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Document Details
Author Modifications Date Version
Adrea Vui Draft 07.06.20 1.0

This document requires the following approvals:
Name Role Signature Approval Version
Ben Michaels President ( Caring 08.06.20 1.0
for Others )
Steve Gates Director (Sponsor) 08.06.20 1.0

This document has been distributed to:
Name Role Date of Version
Richard Hemps Business Analyst – Caring for Others 09.06.20 1.0

1. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY.............................................................................................................4
2. PROBLEM/OPPORTUNITY DEFINITION......................................................................................4
Problem Statement/Opportunity..................................................................................................................4
Anticipated Outcomes.................................................................................................................................5
3. PROJECT OVERVIEW.................................................................................................................7
3.1. Project Description......................................................................................................................................7
3.2. Goals and Objectives...................................................................................................................................7
3.3. Project Assumptions....................................................................................................................................8
3.4. Project Constraints.......................................................................................................................................8
4. STRATEGIC ALIGNMENT...........................................................................................................9
5. ALTERNATIVES ANALYSIS.......................................................................................................9
6. APPROVALS............................................................................................................................10


‘Caring for others’ is a non-profit organization that has helped many under developed countries,
where capital is scarce, to secure affordable, reliable and sustainable sources of energy to help
combat global warming. The problem faced by the villagers of Castaway Island are that:

 The cost of trying to maintain constant need for electricity in the village have become a
 Transporting fuel to and from the island have become a problem.

‘Caring for others’ have initiated the ‘Climate change and living sustainability’ program to help
solve the current problems of the villagers on Castaway Island by focusing their resources to
project development that are specific to solar energy. This document will cover all aspects as to
what the recommended solutions were and how they were justified.


2.1. Problem Statement/Opportunity

Villagers who reside on Castaway Island have encountered challenges such as:
 Maintaining consistent flow of electricity to their homes.
 The costly fee of fuel to sustain electricity needed.
 Limited transportation provided to and from Castaway Island when it is time to restock
fuel on the island

Caring for others can improve the current situation of the villagers by trying to implement a more
cheaper and sufficient way to maintain electricity on the island.

2.2. Anticipated Outcomes

Some anticipated outcomes of this project would be:

 Providing an ecological source of energy to promote an environmental friendly approach
to the effects of climate change.
 To reduce the carbon emissions from the diesel generators in the village
 Provide an efficient and reliable source of energy to Castaway villagers.
 To cut costly expenses for Castaway villagers. (i.e. travelling to the mainland to obtain

2.3. Recommendation

After discussing different options on how to tackle this current problem, one stood out of the rest
-“Solar Farm”. This approach would help Caring for others (NGO) tackle the current climate
conditions in the region and provide the villagers a sustainable way of living. This solar farm
project will achieve desired results such as:

 Cutting travel and diesel costs for the villagers.

 Clean and constant flow of electricity provided to the villagers.
 Carbon footprint from the island would be reduced completely

2.4. Justification

Implementing this solar farm on Castaway Island would greatly affect the villagers in the sense
that it would provide a cheaper way to maintain electricity in the village. This source of energy is
not only effective and efficient but in alignment with the organizations program objectives in
climate change and living sustainably.

Other alternatives apart from the solar farm were not viable, as Castaway Island did not have the
resource or was too difficult to generate the needed outcome of the project, which is to provide
sufficient flow of electricity to the villagers.

Some estimates for this project are:

 100% cost reduction of buying fuel
 80% reduced carbon emissions from using solar than fuel

Not considering this project would result in:

 More carbon emissions into the environment from the fuel generators.
 More costs on villagers in trying to acquire fuel to supply electricity to the village

2.5. Impact

The solar farm would be beneficially to the villagers as it would:

 Lessen financial burdens on the villagers
 Villagers would be aware that there are other means of obtaining a cleaner and efficient
source of energy
 The medical office would be able to operate at longer hours to cater for any injuries to the
villagers that may occur at any time of the day
 Teachers would be able to work longer if needed in assessing students homework or
The person in charge of going to buy the fuel would save more money as he would not have to
make any more trips to the mainland.


‘Caring for others’ (NGO) will establish the ‘Power for Castaway’ project to provide clean and
sufficient sources of energy to the villagers of Castaway Island and at the same time help reduce
the carbon footprint on the island. Caring for others will utilize a project manager along with PM
processes and expert opinions to help achieve the project goals. The expected life of the project
is a year. Some aspects to be considered prior to project authorization is that access to the island
is troublesome as limited travelling resources are provided to the island.

3.1. Project Description

The ‘Power for Castaway’ project will implement and construct a solar farm to help
sustain the need for electricity for the villagers of Castaway Island. In order to develop
this project the sponsor will:

 Hire a Project Manager to help overlook the project.

 Use various project management processes in documenting the project lifecycle.
 Attaining information from multidisciplinary team of professionals in going
about the construction of a solar farm.
 Identify and secure land on the island to construct the solar farm.

Implementing such a project will result in a clean, cheaper, sustainable and efficient way
of providing electricity to the villagers of Castaway Island.

3.2. Goals and Objectives

Listed below are the organizations goal along with the objectives for the ‘Power for
Castaway’ project:

 Helping the villagers of Castaway Island by cutting costs on buying fuel

 Eliminating carbon footprint on the island which in hand helps initiative towards
climate change and living sustainable program
 Provides awareness to the villagers of the impact of using fossil fuels and the
effects it has on the environment

3.3. Project Assumptions

The following listed below are assumptions that regard this project:

 The allocated funds will be enough to complete this project.

 Resources for this project are available locally.
 Construction will take less than 1 year to complete.

Upon project approval, know assumptions shall be recorded and documented.

3.4. Project Constraints

The following listed below are constraints that regard this project:

 The allocated funds will cater all aspects of the project

 Transportation to and from the mainland aren’t as frequent
 Connection to the country grid will be difficult
 Materials not available locally will affect project schedule
 Quality of materials not being fir for use as inter island travelling can damage
equipment & materials

Additional constraints may be known and documented accordingly upon project



The ‘Power for Castaway’ project conveys some aspects of ‘Caring for Others’ strategic plans.
This project will pave a way into future project developments for the organization. The table
below lists just a few of the organizations plans.

Plan Aim Support Towards Strategic Plan

Caring for Others Plan for Provide renewable & sustainable The project will help reduce the
climate change and living source of energy to the villagers of carbon footprint in the pacific islands
sustainability program Castaway Island region.
Caring for Others Plan for Help developing countries to live This project will allow villagers to
climate change and living cost-effectively with the resources spread the benefits of using
sustainability program provided in their country renewable energy sources compared
to fossil fuel energy

Caring for Others Plan for Help developing countries to inject With costs being cut from buying
climate change and living capital into their own country fossil fuels money can be spent into
sustainability program education systems and developing
other government departments


The table provided below were some substitute possibilities to the problem. These possible
solutions were not nominated as explained in the table below:

Options Reason for non-selection

No implementation  Lack of transportation available to and from the island which may lead to
of solar farm on the budget being blown over
island  The island already has means of generating electricity
 Funding can be used on another village that has no electricity

Wind Energy  Wind can be unpredictable

 Wind turbines can be damaged from lighting and wind
 Contributes to noise pollution
 Can endanger surrounding flying objects and wildlife
 Will cost more to build and acquire materials
Hydropower  Inconsistent flow of water on the island will not generate enough electricity
 Geographically would be impossible to achieve
 Cost of acquiring and transporting materials and building the hydro dam
would be very expensive


Project implementation cannot commence until the organizations president and sponsor have
signed the document control table above indicating that they have approved this business case
and succeeding documents that will follow hereafter.


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