Site Plan PDF

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Architectural multiview

Site plan
A site plan describes the location and orientation of a building or building complex
on a plot of land and in relation to its context. Whether this environment is urban or
rural, the site plan should describe the following:
In addition, a site plan may include:
• Legal constraints, such as zoning setbacks and rights-of-way
• Existing or proposed site utilities
• Pedestrian and vehicular entry points and paths
• Significant environment al forces and features
The response of a building design to its context includes consideration of the physical
characteristics of its site, especially the surface configuration of the terrain. On a site plan,
however, it is difficult to describe the vertical aspect of an undulating ground surface.
Contour lines are the graphic convention we use to convey this information.
The orientation of a building site is indicated by a north arrow. Whenever
possible, north should be oriented up or upward on the drawing sheet or
If a major axis of the building is less than 45• east or west of north, we
can use an assumed north to avoid wordy titles for the building elevations,
such as "north-northeast elevation," or "south-southwest elevation."
 To make the relationship between a site plan and floor plans clear, they
should have the same orientation throughout a presentation.
There are two principal ways to relate a building to its
site and context.
1. The first is to draw the building as a darker figure
against a lighter background. This approach is
especially appropriate when the way in which the
roofing material of the building is indicated will
establish a tonal value and texture against which the
surrounding context must contrast.
2. The second approach defines the building as a
lighter shape against a darker background. This
technique is necessary when rendering shadows
cast by the form of the building, or when
landscaping elements impart a tonal value to the
surrounding context.
Some elements of landscaping

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