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what is art?

grew up knowing art as something that is colorful and a craft full of intricate and complex designs.
whenever I see something that is pleasing to my eyes, I immediately associate it with art. Never have I
known that art is more than just what we see with our own naked eyes. Its more than, or even beyond,
that scope of our vision. Learning art in the latter part of my college years, has changed my perspective
towards everything. The same question Iam asked now, was the same question being asked centuries
and decades ago. Our great philosophers were once had tried to put up the most accurate answer they
can possibly come up with. And somehow, they were able to fill up the void to that question but not
fully. According to Aristotle, art is an attempt to grasp at universal truths in individual happenstance.
There were actually lots of philosophers who have tried answering the same question but let me take
Aristotle to support my idea. If we ponder upon it quite enough, we may somehow agree as to what
Aristotle is trying to say. We use art, like paintings and sculpture, to take hold of the significant instance
hapenning at the moment and bring it to life not only through our own memory. It is one of the notion I
have to agree with when someone asks me what art is. As I continue learning art, I have come to the
biggest change in my perspective on it. I have realized that art is not just something that is colorful and a
craft with complex designs. rather, it is something that defies what we are only able to see and enable
us to dig deeper to the story behind the art. I have seen art without colorful and complex designs. I have
also seen art with a design that I would never thought be appropriate to be called as art. But, despite all
of it, they are still called art. I, therefore conclude, that art tells a story that is dependent upon the own
interpretation of an individual audience that enhances our vision to see beyond what our eyes are only
capable of. It is a medium that does not limit ourselves to express every impossible things we are made
to believe in this world. Our only limit in art is our own imagination. That is art for me.

In the midst of the transition from the old curriculum to the new curriculum should art as a subject be
removed in the curriculum?why?

- Every schools layout subjects that are deemed important to the learnings of their students. I find every
subject in school as an integral part of the educational program that is designed to promote the ultimate
capability of an individual. They are intended to mold students to be equipped with knowledge that
would be useful to the community. Art is one of the subject that is being offered by every schools. In my
own opinion, art should still remain and be offered in the new curriculum. I considered three important
categories that I think art had great impact on and had helped me derive to my decision on agreeing for
it to remain in the new curriculum. First, is the culture in art. The most basic knowledge we should have
as an individual is the knowledge of our own identity. Knowing where we came from and the roots of
our own identity is an absolute information ideal in the formation of our own persona in this world. If
we further study art, it is always in collaboration with culture. Examples that are being discussed in art
subject are; "bahay kubo", it is an architectural design that is only observed in our country; and the
"harana", a traditional way of courtship observed by early Filipinos. These are just a few examples, there
are still more to consider in other fields like dancing, drama, painting, etc. Therefore, if we study art, we
also study our culture. which in return, helps us mold our own identity. Second, Art as medium of
expression. Life is inevitable to unexpected circumstances. There are times that we feel so low and
down. And the only way to relief ourselves to such kind of situation is through expression. One medium
being used as expression to unspoken feelings and sadness is through art like painting, music, dancing,
etc. If we try to listen to the stories of many artist who have achieved great succes, they have been using
art as their tool to break away from their depression and to whatever they are going through in life. If
art is being taught in school, it is as if the school is giving away a weapon for students to fight against the
things that is hindering them to live their lives. Third and last, Art in education. The main purpose of
including art as a subject being taught in school is to develop the skills of every students, may it be in
music, drama, painting, or dancing. Art ehances our ability to think beyond the box. It allows us to
expand our horizon and helps us create more options as to how we reach our own destination. It is
always believed that the best way to go to a certain point is by going straight to it. But in art, it is taught
that the fastest way to go there is by going through curves and edges. In other words, art improves our
mind's ability to imagine and to create. If we completely dissolve art as a subject in the new curriculum,
it is as if we extract something that is keeping us away from the system and formula. And we dont want
to be eaten by the system, nobody desires to be eaten by it.

3. In a society that puts more emphasis on practical degrees like medicine, law, accountancy, education,
etc., and belittle degrees related to art, why is it important to inculcate to the young ones to not just
dream high but also to dream deep?

- If we try to ponder upon the question being asked, what do we really mean by the words "dream
high"? how is it different to dreaming "deep"? what does it take to not just dream high, but also to
dream deep? and how would it impact our young ones if we let them to not just dream high, but also to
dream deep?

As a child, I was always told by everyone around me to took up science courses like nursing and
engineering when I already reach college. I have not heard someone told me to took any art degrees. If
we look at the people around us, everybody is busy tapping at their calculator or scanning through their
medical books in search of answers. If we let our parents speak up their reasons as to why they want us
to took up such science courses, the first thing we could hear is that "para mataas sahod mo kapag
magtatrabaho kana". They see science courses as key to achieving our worldly needs and likes. But they
do not see what would make us happy if we try pursuing what we want. That is when dreaming deep
intervenes. To dream deep means to neglect practical decisions and choose passion instead. Choosing
degrees in art may not be the most practical decision, but it can be the best decision if you think it is
where you are most passionate about. It may not be able to give you the highest paying job to buy you
luxuries in life, but at the very least, it gives you the happiness you deserve. Nothing is more important
than choosing the things that you like and not the things that others like for you. In a society where
practicality is mostly observed rather than choosing passion, it is hard to avoid stereotypes in choosing
degrees. It is where the roots of belittling arts courses starts. As early as possible, we should try to
encourage our children to not just dream high, but to also dream deep. There is nothing completely
wrong in dreaming high, nor in dreaming deep. But what is wrong is if we set a bar that separates arts
courses to science courses, as if one course is superior than the other. Every degree in college is as
important as taking our meals everyday. The only difference they have is the purpose each course lay
out. By encouraging our young ones to also dream deep, we are creating a brilliant future for them. A
future that is open to all endless possibilities and a future of our dreams!

An unimaginable force that was unseen

Had cause tremendous bloodshed in the world that we lived in.

A virus, lone but powerful

crashed the harmonious fret of our daily battles.

A crown that symbolizes power and might

is worn by a thing tinier than a mite.

As it travels and rule the world

with its power comes iminent danger to humans' existence.

History will remember

That a city always full of people,

A city that never turned dark,

A city that is vibed with music,

Was shutdown by an unforseen entity.

History will remember

that there were more than 200,000 people got infected,

more than 10,000 people went dead

and billions of dollars was lost.

History will remember

that there was a time when kids stayed at home,

Parents did not go to work,

and No one was allowed to go out.

History will remember

that humans became united

fighting hand in hand

In the battle against one lone villain.

As History continue its journey

Let this be a memory that is full of learnings

The impact it had cause was not fully negative at all

Look out there and see nature gradually heals itself from what we have caused.

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