I. TITLE: Principles of Cooking II. OBJECTIVES: The Student Should Be Able To

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Weekly Lesson Plan

in TLE 7

I. TITLE: Principles of Cooking

II. OBJECTIVES: The student should be able to;

1. demonstrate food preparation terms and techniques properly

2. apply the principles of cooking correctly


Reference: TLE 7 book from Phoenix Publishing House
Materials: oreo cookies, heavy whipping cream, sugar, vanilla, chocolate chips,
nuts, tilapia, pork, chicken, and clams


A. Preliminary Activity:

1. Review previous lesson.

2. Students will watch a short video of “Cold Bake Oreo Cake”.
3. Students will prepare all the ingredients.

B. Lesson Proper:

1. Students will demonstrate on how to make the “Cold Bake Oreo Cake”.


A no bake Oreo dessert with layers of Oreo cookies and homemade whipped
cream. Cookies and cream heaven!


2 packages (15 oz each) Oreo cookies

3 cups heavy whipping cream
3 tablespoons sugar
2 teaspoons vanilla
Crushed cookies, chocolate chips, caramel or nuts for topping (optional)


1. In a large mixing bowl, beat cream, sugar and vanilla just until stiff peaks form,
about 7-9 minutes.
2. In a 13x9 pan or 3-quart dish, add a single layer of Oreos. Top with 1/3 of the
whipped cream. Repeat layers, ending with whipped cream.
3. Cover and refrigerate for at least 6 hours or until cookies are softened. For best
results chill overnight. [See note for a quicker version].
4. To serve, top with crushed cookies, chocolate chips, caramel or nuts before serving, if

For a faster version: use 24 oz prepared whipped topping instead of homemade
whipped cream. To soften cookies faster, dip each one in milk before placing in
dish. Proceed with layers as noted above.

2. Evaluation of the “Cold Bake Oreo Cake” using a rubric or a set of criteria.
3. Students will apply the principles of cooking meat, poultry, vegetables, seafood and



POOR (2points) FAIR (3points) GOOD (4points) EXCELLENT (5points)
Student did not Student completed Student completed all Student practiced
complete task most of tasks, but the steps but did not excellent time
Preparation/Time and was not missed one or more of use time management management in
Management prepared steps completing each
preparation task
Student did not Student attempted Student showed Student demonstrated
attempt to tasks but got proper baking proper baking
complete distracted or did not methods and technique, completed
Technique/Skills assigned task complete assigned techniques, but did all instructions
and did not task, followed only part not practice good time successfully, and
follow of the instructions. management. finished on time.
Student did not Student only Student demonstrated Student demonstrated
practice safety demonstrated some proper safety and safety and sanitation
Safety/Sanitation and sanitation safety and sanitation sanitation practices practices and ensured
practice practices. most of the time. they were practiced by
others in the group.

Student did not Student helped but Student worked within Student worked within
make any effort with minimal effort, group, did all assigned group and
Teamwork/Clean- and helped partially helped other tasks some prodding. demonstrated
up partner team members or exceptional teamwork
needed alot of by taking initiative by
prodding to stay focus working together with
in the group. other members.
Baking Baking product was Baking product was Baking product was
production was acceptable but good and presentation made to recipes
Production below standards presentation and taste and taste were good. specifications. The
of appearance were lacking. Food was made food was presented
and taste according to the well and was an
recipe excellent product.

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