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ccccSolutions of Case Studies

Submitted to :





       Submitted by :
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c c cccccccccdate of submission: February20, 2011.

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Identify the major strategic and ethical issues faced by Colgate in its partnership with
Hawley and Hazel.

Answer: *,   
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What do you think Colgate should have done to handle the situation 

Answer : .
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Is it possible for Colgate and Hawley and Hazel to change the toothpaste's advertising
without sacrificing consumer brand loyalty? Is that a possible reason for Colgate's not
responding quickly to domestic complaints?

Answer:'*, 0/<01  -  ,   ,/   ,



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In the end, was a ³no management rights´ clause good for Colgate? What could have
happened during the negotiation process to get around this problem?

Answer: = 6'

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What ethical issues faced by MNC's in their treatment of foreign workers could bring
allegations of misconduct in their operation?

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Would the use of third party independent contractors insulate MNC's from being
attacked? Would that practice offer MNC's a good defensive shield against charges of
abuse of ³their employees´?
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do you think that statements by companies that describe good social and moral conduct in
the treatment of their workers are part of the image those companies create and therefore
are part of their advertising message? do consumers judge companies and base their
buying decision on their perceptions of corporate behavior and values? Is the historic
³made in´ question now being replaced by a ³made by´ inquiry?

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Given the principles noted in the case, how can companies comment on their positive
actions to promote human rights so that consumers will think well of them? Would you
propose that a company (a) do nothing (b) construct a corporate code of ethics,(c) align
itself with some of the universal covenants or compacts prepared by international agencies?

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do pharmaceuticals companies have a responsibility to distribute drugs for free or at low

costs in developing countries? What are the main arguments for and against such an

Answer: =u
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What are the principal arguments of pharmaceutical companies that oppose making
exceptions to IPR laws for developing countries? What are the arguments by NGOs and
others for relaxing IPR laws?
Answer: u    ,
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What impact would you expect South Africa's decision to levy duties on drugs imports
from Western nations to have on the international distribution of drugs to South Africa?
Answer:             , 
 /    / 
  /   ,    

In June 2002, the WTO extended the transition period during which least-developed
countries had to provide patent protections for pharmaceuticals. In your opinion, is this an
appropriate change in policy or a dangerous precedent? What could be some of the
negative ramifications of this resolution? What about the effects for other industries?
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Given the initiatives announced by global development and aid organizations among
pharmaceutical companies¶ themselves, was it necessary to relax IPR rules in order to
ensure that adequate supplies of AIdS medicines would be available for distribution in the
developing world?
Answer: =       >       
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What role do MNCs have in providing funding or the assistance to international

organizations such as the Global Fund?
Answer: ¬'*       , , ,                  
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Identify & discuss Corning¶s strategic predisposition toward a joint venture with Vitro.
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Cultural clashes among partners in joint ventures are not a new issue. discuss why an
MNC & specifically Corning would be interested in fully understanding the culture of a
potential partner before deciding on an alliance.

Answer:  ¬'*  *  ,/         ,  


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If Corning and Vitro had decided to remain in the alliance, how could they have overcome
their difference to make the partnership a success?
Answer:  *  ,   ;         






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discuss why both companies would continue to distribute each other¶s product after the
joint venture failed. What impact might the public statements about the failure have on
this relationship?

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What challenges do mergers create for managing national and organizational cultures?c

Answer: ¬ , - / ,  ,

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How might the challenges associated with post-merger integration in Europe be affected by
the fact that the parents of each company in both mergers were based in the United States?

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What management skills are most important to making a cross-border merger successful?
How might these skills differ from those needed during ³routine´ periods?

Answer: . / ,

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What specific steps were taken in the two mergers to try to align the interests of different
parts of the organizations so that they were all working toward the overall good of the


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How might diversity among employees of different cultural backgrounds and with varying
specialties and expertise actually strengthen an organization¶s culture after a merger?
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Using Hofstede¶s four cultural dimensions as a point of reference, what are some of the
main cultural differences between the United States and France?

Answer:     ,  0 -     

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In what way has Trompenaar¶s research helped explain cultural differences between the
United States and France?

Answer:    . 
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In managing its Euro disneyland operations, what are the three mistakes that the company
made? Explain.
Answer: . 


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×ased on its experience, what are the three lessons the company should have learned about
how to deal with diversity? describe each.

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do you believe Wal-Mart can be successful by circumventing the current Japanese
distribution system? What are some of the problems you foresee?

Answer: = :!¬          

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do you agree with Wal-Mart¶s entry strategy? What are some of the inherent risks? do
you think a faster market entry would be more effective?

Answer:=, /:¬ -/     ,  , 

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In your opinion what is the single most important thing Wal-Mart can do to ensure success
in Japan? Explain?

Answer: .  ,

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do you think Wal-Mart is doing enough cross-cultural training with its Seiyu employees?
What are the greatest challenges Wal-Mart faces in relating to its Japanese employees?

Answer:  = :!¬    ,  , !      , /  
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In formulating its strategy for the new decade, what are the first steps that KNP should

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What type of organizational arrangement does the firm use currently? If it expanded
operations into North America, what type of structure would you recommend it use? What
other organizational changes would you recommend?

Answer: 4 B'u   vertical organizational

 u , ,? 
 ?  !u ?   , internal organizational structure is horizontal.

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  a mixture of
both horizontal and vertical organizational

In controlling operations, on what types of performance should KNP be focusing its

attention? If the firm were to expand operations into South America and Asia, how would
this impact on the way it would need to control operations? Explain.


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What strategy have the Reliance owners used to gain favorable treatment from the Indian
government? do you think this is smart? What are the positive and the negatives?

Answer:     ,  5     ?

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do you think Reliance can compete against outside MNCs who do business in India? do
you agree with analysts who say Reliance will find the telecom business hard going?
Answer:  / ,, /     
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1. do you believe the new HP has communicated its combined offering effectively in its
international markets? What else needs to be done?

Answer: ' 0u   




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2. What are some of the entry and organizational challenges that HP faces?

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What will be the impact of the EU¶s single monetary union on HP in Europe? What are the
pros? The cons?

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Should HP move to a direct-selling model to battle dell overseas? Why or why not?

Answer:=.,0  ,    4! 

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What has HP done to respond to soft consumer spending worldwide? do you believe the
HP stores will be effective in generating new business?

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How much of an impact do you feel HP¶s i-communities will have on the company¶s future
sales? do you think this form of international corporate social responsibility will contribute
to the bottom line? Explain.



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In your opinion, what are the three best things Carly Fiorina has been able to accomplish
by merging HP and Compaq?
Answer: .     ,  *           
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What opportunities exist in the Asia-Pacific region for the entrance of new low-fare
airlines? How might demand for low-fare service differ in the Asia-Pacific region and in
North America and Europe?

Answer:  . !u   ,   

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do governments pose a significant obstacle to the expansion of low-fare airlines in Asia?

Answer: =,
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Compare Air Asia¶s strategy with the strategies of Southwest and Ryanair. How is it
similar to and different from strategies of those carriers?

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did Tony Fernandez weigh the range of political economic and operational risks when he
took over Air Asia? What risks might he have overlooked?

Answer: = .    1 /,    ,      

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How would you describe Tony Fernandez¶s entrepreneurial strategy?

Answer:  .    1-        ,        


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How should Air Asia respond to the challenges posed by (a) new low-fare carriers entering
the Asian marketplace and (b) low-fare strategies pursued by incumbent carriers?
 /  !      ,  
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How do you think the Asian passenger air transport marketplace will stake out? What
lessons can be drawn from the North American and European experience?

Answer:   , -    / /,     .

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Part-4, Case-12, A Copy Shop Goes Global u,!#+F

What are some of the general challenges of starting new business in another country? What
specific challenges did Copy General face in Eastern and Central Europe?

Answer::  /      

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How important was Paul Panitz¶s vision to the decision to go into Hungary? How would
you characterize his leadership and management style and his commitment to ³doing well
by doing good´?

Answer: u u 1 /         *     4  4   
       /     /    
      , 0 , 

0     / 

 ,   /    ,  
    u-,/  / //   ,

Compare the recollections of Ken Chaletsky, a U.S. manager with Copy General, and Erno
duda, Copy General¶s initial country manager in Hungary. How do their perspectives
differ, and how do they reflect the cultural values of their respective countries?

Answer: *
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What lessons (if any) can you derive from Copy General¶s successful experience in Eastern
Europe and beyond?

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Part-4, Case-13, The Road to Hell u,!#"%

What mistakes did John ×aker make? Why did he not realize this mistake when it

Answer  A  /@  , 

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What would you recommend that ×aker do now? Explain.

Answer:   /   

   A           /    3  / 

        ,   / 


/   *    
What does this case illustrate about human resource management in the international
environment? ×e complete in your answer.

Answer: .        , /        -  
   /        ,   .  /     / 
*      *        /  


Part-4, Case-14, Lord John ×rowne and ×P¶s Global Shift


discuss John ×rowne¶s leadership style. How would you characterize his approach to
global management?

Answer: A   / -            


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How much of an impact do you think ×P¶s marketing efforts will have on shareholder

Answer: u-
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  ,       u-
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discuss the pros and cons of ×P¶s strategy in Russia,both short term and long term. What
challenges has ×P faced in its effort to became a major player in Russia.

Answer:u-  ,    

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do you think ×rowne¶s initial plan to back the U.S government¶s proposal to open up the
Arctic National Wildlife Refuge in Alaska was a mistake? if so, why?

Answer :  / G          ,

'  :  ,    / ,           
 /     / ,    u    

  u/    /   , 

discuss the difficulties of simultaneously securing growth and prompting social
responsibility for oil and gas firms. What are the major challenges?

Answer:    ,, /  

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      @     /  

 ¬5   ,   *  /  
 -, /  */ 
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      , 1    

Given ×P¶s huge commitment to rebranding itself as µ¶socially responsible¶¶ do you think
customers will believe this message from a company that, by nature contributes to
environmental pollution?what other relationship could ×P develop that would be more


   u /     
          , 1   u- /  /  7- 
  ,   /  ,  ,  ,

do you view corporate social responsibility initiatives as a barrier to entry for new oil and
gas concerns? Explains.

Answer :  =            ,          / 
 ,   *   -              / 

Part-4, Case-15, Chiquita¶s Global Turnaround


How would you characterize Chiquita¶s historic approach to global management?


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describe Chiquita¶s approach to human resource management in its global supply chain.
What particular human resources does Chiquita face as the purchaser, producer, and
supplier of a commodity?

Answer: *>-    ,  ,   

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     /, .   
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does Chiquita¶s global corporate responsibility (CR) program create a conflict between
shareholders and other stakeholders? Who are Chiquita¶s main stakeholders in the United
States and around the world and how are they affected by Chiquita¶s CR program?

Answer: ' *>- ,      $*&  , 
/          ,      



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How would you characterize Chiquita¶s past and present leadership? How does leadership
affect a company¶s overall reputation?


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     ,        ,          '/ /
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    /      /   , ,       


do you believe Chiquita would have changed its policies without the presence of damaging
stories in the media? If not, what does this say about Chiquita¶s old management style?

Answer: ' *> /     ,     /      
, ,




What challenges does Chiquita¶s new CEO face in continuing to turn the company around
and balance the interests of competing stakeholders?

Answer: *>- /*43    ,    /   ,  , 

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