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Stress Management

What is Stress?
What is Stress?

We generally use the word "stress" when we feel that everything seems to
have become too much - we are overloaded and wonder whether we really
can cope with the pressures placed upon us.
Many people have different ideas about what “stress” actually means. For
most college students, stress is something that is negative and unpleasant.
What most people think of when they hear the word “stress” is actually
distress. Distress is a negative emotion that most people generally try to
avoid, but there is also a good kind of stress called eustress.
Eustress vs Distress

Eustress is the good stress that motivates you to continue working.

Stress can be a motivator and provide incentive to get the job done. This
"good stress" is what eustress can be identified as and some people
enjoy it. Everyone needs a little bit of stress in their life in order to
continue to be happy, motivated, challenged and productive.
Eustress vs Distress

Distress, or bad stress, is when the good stress becomes to much to

bear or cope with. Tension builds, there is no longer any fun in the
challenge, there seems to be no relief, no end in sight. This is the kind of
stress most of us are familiar with and this is the kind of stress that leads
to poor decision making.

 School
 Work
 Family
 Relationships
 Legal
 Finances
 Health/illness
 Environment
 Living Situation
Positive Stress effects

So, what are the positive effects of stress?

Good stress - eustress - is the spark that drives us to achieve more, to

improve the quality of our life, to ask for a raise, to fight for justice, or simply
to go on a holiday.
Eustress pushes you to grow, to change, to fight, and to adapt. All life events,
even positive ones, cause a certain degree of stress. For example getting a
new job is a positive change, getting married, falling in love, getting a raise,
winning a match.
Distress/Negative Stress – Causes

 Work overload
 Conflicting priorities
 Inconsistent values
 Over-challenging deadlines
 Conflict with co-workers
 Unpleasant environments
 New distractions/situations
 Negative thoughts
 Poor work-life balance
 Personal situations
Negative Effects of Stress

1. Physical
 Weight gain/loss
 Unexpected hair loss
 Heart palpitations
 High blood pressure

2. Emotional
 Mood swings
 Anxiety
 Can lead to depression
 Can also lead to unhealthy coping strategies (i.e. alcohol, drugs, etc)
Negative Stress - Symptoms

 Poor emotional control

 Sleeping Problem

 Tired all the time

 Susceptibility to illness

 Excessive moodiness

 Exaggerated anxiety

 Withdrawal from responsibility

 Everyone is different – learn to recognize your stress symptoms

Negative Stress - Symptoms

• Physical
 Headaches
 Teeth grinding
 Fatigue
 Insomnia
 Back aches
 Stomach problems
 Colds
 Neck aches
 Shoulder pains
 Increased use of drugs
Negative Stress - Symptoms

 Emotional
 Anxiety
 Frustration
 Nervousness
 Depression
 Worrying
 Tension
 Mood swings
 Easily discouraged
 Crying spells
 Irritability
Negative Stress - Symptoms

 Mental
 Forgetfulness
 Poor concentration
 Low productivity
 Negative attitude
 Confusion
 No new ideas
 Lethargy
 Boredom
Negative Stress - Symptoms

 Social
 Isolation
 Loneliness
 Lashing out
 Clamming up
 Nagging
 Fewer contacts with friends
 Using people
Negative Stress – Solutions

Negative Stress Solutions

Negative Stress – Solutions

 Choose to let go
 Walk away from what you can’t control
 Pick your battles
 Time management
 Say NO
 Set realistic goals
 Prioritize
 Simplify
 Leave early for work
 Prepare ahead for challenges
Negative Stress – Solutions

 Ask for help

 Find someone to talk to
 Check YOUR behavior
 Challenge assumptions
 Negative self talk
 Reduce the importance in your eyes
 Consider other perspective
 Adjust your environment
Negative Stress – Solutions

 Job analysis
 Review job description
 Review annual performance
 What is the real value of your time?
 Write it down
 Problems/solutions
 Define the worst case scenario
 Look at things clearly
Negative Stress – Solutions

 Deep breathing
 Poor breathing heightens stress levels

 Meditation
 Uses deep breathing/imagery/focus

 Imagery

 Plan time to relax daily

 Should plan for enough sleep

 Everyone requires different amounts 3-12 hours
Negative Stress – Solutions

 Exercise
 Posture check
 Neck/shoulder rolls
 Go outside
 Take a walk
 Reduce Chemicals
 Alcohol
 Tobacco
 Caffeine
Negative Stress – Solutions

 Healthy Eating Habits

 Laugh often

 Thought awareness

 Rational thinking

 Positive thinking

 It is your choice to have a positive attitude

Benefits of Stress Management

 Physical health gets better

 More energy and stamina
 Emotions stabilized

 Positive attitude
 Hopeful/happier
 Ability to focus improved

 able to learn and achieve

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