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Course Description

This is an introductory course in linear algebra taken up as a major course by students in the mathematics programs. Topics discussed include matrices, vector
spaces, linear transformation and their matrix representation, eigenvalues and eigenvectors and diagonalization.


Course Learning Outcomes Summative (Most) Essential Topics Student Learning Outcomes Formative Assessment Online Instruction E-Learning References
(From Columns A and B) Assessment From Column E (outcomes per most essential Activities Strategies Reference column: F
(Basis of the Final topic) (per most essential topic) (per most essential topic)
Grade) From Column G From columns H and I
(From Columns C,
D, and E)
Students will be able to (1) Written Final Exam. 1. Linear Equations and Matrices 1. Be proficient in performing various 1. Online Quizzes, with a passing score Individual Instruction Reading Presentation slides, and, PDFs uploaded
accurately define and 1.1 Matrices and Matrix Operations operations on matrices and applying of 60% of total items will be taken by Guided Instructions (to be after lecture sessions.Reviewing lecture videos
appropriately illustrate specific Carefully crafted 1.2 Algebraic Properties of Matrix the properties of these operations students at their own pace. Unlimited checked and recorded for provided after lecture sessions.Reading
linear algebra concepts such as compilation of solved Operations 2. Use matrix operations to efficiently retake is possible in case of failures. evaluation) additional link references posted on moodle.
vector spaces and subspaces, linear problems (theoretical 1.3 Special Classes of Matrices solve linear systems and determine Moving on to next lesson is
independence, spanning sets, exercises) that will 1.4 The Echelon Form of a Matrix the inverse of a matrix dependent on passing the quizzes
bases and dimension, linear manifest the 1.5 Equivalent Matrices 3. Appreciate the concept of
1.6 Solutions of Linear Systems
transformation, kernel and range, application of the mathematical proofs and reasoning 2. Problems will be given each week,
concepts learned 1.7 The Inverse of a Matrix and the students will submit the
characteristic polynomials,
eigenvalues and eigenvectors, and solutions on the following week.
Construct a concept When the instructor has returned the
diagonalizability; and (2) apply the map to illustrate the
appropriate linear algebra solutions, the students will edit these
inter-relationships and the compilation of corrected
concepts, thinking processes, tools among the various
solutions will be submitted at the end
and technologies in solving both concepts and of the semester
conceptual and real-life problems. processes studied in
the course

A well-thought out
solution to a problem
set which requires the
application of the
various concepts
discussed in the

A write-up on a real-
life application of
linear algebra concepts
to solve a specific
problem in fields such
as Chemistry, Physics,
Engineering, Computer
Science and the like.
2. Determinants 1. Apply the definition to evaluate the 1. Online Quizzes, with a passing score Individual Instruction Reading Presentation slides, and, PDFs uploaded
2.1 Definition and Related Concepts determinant of a matrix and establish of 60% of total items will be taken by Guided Instructions (to be after lecture sessions.Reviewing lecture videos
2.2 Properties of Determinants the various properties of students at their own pace. Unlimited checked and recorded for provided after lecture sessions.Reading
2.3 Cofactor Expansion determinants. retake is possible in case of failures. evaluation) additional link references posted on moodle.
2.4 Inverse of a Matrix 2. Show proficiency in applying the Moving on to next lesson is
2.5 Cramer’s Rule properties of determinants in solving dependent on passing the quizzes.
related problems and
3. proving statements about 2. Problems will be given each week,
determinants. and the students will submit the
4. Show mastery in using cofactor solutions on the following week.
expansion to evaluate the When the instructor has returned the
determinants of large matrices solutions, the students will edit these
and the compilation of corrected
5. Show proficiency in solving linear
solutions will be submitted at the end
systems using Cramer’s rule
of the semester

3. Vector Spaces 1. Demonstrate knowledge and 1. Online Quizzes, with a passing score Individual Instruction Reading Presentation slides, and, PDFs uploaded
3.1 Vector Spaces and Subspaces understanding of concepts related to of 60% of total items will be taken by Guided Instructions (to be after lecture sessions.Reviewing lecture videos
3.2 Linear Combinations and vector spaces students at their own pace. Unlimited checked and recorded for provided after lecture sessions.Reading
Spanning Sets 2. Apply appropriate approaches in retake is possible in case of failures. evaluation) additional link references posted on moodle.
3.3 Linear Independence solving problems related to vector Moving on to next lesson is
3.4 Bases and Dimension spaces, such as testing for linear dependent on passing the quizzes.
independence and spanning, and
constructing bases. 2. Problems will be given each week,
3. Construct reasonably elegant proofs to and the students will submit the
statements involving vector spaces solutions on the following week.
When the instructor has returned the
solutions, the students will edit these
and the compilation of corrected
solutions will be submitted at the end
of the semester

4. Linear Transformations 1. Demonstrate understanding of the 1. Online Quizzes, with a passing score Individual Instruction Reading Presentation slides, and, PDFs uploaded
4.1 Definitions and Examples concept of linear transformations and of 60% of total items will be taken by Guided Instructions (to be after lecture sessions.Reviewing lecture videos
4.2 Isomorphisms show proficiency in determining if a students at their own pace. Unlimited checked and recorded for provided after lecture sessions.Reading
4.3 Coordinate Vectors given map is a linear transformation retake is possible in case of failures. evaluation) additional link references posted on moodle.
4.4 Matrix of a Linear 2. Recognize interrelationship of Moving on to next lesson is
Transformation concepts and ideas in different fields dependent on passing the quizzes.
of mathematics.
3. Show proficiency in solving routine 2. Problems will be given each week,
problems on linear transformations and the students will submit the
4. Appreciate the concept and role of solutions on the following week.
proof and reasoning and demonstrate When the instructor has returned the
skill in reading and writing proofs solutions, the students will edit these
and the compilation of corrected
5. Demonstrate how a matrix can be
solutions will be submitted at the end
used to represent a linear
of the semester

5. Eigenvalues, Eigenvectors and 1. Appreciate the concept and role of 1. Online Quizzes, with a passing score Individual Instruction Reading Presentation slides, and, PDFs uploaded
Diagonalization proof and reasoning and demonstrate of 60% of total items will be taken by Guided Instructions (to be after lecture sessions.Reviewing lecture videos
5.1 Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors skill in reading and writing proofs students at their own pace. Unlimited checked and recorded for provided after lecture sessions.Reading
5.2 The Characteristic Polynomial 2. Demonstrate proficiency in finding retake is possible in case of failures. evaluation) additional link references posted on moodle.
5.3 Diagonalization eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a Moving on to next lesson is
5.4 Inner Product Spaces* matrix, and in determining if a matrix dependent on passing the quizzes.
5.5 Diagonalization of Symmetric is diagonalizable.
Matrices* 3. Show proficiency in using the Gram- 2. Problems will be given each week,
Schmidt process to construct an and the students will submit the
orthonormal basis. solutions on the following week.
When the instructor has returned the
solutions, the students will edit these
and the compilation of corrected
solutions will be submitted at the end
of the semester

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