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MGT B820 Strategy

Extended Assignment: Extended Essay

Due Date: 7 June 2020 (You are required to upload the soft copy of both
extended essay and reflective journal to the OLE on or before
11:59 pm, 7 June 2020)

Weighting: 40% towards your final grade

Learning Outcomes: This extended essay aims to assess whether you have achieved
all learning outcomes.

MGT B820 helps you critically discuss, appraise, and apply core concepts, theories, and
different analytical tools and models for the strategic management of organizations. Read the
following remark and write an essay within 1,000 to 1,200 words. In your answer, explain
how you would respond to this remark by providing specific recommendations on how to
gain and maintain a competitive advantage for your company, or an organization of your
“Strategic management is all about gaining and maintaining competitive

In presenting your recommendations, you are expected to write an answer that includes:
 Brief background information on your chosen organization (~100-150 words)
and industry, such as the nature of the industry, its business,
products or services, areas of operations, customers, etc.
 Choice of key concepts and theories in your analysis, and (~100-150 words)
justification of their relevance.
 Application of specific course concepts, theories, tools, and (~400-450 words)
models (e.g. 5-forces model / diamond model / value chain /
business strategies / corporate strategies / etc.) in your
analysis and evaluation.
 Recommendations of how the organizational strategy can be (~400-450 words)
enhanced to gain and maintain competitive advantage (by
drawing on your chosen concepts, theories, tools and models).

[Note: Many concepts, theories, tools, and models covered by the course can be relevant in
formulating your answer. It is not the number of concepts or theories that matters, but their
relevance and your own articulation.]
You are advised to read the rubric carefully before writing your extended essay. Give a word
count at the end of your essay. References, diagram, tables and graphics can be put in an
appendix which will not be included in the word count.

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