MG106 Assignment 1

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The following assignment answers three questions based RESOUR
on various workplace environments. They are: challenges
faced by human resource managers when confronted with
strategies of merging and acquisition; identifying effects
and dealing with cases of sexual harassment in male
dominated organisations and the benefits of giving job
opportunity to current employees rather than outsiders.

Question 2
With regards to the two specific strategies; merger and acquisition, may be used to gain an
extensive market share or market advantage. The strategy of merging involves the
combination of two companies so that both companies retain their best talents for better
performance and growth of the company. On the other hand, acquisition strategy is one
company being taken over by another and owned by the company that has purchased the
The first challenge human resources managers may face is relaying to the employees the
reason for a merge or acquisition. The change may be cause inconvenience or discomfort to
employees and therefore human resource managers have to disclose such changes to
employees in an effective manner as employees get a fair idea of the reasons behind the
change, advantages the change may bring and dealing with the stress that the transition
may bring about.

The second challenge that may be faced is the clash of business strategies (Lee, 2019). For
example, the merging of the two largest insurance groups in Australia, Bupa and NBF may
prove to achieve rapid growth but the two companies previously may have had business
strategies of their according to which goals and objectives were set. Bupa may be a sales
driven company while NBF based on innovation. The merging of the two groups will mean a
great amount of time, commitment and ideas to integrate the separate strategies to come
up with a new set of plans objectives and plans for employees to work towards. Due to this,
workers will have to change their working pattern from what one must have been doing for
many years. At the same time, change in the type of work an employee has to carry out will
mean training for the new task. Training will require time and finance of its own.

The third challenge is cultural conflict or challenge. Companies follow a standardized,

organizational culture of their own. This involves values and beliefs that play an influential
role in the behaviour of employees. Studies have shown that the process of merge and
acquisition portrays a thirty percent fail due to organization culture (impraise blog, 2019).
The difficulty arises when employees are reluctant to switch organizational culture that was
previously being followed as it does not seem right to often change values and beliefs.

Question 3

Sexual harassment is not necessarily physical harassment towards a certain individual.

Sexual harassment may include verbal negative comments about a woman and also physical
sexual behaviour such as asking for sexual favours. Sexual harassment can occur anywhere.
It is an ongoing issue especially in work places in the form of sexual threatening and so on.
Effects of sexual harassment can emotionally and physically cause harm to an individual.
Sexual harassment at a workplace can cause emotional damage which mentally disturbs an
individual’s mind which will lead to hindrance in work. For example, a woman being sexually
abused in the office by a high personnel and feels fear to express the situation will carry the
stress daily. It is possible that the employee is a great contributor to the business’s growth.
If the employee feels mentally disturbed, she may not give full attention while working and
might even resign. Productivity will decrease as well as the contribution towards better
performance of the organization.

Rising cases of sexual harassment can cause tarnish to a company’s reputation in the long
run. For example, a renowned company in Fiji such as Tappoos may lose out on sales if it is
published in the news that staff go through sexual harassment. In a workplace in which
majority of employees are males while minority are females, sexual harassment may be very
common. Workers must feel comfortable as soon as they begin working in a company so
that if ever the need comes to express being victimized in such a case, the employee does
not hesitate.

To avoid sexual harassment cases in a workplace, the consequence of sexual harassment

must be made clear so that employees are aware that such action are unwanted and will
not be tolerated. The fear of consequences will stop one from displaying such behaviour.
Training sessions can also be conducted by the management annually to outline what sexual
harassment is and the consequences it will have on an individual. The right process of
complaining about such cases can also be taught. With this employees will be aware at all
times of how dangerous and unethical it is to do such things in workplace.

Question 5

Recruitment in a workplace can be of two types. That is internal and external. External
recruitment is hiring employees from outside whereas internal recruitment is allowing
current employees to take the available jobs in the company rather than hiring people
externally or from outside the company.
Recruiting employees from within the business helps save time for the company. The
productivity and record of current employees are known by the management beforehand
while undertaking a whole interview process for external recruitment is time consuming.

If employees are externally recruitment, time will be needed for adjusting with needs and
ways of the company while if internal recruitment takes place then the current employees
are already aware of the company’s procedures and do not need extra time to adjust or get
used to the procedures. Interaction with other employees is easier as people already know
one another and have been working together for a long period of time.

External recruitment tends to cost almost two time more of internal recruitment (Bika,
2019). Internal recruitment does not require paying newspaper companies for job
advertisements as this is just advertised within the business, only to current employees.
There is no reason to run background checks on employees as this must have been done
when employees were first hired.

Internal recruitment boosts employee morale as employees are able to work towards
progress in their career within an organization the employees are steadily engaged in.
External recruitment means an individual entering a new workplace to progress. Current
employees will feel comfortable to pen up doors to success if being offered a higher post in
the organisation. This is because employees are in search of opportunities to progress.
Working and progressing in the same organization will mean the employee will continue to
work harder to retain a good status in the company. This will cause the employee to boost
personal productivity and will overall boost the company’s performance.

The process of hiring workers by the human resource team is a very crucial. It must be done
right and that is why it requires effort. An effective internal team of recruits will prove to be
beneficial in the long run.

Bika, N. (2019). Advantages of internal recruitment. Retrieved from:
on 24th July, 2019.

Impraise Blog. (2019). Challengers with Mergers and Acquisition. Retrieved from: on 24th July,

Lee, R. (2019). Career Minds. Retrieved from:

challenges-mergers-acquisitions on 23rd July, 2019.

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