Fitting: Ieee Transactions On Biomedical Engineering, Vol. Bme-26, No. 2, February 1979

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2, FEBRUARY 1979

was the highest frequency reached in this test due to limita- mation directly to a computer via an A-D converter. Four
tions in the recording device (HP oscillographic recorder). specific sources of information are usually available:
Phase-locked tracking systems are unable to track echos 1. Measurement of the angular position of limbs, either by
from structures which exceed a certain upper velocity. The means of cinematography (1, 2) or some form of goniometry
value of this maximum velocity is a function of the wavelength (3,4,5).
(X) of ultrasound in the transmitting media, and the repetition 2. Measurement of the acceleration of limbs using acceler-
rate at which the ultrasound is pulsed. The reflecting structure ometers placed at strategic points upon the limbs (6).
cannot move by more than X/4 between consecutive pulses if 3. Measurement of the external forces applied to a limb
phase-lock is to be maintained. Thus, the maximum allowable during contact with an external surface, either using a force
velocity of a reflecting structure is S (pulse repetition rate) e platform, or other methods (7, 8).
X/4. As an example, a 5 MHz ultrasonic system (X = 0.3 mm 4. An estimate of the forces produced by various muscle
in tissue), pulsed at a rate of 2 kHz, would be able to track a groups from electromyographic signals suitably processed and
reflecting structure whose maximum velocity .150 mm/s. interpreted (9, 10, 1 1).
Note that a two-transducer, send and receive system, measures It is necessary to provide mathematical functions that
the transit time of the ultrasonic wavefront in one direction describe the information derived from the above four groups.
only and can therefore tolerate transducer displacements of This provides not only a function describing the parameter in
X/2 mm between consecutive samples. Thus, the maximum question, but allows the smoothing of errors accumulated in
velocity would be 300 mm/s. either the measurement, recording, or digitization processes.
The device described above measures the distance between The main functions used are polynomials (Least squares,
two points which are defined by either two piezoelectric trans- Minimax, Chebyshev, etc.) (2, 12, 13), Fourier series (13),
ducers or one transducer and a reflecting target. Its primary and cubic splines (13, 14, 15).
use in our laboratory has been to measure muscle shortening in If the information is used in its original form and none of
the intact heart wall of anesthetized animals. This method of its derivatives are needed, polynomials or Fourier series, taken
tracking pulsed ultrasound would be useful where signal to a high order in both cases, suffice to provide an accurate
strength and stability of the received ultrasonic signal is too representation. The maximum order possible, to get sensible
low to permit a simple amplitude discriminator from accurately results from either of these types of series, is equal to half the
detecting the arrival of an echo. This tracking method could number of data points available (12, 16). Problems occur
be applied to pulsed-echo systems, where the orientation of when derivatives of the original data are required, e.g., 2nd
the reflecting structures are constantly changing, and thus derivatives of positional information. If a high order series
varying the returning signals' amplitude. is used, the resulting function for the derivatives becomes
dominated by the higher order terms. This is due to the series
ACKNOWLEDGMENT approximation becoming so accurate that it follows the
The authors express appreciation to Dr. John V. Tyberg errors in the data points, thus, any slightly erroneous data
and the staff of the Cardiovascular Division's Research Labo- point produces a large change in the derivatives.
ratory, UCSF, for their cooperation and support of this work, Unless an arbitrary limit is placed on the series order (usually
and to Robert Battagin for his help in reviewing this article. 3rd, 4th, or 5th order) the only available methods of knowing
at what order the derivatives diverge are either by calculating
REFERENCES a series approximation at increasing orders and visual inspection
1. Hokanson, D. E., D. J. Mozersky, D. S. Sumner, D. E. Strandness, of the changes occurring in the derivatives, or by use of a
Jr. A phase-locked echo tracking system for recording arterial cubic spline function fitted to the data within a certain maxi-
diameter changes in vivo. J. Appl. Physiol. 32: 728-733. May, mum least square error. Both methods involve arbitrary
1972. choices about either the series order or the maximum least
squares error.
Any method of overcoming these restrictions and providing
a mathematical method of choosing a function to fit a certain
set of data points would remove arbitrariness and the necessity
for visual inspection. Thus, the level at which a function is
chosen could be built into the total computing process. If
Fitting of Mathematical Functions to Biomechanical Data the data are discontinuous and the derivatives are needed,
the only recourse is a cubic spline. Because of its construction
K. M. JACKSON as a set of 3rd order equations interpolating between the
points, a cubic spline can follow local variations in the data
better than global functions such as polynomials or Fourier
Abstract-A method is presented to decide the order a polynomial or series. However, this is at the expense of producing a set of
Fourier series best represents a set of biomechanical data points, with functions for the needed mathematical description, each valid
regard to the calculation of the first and second derivatives of the data. in a certain interval, and thus introducing complexities into
subsequent manipulation of these functions. In the majority
INTRODUCTION of cases, the data are reasonably smooth, therefore poly-
nomials or Fourier series suffice.
Biomechanical analysis of human movement often entails a
computerized analysis of the mechanics of the movement in TECHNIQUE
question. Most of the data are used in digital form, either by The following method of choosing the order of a series to
manual digitization of a chart record, or by feeding the infor- fit a set of data points applies equally well to polynomials or
Fourier series. For many instances a Fourier series approxima-
Manuscript received May 16, 1977; revised March 15, 1978. tion is preferable, for reasons to be discussed later.
The author is with the Department of Physics, Division of Biological If a series is fitted to a set of data, the accuracy of fit can be
Sciences, Guy's Hospital Medical School, London, England. examined by looking at the residuals (the difference between

0018-9294/79/0200-0122$00.75 © 1979 IEEE


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PERCENTAGE OF CYCLE Fig. 2. Average error, expressed as a percentage of the total range of the
Fig. 1. An example of flexion of the forearm at the elbow during data in Fig. 1, plotted against the series order used for reconstruction.
normal human walking at a cadence of 100 steps/min-1. The vertical
scale represents angular movement in degrees. The horizontal scale is
time measured as a percentage of the walking cycle.
the value of the derived function at a particular point and the
original value at that point). A visual examination is the
method commonly used (13, 15). At orders too low to pro-
duce a reasonable fit to the data, information is still present in
the residuals. The residuals become random when the data set
is approximated to a reasonable accuracy. This process is '4

not only time-consuming and prone to error, but cannot be LU)

reproduced with any suitable mathematical process in a LU

computer program. 0
Flexion of the forearm at the elbow joint during normal
human locomotion provides a suitable example illustrating the
process described below. The rotation of the forearm at the
elbow joint shown in Fig. 1 was recorded using an R. F. 1
goniometer attached around the elbow (5, 17). The signal
was displayed on a U.V. chart recorder (Galvanometer fre-
quency response 500 Hz) using a paper speed of 100 mm * s- 0 0
This was then manually digitized at intervals of 1 mm with a o n a 0

D-Mac digitizer which had an inherent accuracy of ±0.1 mm. I 10 20 30

Fig. 1 is an average of 3 consecutive cycles taken from a subject SERIES ORDER
walking at a cadence of -100 steps/min-'. These 3 cycles,
each containing 120 digitized points, then averaged were
Fig. 3. The second derivative (interpolated) of Fig. 2 plotted against
using a computer program to produce a set of 64 data points the series order used for reconstruction.
representing the cyclic data.
From Fig. 2 it can be seen that as a higher order approxi- This method has been used with data encompassing higher
mation is used, above a certain level, an increase in series order harmonics than the curve shown in Fig. 1, with similar success.
produces no appreciable decrease in the average error. The Acceleration, both vertical and horizontal, of the shoulder
point at which this occurs is also the point at which an accept- during normal walking in man provides complex curves (18).
able fit to the original data occurs. The location of this 'knee' These were measured using accelerometers attached to the
point in Fig. 2 can be found by inspection of the absolute acromion and digitized as above. The computing routine
value of the 2nd derivative of this curve, calculated by linear decided that a Fourier series provided a faithful representation
interpolation of the data in Fig. 2 to produce the first deriva- of the data with a maximum number of harmonics some-
tive, and linear interpolation between the first derivative points where in the region 6-10, the exact number being decided for
to produce the second derivative. This second derivative each particular case.
settles down to a small value as soon as the 'knee' of Fig. 2 is DISCUSSION
passed, and the curve is nearly linear (Fig. 3).
A computer program to calculate the average value of the The previously described method can also be used for poly-
residuals and linearly interpolate the second derivative is nomials. Fourier series weie used in preference to polynomials
simple to construct. If the absolute value of the second deriva- in the above examples because the original data were cyclic in
tive has been less than a prescribed level for three consecutive nature. A major use of reconstructed data curves is in the
orders of approximation the 'knee' point is deemed to have solution of differential equations pertinent to the specific
occurred, and from here onwards extra harmonics will follow human motion under study. It is often worthwhile to allow
errors, and not the original function. The prescribed level the computed solution of the differential equation to 'run'
mentioned, beneath which a logical choice is made, is simple for a few cycles in order that any initial transients can die
to decide upon because of the discontinuous nature of Fig. 3. away. A Fourier series reconstruction is eminently suitable
In the example shown in Figs. 1-3 the program made a choice for this purpose as it is valid outside its range of construction
that a Fourier series up to the 5th harmonic provided a good (recurrent at intervals of 27r). A polynomial is only valid
representation of the original data. within its range of construction. A check at increasing series

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are calculated near the extremes of the original range of con- of human body movements,"J Biomech. vol. 6,pp. 729-736,1973.
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doubt the criterion of having the second derivative of Fig. 2 14. S. Wold, "Spline functions in data analysis," Technometrics, vol.
remains below a specified level is not the only method of de- 16,pp.1-11,1974.
ciding the order of series to be used. Other methods involving 15. R. F. Zernicke, G. Caldwell, E. M. Roberts, "Fitting biomechanical
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16. A. R. Stokes, "A numerical Fourier-analysis method for the correc-
below some prescribed value can be used, and must be decided tion of widths and shapes of lines on X-ray powder photographs."
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REFERENCES Med. and Biol. Eng. and Comput., vol. 15, pp. 97-106, 1977.
18. B. K. N. Rao, B. Jones, "Some studies on the measurement of head
1. M. P. Murray, "Gait as a total pattern of movement," Am. J. Phys. and shoulder vibration during walking," Ergonomics, vol. 18,
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