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International Journal for Quality Research 7(2) 231–238

ISSN 1800-6450
UDC – 519.248



Received 20
d 3 April


Abstract: The objective of this

article is double: firstly is to
rre show the standards ISO 9001
spo and ISO 14001 evolution and
ndi secondly evolution and situation
ng in the pulp and paper sector
aut during the last years. We would
hor like to investigate why this
: decrease and what are the
Ma tendencies for the future. The
methodology used to elaborate
this publication is to study the
different ISO’s graphs evolution
ail: and project them to the future
ma using mathematic logical models
nue to see their tendencies. In other
l.al hand, we make a qualitative
cal questionnaire to six pulp and
a@ paper companies, trying to
ud obtain common results and to
g.e observe the tendency.

Keywords: management, ISO 9001,
quality ISO14001, FSC,
countries and
(Lansbergen, 2004).
Also at the
1. Introduction1 international level,
ISO (International
Dominant nature Standards
paper’s industry Organization)
activity is one of the released its first
most impacts on the version of an
environment. It is environmental
well known to all management system
agents involved and (EMS) in the early
each one has its own 80s. This rule has
role to regulate these been updated over
impacts. On one time and currently
hand, governments valid ISO 14001:2005
and state or local version. No doubt that
authorities and in is one of the standards
some cases others are that have enjoyed
supranational growing popularity
regulations to and success has
mitigate the potential spread throughout the
harmful effects on the world (Marimon et
environment. These al., 2009).
regulations are
mandatory in some
cases and in others
2. Analysis and
are only evolution of
recommendatory. ISO 14000 and
Companies ISO 9000 at a
themselves are also global level
developing their own
strategies in this field.
According to the
In general, society
latest data published
and in particular
by the same ISO, the
direct customers are
number of ISO 14000
also sensitive to
worldwide at the end
performance of their
of 2008 was 188,815
(The ISO survey of
Indeed, from different certifications, 2009).
scopes is influencing There is no doubt that
paper companies. the growth is
From a more general spectacular,
level, the Kyoto considering that just
agreement marks 10 years ago, the
required emission number of
limits to be met by certifications
worldwide was 7887 statement verified by
(ISO, 1998). independent bodies.
At the European level At European level,
has been extended the number of
another management certified
model, also entirely organizations in 2010
voluntary for was 4460, located
organizations: EMAS mostly in Germany,
(EcoManagement and Italy and Spain.
Audit Scheme, or The pressure created
Community to preserve the
Regulation of Eco- environment has
Management and grown and has led to
Audit-scheme). the SGMAS’
It is a more proliferation and
demanding than ISO diffusion of these.
14000 in terms of Anyway, it begins to
content, but also sense that in some
voluntary. Indeed, sectors is slowing
EMAS is a voluntary growth. Even in some
regulation of the countries there is a
European Union clear slowdown in the
recognizes number of
organizations that certifications
have implemented an (Marimon et al.,
EMS and have 2006; Casadesus and
acquired a Alberti, 2003;
commitment to Casadesus and
continuous Karapetrovic, 2005).
improvement, verified It is good time to
by independent analyze what happens
audits. The EMAS to these EMS based
recognized on ISO 14000. What
organizationswhether are the causes for this
industrial companies, reduction? Why are
small and medium some companies that
businesses, nonprofit have made the effort
organizations, to get certified in the
government and past does not renew
international the certification?
organizations, have a Which is the cost of
defined continuing
environmental policy, certification?
make use of Obviously, the reason
environmental why organizations
management systems decide not to renew
and report the certification is
periodically the because the costs
operation of the associated with
system through an keeping outweigh the
environmental benefits they find.

Organizations are standards’ family
seeking through started in the first
policies, procedures version with the
and tools make it inclusion of the ISO
possible to manage 9001, 9002 and 9003
effectively and applicable to each
efficiently to achieve type of organization.
quality objectives. While in subsequent
Among other areas revisions terminology
that have a company was intended to
to achieve this simplify and make it
commitment to more straightforward
quality is the quality to apply focusing its
assurance which content to continuous
engages the whole improvement and
organization. process management.
Therefore, the ISO standards,
organization, identifies the
planning and control requirements to be
of all activities and followed by a
functions aimed at company to certify
obtaining a quality their QMS,
according to establishing a
predetermined customeroriented
requirements. To corporate culture and
keep control of defining a
quality management management model
according to quality aimed at meeting the
assurance will be needs and
necessary to introduce expectations of
a Quality customers. A step
Management System forward was the need
(QMS). Among the for companies to
management systems include providers and
for quality assurance customers to this
system with more quality management.
global acceptance is This commitment to
one that is based on excellence in aspects
ISO 9000. The ISO related to products
9000 standards are a and services
set of international important to the
standards are intended consumer through
for the management Total Quality
and quality assurance Management (TQM).
companies (Vujovic Something similar has
et al., 2010). Since happened in the ISO
1987 the (ISO) 9000 evolution. It is a
released the first ISO previously published
9000 family’s version standard ISO 14000
and its subsequent and has been
revisions in 1994, successfully
2000 and 2008. This
disseminated. paperwork generated
According to ISO and do not survive the
(2009), at the end of process of re-
2009 there were certification. These
982832 ISO 9000 are also possible
certified worldwide, reasons for the
the order of 5 times hypothetical recession
that of ISO 14000 in ISO 14000.
certifications. Figure 1 shows the
However, there are comparative
clear signs of decay in evolution of both
the rate of diffusion standards worldwide.
of this standard. In In the figure, both
some countries, series have been
detects a clear scaled according to
setback: Companies the maximum
are being decertified. saturation level
In any case, other expected using the
countries in which the logistic curve as a
number of certificates yardstick to predict
continues to grow and the future trend. The
make notice that the previous literature on
world level increase the difusion of these
growth. The literature standards confirms
has studied the that the logistic curve
recession that is well describes this
taking place in this phenomenon.
(Albuquerque et al.,
2007; Casadesús and
Karapetrovic, 2005;
Franceschini et al.,
2010; The ISO survey
of certifications,
2009; Karapetrovic et
al., 2010). Precisely
this literature can
show light to provide
a possible similar
behaviour in Figure 1.
spreading the ISO Evolution
14000 standard. compared to
There are no studies both standards
to determine reasons and its
for decertification, projected trend
Marimon et al. (2009)
claim that the main
The figure shows that
reasons for the
although ISO 14000
is more recent, in
organizations for the
2008 both reached the
standard ISO 9001 is
same level on their
the excessive
respective saturations.
This makes ISO
14000 is at this time a
growth rates higher.

3. Analysis of the
evolution of
ISO 14000
certification in
the paper
Figure 2. Linear
regression ISO
The dissemination of certification in
the EMS, as well as the paper
dissemination of sector
management systems
for quality (QMS)
Figure 2, shows the
have been analyzed in
development of paper
depth, both from the
point of view of the
Adjustment explains a
difusion’s causes
large percentage of
(Marimon et al.,
the variance (R2 =
2009) and from the
0.925) and the two
dynamic point of
coefficients are robust
view (Jiang and
at the level of
Bansal, 2003).
significance 0.05. The
Anyway, all these
series shows an
items are analyzed
annual growth of 133
aggregate data by
country, but there are
representing high
still few studies
growth rates. In fact,
focusing on the
between 2001 and
analysis of a sector
2006 there was an
industry. Data are
average annual
available about the
growth of 16.31%.
certification of ISO
The first two years
14000 by sector since
and the last two are
1998, by the reports
more irregular. In any
published annually by
case, there is a strong
ISO. In fact, since
growth rate. There is
that year, includes a
no doubt that the
section in which the
standard has a strong
certifications are
acceptance in the
structured in both ISO
14000 and ISO 9000
in 39 sectors. One of Enclosed is a similar
them is the paper: graph (Figure 3)
“Pulp, paper and shows the evolution
paper products.” of ISO 9000

certifications in the It is notice, that the
same period. It also sector has always
notes that the first two been on the half top
years and the last two of ISO 14000
show a somewhat rankings (the
different pattern to contribution of this
the years from 2000 sector in the GDP
or 2006. During these (gross domestic
middle years, the product) of each
linear regression fits country would
perfectly. The number provide a lower
of new annual position in the
certification of 235 ranking of ISO
(one hundred more 14000). It is also
than in the standard noted that the position
ISO 14000), however referred to the ISO
a relative level 14000 certification
represents an average has always been
annual growth of higher than ISO 9000.
4.46% between 2001 Indeed, the sensitivity
and 2006. for the environment
sector has always
been above their
concern to maintain
certifications in the
field of quality
management. Another
observed is a slight
Figure 3. Linear
gradual decline in
both rankings. This
on of
makes us wonder if
there really is a
9000 in
widespread disinterest
in the industry for this
type (Barla, 2007)
especially the one in
Another interesting
question in this work:
aspect to analyze is
the ISO 14000.
the sector evolution’s
ranking within the list
of 39 sectors in the
ISO annual report.
Figure 4, shows this
evolution for the two
standards: ISO 14000
and ISO 9000

Figure 4. Evolution
of the paper 4. Fsc
industry's position in
the ranking of
certifications by
sector (in ISO 14000 In fact, new standards
and ISO 9000) are emerging to
ensure a good
relationship between
Figure 5 has a similar
business and
profile. Shows the
percentage of industry
organizations. One of
certifications in total
the most important in
certifications. It is
this sector that is
also noted that the
gaining strength over
share of the sector to
the past decade is the
analyze the ISO
certifications from
14000 certification is
Forest Stewardship
always above the
Council (FSC). FSC
level which represents
is an independent,
the sector in the field
of ISO 9000.
Established to
Promote the
management of the
world's forests.
Established in 1993 as
a response to global
Concerns over
deforestation, FSC is
Figure 5. Evolution
widely regarded as
of the percentage of
one of the most
paper industry
important of the last
certifications (ISO
decade Initiatives to
14000 and
Promote responsible
ISO 9000)
forest management
Yet, another
FSC is a certification
important aspect to be
system that provides
analyzed in parallel
with the development
recognized standard-
of ISO 14000
setting, trademark
certifications. As
assurance and
defined in the various
accreditation services
ISO 1400 2,3,4,5,6...
to companies,
(Karapetrovic and
organizations, and
Casadesús, 2009) and
the long journey that
interested in
allows the standard
responsible forestry.

The FSC label certification is the

Table 1. Sector FSC certifications’ in Spain (august 009). Source FSC

PRODUCT number %

pulp and paper 49 26

comerce 1 1

printing 46 24

furniture, decoration, doors, windows... 43 23

boards, panels 31 16

others 18 10

tot 188
provides a credible United States of
link between America, 3645
responsible certifications.
production and Following the UK
consumption of forest with 2030
products, enabling certifications.
consumers and Germany and China
businesses to make 1213 1142
purchasing decisions certification. Then
that benefit people several countries
and the environment under the 1000
as well as providing certifications: Japan,
ongoing business Canada and Holland.
value. Over 16.000 In the Spanish sector,
certificates (March we have the
2010), the number of breakdown by sector
companies along the Table 1, where, if we
forest product supply include the group of
chain to FSC pulp and paper
certification products along with
Committing Peaked at printing, we have
50% in 2008 (FSC, 50% of the
2010). The country certificates are in the
that leads the ranking paper industry.
in this type of
forestry. The analysis
The paper sector is made in the previous
therefore a very section does see that
important and is the paper industry is
particularly interested still active in the
in evidence to clients demand for new ISO
that they're an 14000 and other
industryfriendly standards which
demonstrate an principles. The
appropriate Programme for the
relationship with the Endorsement of
environment. Forest Certification
Superior sensitivity is Schemes (PEFC)
perceived in this provides a framework
respect than the other for the mutual
sectors. Indeed, it recognition of
appears that the different national and
industry's position in regional certification
the ranking of ISO schemes. It is their
14000 certifications preference to use
has always been paper mills, printers
higher than the and other suppliers
ranking of ISO 9000. who have gained or
Moreover it is who have applied for
observed that sector EMS ISO 14001
participation in the accreditation. IS0
global certificates is 14001 is an
decreasing in both internationally
types of certifications. accepted standard that
It is noted therefore sets out effective
that a number of Environmental
companies are Management Systems
certified and recognising a
continues to grow the commitment to
number of effective management
certifications, but at a of waste, careful use
slower pace than of energy and
expected. This all ensuring recycling
leads to find the processes are in line
reasons for this with government
imbalance occur in standards.
the evolution of
certifications in both
5. Practical cases
Lot of printing
To investigate what
customers of pulp an
will be the trend in
paper companies,
9000 and ISO 14000
consider that FSC
certifications in the
certification is the
paper industry, a
highest available
interview be
standard, if they are
conducted in depth to
unable to use it in the
short term they
responsible for in 5
universally apply
other standards to
ensure that paper Company A,
sourcing does not run established in 1881, is
contrary to not been certified ISO
environmental 9000. According to
manager “The ISO
9000 standards have surveys. As a
been a fad and in our conclusion the Q
company do the M. “disorganized
products following business, have a poor
procedures and quality and the ISO
ensuring product impose a certain
quality, without being orders, and improve
certified”. “While, the quality” ...
certification ISO Actually “the market
14000 is important demands impose us to
for us and we are be differentiated from
currently carrying out the competitors in
certificates”. “Our particularly by the
point of view in kind of product in
environmental issues forest policy,
are very important environmental,
and allowing us to have a
especially in our better profit margin.”
sector” Company B Certifications such as
was founded in 1714. FSC, PEFC,
It was certified in Blueangel, and
2001 of ISO 9001 and ECOLABEL are
three years after ISO others that facilitate
14001. Environmental obtaining
certification was the environmental
one meant for the certifications
larger company improving margins,
effort, erasing improving customer
processes, updating ... image, whereas ISO
certificates follow the not provide a better
two rules and economic value. The
according to the tendency is to go to
quality manager specialty products and
(QM) “Although we certifications to
are not obliged, we highlight
will continue to get environmental
licenses because we characteristics.
will be going Company C, founded
backward”. Initially, in 1945. The year
it was a competitive 1997 was certified
advantage, but in ISO 9000, after four
nowadays it is no years of ISO 14000
longer. The and a year later
implementation has OSHAS 18000
helped in areas such achieving an
as establishing integrated system
indicators, improving QM. “The
the external image of certification was a
the company, major change within
improvement teams, the company's own
and satisfaction staff to change the

way of work, improvements in the
methodologies. In recovery process as
recent years, we are all waste ...”.
specializing in
environmental and
6. Conclusion
specialty items for
commercial reasons.
The main In the global analysis
certifications were phase is a downward
FSC, PEFC and trend of the
Carbon Neutral. certification of ISO
“Today is no longer 9000 and ISO 14000.
certified by the As refers to the paper
company's closure in industry, ISO 9000, is
2009. the most certified,
while we note that in
Company D, founded recent years a surge
in 1884. It’s currently of decline. The ISO
certified ISO 14000 14000 has followed a
and ISO 9000. The curve in ascending
q.m.: “The reasons of order, because the
quality certification environmental
were primarily sensitivity with most
commercial and great companies, which
benefits implantation, aim to improve its
since the procedures image. Currently, and
were well established. as is apparent from
It is a very interviews
bureaucratic process”. environmental
They are the EMAS certification is more
certificate. important than
“The trend is quality.
specialty certified
standards like: References:
Ecolabel, FSC, On the other hand,
PEFC,...”. Company only these
E, founded in 1748, certifications do not
was certified ISO get out on the market
9000 in 1998 and ISO and many companies
14000 in 1999. Now, choose to supplement
want to certify the the 14001 with other
EMAS. The q.m.: qualifications. The
“The ISO 9000 EMAS European
certification has been environmental
requested by many standards and other
countries and forest FSC, PEFC,
companies while ISO ECO-LABEL, carbon
14000 has not been as neutral ... are some of
requested but has the certifications that
allowed some enable companies to

commercially the image to their
highlight and enhance customers.
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Usefull links:
EMAS 2010. Web consultada 10 de mayo de
• http://www.emas-register.eu/statistic.php?
• FSC 2010. Web consultada 11 de mayo de
• http://www.fsc.org/facts-figures.htm
• http://data.worldbank.org/topic/environment
• http://www.fsc.org/facts-figures.htm
• http://www.eco-label.com/spanish/
• http://www.pefc.es/
• http://www.graciaspapel.es/
• http://www.aspapel.es/
• http://www.afco.es/

Manel Alcalà Frederic Marimón Martí Casadesús

Universitat de Girona Universitat Internacional de Universitat de Girona
Escola Politècnica Catalunya Escola Politècnica
Superior, Departament Facultat de Ciències Superior, Departament
d’Organització, Gestió Econòmiques i Socials, d’Organització, Gestió
Empresarial i Disseny de Departament d'Economia i Empresarial i Disseny de
Producte Spain Organització d'Empreses Producte Spain
manuel.alcala@udg.edu Spain marti.casadesus@udg.edu


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