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Assignment week 3 On-line learning 5 June 2020

UNIT 3 Reporting in Nursing

Name : Riri Rinayanti Idul

NIM : 218031

Study the types of reports, either oral or written reports. Pelajari jenis-jenis report bai
oral maupun tertulis yang ada di halaman 1-2.
When you did PKL at a hospital, which report you found. Choose one then explain.
Ketikan anda PKL di sebuah rumah sakit, laporan yang mana yang ada temukan. Pilih
satu dan jelaskan.
Identify its types, whether oral or written. It it is written reports, what type? Identifikasi
jenis laporannya, apakah oral atau tertulis. Jika tertulis, masuk jenis apa?
Jika perlu kasih contoh laporannya, dibuat buat saja. tuliskan tanggal, nama perawat,
jam, hari, tindakan, dll. (yang sederhana saja)

The Answer Unit 3 Reporting In Nursing

For this task I chose TELEPHONE REPORTS

Telephone reports include the types of oral reports

Telephone communication is often required by members of the nursing team as a

medium to convey information. Telephone reports are used when nurses inform doctors
about changes in client conditions, nurses from one unit inform nurses of other units about
client transfers, or information about radiological reports or diagnostic examinations using
the SBAR and TBAK methods.

I will give an example of a patient's state report by telephone

Nurse: Good morning, with the dr. Gita?

Docter: good morning, yes i am
Nurse: this is with me nurse Riri Rinayanti Idul from the Garuda room I will report the
patient on behalf of Mrs. Soraya Age 30 years, date of birth 23 January 1990, with a
medical record of 231 123 511, with vital signs: blood pressure = 150/90, pulse =
110 x / minute, respiration 20x minutes, temperature = 37 C, the client is currently
rebelling doctors, and clients at risk of seizures, we have given diazepam 10 mg / iv,
furthermore is there additional therapy from the doctor?
Doctor: Both nurses give 5 ampoules of peritoid in 500 cc of NaCL 0.9% / 12 hours, then
check the AGD
Nurse: well my doctor repeat, give 5 ampoules of peritoid in 500 cc of NaCL 0.9% / 12
hours, then check the AGD, doctor already?
Doctor: Good nurse, if you have any more complaints, please contact me
Nurse: thank you docter, good morning
Docter: Yes, you’re welcome

Name Nurse : Riri Rinayanti Idul

Date : 5-june-2020
Time : 7.20 pm
Day : Friday
Nursing Actions: Report by telephone with doctor Dina...and give additional therapy 5
ampoules of peritoid in 500 cc of NaCL 0.9% / 12 hours, then check the AGD in patients
Mrs. Soraya

The Nurse's Signature

Riri Rinayanti Idul

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