Medhā Sūktam: (Vedic Hymn of Adoration To Goddess Durgā)

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medhā sūktam

ōm - harih: - ōm

medhā sūktam Dedicated with love to

The Fragrant Divine Lotus Feet of my beloved SatGuru - Bhagavan Sri Skanda
(Vedic hymn of adoration to Goddess Durgā) &
All His Beloved Children of Light

Sanskrit English meanings by

Sri P.R. Ramachander

Tamil unicoding, English Transliteration, Proof-reading, & Preparation by

Sri Skanda’s Warrior of Light

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Published for the World Wide Web (WWW) by Sri Skanda’s Warrior of Light - with love - for: – Bhagavan Sri Skanda’s Divine Online Abode, 2016.
For personal (spiritual) use only. Commercial use is strictly prohibited.
medhā sūktam

ōm - harih: - ōm


Guide to pronunciation 3

Medhā Sūktam - Tamil 4

Medhā Sūktam - English 5

References 7

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Published for the World Wide Web (WWW) by Sri Skanda’s Warrior of Light - with love - for: – Bhagavan Sri Skanda’s Divine Online Abode, 2016.
For personal (spiritual) use only. Commercial use is strictly prohibited.
medhā sūktam

ōm - harih: - ōm

Guide to pronunciation jh like dgeh in hedgehog

 From “Sri Suktam with Samputita Sri Suktam.” jñ like ng y in sing your
(Karunamayi, Sri Sri Sri Vijayesari Devi. Sri Suktam with Samputita Sri Suktam. k like k in kite
Banglaore: Sri Matrudevi Viswashanthi Ashram Trust, 2004.) kh like ck h in black hat
l like l in love
This guide is based on American pronunciation of words, and is therefore not a perfect m like m in mother
representation of Sanskrit sounds. ñ like n in pinch
p like p in soap
Sanskrit Vowels ph like ph in up hill
a like a in nap r rolled like a Spanish or Italian “r”
ā like a in father s like s in sun
ë like ay in may ś sometimes like s in sun, sometimes like “sya” sound
i like i in pin t like rt in heart
í like ee in sweet th like t h in fat hat
ō like o in rose v like v in love, sometimes like w in world
u like u in put y like y in yes
ū like oo in food
ha pronounce as a faint echoing of the previous vowel; e.g. ah: would *t, th, d, dh, and n should be pronounced with the tongue placed against the
be pronounced “aha”; ih: would be pronounced “ihi”; uh: would be protruding slightly beyond the upper teeth.
pronounced “uhu”; etc.
ai like ai in aisle ë should be extended; e.g. ë would be extended in sound and pronounced ae-ë
au like ow in cow

Sanskrit Consonants
b like b in bird
bh like b h in job hunt
ch like pinch
d like d in dove
dh like d h in good heart
g like good
gh like g h in log hut
h like h in hot
j like j in job

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Published for the World Wide Web (WWW) by Sri Skanda’s Warrior of Light - with love - for: – Bhagavan Sri Skanda’s Divine Online Abode, 2016.
For personal (spiritual) use only. Commercial use is strictly prohibited.
medhā sūktam

ōm - harih: - ōm

ேமதா ஸுக்தம் ேமதாம் ம இம்த்ேரா ததா ேமதாம் ேத ஸரஸ்வதீ |

ேமதாம் ேம அஸ்வினா பா-வாதத்தாம் ஷ்கரஸ்ரஜா |
ஓம் யஸ்சன்தஸாம் ஷேபா விஸ்வ பஃ | அப்ஸராஸு ச யா ேமதா கம்தர்ேவஷு ச யன்மனஃ |
சன்ேதாப்ேயாஉத்யம் தாத்ஸம்ப வ | ைத ம் ேமதா ஸரஸ்வதீ ஸா மாம் ேமதா ஸுரபிர்ஜுஷதாக்
ஸ ேமன்த்ேரா ேமதயா ஸ்ப் ேணா | ஸ்வாஹா ||
அம் தஸ்ய ேதவதாரேணா யாஸம் |
ஆமாம் ேமதா ஸுரபிர்விஸ்வ பா ஹிரண்யவர்ணா ஜகதீ
ஷாீரம் ேம விசர்ஷணம் |
ஜகம்யா |
ஜிஹ்வா ேம ம மத்தமா |
ஊர்ஜஸ்வதீ பயஸா பின்வமானா ஸா மாம் ேமதா ஸுப்ரதீகா
கர்ணாப்யாம் ாிவிஸ் வம் |
ஜுஷன்தாம் ||
ப்ரஹ்மணஃ ேகா ே◌ஷா அ ேமதயா பிஹிதஃ |
ஸ் தம் ேம ேகாபாய ||
மயி ேமதாம் மயி ப்ரஜாம் மய்யக்னிஸ்ேதேஜா ததா மயி ேமதாம்
ஓம் சாந்தி சாந்தி சாந்தி
மயி ப்ரஜாம் மயீம்த்ர இம்த்ாியம் ததா மயி ேமதாம் மயி ப்ரஜாம்
மயி ஸூர்ேயா ப்ராேஜா ததா ||
ஓம் ேமதாேத ஜுஷமாணா ன ஆகாத்விஸ்வாசீ பத்ரா ஸுமனஸ்ய மானா |
த்வயா ஜுஷ்டா தமானா க்தான் ப் ஹத்வேதம விதேத ஸு ராஃ |
ஓம் ஹம்ஸ ஹம்ஸாய வித்மேஹ பரமஹம்ஸாய தீமஹி |
த்வயா ஜுஷ்ட ஷிர்பவதி ேதவி த்வயா ப்ரஹ்மாஉஉகதஸ்ரீ த த்வயா |
தன்ேனா ஹம்ஸஃ ப்ரேசாதயாத் ||
த்வயா ஜுஷ்டஸ்சித்ரம் வின்தேத வஸு ஸா ேனா ஜுஷஸ்வ த்ரவிேணா ன
ேமேத ||
ஓம் சாந்தி சாந்தி சாந்தி

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Published for the World Wide Web (WWW) by Sri Skanda’s Warrior of Light - with love - for: – Bhagavan Sri Skanda’s Divine Online Abode, 2016.
For personal (spiritual) use only. Commercial use is strictly prohibited.
medhā sūktam

ōm - harih: - ōm

medhā sūktam
(Vedic hymn of adoration to Goddess Saraswathi)

 English meaning courtesy of Sri P.R. Ramachander

śrí gurubhyo namah(a) - harih(i) ōm

ōm - yaś-chanda-sām rusha-bho viśva-rūpah(a) | tvayā jushta rusher-bhavati-dëví –

chando-byo–dyam-rutāt samba-būva | tvayā brahmā gata-śrī, | ruta tvayā-ā |
sa–mëndro–mëthëyā spru-notu | tvayā jush-taś-chitram vindatë vasu –
amrutasya–dëva-dhā-rano bhū-yāsam | sānō jushas-vaḍ-dravi-nō na mëdhë |
śha-rī-ram më vi-char-shanam | .
jihvā–më–madhu-mat-tamā | By your grace one becomes a saint,
karnā byām būri-viśhru-vam | One becomes learned, one becomes rich,
bramana ko–śho–asi mëdhayā pi-hi-tah(a) | Showered by your grace one gets different kinds of wealth,
śhrutam-më gō-pā-yā || And so goddess of wealth, give us wealth and intellect.

ōm śānthi - śānthi - śānthi(hi)

mëdhā dëvī jusha-mānā-na-ā-gā | mëdhām ma indrō dadātu –

viśvā-chī, | badrā su-manasya mānā | mëdhām dëvī sarasvatī |
tvayā-jushtā–nuda-mānā duruk-tān– mëdhām më aśvinā-vu, | ubā-vādaṭ-tām –
bruhad-vadëma–vidathë, | suvī-rā-ā-h(ā) | push-karas-rajā |

Let the goddess of intellect come here with happiness, Let Indra give me intelligence,
She is everywhere and has a happy frame of mind, Let Saraswathi give me intelligence,
May we who were grief stricken, before she came, Let the Aswini Kumaras support my intelligence,
Become greatly intelligent and know the ultimate. For they wear the garlands of lotuses.

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Published for the World Wide Web (WWW) by Sri Skanda’s Warrior of Light - with love - for: – Bhagavan Sri Skanda’s Divine Online Abode, 2016.
For personal (spiritual) use only. Commercial use is strictly prohibited.
medhā sūktam

ōm - harih: - ōm

ap-sarā-su-cha-yā mëdhā – vākdëvīyai cha vidmahë

gandhar-vëshu-chayan-manah(a) | brahma patniyai cha dhīmahi
daivīm mëdhā–sarasvatī – thannōh vāni prachōdhayāt(u)
sā mām mëdhā-sura-bir-jusha-tāgm svāhā |
Let me meditate on the Goddess of Speech,
Apsaras posses intelligence, Oh, wife of Lord Brahma, give me higher intellect,
Gandarwas possess intelligence, May Goddess Vani illuminate my mind.
Goddess of intelligence is Saraswathi,
Let the intelligence spread like fragrance hamsa hamsāya vidmahë
I offer you without any reservations.* parama hamsāya dhīmahi
* Svaha is the wife of fire God. We give offerings to her and she gives it to fire, who gives it to devas.
thannōh hamsa prachōdhayāt(u)
ā mām mëdhā sura-bir-viśva-rūpā– May we realize Hamsa that is our own Self as swan.
hiranya-varnā jagatī jagam-yā | Let us meditate on that Paramahamsa, the Supreme Self.
ūr-jas-vatī–paya-sā pin-va-mānā– May Hamsa illumine us.
sā mām mëdhā supra-tīkā jushan-tām |

Intelligence is glorious in form and is like nectar, ōm śānthi - śānthi - śānthi(hi)

Intelligence is golden and pervades the entire universe,
Intelligence is powerful and is sought after continuously, Request we for peace, peace and peace.
Let it come to me with love and favour me.

mayi mëdhām, | mayi prajām, | may-yagni-stë-jō–dadātu–

mayi mëdhām, | mayi prajām, | mayīndra–in-driyam–dadātu–
mayi mëdhām, | mayi prajām, | mayi sūryō, | brā-jō–dadātu |

May the Fire God grant us the intelligence and the glow of the vedic chanting,
May Lord Indra grant us intelligence and the strength arising from the control of one’s senses, May
the Sun God grant us intelligence and the strength to create fear in the enemy’s heart.

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Published for the World Wide Web (WWW) by Sri Skanda’s Warrior of Light - with love - for: – Bhagavan Sri Skanda’s Divine Online Abode, 2016.
For personal (spiritual) use only. Commercial use is strictly prohibited.
medhā sūktam

ōm - harih: - ōm

ōm - yadak-shara pada-bhrashtam - mātrā-heenam tu yadbhavët | medhā sūktam references:

tat-sarvam kshamya tām-dëva - subrahmanya namōstutë || Online:
visarga-bindu-mātrāni - pada-pādāksha rāni-cha | 
nyoo-nāni chā-tirik-tāni - ksham-asva shikhi vāhana || puja.pdf
anyathā sharanam-nāsti - tvamëva sharanam mama | 
tasmāt-kārunya bhāvëna - raksha-raksha shadā-nana ||

I may have erred whilst construction of, writing of, pronouncing of - sentences, words, consonants, Texts:
 Karunamayi, Sri Sri Sri Vijayesari Devi. Sri Suktam with Samputita Sri Suktam.
improper grammar, verb, vowels of the prayers. Banglaore: Sri Matrudevi Viswashanthi Ashram Trust, 2004.
 Sri Caitānyānāndā. Sri Vidya - Sri Cakra Pūjā Vidhih.
I may have also forgotten to put the punctuation marks due to my ignorane in understanding the New York: Sri Vidya Temple Society, 1996.
heavenly idiom.

Oh Lord Subrahmanya, may my flaws be overlooked for they are out of my ignorance.

I seek your pardon for all the commissions and omissions for they are involuntary.

Kindly bless me for the sincere endeavour.

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Published for the World Wide Web (WWW) by Sri Skanda’s Warrior of Light - with love - for: – Bhagavan Sri Skanda’s Divine Online Abode, 2016.
For personal (spiritual) use only. Commercial use is strictly prohibited.

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