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Take Test: MBCH732D-Human Resource Management-Jan20-...

Hemant Bhatnagar

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My Assignments Take Test: MBCH732D-Human Resource Management-Jan20-Assignment1

Take Test: MBCH732D-Human Resource Management-Jan20-Assignment1

Test Information
Instructions Center for Continuing Education - UPES
Human Resource Management
Assignment 1

Total Questions: 63
Total Marks: 100

Assignment Information :

The examination will consist of only Objective type (multiple choice) questions requiring candidates to Mouse-click their correct choice of alternatives
against the related question number. The questions would carry 1 to 5 marks each depending on the difficulty level of the question as indicated in the table

Difficulty Level of Questions:

1 Mark - Direct, Memory based

2 Marks - Memory & Conceptual
3 Marks - Conceptual & Analytical
4 Marks - Analytical based on understanding of concepts
5 Marks - Application based on understanding of concepts

The question paper will be for 100 marks and considering marks allotted to each question, the total number of questions would be around 63.
There will not be negative marking for wrong answers.
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The students are normally allowed 3 chances to attempt and submit the assignment. The number of attempts availed is displayed under the "Test
The Highest Grade of the 3 attempts shall be considered for grading.
The assignments are auto evaluated, and hence no chance of re-evaluation/re-totalling is allowed to the student.

Multiple This Test allows 3 attempts. This is attempt number 2.

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Choose the right option-The question may have more than one correct answer.
Steps of Management Development Programme (MDP) amy include :
1. To look at the employee's goals.
2. To establish training and development programmes.
3. To prepare manpower inventory.
4. To plan for individual development programmes.


Select the most appropriate option

Performance evaluation improves competitive advantage by :
1. Involving immediate supervisors in the evaluation process.
2. Providing strong basis for demotion, transfers, and lay-offs.
3. Increasing the frequency of performance evaluation.
4. Reducing grievance an

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Take Test: MBCH732D-Human Resource Management-Jan20-...

Choose the right option-The question may have more than one correct answer.
Induction serves severalpurposes such as Removes fears : A newcomer steps into an organisation as a stranger. He is new to the
people, workplace and work environment. He is not very sure about what he is supposed to do. Induction helps a new employee
overcome such fears and perform better on the job. It assists him in knowing more about:
1. The job, its content, policies, rules and regulations.
2. The people with whom he is supposed to interact.
3. The terms and conditions of employment.
4. The interview questions and written tests


Select the most appropriate option

The succession plan should identify :
1. Key posts and possible successors.
2. Competencies of successors and the training required for them.
3. Causes of turnover
4. All of the above
5. Only (2) and (3)


Select the most appropriate option

Which best represents an interview with a set of standardized questions (based on job requirements) and an established set of
answers against which applicant responses can be rated?
1. Panel interview
2. Behavioural interview
3. Situational interview
4. Structured interview


Select the most appropriate option

A programme of one-to-one collaboration between a certified external expert and a manager for developing the leadership skills of
the latter is called :
1. Executive Orientation
2. Executive coaching
3. Mentoring
4. None of the above


Select the most appropriate option

------ can be defined as advancement of an employee in an organization to another job, which commands better pay/wages, better
status/prestige and higher opportunities/ challenges and responsibilities, a better working environment, hours of work and facilities,
1. Promotion
2. Transfer
3. Job Rotation
4. Job Enlargement


Select the most appropriate option

Which of the following uses three types of participants: decision makers, staff personnel, and respondents?
1. Executive opinions
2. Sales force composites
3. Delphi method
4. Consumer surveys


Select the most appropriate option

The HR audit needs to be done at ------- levels of the organization.
1. Two
2. Three
3. Four
4. Five


Select the most approp

Moving employees from

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Take Test: MBCH732D-Human Resource Management-Jan20-...

2. Job reengineering
3. Work mapping
4. Job enrichment

Q U E S T I O N 11

Select the most appropriate option

Which of the following is not a trend in job design?
1. Temporary Workers
2. 9 to 5 scheduling
3. Alternative workplaces (telecommuting, shared offices, etc)
4. Automation of manual work
5. Meaningful and rewarding jobs


Select the most appropriate option

Technological obsolescence of engineers can be easily prevented by:
1. Behaviour modelling
2. Lectures
3. Coaching
4. Laboratory training
5. On-the-job training


Select the most appropriate option

The job context component of a job description does not -------.
1. Encompass both tasks and KSAOs
2. Describe physical demands
3. Describe environmental characteristics
4. Address pay scales


Select the most appropriate option

Apart from HRP, job analysis serves which of the following purposes of Human Resource Management?
1. Recruitment and Selection
2. Wage and Salary Administration
3. Job Re-engineering
4. All of the above
5. Only (1) and (2)


Select the most appropriate option

-------- is conferment of additional benefits, usually in the form of higher pay, for an increase in responsibility or skill which is
formalized by an increase in status or rank.
1. Promotion
2. Transfer
3. Job Rotation
4. Job Enlargement


Select the most appropriate option

Which of the following is/ are applied as a preceding step for Human Resource Planning (HRP)?
1. Work study
2. Method study
3. Work measurement techniques
4. All of the above
5. Only (1) and (2)

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Take Test: MBCH732D-Human Resource Management-Jan20-...


Select the most appropriate option

What strategies deployed by HR for attracting potential candidates to apply for vacancies might be seen to result in indirect
1. Advert in local press
2. Word of mouth
3. Now recruiting banners/notices
4. Agency or job centre


Select the most appropriate option

------- of an employee to policies can be identified through the nature and frequency of grievances, disagreement, discord and
1. Commitment
2. Congruence
3. Competence
4. None of the above


Choose the right option-The question may have more than one correct answer.
The needs for manpower training in an organization may be categorized as :
1. Improving Performance: Continuous training being required to renew and update knowledge and skills of employees, it makes
them functionally effective. The third need is therefore, to make employees effective in their performance through continuous
2. Developing Human Skills: Apart from emphasizing on technical and conceptual skills, new training programmes also
emphasize on developing human skills of employees. Such human skill is necessary for effective interpersonal relations and
sustaining healthy work environment. This need for training therefore also cannot be altogether ignored.
3. Updating Knowledge: Technological advancement, business environmental changes and new management philosophies
have now made it imperative for the organization to renew and update the knowledge and skills of the employees so that they
do not become redundant for obvious functional incompetence. The first and foremost need for manpower training therefore,
is to renew and update knowledge and skills of employees to sustain their effective performance and so also to develop them
for future managerial positions.
4. Avoiding Obsolescence: Recent economic liberalization programmes of Government of India are necessitating organizational
restructuring, which inter alia, calls for training the employees, irrespective of their functional level, for their redeployment in
restructured jobs. Therefore, the second important need for training is to avert functional obsolescence.
5. Imparting Trade-specific Skills: In industrial employment, the convention is to recruit workers and employees through
compulsory apprenticeship training. Such apprenticeship training enables an organization to impart industry and trade specific
skills to workers. This also, therefore, is an important need for manpower training.


Choose the right option-The question may have more than one correct answer.
Which of the following is/ are the objective(s) of the job information?
1. The objective of job information is organizational analysis. It helps in work flow analysis with respect to a job and also helps in
identification of redundant work elements in a job and thus facilitates in job restructuring.
2. The objective of job information is to communicate duties and responsibilities attached to a job to the employees for their
clear understanding. This also helps employees to understand organizational expectations from them.
3. For HRP, job information helps in analyzing the scope for internal hiring and the requirements of external hiring for staffing
various positions in the organization.
4. In setting performance standards and establishing job objectives, job information is essential both in qualitative and
quantitative terms. This also facilitates in appraising performance of an employee against such set standards more
5. For other HR related decisions like; promotion, transfer, relocation, redundancy and compensation designing, job information
provides critical inputs.


Choose the right option-The question may have more than one correct answer.
Which of the following areas of attitudinal changes require HRD intervention?
1. Attitudes towards perceived threats to trade union legality and other large scale efforts to reduce trade union power or
2. Attitudes towards methods of wage negotiations, whether by collective or local bargaining.
3. Attitudes towards working conditions and any administrative machinery for the discussion or regulation of such conditions.
4. Attitudes towards worker training or promotion and towards education in general as means of improving management and
industrial skills.


Choose the right option-The question may have more than one correct answer.
The responsibility of the immediate manager in induction process include:
1. Contact HR prior to a n
2. Ensure office space an
orpersonal assistant is
3. Develop an induction p

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Take Test: MBCH732D-Human Resource Management-Jan20-...

4. Inform key relationship people of the new employee and the role they will play in the orientation process and aslo co-ordinate
the date and time respectively.s
5. A tour of company facilities and introduction to all employees. Ensure business cards are ordered, as appropriate


Choose the right option-The question may have more than one correct answer.
Specifically, the purpose of recruitment is / are to :
1. Determine the present and future requirements of the organization in conjunction with its personal planning and job-analysis
2. Increase the pool of job candidates at minimum cost.
3. Help to increase the success rate of the selection process by reducing the number of visibly under qualified or over qualified
job applicants.
4. Help to reduce the probability that job applicants, once recruited and selected, will leave the organization only after a short
period of time.


Select the most appropriate option

Seniority based promotions are advantageous because:
1. They are objective
2. They single out the best employee for praise and recognition
3. They make unions powerful
4. They are based on performance
5. They help employees grow horizontally


Select the most appropriate option

------- development is a planned, systematic and continuous process of learning and growth by which managers develop their
conceptual and analytical abilities to manage.
1. Management
2. Organisational
3. Human resource
4. None of the above


Fit the best option

A is called for whenever new equipment offers more efficient or economical service than the old existing one.


Select the most appropriate option

------- provide a clear idea of what management and employees can expect.
1. Programmes
2. Objectives
3. Procedures
4. Policies


Fit the best option

is defined as collection or aggregation of tasks, duties and responsibilities, which are assigned to an
individual employee.


Select the most appropriate option

Which of the following factors is not an external influencing factor in wages and salary administration?
1. Cost of living
2. Labour legislations
3. Labour market conditions
4. Ability to pay


Select the most approp

A ------- is a predetermi
1. Strategy
2. Programme

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Take Test: MBCH732D-Human Resource Management-Jan20-...

4. Policy


Select the most appropriate option

Human Resource Planning (HRP) / manpower planning is essential wherever ------- is/ are involved.
1. Production of goods
2. Services
3. Both (1) and (2)
4. None of the above


Select the most appropriate option

Monte Carlo Simulation is also known as ------- simulation method.
1. Random
2. Probabilistic
3. Fixed
4. Dynamic


Select the most appropriate option

Employee orientation and induction is also called employee ------- process.
1. Introduction
2. Socialization
3. Placement
4. None of the above


Select the most appropriate option

Internal recruitment has the potentiality to increase the -------- of the employees.
1. Conflicts
2. Misunderstanding
3. Income
4. Morale


Fit the best option

The term is usually defined to mean compensation to office, managerial, technical and professional staff.


Select the most appropriate option

An underlying, enduring trait of the person that is useful for performing a range of tasks is ------- .
1. Knowledge
2. Skills
3. Abilities
4. None of the above


Select the most appropriate option

Moving average method smoothens random errors by giving exponentially decreasing weights to ------- data.
1. Statistical
2. Historical
3. Future
4. Projected


Select the most appropriate option

The third step in the training process is to ------ .
1. Assess the program’s successes or failures
2. Present the program to
3. Design the program co
4. Conduct a needs analy
5. Train the targeted grou

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Take Test: MBCH732D-Human Resource Management-Jan20-...


Select the most appropriate option

The transfer which facilitate the employees in acquiring a wide variety of skills is known as :
1. Displacement transfer
2. Versatility transfer
3. Shift transfer
4. Remedial transfer


Select the most appropriate option

The primary responsibility for human resource planning lies with :
1. HR Manager
2. General manager
3. Trade union leader
4. Line manager


Select the most appropriate option

The methods used to give new or present employees the skills they need to perform their jobs are called ------ .
1. Orientation
2. Training
3. Development
4. Appraisal
5. Management


Select the most appropriate option

Employers can supplement the job description and specification with a ------- that consolidates information regarding required tasks
and skills in a format that is helpful for determining training requirements.
1. Performance record form
2. Training assessment form
3. Task analysis record form
4. Skill sheet
5. Work function analysis


Select the most appropriate option

The basis for human resource planning is:
1. The economic trends
2. Demand for employees
3. Strategic plans of the firm
4. Budgets


Select the most appropriate option

Which of the following is the first step in succession planning?
1. Creating an applicant pool
2. Assessing possible candidates
3. Identifying and analyzing key jobs
4. Selecting who will fill key positions
5. Developing the strengths of current employees


Select the most appropriate option

Payment of cash rewards for the work extracted from the employee is normally called ------- .
1. Direct compensation
2. Indirect compensation
3. Non-monetary compensation
4. None of the above


Select the most approp

The Chinese as early a

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Take Test: MBCH732D-Human Resource Management-Jan20-...

2. Principle of Division of Workforce

3. Division of Human Resource
4. None of the above


State whether the given statement is true or false

Cross-functional or crosslateral transfers, throughout the career of an employee, keep employee fresh and receptive to new ideas
and make him more creative and productive.
1. true
2. false


State whether the given statement is true or false

Unlike Delphi method, nominal group method involves a panel of experts.
1. true
2. false


Select the most appropriate option

The forecasting based on the subjective views of the managers on the HR requirements of an organization is known as :
1. Normal group technique
2. Managerial judgment
3. Work study technique
4. Delphi technique


Select the most appropriate option

Human Resource Planning (HRP) helps to plan ------- in manpower competencies in a systematic manner.
1. Replacements
2. Changes
3. Both (1) and (2)
4. None of the above


Select the most appropriate option

The process of bringing together different tasks to build a job is called ------- .
1. Job evaluation
2. Job design
3. Job classification
4. Job description


Select the most appropriate option

Which of the following is served as the criteria to qualify for promotion under formal promotion form?
1. Seniority
2. Length of service
3. Behaviour
4. Popularity
5. Only (1) and (2)


Select the most appropriate option

Job analysis is a process of gathering information about the :
1. Job holder
2. Job
3. Management
4. Organization

QUESTION 54 1 points

Fit the best option

or orientation programm
them with the job and th

8 of 10 14-05-2020, 13:45
Take Test: MBCH732D-Human Resource Management-Jan20-...


Select the most appropriate option

A body of information that can be directly applied to the performance of tasks is ------- .
1. Knowledge
2. Skills
3. Abilities
4. None of the above


Select the most appropriate option

The formal form of promotion is also known as the ------- .
1. Standardised Form
2. Systematic Form
3. Either (1) or (2)
4. None of the above


Select the most appropriate option

Under ------- , average of the combined employment level data for the recent past is considered as the forecasted employment level
for the next period.
1. Moving Average Method
2. Manpower Average Method
3. Forecasting Average Method
4. None of the above


Select the most appropriate option

Which best defines the degree to which interviews, tests, and other selection procedures yield comparable data over time and
alternative measures?
1. Job sampling
2. Reliability
3. Validity
4. Organizational culture


Select the most appropriate option

------- is concerned with an organized series of learning activities, within a specified time limit, designed to produce behavioural
change in the learner.
1. Human Resource Development
2. Organisational Development
3. Industrial Relations
4. Organisational Behaviour


Select the most appropriate option

Techniques of estimating demand for human resources :
1. Mere approximations
2. Are rarely done
3. Involve HR audits
4. Can be very accurate
5. Employ skills inventories


Select the most appropriate option

As a decruitment option, ------- are a temporary involuntary termination that can last from a few weeks to several years.
1. Layoffs
2. Attritions
3. Transfers
4. Early retirements

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Take Test: MBCH732D-Human Resource Management-Jan20-...


State whether the given statement is true or false

Serfdom was based on negative incentive system and Slavery was based on positive incentive system.
1. true
2. false


Select the most appropriate option

A ------- requires employees to change the work group, workplace or unit.
1. Transfer
2. Promotion
3. Job Rotation
4. Job Enrichment

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