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Law and Order: Appreciated by citizens or enforced?

Police under attack??

The current scenario (COVID19) demands the citizens of a nation to be calm and
responsible. Abiding by the laws seems not only the need of the hour but a savior.
The world has entitled police, doctors and social workers as “warriors” but there
are times when these harbingers of peace and safety are attacked.
Yes!!! It is very shocking to find that the crimes against police is on a rise in such
conditions where they are working day and night to maintain the order. It is
either misinformation or some planned, systematically executed plans that have
led to these attacks. To count for some,
The Malegaon district of Maharashtra
In light of this, a video claiming that Muslims gathered near a bridge to offer
prayers in Maharashtra’s Malegaon and attacked the cops when they tried to
disperse the crowd is going viral.

Ahmedabad in Gujrat
Police officers were attacked by stone-pelters in the Gulabnagar area of Juhapura,
Ahmedabad when they went to enforce the lockdown.

Two police officers were injured in the attack and their vehicle too was badly
damaged. A total of 22 accused, including the main accused, were arrested by the
police later.
Gujarati daily Divya Bhaskar had reported that they were the members of the
“Tablighi Jamaat”
Madhubani in Bihar
Bullets were fired and stones pelted upon police from a Mosque in Madhubani,
Bihar allegedly by the members of “Tablighi Jamaat”. Another shocking act of
deliberate violation of lockdown, a Muslim mob in Gidarganj village in
Andharatharhi block of Jahanjharpur of Madhubani district, Bihar not only
gathered to offer Namaz but also attacked and pelted stones at the police who
went there to prevent them from doing so.

We can notice that a majority of the attacks committed were related to one
religious group-“MUSLIMS”.

Either be it “Tablighi Jamaat” – a religious congregation that took place in Delhi's

Nizamuddin Markaz Mosque in early March 2020 was a coronavirus super-
spreader event, with more than 4,000 confirmed cases and at least 27 deaths
linked to the event reported across the country.
Or the mobs that hurdled in between the functioning of law and order in various
parts of the countries.
Telinipara (West Bengal): While the whole world has been fighting the novel
coronavirus, this locality in the suburban West Bengal town of Bhadreswar, 40 km
north of state capital Kolkata, has been fighting communal tension since May 12.

Fig1. A map showing Telinipara (West Bengal)


Males Females
9,124 (51%) 8,657(49%)
Smart art showing sex ratio of


Population below 6 years was 1,714. The total number of literates in Telenipara
was 13,813 (85.97% of the population over 6 years).
On the evening of Sunday, May 10, a little inter-community tension broke out
here, which was resolved by police intervention.
Monday, May 11 passed without incident.
Then, on the afternoon of Tuesday, May 12, an enormous mob descended on the
locality and large-scale targeted violence followed it.
The district magistrate imposed Section 144 on the same day, and also suspended
internet services in the adjoining Chandannagar and Srirampur subdivisions of
Hooghly district, within which Bhadreswar and Telinipara lie.

Fig2.The aftermath of violence of May 12

On 15th May, Dinemardanga Street was spotted with Specialized Indian Reserve
Battalion (SIRB) personnel posted at a crossroad – Dinemardanga junction – just
before Telinipara ghat. Around 30 SIRB personnel are posted at the junction
round the clock, one among them confirmed to The Wire.
The trouble actually began on Sunday, May 10 evening, after a minor husstle over
the use of a public toilet near the Telinipara ghat. Someone from the minority
area had reportedly tested positive for COVID-19. Fearing the spread of the virus,
some members of the Hindu community stopped Muslims from using the general
public toilet, and this led to a small tussle.

One of the SIRB police said that” many petrol bombs were used that the road is
completely covered with pieces of glass. I guess they used acid too, as a liquid
from a bottle discolored a wall.”

His companion said, “We only have lathis (sticks) and some non-lethal weapons.
How can we control an armed mob of 500-600 bearing lathis and shields?”

What occurred on May 12 was a planned attack which was systematically

executed, he added.
Something similar related to religious differences and blind beliefs happened in
Tikiyapara in Howrah district, a ‘red zone’,

Fig3. A map of Tikiyapara (West Bengal)

Tikiapara is a region of mixed cultures and languages with Muslim community

forming a majority of the population. Most Muslims live in the central part of
Tikiapara ranging from Bibi Majid continuing till Fari.
While Hindus are concentrated mostly on the outskirts of in and around the
central Tikiapara region mentioned above. Most north Indian Hindus (Biharis and
Marwaris) are concentrated totally on the Ashu Bose Lane region and Bengali
Hindus residing west of Belilious Park till Kadamtala.
The incident took place in the evening of 29th April, when a police patrol reached
Belilious Road at Tikiapara after receiving inputs that a large number of people
were jostling in a local market, violating the lockdown and social distancing
The police asked them to return home and that led to an altercation and
exchange of blows. The locals then pelted stones at the policemen. Two of our
personnel were injured and two vehicles were damaged,” the official said.

The two injured police personnel were taken to a local hospital.

Later, a large police contingent, including Rapid Action Force (RAF) personnel,
reached the spot to control the situation
Some particular groups who follow particular MUSLIM LEADERS are at the back of
such incidents.
They believe their leaders to be above law, they are unaware of the current
situation and this is the main cause behind such some planned, systematically
executed plans that have led to these attacks.
Looking at the demographics of this area , we find that Muslim community has
expanded a lot and form dominance in these parts .

The growth rates of this community can be traced to be continually growing than
others in the city.
Police ki Aatma Ko jagana hai, shayd koi Singham ban jaye..

India is much more than communal dispairs and Unity in diversity should be our
motive .
As far as crimes against police personnel are not stopped ,it would be very
difficult to maintain law enforcement in all parts of the country and specially in
cities like Takiyapara and Hooghly.
It is high time that Police should be given freedom to work and use force where
necessary for the betterment of citizens of the country.

Thank you.

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