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MG106: Introduction to

Human Resource Management

Name: Priyanka Nikita Mishra

Question 2
A management is seen to be unsuccessful when unable to meet organisational goals. In this
scenario, managers lack communication skills letting the work members know how to go about
achieving certain goals. With regards to this situation, it can be said that group bonding is very poor.
Two techniques that have been brought about to curb this problem is adventure learning and
interactive computer programs.

Firstly, experiential programs such as adventure learning allows learning through direct experiences.
It is used to develop teamwork through members engaging in outside activities, in line with daily
activities. Adventure learning is advantageous as it allows group members to communicate when put
in a situation requiring brainstorming to solve problems. For example, several teams can be made
with appointed leaders to carry out courses of tasks where members are to solve questions to
progress to the next step. These questions will allow members to communicate with each other to
come up with the solutions. This improves problem solving and communication skills.

Another advantage is it enables the team to better deal with conflicts. As they progress with tasks
associated with adventure learning, there may be instances where disagreements arise. The team
must be think of ways to resolve the issues to continue moving forward. However the disadvantage
of adventure learning is that some employees may be unable to take part due to disabilities. At the
same time, the activities may involve physical contact which are uncomfortable to some employees.

Secondly, the use of interactive computer program as a method to achieve team cooperativeness is
a way of Web-based training. Employees are learning within comfort zones with the use of
computers and internet. An advantage is that it requires less time. Training is done with an
employee using a computer instead of an employee going outside, getting into groups and carrying
out physical activities. Also, it caters for different learning styles. Information is provided through
videos, documents and games, making it easier for the employee to learn using what best suits the
employee’s learning style [ CITATION And18 \l 3081 ].

The disadvantage is the eradication of face to face learning which is more effective as questions and
answers can immediately cleared. Adventure learning seems more appropriate to be used in this
scenario as employees engaging in physical activities requiring real life and instant communication is
better than employees learning to do the same thing through the use of computers.

No. of words: 400

Question 3
In this modern era it is important that employees are kept up to date and that their performance
level is always kept above par. With this, it becomes easier to meet organisational goals. As such
there are key things than an organisation can do to help improve employee performance. Firstly, the
organisation must set realistic goals. Expectations of the management must be specific enough to
drive an employee forward to try and achieve it. For this to successfully take place, an employee
must fully grasp and understand the objectives.

Without prior proper understanding of the objective, employees will not feel the need to engage in
taking the right steps towards achieving set goals. Another important aspect here is that goals must
be clear and seem achievable to employees. For example, if the management of a local bank such as
BRED Bank (Fiji) Limited sets out a goal to employees stating profits in 2019 must exceed the profit
made in 2018, employees will have no clear path of what to work towards or the steps to take to
achieve such a goal. Therefore, goals must be more precise.

Instead of such a vague goal, the bank can set out a goal for bank tellers based on the time taken to
attend to a customer. The second key thing a management can do to improve employee
performance is through measuring certain target aspects of job duties. This acts as a Key
Performance Indicator which accesses how successful an organisation is at achieving targets. This
deals with validity. At this type of stage a management can take into consideration performance
levels through measuring the productivity level of each employee.

However, the right types of performance results must be measures. For example, BRED Bank (Fiji)
Limited, can measure the total number of customers that were attended to in a period of 3 months
or the number of successful loans achieved by loan officers. Such goals being placed will make the
employees competitive and ultimately more productive.

The third step a management can take to improve employee performance is through creating a work
environment that makes employees feel satisfied with carrying out daily tasks. When an employee is
comfortable with the work setting and surroundings, carrying out tasks becomes easier and
performance levels are less likely to drop.

No. of words: 383

Question 5

Work teams are generally known to be a group of individuals brought together to work on
completing a certain task. Work teams tend to be more useful when it concerns tasks that require
various skills. In this scenario, work teams are being made for the production and sales department
of a company and therefore a proper pay structure is necessary. While establishing a pay structure,
there are a few legal requirements that must be abided by.

The first legal requirement is Equal Employment Opportunity. This means employees associated in
work teams must be paid according to skills and experience that an employee holds and not based
on individual biasness such as through gender, color or age [ CITATION Nar12 \l 3081 ]. For
example, in a production department, two employees in charge of packaging of products and
performing the same skill must be paid equally regardless of gender, race or other human
characteristics. However, the difference in pay can occur if one of the employees has achieved a
greater performance level goal that was set out.

The second legal requirement is Minimum Wage Rate. In any country, it is important for companies
to abide by the minimum wage rate that is set out by the government. In Fiji, the minimum wage
rate stands at $2.68 [ CITATION Swa18 \l 3081 ]. This means that employees of work teams in both
departments, that is, sales and production must be paid as per the minimum wage rate and not
below, regardless of the minority of skills required.

The third legal requirement is concerning Child Labour. This deals with illegally employing children.
According to The Employment Relations Promulgation, (2007) in Fiji, children are not to be employed
under circumstances that prove to be dangerous or cause harm to a child. Also, the reputation of a
child must be maintained. Another aspect to this is that there are limitations to the number of hours
worked, that is, hours must not exceed eight hours.

The fourth legal requirement is Overtime Pay [ CITATION Ger18 \l 3081 ]. This means that an
employee must be paid for extra hours that have been worked. However, this may differ between
organisations. For example, normal time worked by employees within the work teams are 8 hours,
but if employees work for an extra hour or two according to the requirements of production and
sales of an organisation then the employees must be paid for the extra hours worked.

No. of words: 399

Andriotis, N., 2018. Benefits of online training and developement. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 24 September 2019].
Chand, S., 2018. What is the right minimum wage?. Fiji Sun, 26 October.
Gerhart, B., Noe, R., Hollenback, J. & Wright, P., 2018. Fundamentals of Human Resource
Management. 5th ed. s.l.:s.n.
Noe, R. A., Hollenback, J. R., Gerhart, B. & Wright, P. M., 2018. Fundamentals of Human Resource
Management. 7th ed. NY: McGraw-Hill Higher Education.
Prasad, N., 2012. MG106 Introduction to Human Resource Management COURSE BOOK. s.l.:s.n.

Question 5

Work teams are generally known to be a group of individuals brought together to work on
completing a certain task. Work teams tend to be more useful when it concerns tasks that require
various skills. In this scenario, work teams are being made for the production and sales department
of a company and therefore a proper pay structure is necessary. While establishing a pay structure,
there are a few legal requirements that must be abided by.
The first legal requirement is Equal Employment Opportunity. This means employees associated in
work teams must be paid according to skills and experience that an employee holds and not based
on individual biasness such as through gender, color or age [ CITATION Nar12 \l 3081 ]. For
example, in a production department, two employees in charge of packaging of products and
performing the same skill must be paid equally regardless of gender, race or other human
characteristics. However, the difference in pay can occur if one of the employees has achieved a
greater performance level goal that was set out.

The second legal requirement is Minimum Wage Rate. In any country, it is important for companies
to abide by the minimum wage rate that is set out by the government. In Fiji, the minimum wage
rate stands at $2.68 [ CITATION Swa18 \l 3081 ]. This means that employees of work teams in both
departments, that is, sales and production must be paid as per the minimum wage rate and not
below, regardless of the minority of skills required.

The third legal requirement is concerning Child Labour. This deals with illegally employing children.
According to The Employment Relations Promulgation, (2007) in Fiji, children are not to be employed
under circumstances that prove to be dangerous or cause harm to a child. Also, the reputation of a
child must be maintained. Another aspect to this is that there are limitations to the number of hours
worked, that is, hours must not exceed eight hours.

The fourth legal requirement is Overtime Pay [ CITATION Ger18 \l 3081 ]. This means that an
employee must be paid for extra hours that have been worked. However, this may differ between
organisations. For example, normal time worked by employees within the work teams are 8 hours,
but if employees work for an extra hour or two according to the requirements of production and
sales of an organisation then the employees must be paid for the extra hours worked.

No. of words: 399

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