (20% BV) of about 400 cps. The
20% BV is proportional to molecular Weight of the polymer
preferably about 1.0 to about 4 kg/ton based on the dry
and therefore the data are used to compare the molecular
Weight of the furnish.
Weights of different solution polymers.
[0096] The Weight to Weight ratio of the amphoteric
polymer to siliceous material may range from about 02:10; TABLE 1
preferably 1:1 to 1:4; and most preferably 1:2. For example,
the ?xative or polymer may range from about 0.5 to about Copolvmers of DADMAC acrylic acid and acrylamide
2 kg/ton With the siliceous dosage ranging from about 1 to 2Viscosity, 20% BV at
about 2 kg/ton. Sample M1/M2/M3" Solids cps 25° C., cps
[0097] For deposit control the siliceous material and the lControl 100/0/0 34.6% 7,850 410
polymeric ?xative are preferably added to the thick stock Polymer 1 95/5/0 35.3% 8,800 400
(about 2-4% cellulose concentration) during the papermak Polymer 2 90/10/0 35.3% 8,850 400
Polymer 3 95/5/0 35.4% 15,700 630
ing process. Polymer 4 90/10/0 35.4% 15,560 625
Polymer 5 80/20/0 34.6% 39,800 1500
[0098] The amount of the free radical initiator used in the Polymer 6 60/40/0 34.6% 31,000 1300
polymeriZation process depends on the total monomer con Polymer 7 95/5/0 21.1% 2760 2180
centration and the type of monomers used and may range Polymer 8 92/80 21.5% 2730 1960
from about 0.2 to about 5.0 Wt % of the total monomer Polymer 9 92.5/2.5/5 21.6% 2860 1990
Polymer 10 91/8/1 20.3% 2400 2240
charge to achieve conversion of more than 99% of the total
monomer. 1Homopolymer of DADMAC
2Viscosities of 1000 to 3000 cps, use spindle LV3 at 30 rpm; 3000 to
[0099] The speci?c embodiments of this invention are 8000 cps use spindle LV3 at 12 rpm and 8,000 to 16,000 cp, use spindle
illustrated by the folloWing examples. These examples are LV3 at 6 rpm.
illustrative of this invention and not intended to be limiting. *M1 = DADMAC; M2 = acrylic acid M3 = acrylamide

EXAMPLES Performance Evaluation

[0102] Commercial products listed in Table 2 are also used
Synthesis of Polymers in the evaluation for comparison.
Example 1 TABLE 2A

Synthesis of Amphoteric DADMAC Polymers 1-10 Existing commercial ?xatives (EFC) products tested
and DADMAC homopolymer Control Product ID Polymer Chemistry
[0100] The procedure for making Polymer 1 is described Alco?x 269 LoW MW DADMAC homopolymer
in this example. Other polymers are made folloWing the Alco?x 110 High MW DADMAC homopolymer
same procedure, but using different monomer ratios, initiator Alco?x 111 High MW DADMAC homopolymer
Alco?x 159 Medium MW polyamine
feeds and temperature to obtain polymers With different Alco?x 160 High MW polyamine
compositions and molecular Weights. Molecular Weights of Alco?x 158 LoW MW polyamine
the polymers are measured using the bulk viscosity or 1Alco?x 161 DADMAC copolymer
Brook?eld viscosity (BV) at 20% polymer solids. A high 2Alco?x 505 DADMAC copolymer
Rai?x 120 Cationic starch
20% BV value indicates a high MW. Properties of the
polymers synthesiZed are shoWn in Table 1. 1Copolymer of 95% DADMAC and 5% acrylamide.
2Copolymer of 50% DADMAC and 50% acrylamide.
[0101] A 1-liter reactor equipped With a condenser, a
thermometer, a nitrogen inlet, and an overhead agitator is
charged With 453.86 g of 66% monomer DADMAC, 15.8 g
[0103] Avacuum drainage ?ltrate turbidity test is used to
of acrylic acid, 59 g of deioniZed Water and 0.15 g of Versene
demonstrate the performance of the amphoteric polymers of
the present invention and commercial ?xatives products and
(Na4EDTA). 35 g of a 25% NaOH solution is added sloWly their ability to ?x pitch, stickies and other contaminants onto
to the reactor at room temperature to neutraliZe the acrylic
?bre and therefore control and prevent these contaminants
acid. The polymeriZation mixture is purged With nitrogen
and heated With agitation to a temperature of 90° C. 36 g of
from deposition during paper making. The detailed test
procedure is shoWn beloW.
a 14.5% ammonium persulfate (APS) aqueous solution Was
sloWly fed to the reactor over 165 minutes. The reaction [0104] 1. About 250 mL of a 3-5% consistency furnish is
temperature is alloWed to increase to above 1000 C. and then measured into a baffled Britt jar. Adequate mixing is
maintained at 100 to 110° C. during the APS feed period. provided With a IKA mixer set to agitate at 1000 rpm.
After the APS feed, the reaction mixture is diluted With [0105] 2a. The required amount of polymer is added to the
deioniZed Water to about 40% solids and held at 90° C. for agitated thick stock and alloWed to mix for 2 minutes.
US 2006/0000570 A1 Jan. 5, 2006

[0106] 2b. Optionally, the required amount of siliceous

material is added to the agitated thick stock and allowed TABLE 3A
to mix for 2 minutes.
100% recycled furnish deinked pulp (DIP)
[0107] 3. The treated thick stock is then ?ltered through a furnish
Whatman 541 ?lter paper (11 cm diameter, coarse— blank turbidity, 578 NTU
retention for particles>20-25 microns) under vacuum.
Dosage, kg/ton 0.2 0.4 0.8
[0108] 4. Vacuum ?ltration continues until the “Wet line” Turbidity, NTU
just disappears or approximately 200 mLs of ?ltrate is
collected. Commercial ?xative (Alco?x 159) 126 73 50
Polymer 3 (5% AA) 99 63 41
Polymer 4 (10% AA) 176 104 49
[0109] 5. Turbidity of the ?ltrate is measured With a Polymer 5 (20% AA) 149 105 51
suitable turbidimeter. Polymer 6 (40% AA) 159 101 50
[0110] 6. Cationic charge demand (CCD) of the ?ltrate is
determined by colloidal titration.
Example 4
[0111] Dosage used is in Weight of active polymer per ton
of pulp solids (dry Weight). Performance on Coated Broke
[0112] The loWer the ?ltrate turbidity, the greater is the [0115] Performance of the DADMAC copolymers of the
pitch and stickies control of the treatment employed and
therefore the better performance of the polymer used. present invention for White pitch control is evaluated on
different types of coated broke. The samples are tested on the
Example 2 folloWing three types of broke.

[0113] The samples tested in this example all have a [0116] 45# Pub Matte, a light-Weight free sheet
relatively loW molecular Weight expressed by the 20% BV
of about 400 cps. Testing is performed on 100% recycled old [0117] 38# DPO, heavy Weight groundWood containing
corrugated container (OCC) furnish from a linerboard mill [0118] 70# DPO, heavy Weight groundWood containing
experiencing serious stickies deposit problem. This example
shoWs that With similar MW, the amphoteric DADMAC [0119] For each dosage of polymer treatment, the turbidity
copolymer Polymer 1 performs better in the turbidity reduc and cationic demand of the ?ltrate is measured. The results
tion than the DADMAC homopolymer control. Results in of the study are shoWn in the Tables 4A, 4B and 4C.
Table 2B for the Control, Polymer 1 and Polymer 2, dem
onstrate that the performance improvement With incorpora TABLE 4A
tion of the AA anionic component is diminished When the M
content is above 10%. 45# Pub Matte: Turbidity of treated furnish
at different dosage lb/ton on dry solids basis
Dosage (lb/ton)
100% recycled Old Corrugated Container 0.4 0.8 1.2 1.6 2.4
(OCC) furnish
Polymer 7 2635 511 176 110
blank Turbidity, 379 NTU
Polymer 8 2792 396 194 120
Polymer 9 2558 414 166 68
Dosage, kg/ton 1.0 2.0 5.0
Alco?x 110 2995 825 246 200
Turbidity, NTU Alco?x 269 2011 322 248
Alco?x 159 1258 447 316
Control 1 (homopolymer 0% AA) 57 49 43
Polymer 1 (5% AA) 57 46 39
Polymer 2 (10% AA) 60 54 42
Example 3 TABLE 4B

[0114] The samples tested in this example all have a 70# DPO: Turbidity of treated furnish at
different dosage lb/ton on dry solids basis
higher molecular Weight expressed by the 20% BV of above
600 cps. Testing is performed on 100% recycle deinked pulp Dosage (lb ton)
furnish from a paper mill. This example further demon
0.4 0.8 1.2 1.6 2.4
strates that the performance improvement With incorpora
tion of AA anionic component is diminished When the AA Polymer 7 110 57 44 31
content is above 10%. See Table 3A. Acommercial ?xative Polymer 8 141 49 29 35
(Alco?x 159, a medium MW polyamine) commonly used Polymer 9 88 56 31 31
Alco?x 110 170 87 58 46
for deposit control in paper mills is also included in the Alco?x 269 157 130 97
testing. Polymer 3 of the present invention gives signi? Alco?x 159 110 87 72
cantly better performance in turbidity reduction than the
commercial ?xatives.
US 2006/0000570 A1 Jan. 5, 2006

[0121] different molecular Weights, 2 copolymers of DADMAC

and acrylamide With different monomer ratios and molecular
TABLE 4C Weights, 3 polyepiamines With different molecular Weights
and structures, and 1 cationic starch. Of the 9 commercial
38# DPO: Turbidity of treated furnish at ?xatives tested, Alco?x 161, a DADMAC copolymer, per
different dosage lbfton on dry solids basis
formed consistently the best among the commercial prod
Dosage(lb/ton) ucts. Therefore, results of the amphoteric DADMAC
copolymers of the present invention are compared only to
0.4 0.8 1.2 1.6 2.4 those of Alco?x 161 to shoW their performance over existing
Polymer 7 10372 4090 2246 302 commercial ?xative products. As can be seen from Table 6A,
Polymer 8 4894 605 131 56 B and C, the amphoteric DADMAC copolymers of the
Polymer 9 7556 2596 329 122 present invention perform signi?cantly better than the best
Alco?x 110 11368 5192 2172 184
Alco?x 269 2512 247 127
commercial ?xative for all three types of furnishes. An
Alco?x 159 6856 2286 319 improvement of greater than about 20 to about 74% turbidity
removal over Alco?x 161 is observed using the amphoteric
DADMAC copolymers of the present invention.
[0122] The test data on existing commercial ?xative prod
ucts (Alco?x 269, Alco?x 110, and Alco?x 159) are also TABLE 6A
obtained for comparison and shoW the bene?t of using the
Filtrate turbidity of treated furnish With 100% TMP
copolymers of the present invention. The copolymers of the at different dosages (kg/ton on dry solids base).
present invention give performance signi?cantly better than Turbiditv of untreated furni h is 213 NTU.
all the commercial products tested.
Dosage lgg/ton Average % FT reduction
Example 5 0.25 0.5 1.0 2.0 FT, NTU over Alco?x 161

Performance on Deinked Pulp (DIP) Recycled Furnish. Alco?x 161 154 120 80 43 99 0
Polymer 7 126 96 63 27 78 20
[0123] The test data on recycled deinked pulp (DIP) are Polymer 8 116 95 57 23 73 24
obtained to shoW performance of the amphoteric DADMAC Polymer 9 131 91 71 23 58 19
copolymers over existing commercial ?xatives products
Alco?x 161, a coplymer of DADMAC and acrylamide. The
neW DADMAC-based amphoteric polymer samples give [0127]
performance signi?cantly better than the commercial prod
ucts. Improvements of up to about 50% over a commercial TABLE 6B
DADMAC copolymer (Alco?x 161) in average turbidity Filtrate turbidity of treated furnish With 100% DIP at different dosage
reduction are obtained. (kg/ton on dry solids base). Turbidity of untreated furnish is 218 NTU.
[0124] Filtrate turbidity (FT) results in Table 5 shoW DIP Average % FT reduction
furnish treatment With amphoteric DADMAC copolymers Dosage (kg/ton) 0.10 0.2 FT, NTU over Alco?x161
and compare With furnish treated With a commercial DAD
Alco?x 161 100 41 71 0
MAC copolymer (Alco?x 161). Polymer 7 78 28 53 25
[0125] LoWer FT indicates better performance for stickies Polymer 8 62 25 44 38
Polymer 9 79 32 56 21
deposit control.

TABLE 5 [0128]
% FT
reduction TABLE 6C
Dosage lb/ton Average FT, over
Filtrate turbidity of treated furnish With 60% TMP and 40% DIP at
1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 NTU Alco?x 161 different dosages (kg/ton on dry solids base). Turbidity of untreated
furni h is 164 NTU.
Alco?x 161 131 87 65 49 83 0
Polymer 1 111 64 52 45 68 18.1 Average % FT reduction
Polymer 3 100 55 45 41 60 27.4 Dosage (kg/ton) 0.10 0.2 FT, NTU over Alco?x 161
Polymer 7 98 48 48 34 57 31.3
Polymer 8 71 41 29 23 41 50.6 Alco?x 161 125 103 114 0
Polymer 7 106 77 92 45
Polymer 8 90 64 77 74
Polymer 9 115 85 100 28
Example 6
Performance on TMP, DIP and TMP/DIP Mix Furnish. Example 7
[0126] Amphoteric DADMAC copolymers of the present [0129] Filtrate turbidity (FT) of treated furnish of 100%
invention are evaluated on three types of furnish (TMP, DIP TMP at different dosages (kg/ton on dry solids basis) of
and mix of DIP&TMP) from a paper mill together With nine ?xative and bentonite.
commercial products. Various commercial ?xative products [0130] The turbidity and total ester concentrations (a mea
included in the testing are 3 DADMAC homopolymers With sure of pitch) are determined in the ?ltrate and compared in
US 2006/0000570 A1 Jan. 5, 2006

Table 7. The testing procedure is essentially the same as that prising an amphoteric polymer represented by the folloWing
preformed for the commercial ?xatives shoWn in Table 2 structure (I)
except a 2% consistency furnish is tested and the residual (I)
ester, triglyceride esters and total ester pitch concentrations
are determined using gas chromatography (GC).
[0131] The GC analysis Was run on a DB-5HT 5m><0.25
mm><0.10 micron column, an Inlet temperature of 300° C.
and an FID Detector temperature of 350° C. The heating
program: Initial temp of 100° C. hold for 1 minute then
increase 15° C./min up to 350° C. and hold for 15 minutes.

Filtrate turbidity of treated furnish of mechanical
pulp at different dosages (kg/ton on dry solids basis .

dosage Residual
(solids Bentonite Centrifuged Ester Triglyceride Ester Pitch
basis) dosage Turbidity Conc. esters Total
Treatment Kg/ton kg/ton NTU (ppm) (ppm) (ppm)
Blank 0 0 564 2.4 1.5 3.9
Alco?x 269 1 0 362 0.6 0.6 1.2
1Polymer 10 1.0 0 455 0.6 0.6 1.2
2bentonite 0 2.0 398 1.3 1.2 2.5
bentonite 1.0 2.0 337 0.2 0.2 0.4
followed by
Polymer 10

1Terpolymer of DADMAC, acrylic acid and acrylamide.

2Bentonite is supplied under the tradename HYDROCOL 2D1 from Ciba Specialty
Chemical Corp. The HYDROCOL 2D1 Was supplied as a 5% aqueous slurry based on
the total Weight of the aqueous slurry.

Example 8 Wherein X“ is an anion;

[0132] Treatment of Coated Broke With Polymer and M+ is hydrogen, ammonium, sodium, or potassium;
Bentonite R is hydrogen or methyl;
[0133] The furnish is primarily bleached TMP. The furnish R1 is methyl or ethyl;
is combined With about 12 to 20% coated broke and diluted
to approximately 3% consistency using White Water from the n is from about 70 to about 99.8 Wt. %, m is from about
mill process. Bentonite Was added ?rst as a 5% aqueous
0.2 to about 30%
slurry at a dosage of 1.5 kg/t then folloWed by polymer 10. and
Table 8 shoWs the improvement in turbidity When the p is from 0 to about 30%,
amphoteric polymer is combined With bentonite.
With n+m+p=100% based on the total Weight of the
TABLE 8 amphoteric polymer.
2. A method according to claim 1,
Tubidity knockdown for coated broke
Wherein X- is Cl‘,
Treatment Turbidity in NTU
M+ is Na”,
Blank 925 n is from about 85 to about 98%,
Alco?x 269 (0.4 kg/ton) 287
Polymer 10 (0.2 kg/ton) 240 m is from about 1 to about 15%,
Polymer 10 (0.8 kg/ton) + 1bentonite (1.5 kg/ton) 130
and p is from 0 to about 10% by Weight.
1Bentonite is supplied under the tradename HYDROCOL 2D1 from Ciba 3. A method according to claim 1 further comprising the
Specialty Chemical Corp. step of adding a siliceous material.
4. Amethod according to claim 3 Wherein the amphoteric
[0134] It should be understood that the above description polymer is added to the paper furnish folloWed by addition
and examples are illustrative of the invention, and are not of the siliceous material.
intended to be limiting. Many variations and modi?cations 5. A method according to claim 3 Wherein the siliceous
are possible Without departing from the scope of this inven material is added to the paper furnish folloWed by addition
tion. of the amphoteric polymer.
6. A method according to claim 3, Wherein the siliceous
1. Amethod of controlling pitch and stickies deposition in material is an anionic microparticulate material.
papermaking Which method comprises the step of adding to 7. A method according to claim 3, Wherein the siliceous
paper furnish prior to sheet formation a composition com material comprises material selected from the group con
US 2006/0000570 A1 Jan. 5, 2006

sisting of silica based particles, silica microgel, colloidal consisting of hydrolysed acrylamide, hydrolysed meth
silica, silica sols, silica gels, polysilicates, cationic silica, acrylamide, acrylic acid, methacrylic acid and/or salts
aluminosilicates, polyaluminosilicates, borosilicates, poly of acrylic acid or methacrylic acid.
borosilicates and Zeolites.
15. Amethod according to claim 14, Wherein the anionic
8. A process according to claim 3 Wherein the siliceous
material is a sWellable clay. monomer is hydrolysed acrylamide.
9. A process according to claim 8 Wherein the sWellable 16. Amethod according to claim 14, Wherein the anionic
clay is selected from the group consisting of hectorite, monomer is acrylic acid, methacrylic acid and/or salts
smectitites, montmorillonites, nontronites, saponite, sauco thereof.
nite, hormites, attapulgites, and sepiolites. 17. A method according to claim 14, Wherein the cationic
10. A method according to claim 2, Wherein m is from
monomer is diallyldiethylammonium halide or diallydim
about 1 to about 8%.
11. A method according to claim 1, Wherein p is from ethylammonomium halide.
about 1 to about 8%. 18. A method according to claim 1, Wherein the ampho
12. A method according to claim 1, Wherein the ampho teric polymer of formula (I) has a Weight average molecular
teric polymer has a molar ratio of n/m of about 1.2 or greater. Weight ranging from about 10,000 to about 20,000,000.
13. A method according to claim 12, Wherein the molar 19. A method according to claim 1, Wherein the paper
ratio of n/m is about 4 or greater. furnish contains thermal mechanical pulp, recycled pulp,
14. A method according to claim 1, Wherein coated broke, deinked pulp or mixtures thereof.
n represents a unit derived from a cationic monomer 20. A composition for pitch and stickies control in paper
selected from the group consisting of diallyldialkylam making comprising a structure (I) according to claim 1 and
monium compounds; optionally, a siliceous material.
m represents a unit derived from an anionic monomer or
potentially anionic monomer selected from the group

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