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MAN RORK PRODUCTION..........................................................................................................


LOVEWORLD PUBLISHING………………………………………………………….2020

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MAN RORK PRODUCTION..........................................................................................................2020

I set into motion right now, spiritual laws that can

never be reversed:
* As I decree a thing, it is established – conforming
to the greater reality of God’s Word concerning it
speedily in The Name of The Lord Jesus Christ of
* I am a hearer, a talker and a doer of God’s Word.
I hear to do, and in my deed, I am blessed. As I
talk, I make my way prosperous and create GOOD
* I maintain a Good confession AT ALL TIMES , in
every place and in every circumstance concerning
every person, place, event or thing in accordance
with God’s Word concerning them.
* I walk in prosperity, in every area of my life.
* Prosperity is my birthright, righteousness is my
birthright. Success is my birthright.
* I am prosperous. I prosper and dwell in prosperity.
I am established in prosperity, for God takes
pleasure in my prosperity, therefore every thing I lay
my hands upon to do prosper.
* I do not beg. I lack no good thing, because the
Lord is my good shepherd. I do not want.
* The world is mine!
* All things are mine! For I am the seed of Abraham!
* Goodness and mercy follow me all the days of my
life and I dwell in the house of the Lord forever.
* I am peculiar: God chose me from before the
foundations of the world; I am always on God’s
* I am a blessed. I have arrived at the place of
blessing. I have arrived at the place of my
inheritance. I'm not on my way, I am here now!!!
* I am not a product of chance. I am a product of
prophecy: Predestination is at work in me.
* I do not meet people by accident. I meet with
those ordained of God to encourage and promote
the purpose of God for my life.
* I walk in the 7-Fold Increase every day of my life.
Increase in Grace, Increase in Ability, Increase in
Knowledge, Increase in Wisdom, Increase in
Fortune, Increase in Speed and Increase in

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* God's favour promotes me and causes me to

increase daily.
* I am God's "favourite"
* I'm a love child of a love God.
* Because the favour of God shields me, no sickness
or disease has a right to live in my body.
* People are remembering me for good NOW. The
thought of me is blessing.
* I declare that Money is locating me now, in the
name of The Lord Jesus Christ!
* As money comes into my hands, I have Phronesis
to know what to do with it.
* I treat money rightly. Therefore, money always
knows my correct address and is ever up to date
with my precise location. Money always has ways
and reasons to come to me at all times, in every
circumstance and in every place. Money is ever
gravitating towards me; In The Name of Jesus
* All doors are open unto me; all nations are open
unto me; all businesses are open unto me in the
Name of The Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth.
* I’m loaded! I know no lack. I have wealth and
riches in Christ Jesus. I am approved of God.
* I grow faster than every economy; I grow faster
than inflation! Therefore, nothing is ever expensive
for me. I set into motion right now, all the laws that
magnetize money towards me consistently in ever
increasing measures in The Name of The Lord Jesus
Christ of Nazareth!
* I consistently live in, and experience in fullness,
the continuous flow of God’s blessings in my life
daily. I declare that all secrets from God’s Word that
bring about consistent blessings are revealed to me
daily by the Holy Spirit in The Name of The Lord
Jesus Christ!
* My eyes are open to see what God wants me to
see. My ears are open to hear what God wants me
to hear. My mind is open to learn what God wants
me to learn. My heart is open to know and
understand what God wants me to know and

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* My eyes are open to see the needs of men and

opportunities in every place and in every
circumstance, and by the Spirit of God, I meet their
* I was born as an answer to the cry of Billions! And
everything I ever require is available to me.
* My mind is open to receive wise and brilliant
revolutionizing, earth-shaking, money-making ideas
from the Holy Ghost. As I receive these ideas, I have
the boldness, the desire, the will, the ability, the
wisdom, the grace, the power, and the authority
necessary to bring it to fruitage. Therefore all the
necessary permissions, resources, finances,
knowledge and information gravitate towards me. In
The Name of the Lord Jesus Christ!
* I refuse to be disadvantaged.
* ALL THINGS work together for my good because I
love GOD and I am called with a holy calling
according to His perfect purpose that I may show
forth the praise of His glory.
* I do not walk in the realm of defeat, for I am more
than a conqueror.
* I am born of God. I have overcome this world, for
Greater is He that is in me than he that is in the
* I know who I am. I am never quiet about it!
* I am ordained of God to produce results. I
produce results, I bring forth fruits! And my fruits
remain, my results do not expire! I’m filled with
power, I’m filled with the Holy Ghost, the anointing
works in me, and it’s makes a way for me!
* I can do all things through Christ which
strengthens me.
* I am a victor in this world;
* I am bold and gentle, just like the Holy Spirit of
* I am strong and courageous.
* I participate in Divine intelligence, for I have the
mind of Christ.
* I do not fear; for God has NOT given me the spirit
of fear, or of timidity, or of cowardice, but the Spirit
of love, and of power and of a SOUND MIND. My
mind is sound. My mind is anointed.

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* I do not know enough to worry or be anxious in

my life; for by the Spirit of God, I am transfigured
daily, into a man who does not have enough
information for fear!
* I am a soul winner! I win souls! The gospel of
Jesus is alive in my heart as a burning fire, shut up
in my bones, and I am not quiet about it! I turn
many to righteousness and bring men unto the
knowledge of the truth. I locate the heirs of
salvation and I bring them into God’s Kingdom and
establish the Kingdom of God in their hearts!
* I am a good and faithful minister of Jesus Christ
and of His gospel. I am nourished up in the words of
faith and of good doctrine.
* My words minister grace unto its hearers.
* I’m full of God’s love. I’m full of faith! The love of
God is shed abroad in my heart by the Holy Ghost
who lives in me. Therefore, when I speak, people do
listen to me, because I have the Spirit of love; I
have the Spirit of faith, I have the Spirit of
possibilities, I have the Spirit of hope, I have the
Spirit of righteousness, and I have a spirit that
dissolves doubts and explains hard sentences from
which my language emanates!
* My language & diction is God’s love. It flows from
every part of my substance & existence. I live &
dwell in an atmosphere of God's love ALWAYS! My
entire being consists of the love of God. Everything
about me communicates His love undiluted. I’m the
intoxicating, overwhelming love of God expressed in
the earth.
* The Love of God flows from my eyes, my mouth,
and my hands. Every step I take, Every move I
make, Every word I speak, Every conversation I
have, Every thought I entertain, Everything I'm
involved with, the way I look at & see people, are all
influenced and consumed by the love of God.
* I have an excellent spirit.
* Christ is made unto me wisdom, and
righteousness, and sanctification, and redemption.
* I am a new creature in Christ Jesus, a divine being
with God’s life.

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* God’s guarantee for my life is sure and evident! I

am fear-proofed, sickness-proofed, failure-proofed,
poverty-proofed and insufficiency-proofed!
* I have the Holy Spirit in me forever; for He hath
said, “Lo, I am with you always, even until the end
of the age.”, that I may boldly say “The LORD is on
my side; I will not fear.”
* When Christ died, I died with Him; and when He
was buried, I was buried with him, and now, God
has raised me together with Him, and made me to
sit together with Him in heavenly places in Christ
Jesus, far above all principality, and power, and
might and dominion.
* I reign and rule in life with Christ above all
situations and circumstances.
* I am not of this world. I play by a different set of
* I'm fashioned differently through the Word of God!
My thinking processes are continually being
completely altered positively through the Word of
* The Word of God dominates me. The Word of God
influences my thinking. The Word of God rules me!
He dominates my mind and my thinking. He runs
myr everyday of my life! I am fully given and
committed to the Word of God.
* I am ahead of my generation. I hear and sing a
different song from my generation.
* I am the light and the salt of the world! I am a
burning and a shining light!
* Men come to my light, and kings to the brightness
of my rising. As they associate with me, the catch
the fire, and spread the fire!
* I am a pace setter for my generation; I dictate the
trend for the day. I am a trailblazer, a pioneer, a
groundbreaker and a limit breaker!
* I'm a member of His body, of his flesh and of his
* I have a royal and spiritual birthright.
* I'm born a king.
* I DWELL in the presence of the father, Jesus gave
me access: He's more ambitious for my success than
I can ever be for it.

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* I’ve got the Life of God in me, in every fibre of my

being, in every bone of my body, in every cell of my
* The Wisdom of God is working in me. Illuminating
my mind, and unveiling mysteries to me.
* I am growing in wisdom and the wisdom of the
Spirit is increasing in my life daily!
* I’m growing in grace and in the knowledge of God
and of Jesus Christ. I have spiritual understanding!
* I have Grace for wealth, Grace for signs and
wonders, Grace for increase, Grace to grow the
Church, Grace to grow my fellowship, Grace to grow
my cell, Grace to cast out devils, Grace to heal the
sick! Grace to teach the word of God, Grace to
preach the Word of God, Grace to dominate, Grace
for victory, Grace for success! I have the Grace!!!
For of His fullness, I have received Grace heaped
upon Grace! His Divine ability is at work in me!
* I belong to a royal priesthood.
* I am a man sent from God! I am approved of God
with miracles, signs, wonders, and mighty deeds!
* I only speak words that come to pass and never
fail nor fall to the ground; for the words that I
speak, they are spirit; and they are life. They are
potent and produce results!
* I am a praying priest: I serve God with my spirit,
with my soul and with my body in the gospel of His
Son Jesus Christ.
* I am a participator in the Divine life of God.
* Glorious things are said of me, and I walk in them
* Christ is the Apostle and High Priest over my
* No corrupt communication proceeds out of my
mouth. The words that I speak are anointed of God,
because the Holy Spirit trains me to speak ONLY
words that are good, full of grace and edifying to all.
* I prosper wherever I am, and in every situation,
because the Lord is always with me.
* I actively live by God's wisdom everyday.
* Wealth and riches are in my house, because I am
empowered with His anointing and favour that
draws wealth.
* I am the King's kid; as He is, so am I in this world.

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* I refuse to be a failure; I do not fail in my life. I

am a bundle of success happening everywhere!
Everywhere I am success happens. I was born to
* I am unshakable! I am unstoppable!
* Out of my belly flows, rivers of living waters. Signs
and wonders follow me because I believe in Jesus.
* I have the Spirit of dominion at work in me.
* I am the head and not the tail.
* My life is for advancement, for an upward and
forward journey ONLY!
* I have a bright, brilliant, and beautiful future
established in peace and prosperity; in wisdom and
in wealth!
* The path of my life is as a shining light that shines
brighter and brighter unto the perfect day!
* I do not get sick; death has no dominion over me,
I am disconnected from poverty, for I am an active
part of Divinity.
* I am fearfully and wonderfully made. I am a
marvel to the world! I am God’s workmanship – His
masterpiece; recreated in Christ Jesus unto good
works, which God has before ordained that I should
walk in them.
* Everywhere I go people just like me!
* The devil has nothing in me.
* I have received, not the spirit of the world, but the
Spirit which is of God; that I may KNOW these
things that have been freely given to me of God.
* I am an able minister of the gospel - my
sufficiency, my competence and my ability are of
God. I lay hands on the sick and they recover. I
raise the dead. I preach the gospel, and with few
words people get born again easily. I get people
filled with the Holy Ghost and talking in tongues
easily; because His sufficiency, His competence and
His ability have supplanted mine.
* He increases in me daily, therefore my presence is
the presence of God.
* With my mouth, I prophesy the same things as
God in accordance with His WORD, and they are
speedily launched into history.

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* The Word of God is ALIVE in my spirit; talking in

me, working in me, producing results in me; in the
Name of Jesus Christ!
* The Word of God is my life. When I hear the
Word, I receive it with my Spirit & I function
accordingly, because I have the nature of the Word
of God. I am one with the Word.
* My mind is anointed and daily renewed by the
word of God. My thoughts, my words and my
actions are in alignment with God’s Word.
* I profit of His word daily. I am instructed in
righteousness, corrected, taught and informed in the
word of GOD. My heart and my mind are always
open to receive God’s word and to hear His Voice.
My spirit is educated by the Word of God! For the
scriptures were made for my perfection.
* God’s WORD always knows my correct address
and is ever up to date with my precise location.
Therefore, His WORD always comes to me; at all
times and in every situation. His Divine Knowledge –
Epignosis; is ever gravitating towards me; In The
Name of Jesus!
* My eyes are open to God and I see the visions of
God. My mind is open to God and I understand His
visions and communications! In The Name of Jesus!
* Every day, I am changed (metamorphosed,
transfigured, translated) from glory to glory, as I
meditate on the perfect law of liberty.
* My entire substance consists of God’s WORD! They
have the divine ability that makes me wise and
* I am inspired with wisdom in God’s WORD and by
The Holy Spirit of God who gives me counsel that
instructs me even in the night seasons!
* The lines are fallen unto me in pleasant places;
yea, I have a goodly heritage. For The LORD is the
portion of mine inheritance and of my cup: He
maintains my lot.
* I am led and guided by the Holy Spirit. Therefore,
I'm a son of God. I walk in the Spirit. And live from
the Spirit daily!
* In Him I live, and move and in have my being!

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* I have honour in my heart for God and His WORD,

I have honour in my heart for the Gospel of Jesus
Christ, I have honour in my heart for God’s anointing
and His anointed and I have honour in my heart for
all men – both great and small.
* I don't think like a man. I think like a Christian –
like God - all the time!
* I do not give or make excuses, but have
multitudes of reasons to excel and be excellent in
everything I do!
* I do not walk in confusion: I know where to go, I
know when to go, I know how to go and I know
why to go. I know what to do, I know how to do it, I
know when to do it and I know why to do it. I know
what to say, I know how to say it, when to say it
and I know why to say it.
* God hears me always; therefore when I pray, I
receive God’s answer EASILY, because Jesus made
me qualified to EASILY receive God’s answer to my
prayers. I am part of as many that have received
Him, to whom He has given the power, the ability,
the authority, and the legal and vital rights to be
called the sons of God.
* I delight in the Lord ALWAYS!
* I have a heart of flesh, I believe GOD like a child;
and I’m fully persuaded by the WORD of God. I am
not double-minded. I am stable in God!
* I am the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus. I
walk in righteousness, I talk righteousness, I think
righteousness and I live righteousness. I do not
struggle to please God; neither do I struggle with
sin, because I have the Holy Spirit on the inside.
* I am in love with Jesus Christ. I grow deeper in
love with Him always.
* I am a BIGTIME Giver! Because of my love for
Jesus Christ, I operate at the highest levels of
cheerful, joyous and prompt giving, and my heart is
in my giving. All my efforts and achievements in life
are directed towards giving for the furtherance of
the gospel and of the ministry!

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* My harvest is always supernatural in relation to my

seed. I declare that for every seed I sow my harvest
comes speedily. None of my seeds fail to produce
the expected harvest. I receive even now a
multiplied harvest of all my seeds sown, in the Name
of Jesus Christ.
* In The Name of Jesus Christ, I declare, that
everyone who comes in contact with me realizes
that God loves them so much!
* It is not by might; it is not by power; but by My
Spirit saith the Lord!
* In the name of Jesus Christ, I declare that I know
His perfect will for my life.
* His purpose for me includes prosperity with peace,
and I walk in it daily!
* The Holy Spirit leads me everyday in the God-life.
* God’s thoughts toward me are thoughts of peace,
and not of evil, to give me an expected end.
* I have received God's anointing and Grace upon
my life and I do not frustrate it.
* I have entered into my inheritance. I’m walking in
the light of God’s glory; I’m walking in it NOW!!!
* I live a stress-free life every day. I have a great
day, every day! All my days are days that bring me
closer to the achievement of all that I’m sent for. I
am focused and determined and I do not get
* I live a life full of contagious joy and happiness
every day of my life!
* I am born of the Spirit and born of The WORD.
* I believe with my heart that God raised Jesus from
the dead; and I boldly declare with my mouth that
Jesus is Lord of my life.
* I am born-again, filled with the Holy Ghost and
with the maximum load of God.


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