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BITSAT DPP-5 Date: 10-04-2015

1. A 3x3 is a non - singular matrix  A (Adj A) =

1) | A | A 2) I 3) | A | I 4) | A |2 I
2. If ‘d’ is the determinant of a square matrix A of order n, then the determinant of its adjoint is
1) dn 2) dn-1 3) dn-2 4) d
1 1
 1  tan    1  tan    cos   sin  
3. If     =  then =
 tan  1   tan  1   sin  cos  
1) 0 2)  / 2 3)  / 4 4)  / 6
 2 2  0 1 –1 –1 –1
4. If A=   B =  then (B A )
 3 2   1 0 
 2 2  2 2   2 2  2 2 
1)   2)   3)   4)  
 3 2  2 3   2 3   2 3
5. If A and B are two square matrices such that B = -A-1 BA then (A + B)2 =
1) 0 2) A2 + B2 3) A2 + 2AB + B2 4) A + B
6. (AdjA) =
1) Adj (A-1) 2) Adj[-A] 3) (Adj A)T 4) Adj(AT)
1 1 1
7. The matrix 1 1 1 has
1 1 1
1) one inverse 2) two inverse 3) no inverse 4) cannot be said
 1 2 3
8. The rank of the matrix A=  2 3 4 is
 0 1 2
1) 3 2) 2 3) 1 4) 0
9. If I is a (9 × 9) unit matrix, then rank (I) =
1) 0 2) 3 3) 6 4) 9
10. The number of solutions of the equations of 2x + 5y = 11, 6x + 15y = 1 are ...
1) 1 2) 2 3) 4 4) 0
11. The system of equations,,
1) is consistent 2) has unique solution 3) is inconsistent 4) cannot be determined
12. The value of 'a' for which the equations 3x-y+az=1, 2x+y+z=2, x + 2y-az = -1 fail to have unique
solution is
1) 7/2 2) -7/2 3) 2/7 4) -2/7
13. If the system of equations x + y + z = 6, x + 2y +  z = 0, x + 2y + 3z = 10 has no solution, then 
1) 2 2) 3 3) 4 4) 5
14. The system of linear equations x + y + z = 2, 2x + y - z = 3, 3x + 2y + kz = 4 has a unique solution,
1) k  0 2) – 1 < k < 1 3) – 2 < k < 2 4) k = 0
15. x,y,z not all zeros and the equations x = cy + bz, y = az + cx, z = bx + ay are consistent then a
relation among a,b,c is
1) a2 + b2 + c2 = 0 2) a2 + b2 + c2 - 2abc = 0 3) a2 + b2 + c2 + 2abc = 1 4) a2 + b2 + c2 + 2abc = 0
16. 2x - 3y + 4z = 0, 5x - 2y -z = 0 , 21x - 8y + az = 0 has infinity solutions then a =
1) - 5 2) - 4 3) 2 4) 4
17. The number of nontrivial solutions of the system: x – y + z = 0, x + 2y – z = 0, 2x + y + 3z = 0 is
1) 0 2) 1 3) 2 4) 3
2 2
18. Let 1 ,  2 and 1 , 2 be the roots of ax + bx + c = 0 and px + qx + r = 0 respectively. If the system
of equations 1 y   2 z  0 and 1 y   2 z  0 has a non-trivial solution, then
b 2 ac c 2 ab a 2 bc
1)  2)  3)  4) abc = pqr
q 2 pr r 2 pq p 2 qr
19. The equations 2x + 4y + z = 0, x + 2y – 2z = 5, 3x + 6y + 7z = 2 have
1) unique solutions 2) no solution 3) infinite number of solutions 4) two solutions
20. Number of solutions of the equations x + 2y + z = 1, 3x + 6y + 3z =3 is ...
1) 0 2) 1 3) 4 4) infinity

tan x  h  tan x
21. Lt 
x 0 h
sec 2 x  tan x tan x
1) sec 2 x 2) 3) 4)
2 x 2 x 2 x
f ( x )  f (5)
22. If f(x) = ax2 + bx = c then Lt 
x 5 x 5
1) 5a + 5 2) 10a + 5 3) 25a + 5b + b 4) 10a + b
23. If f(x) = a then f ( a ) 
1) log a – 1 2) log a – a 3) a log a – a 4) a log a + a
24. If y = 32 log x + 7 then 
x 2 y.log 3 2 log 3
1) log 3 2) 3) 2xy 4)
2 2 x
25. If y = Tan-1(sec x + tan x) then 
1) 1 2) 1/2 3) - 1 4) 0
 (3  x ) x  dy
26. If y = tan-1   then 
 1  3x  dx
3 3 3
1) 2) 3) 4) 0
(1  x ) x 2(1  x ) x 2(1  x ) x
1 x2 1 dy
27. If y = tan-1 then 
x dx
1 1 1 2
1) 2) 3) 4)
1 x 2
1  x2 2(1  x 2 ) 1  x2
28. If y = sin(2sin-1x) then 
1  y2 1  x2 1  y2 1  x2
1) 2) 3) 2 4) 2
1  x2 1 y2 1  x2 1 y2

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1 x dy
29. If y = cos-1 then 
2 dx
1 1 1 1
1) 2) 3) 4)
2 2 2
2 1 x 2 1 x 1 x 1  x2
30. [sinh 1 3x ] 
3 3 1 1
1) 2) 3) 4)
1  9x 2 1  9x 2
1  9x 2
1  9x 2
x  dy 
31. If y = c cosh then 1    
c  dx 
1) sin h x/c 2) c sin h x/c 3) 1/c sin h x/c 4) y / c
32. If x = tan t, y = cos t, 0 < t <  / 2 then 
1) xy2 2) – x2y 3) xy 4) – xy3
dy 
33. If x = acos3t, y = asin3t then at t = is
dx 3
1) 3 2) 1/ 3 3)  3 4) 1/ 3
 dy 
34. If 3x2 + 4xy + 2y2 + x – 8 = 0 then   
 dx ( 1,3)
1) 3/8 2) -7/8 3) 5/8 4) -5/8
g ( x ) f (a )  g ( a ) f ( x )
35. If f(a) = 2, f1(a) = 1, g (a) = - 1, g1(a) = 2 then Lt 
x a xa
1) - 5 2) 1/5 3) 5 4) 1
xf ( x)  2 f ( x )
36. If f(2) = 4 and f1(2) = 1, then lim 
x 2 x2
1) 2 2) 1 3) 4 4) 3
37. If y  2 log x , then at x = e is
1) e 2) 2e log2 3) log2 4) 0
1 dy
38. If y = 2x, log10 2 = 0.301, loge 2 = 0.693, log10 e = , then 
2.3026 dx
1) (0.301)2x 2) 3) (0.693)qx 4) (0.693)2x
 2x   1
log 7  tan1  log  sin 1 x  sec1  dy
 1 x 2   x
39. If y  7 e , then 
2 1 1
1) 2
2) 2
3) 4) 0
1 x 1 x 1  x2
dy  esin x  e  sin x 
40.  
dx  esin x  e  sin x 
2 2
 cos x  cos x
x x 2cos x 2 cos x
1) sin x 2) 3) sin x
(e  e  sin x )2 esin x e esin x

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41. ABCDE is a frictionless circular track of radius R. A body slides down the track from point A
which is at a height h = 5 cm. Maximum value of R for the body to successfully complete the
loop is

1) 5 cm 2) 15/4 cm 3) 10/3 cm 4) 2 cm
42. A disc revolves in a horizontal plane at a steady rate of 3 rev/s. A coin will remain on the disc if
kept at a distance of 20 cm from the axis of rotation. If g =  2 ms-2, the coefficient of friction is
1) 0.20 2) 0.30 3) 0.50 4) 0.72
43. The angular speed of a flywheel making 120 turns/minute is
1) 2 rad/s 2) 4 2 rad/s 3)  rad/s 4) 4 rad/s
44. An angular ring with inner and outer radii R1 and R2 is rolling without slipping with a uniform
angular speed. The ratio of the forces experienced by the two particles of equal masses situated
on the inner and outer parts of the ring F1/F2 is
 R1  R R
1)   2) 2 3) 1 4) 1
 R2  R1 R2
45. A bob of mass M is suspended by a massless string of length L. The horizontal velocity v at
position A is just sufficient to make it reach point B. The angle  at which the speed of the bob
is half of that at A, satisfies

    3 3
1)   2)    3) ,   4)  
4 4 2 2 4 4
46. A uniform cube of side a and mass m rests on a rough horizontal table. A horizontal force F is
applied normal to one of the faces at the point that is directly above the centre of the face, at a
height a above the base. The minimum value of F for which the cube begins to tip about an
edge is … (Assume that the cube does not slide)

1) 2/3 mg 2) mg 3) 3/8 mg 4) 3/2 mg

47. A fan of moment of inertia 0.6 kg × metre is to run upto a working speed of 0.5 revolution per
second. Indicate the correct value of the angular momentum of the fan
metre2 metre2 metre2  metre2
1) 0.6 kg  2) 6 kg  3) 3kg  4) kg 
sec sec sec 6 sec
48. A spherical ball rolls on a table without slipping, then the fraction of its total energy associated
with rotation is
1) 2/5 2) 2/7 3) 3/5 4) 5/7

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49. A body having moment of inertia about its axis of rotation equal to 4 kg – m2 is rotating with
angular velocity equal to 5 rad/s. Kinetic energy of this rotating body is same as that of a body
of mass M kg moving with a speed of 2 m/s. Then mass M is
1) 25 kg 2) 50 kg 3) 12.5 kg 4) 2.5 kg
50. A cylinder – like reel with massless thread unrolls itself while falling vertically downwards. The
acceleration of its fall is
1) g 2) 0 3) 2/3 g 4) g/2
51. A cord is wound round the circumference of a wheel of radius r. The axis of the wheel is
horizontal and moment of inertia about it is I. A weight ‘mg’ is attached to the end of the cord
and falls from rest. After falling through a distance h. The angular velocity of the wheel will be
1/ 2 1/ 2
2gh  2mgh   2mgh 
1) 2)  2 
3)  2 
4) (2 gh)
I  mr  I  mr   I  2mr 
52. A long vertical pole of length l is standing vertically with one end hinged at the floor. If the pole
is released and allowed to fall, then the velocity of free end when it hits the floor is
l  3l 2 
1) 3gl 2) l 3 g 3) 3g 4)
 
2  4g 
53. A disc of mass M and radius R is rolling with angular velocity  on a horizontal plane as shown
in fig. The magnitude of angular momentum of disc about the origin O is

1 3
1) MR 2 2) MR 2 3) MR 2 4) 2MR 2
2 2
54. The radius of gyration of a solid disc of mass 1 kg and radius 50 cm about an axis through
centre of mass and perpendicular to its face is
1) 25 cm 2) 25 2 cm 3) 50 cm 4) 25 6 cm
55. A disc rolls without slipping on a horizontal surface with constant angular velocity  . P and Q
are two points such that their distance from centre C is same. If vC , vQ and vP are the respective
magnitude of velocities of C, Q and P then

1) vP  vC  vQ 2) vQ  vC  vP 3) vQ  vC  vP 4) vQ  vC , vP 
56. Two circular long A and B of radii rA and rB respectively are made of a thin wire. The ratio of
their moments of inertia about axes passing through their centres and perpendicular to their
planes is IB/IA = 8, then rB/rA =
1) 2 2) 4 3) 6 4) 8
57. The moment of inertia of a uniform semicircular disc of mass m and radius r about a line
perpendicular to the plane of the disc through the centre is
1) 2/5 mr2 2) 1/4 mr2 3) 1/2 mr2 4) mr2
58. Four balls each of radius 10 cm and mass 1kg, 2kg, 3kg and 4 kg are attached to the periphery
of massless circular plate of radius 1m. What is the moment of inertia of the system about the
centre of the plate
1) 12.04 kg m2 2) 10.04 kg m2 3) 11.50 kg m2 4) 5.04 kg m2

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59. A sphere is suspended by thread of length l. What minimum horizontal velocity has to be
imparted to the ball for it to reach the height of suspension?
1) ( gl ) 2) (2 gl ) 3) 2gl 4) gl
60. If a car topples over while taking a turn its
1) inner wheels leave the road first 2) outer wheels leave the road first
3) both inner and outer wheels leave the road simultaneously
4) either inner or outer wheels may leave the road first depending upon the direction in which the car
takes a turn

61. Which of the following graphical plots represent Boyle’s law for a given mass of gas (assuming
ideal behaviour)?

62. The ratio of mean velocity of molecules of a gas to its most probable velocity at a given
temperature is
1) 1.182 2) 1.128 3) 1.144 4) 1.133
63. Statement I : Dalton’s law of partial pressure holds for mixtures of non interacting gases at low
/ moderate pressures at not-too-low values of temperature
Statement II : Under these conditions intermolecular interactions may be neglected
1) I, II is true, II is correct explanation for I 2) I, II is true, II is not correct explanation for I
3) I is true, II is false 4) I is false, II is true
64. The units in which the van der Waals constant a may be expressed are
1) atm L mol-1 2) atm L2 mol-2 3) L atm deg-1 mol-1 4) atm mol L-1
65. The volume of occupied by one molecule of nitrogen dioxide at STP is (in cm3)
22400 22400
1) 22400 2) 22400/NA 3)  23 4)  46
66. If carbon dioxide and oxygen are mixed in the ratio 1 : 9, the density (g/L) of the gas as STP is
1) 0.98 2) 0.93 3) 2.62 4) 1.5
67. 10 L of a gas was collected over 1000 ml of water at 27 C. After collection weight of water
decreased by 0.24 g. the vapour pressure of water is
1) 0.08 atm 2) 30 mm Hg 3) 0.033 atm 4) 0.6 cm Hg
68. The numerical value of R in eV mol-1 K-1 is
1) 1.33 × 10-19 2) 5.19 × 10-20 3) 1.33 × 10-18 4) 5.19 × 1019
69. A divers cylinder contains 90% O2 by weight, the other gas being helium. The percentage of
helium by volume is
1) 40 2) 10 3) 47 4) 53
70. The rms velocity of oxygen at a high temperature is u. If at this temperature oxygen dissociates
to its atoms, the new rms velocity is
1) u 2) 2u 3) 2u 4) u / 2
71. At STP, a real gas has a molar volume of 20.8 L. The compressibility factor of the gas is
1) 1.03 2) 0.93 3) 0.75 4) 1.08
72. Which among the following gases exert a pressure of 5 atm at 0 C whenplaced in a 1L
1) 0.223 moles of CH4 2) 0.30 moles of cyclopropane
3) 0.277 moles of PH3 4) 0.24 moles of NH3

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73. Two cylinders A and B contain the same gas at the same temperature. The pressure and volume
of A are both twice those of B. Then the ratio of the number of molecules of A and B is
1) 1 : 4 2) 4 : 1 3) 2 : 1 4) 1 : 2
74. A stony mass believed to be a meteorite contained, as revealed by analysis, 36Ar atoms to the
extent of 2 × 10-7 litre at STP per kg of the mass. Calculate the number of atoms of Ar, per kg
of the mass
1) 5.4 × 1015 2) 4.5 × 1014 3) 4.4 × 1016 4) 6.5 × 1016
75. Krypton at 500 torr in a 250 ml container and helium at 950 torr in a 450 ml flask both at the
same temperature are mixed by opening a stop cock in a narrow tube connecting the containers.
Calculate the total final pressure.
1) 690 torr 2) 670 torr 3) 720 torr 4) 790 torr
76. The approximate temperature, T Kelving at which the mean translational kinetic energy per
mole of H2 molecules would equal 104k cal mol-1 (the dissociation energy of the molecules to
yield atoms)
1) 34900 K 2) 49300 K 3) 43900 K 4) 39400 K
77. The most probable speed of atoms of Argon (at weight = 40) at 27 C (in ms-1) is

1) ~ 420 ms-1 2) ~ 350 ms-1 3) ~ 320 ms-1 4) ~ 400 ms-1

78. Statement I : In the graph of Maxwellian distribution of molecular speeds, the maximum of the
graph shifts to the right at a higher temperature, but the graph itself becomes flatter.
Statement II : The total (integrated) probability for all molecular speeds, (0 to  ) represented
by the area under the curve is the same for all temperatures.
1) I, II is true, II is correct explanation for I 2) I, II is true, II is not correct explanation for I
3) I is true, II is false 4) I is false, II is true
79. According to Charles law V = KT where K is a constant. The unit of K is
1) m3 K-1 2) m-3 K 3) m3 K2 4) m-3 K-2
80. Which of the following gases/vapour have the same rms speed at a particular temperature?
a) H - CHO b) CH4 c) C2H6 d) NO
1) a, b, c 2) a, b 3) c, b 4) a, c, d


Choose the correct adjective from those given
81. It is a ______ lie
1) deliberation 2) deliberate 3) deliberately 4) deliberating
82. I have an __________ sister
1) older 2) old 3) oldest 4) elder
83. Please direct me to ________ police station
1) the nearest 2) near 3) nearer 4) nearest
84. Actions speak ________ than words
1) loud 2) louder 3) loudly 4) loudest
85. ________ said than done
1) easy 2) easier 3) easiest 4) as easy as
86. Laughter is ____________ medicine
1) good 2) best 3) better 4) the best
87. My cold is definitely __________ this morning
1) worse 2) worst 3) worser 4) the worst
Choose the correct alternative
88. People believe that the Earth is round
1) It is believed that the earth is round 2) The earth is round and it is believed
3) People were believed that the earth was round 4) The earth was believed round by people
89. The students will finish the course by July
1) The course will be finished by July 2) The course shall be finished by July
3) The course will be finished by July 4) The finish the course by July

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90. I know him very much
1) he was known very much by me 2) he is known very much by me
3) he is known very much to me 4) he is known to me very much
91. Who wrote the Ramayana?
1) The Ramayana was written by whom? 2) By whom is written the Ramayana?
3) Who were the Ramayana written by? 4) Who was the Ramayana written by?
92. Did they see you?
1) were you done seen by them? 2) were they seen by you?
3) you were seen by them? 4) were you seen by them?
93. They were writing the exam when he arrived
1) The examination is writing when he arrived
2) The examination is being written when he arrived
3) The examination was being written when he arrived
4) When he was arrived the examination was written
94. Speak the truth
1) You are advised to speak the truth 2) You are ordered to speak the truth
3) You are warned to speak the truth 4) Let the truth be spoken
95. I will pay for you
1) For you will be paid by me 2) You will be for paid by me
3) You would be paid by me 4) You would be paid for by me

Directions : A good way to figure out the relationship in a given question is to make up a sentence
that describes the relationship between the first two words. Then, try to use the same sentence to find
out which of the answer choices completes the same relationship with the third word.
96. Odometer is to mileage as compass is to
1) speed 2) hiking 3) needle 4) direction
97. Marathon is to race as hibernation is to
1) winter 2) bear 3) dream 4) sleep
98. Window is to pane as book is to
1) novel 2) galss 3) cover 4) page
99. Cup is to coffee as bowl is to
1) dish 2) soup 3) spoon 4) food
100. Yard is to inch as quart is to
1) gallon 2) ounce 3) milk 4) liquid

1) 1 2) 2 3) 1 4) 2 5) 2 6) 1 7) 3 8) 2 9) 4 10) 4
11) 3 12) 2 13) 2 14) 1 15) 3 16) 1 17) 1 18) 1 19) 2 20) 4
21) 2 22) 4 23) 1 24) 2 25) 2 26) 2 27) 3 28) 3 29) 1 30) 1
31) 4 32) 4 33) 3 34) 2 35) 3 36) 3 37) 4 38) 4 39) 1 40) 1
41) 4 42) 4 43) 4 44) 3 45) 4 46) 1 47) 1 48) 2 49) 1 50) 3
51) 2 52) 1 53) 3 54) 2 55) 3 56) 1 57) 3 58) 2 59) 2 60) 1
61) 3 62) 2 63) 1 64) 2 65) 2 66) 4 67) 3 68) 4 69) 3 70) 2
71) 2 72) 1 73) 2 74) 1 75) 4 76) 1 77) 2 78) 1 79) 1 80) 4
81) 2 82) 4 83) 1 84) 2 85) 2 86) 4 87) 1 88) 1 89) 3 90) 3
91) 4 92) 4 93) 3 94) 4 95) 2 96) 4 97) 4 98) 4 99) 2 100) 2

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