ARWB End of Semester Assignment 4

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ARWB Assignment Feb - June 2017


Module Name and Level Academic Reading and Writing for Business,
Level 1
Module Code BC 05-1
Assessment No. 2
Assessment Type & weighting: Written Assignment, 60 %


Please note that a grade will only be given to those whose
student number is noted on this form. Please ensure that the
student numbers from all group members are recorded

Submission Date: 16 – 05 - 2017

MODULE TUTOR: Mr. Shaik Inam

 The work contained in this assignment is my own and that all materials and sources used have been
 I/We have not copied or colluded in part or in whole, or otherwise plagiarised the work of other students.
 This assignment has not been submitted for previous assessment in any other subject or to a substantial
extent has been accepted for the award of any other unit, module, degree or diploma of a university or any
other institute, except where due acknowledgement is made in the text.
 I/We confirm that I/we have read, understood and followed the guidelines for assignment submission and
presentation provided by the lecturer.
 I/We understand that this assignment may be retained on the database and used to make comparisons with
other assignments in future.
 I/We have made a copy of my assignment
 This work may be photocopied and/or communicated for the purpose of identifying plagiarism.
 I/We give permission for a copy of this marked assignment to be retained by the faculty of Business
Management for the purpose of course reviews by external examiners and to be used as a resource by
Majan College.
 I/We understand that unauthorized late submission without a valid written extension will not be marked as
per the college policy mentioned in the students handbook page 16 section 4.4

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ARWB Assignment Feb - June 2017

Academic Reading and Writing

1. The Assessment
Type Written research essay based on review of literature, data collection and
Weight 60%
Length 1500 words
Deadline May, 2017
Each student will work individually to write an assignment on a specific
aspect related to a business.

2. The Task
Write a full-length essay of not less than 1500 words on any one of the
following topics:

1. The impact of social networks on the communication skills of young

people in Oman.

Lack of face-to-face contact is becoming a serious issue these days

especially among young people. Young people spend a lot of time using
their mobile phones and prefer to have virtual friends instead of real life
ones. This situation definitely has a great impact on their communication
skills. To complete this Assignment you have to review the available
literature on the topic and conduct your own survey among young Omanis
to find out their attitude to using social networks and their influence on the
communication skills of teenagers.


2. The impact of the digital technologies on business in Oman.

The Internet has a wide variety of uses. It provides an excellent means for
disseminating information and communicating with other people in all
regions of the world. While the greatest use of the Internet has been sharing
information, other sources of use are rapidly developing. For instance,
Internet Commerce, which connects buyers and sellers online, online
advertising, etc. To complete this Assignment you have to review the
available literature on the topic and conduct your own survey among
Omanis to find out the level of impact of the Internet on the development of
business in Oman.

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ARWB Assignment Feb - June 2017
3. The Structure

You are expected to write the essay following the structure below:

COVER PAGE The cover page should contain the following information:
 Title of Assignment
 Name and code of module
 Your name and student number

INTRODUCTION Introduce the topic of your choice by presenting the main idea of the
essay to capture the interest of your reader and tell why your topic is
ca 150 words important. Your Introduction should end with a thesis statement
describing the main idea. You can provide some background
information about your topic. You can use interesting facts, quotations,
or definitions of important terms you will use later in the essay.

LITERATURE You should identify the relevant literature, extract necessary information
REVIEW in form of opinions and viewpoints that should be further compared or
contrasted depending on their nature. You are expected to use minimum
ca 500 words 4 resources of different kinds: book, journal/magazine/newspaper
article, e-book, Internet website. Use your summarizing and
paraphrasing skills to present the extracted information properly. All the
sources should be acknowledged in the text of the review according to
The Harvard Style (see your Handout).

DISCUSSION OF Following the design of the Questionnaire you are supposed to conduct
THE RESULTS your research among a group of respondents of your choice of minimum
10 people. Your respondents can be your class mates, tutors, colleagues
ca 700 words or someone who is related to the field of your research. The results of
the research, the data, should be presented in tables, described in detail
and followed by a short on conclusion demonstrating the main trend
shown by the respondents.

CONCLUSION You should summarize the results of your research presenting the most
important findings without repeating the information provided in the
ca 150 words Discussion of the Results.

REFERENCES You should provide the list of sourced that you used in your Literature
review, arranged according to The Harvard Style. Do not include any
not included in the sources that were not used in the Review.
word count

APPENDIX: Appendix should contain your Questionnaire that was used for
QUESTIONNAIRE collecting the data for the analysis.

not included in the

word count

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ARWB Assignment Feb - June 2017

4. Action Plan

Task Suggested date for

Preparation for assignment Week 10
Selecting materials for the Literature Week 11
Review, reviewing book chapters, articles,
Writing the Literature review.
Designing the Questionnaire. Week 12
Conducting the survey.
Drafting the Assignment. Week 13
Final submission Week 14


Your work will be graded on the following aspects:

1. This is an individual take home Assignment.

2. The assignment MUST be submitted on-line (through Turnitin) on or before 16th May, 2017.
3. Your assignment shall reflect the depth and breadth of your original analyses in a clear and
coherent manner.
4. Use of the relevant academic literature to support ideas and issues discussed. The range of
academic sources such as texts and journals to support your arguments and comments.
5. Any reference to authors and other writers shall be quoted with due acknowledgement in
your assignment report using the Harvard Referencing System. For details of Harvard
referencing style refer to your Handout and The Harvard Referencing Guidelines on MOVE.
6. This is an individual assignment and carries 60% of the module grade.
7. This assignment follows an essay format (modify according to the requirement of your
assignment) and must be original and creative. An analytical piece of work is required. The
use of ‘cut and paste’ approach will be penalized. It must be presented in a structured
manner, with appropriate cover page, content page, introduction, body (with appropriate
heading / sub-headings), conclusion, references, page numbered and any required
8. Your essay should be word processed and professionally presented. The length of your
essay should be between 1500 words (+/- 10%), presented in text of font size 12 with 1.5
line spacing. Please state the exact word count at the end of the assignment.
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ARWB Assignment Feb - June 2017
9. The cover page should be attached with the assignment and uploaded through MOVE (Name
of the student, The Programme, Module Title, Assignment Title and number of words must
be reflected on the cover sheet).
10. All assignments must be adhered strictly to the deadlines specified by Majan College. Failure
to hand in the assignment for any reason and without prior approval and a valid written
extension from the module tutor will not be marked and will be awarded a grade G (0)
irrespective of the quality of the work.
11. Unacknowledged use of work of others (plagiarism) is regarded as a dishonest practice and
will be will be penalized.

Additional Guidelines
1. The Assignment Submission link on MOVE will be open, a week ahead of the submission
2. You can submit your assignment multiple times, till the submission deadline. Note that
Turnitin could take up to 24 hours to produce similarity reports for submissions.
3. The last submission, within the deadline, will be considered as your final submission.
4.  Assignments should be submitted by 6pm on the day of the deadline. There is a grace
period until midnight to allow for any technical difficulties, but any assignments submitted
after this will be counted as late. Technical problems will not be accepted as an excuse for
submitting after the day of the deadline. 
5. The similarity percentage of your final submission will be one of the factors considered, for
assessing the originality of your assignment. However, the decision to report an assignment
for plagiarism is taken by the Lecturers, who mark your assignment.
6. The Lecturers will consider a number of factors such as Assignment type, Part of the
assignment where similarity occurs, Nature of similarity etc., along with the similarity
percentage of your assignment, to assess the originality of your assignment. Therefore,
similarity percentage would not be accepted as a basis for disputing academic judgments
regarding plagiarism.
7. Note that the similarity percentage of your submission can change till the submission deadline,
if the submissions of other students have similarity to your assignment. Therefore, the
similarity percentages are not final, till the assignment submission is closed.

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