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Quiz No: 02

Name: Muqadar Ali

Sap Id: 70061566

Department: CSIT

Class: BSSE-VI-B

Submitted to: Maam Ramsha Zakriya

Subject: Entrepreneurship

Project name: Local transport tracker

In my project we will design and develop a software application that provided facilities of
local transport tracking system by a user of application if he/she does know how to visit
to different places in the city in a less budge without hiring a taxi.

Develop an Organizational Plan for your Entrepreneurial Venture:

(A).Form of ownership:
We are having a partnership business, that all its matters are related to its financial
initiators. And principles will be in benefit of it’s of its promoters. According to rule, the
profit and loss will be equally distributed.

(B).Identification of partners or principal shareholders:

Being a part of business, that is being partnership. So total profit will be distributed
equally as well its loss. Below is the list of its shareholders.

Name Position Shares

Muqadar Ali Managing director 50%

Sohail Karim General director 50%

(C).Authority of principals:
The whole business principals are controlled by Managing Director and General Director.
The Managing Director has its maximum authority in whole business. In view of
successful business in future framework will include. Marketing Manager,
Administration Manager, Operating Manager and other functional bodies.

(D).Management-team background:
An abstract list of its management team, shareholders.
Name Age Address Qualification Skills

Muqadar Ali 21 New katarian BSSE Teamwork,

market Planning
Sohail Karim 21 Naval BSSE Communication,
anchorage Creative

(E). Roles and responsibilities of members of organization:

List of roles and responsibilities of members of organization.
Name Roles and Responsibilities
Muqadar Ali Managing director
Sohail Karim General director

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