Lesson 52b English

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3 min Learn Tajweed – the Easy Way

Series For video L-52b: Practice Al-Baqarah 286 with Qari

Motivational Tip # 17
 The Messenger of Allah ‫ﷺ‬said, “One
who is proficient in the Qur'an is
associated with the noble, upright,
recording angels.”

Benefits of reciting with a Qari

 You can correct your madd in 3 areas:
• (aa, ee, oo)
• ghunnah, and
• the longer madds
 Your brain will get used to the makharij in a
better way and it will be easy for you to
recite the same.
 You will get a practice of having long breaths.
 Your hesitation of recitation in front of others
will go away.
 You will get confidence in your Tilawah.
 But you should get a Tajweed teacher to
check your recitation. Only a listener can tell
whether you are following the right makharij
& sifaat of letters and other rules of

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for Read Al-Qur’an,’ Learn Tajweed, and Understand Al-Qur’an. 1

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