Vajiram & Ravi: (Institute For IAS Examination)

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Sl. No.

Jun 4/18


[Institute for IAS Examination]

Time Allowed: Three Hours Maximum Marks: 250

Please read each of the following instructions
carefully before attempting questions:
There are FOURTEEN questions printed in ENGLISH.
All questions are compulsory.
The number of marks carried by a question/ part is
indicated against it.
Word limit in questions, wherever specified, should be
adhered to.
Any page or portion of the page left blank in the Question-
cum- Answer Booklet must be clearly struck off.

9-B, Bada Bazar Marg, Old Rajinder Nagar, New Delhi-110060


1. Explain the following ethical dilemmas with appropriate

(a) Objectivity vs. Submissiveness to Authority
(b) Dutifulness Vs. Compassion
(c) Public Benefit Vs. Personal Cost
(10 marks, 150 words)

2. Differentiate between the following:

(a) Attitude and Values
(b) Persuasion and Influence
(c) Ethical Universalism and Ethical Subjectivism
(d) Gamesmanship and Sportsmanship
(e) Errors of Knowledge and Breaches of Morality
(10 marks, 150 words)

3. With the decline of the sanctity of the family system, the

value system of the youth is also declining. Discuss the
impact of increasing role of other institutions on the youth
in the context of the declining role of the family as a
socializing agent.
(10 marks, 150 words)

4. Given are two quotations of moral thinkers/philosophers.

In each of these bring out what it means to you in the
present context:
(a) “To educate a man in mind and not in morals is to
educate a menace to society. “- Theodore Roosevelt.
(10 marks, 150 words)
(b) “Of course the last one‟s uplift is included in the uplift
of all, but in emphasizing the last, the object is that
work should begin from the end.”– Vinoba Bhave
(10 marks, 150 words)

(a) “The reinforced behaviour is repeated.” In the context
of this statement, discuss the role of reinforcement in
improving the work culture of an organization.
(10 marks, 150 words)
(b) Cognitive dissonance occurs when components of
attitude mismatch. Elucidate and suggest how
cognitive dissonance can be lessened?
(10 marks, 150 words)

(a) What is the difference and relation between prejudices
and discrimination? How can prejudice be stopped?
(10 marks, 150 words)
(b) “Happiness” and “wellness” the two terms are often
used interchangeably but they are distinctive. Identify
the differences and suggest ways to promote wellness
and happiness in one‟s life.
(10 marks, 150 words)

(a) Human behaviour flows from three main sources:
desire, emotion and knowledge. In this context, analyse
that the efforts towards which of these three sources
should be targeted to direct people‟s behaviour against
female foeticide in India? Also, give appropriate
(10 marks, 150 words)
(b) "Leaders in the organisation are not only effective
managers but also good communicators. At the core of
both management and communication lies emotional
intelligence." Do you agree? Explain.
(10 marks, 150 words)

(a) “An ethical low can be universal if everybody wishes
to follow it equally.” Elucidate the statement with
suitable examples in the light of Kant‟s categorical
(10 marks, 150 words)
(b) “From a scientific perspective, Gratitude is not just an
action; it is rather a positive emotion which is really
important because it serves a purpose.” Elaborate with
(10 marks, 150 words)


9. In just two months, a mass hysteria fostered by rumours of

child abductors on the prowl gripped the country. A
messaging app, with close to 200 million users in the
country, has supposedly become an instrument to spread
not just fake news but also rumours leading to violence.
WhatsApp-borne rumours and fake messages, claiming
that child traffickers and robbers entered cities and towns,
had a menacing effect, purportedly responsible for leaving
at least 22 people dead across 10 states. The frenzy it
generated has manifested into a culture of vigilantism.
Give reasons for such incidents taking place across the
country. Suggest measures to prevent their occurrence.
(20 marks, 250 words)

10. In reference to frequent cases of rapes and sexual

harassment reported by the media in the country, an IAS
officer tweeted sarcastically against rape-culture in entire
South Asia. He comes from a state gripped with
secessionist tendencies. He had topped the civil services
exam and has been a role model for the youth and inspired
many others to join the civil services. In context of his
recent tweet, the centre ordered action against the
outspoken IAS officer. Meanwhile, sources in the DoPT
pointed to several of his earlier tweets of political nature
apparently criticising the government and its policies. He
was served with the show cause notice. Besides, the order
questions his honesty and integrity.
Unfazed by the government action against his tweets, he
re-iterates that he will not give up speaking on issues that
concern him as a citizen and if silence is the rule, he will
continue to speak and offend in future. He invokes the
debate on the freedom of speech of government
(a) Do you believe that he was correct in speaking
against the rape culture openly in the public domain?
(b) Would you justify the government‟s actions against
(c) How far do you think that the government
employees should be allowed to practice their
freedom of speech and freedom of conscience?
(20 marks, 250 words)

11. Mrs. Aarti is a faculty in a prestigious private university.

She is the senior-most member after Mr. Vishal, Academic
Dean. And therefore she is due for a promotion after the
retirement of Mr. Vishal. However, she suspects that, due
to the glass ceiling effect, she may not be promoted to the
position of Dean.
Her suspicion becomes real when she is sidelined and
somebody else is appointed to that position. She is very
upset and comes to you as a friend and philosopher for
guidance. She asks your opinion on her predicament and
requests for suggestions. You are associated with a
feminist NGO which is working against discrimination
against women at workplaces.
Enlist the alternatives that you think are available in the
situation. Evaluate the merits and demerits of each of these
alternatives and finally choose the best option, giving
(20 marks, 250 words)

12. You are an officer of an Air Marshal rank. Two public

sector companies are working on the project for India‟s
first domestically designed and produced light fighter
aircraft, the Tejas. The serial production of Tejas is facing
delays, whereas Indian Air Force needs it in large numbers
urgently due to national security concerns. The only way to
achieve this is through a fresh look to overcome delays,
aimed towards which the Ministry of Defence has deputed
you as the head of the Tejas programme with full

command and control. You are tasked with the completion
of the programme within the stipulated time.
Upon assuming command, you notice that the operations
team is miffed with your appointment because of the
compulsion of the senior scientists to report to you. On
discussing this with your superiors, you get a response
from them that emotions of the operations level senior
scientists is an unnecessary hindrance which has no role to
play in the completion of the project. Further, you also get
to know that it won‟t be easy for you to run the show,
going by the responses from some of the insiders. The
„cultural differences‟ will be a flashpoint with an IAF
official at the helm of affairs. You may face issues related
to non-cooperation, unions, factory act and the labour laws
in managing the civilian workforce.
(a) What are the options available to you in this
situation? Evaluate their pros and cons.
(b) What course of action would you take to solve the
situation? Justify.
(20 marks, 250 words)

13. You belong to a backward village, where villagers have

been following unscientific age-old customs and practices.
A major incident of killing a woman in the name of witch
hunting happens in your Village and it is common there.
Moreover, the villagers also practice other discriminatory
customs against women like during festivals menstruating
women are sent to live in separate huts constructed for the
purpose outside the village, which lacks all basic
necessities and are highly unhygienic. Besides, the women
are not allowed to breastfeed their newly born child during
the village festival. This has resulted in a high infant
mortality rate in your village. In addition to these, women
are barred from entry into the sanctum Sanctorum of the
village temple. You are aware and consider that these
practices are irrational and against gender equality, but
despite your staunch opposition, the villagers and even
your own family continue to practice them.

(a) Frame a strategy to change the mindset of your family
and villagers.
(b) Identify the potential hurdles and ethical dilemmas,
which you may come across. Also, discuss how will
you handle those hurdles and dilemmas?
(20 marks, 250 words)

14. You are the head of the police department in a Maoist

affected state. A protest against the petty condition of the
lower-level police personnel was launched by a constable
on social media. As a punishment for violating the service
rules, the constable was transferred to a Maoist affected
district, following which his wife committed suicide. The
incident triggered the protest, which has now snowballed
into a statewide agitation with the constable protestors and
their families marching to state capital causing the law and
order situation. Some of the constables are trying to
threaten the government with the warnings of joining the
The aggrieved policemen and their families are demanding
better facilities, allowances, fixed duty hours, and weekly
off, among other things. In the investigation, it was found
that the protest was fanned by disgruntled elements, who
were either dismissed from service or have been placed
under disciplinary proceedings.
(a) What are the ethical issues involved in this case?
(b) What course of action would you take to resolve the
immediate situation?
(c) What measures would you suggest to avoid recurrence
of such protests in future?
(20 marks, 250 words)

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