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Sunday, 7 de June de y

To say or not to say the truth

Manuel Luarte

The truth it is a controvertial concept because a lot of people can have a different interpretation

based on the same information. That implies that our truth is limited to sensorial facts and our

own feeling. It is important to share our truth with other when we are building long term

relationships. Said that, I agree that sometimes it is better not to tell the truth.

The first reason it is because the truth is only our truth, then, in order to not be misinterpreted by

others we can choose to not share what we think. For example, if I want to keep to myself that

every Monday in the afternoon, I meditate in the park with some bold and half naked buddhist

monks, I could hide that fact even if someone ask me.

The second reason it is because we can’t control what others will think or react to behavior and

more important, we are not responsible of their reactions to that. If we have an experience about

someone who had an unpleasant reaction about one particular behavior of us, it is totally

acceptable to hide the truth in order to not have to hear or see their reactions or complains,

specially if we don’t care about their opinion.

In conclusion, meanwhile the truth it is important for constructing trustful and fulfilling

relationships, it is not always needed and it is a compleatly personal choice to say it or not

because, at the end, that truth is only ours and we know who to share it with.

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