Imposition of Fines

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Art. 66. Imposition of fines. — In imposing fines EXECUTION AND SERVICE OF PENALTIES
the courts may fix any amount within the limits
established by law; in fixing the amount in each Art. 78. When and how a penalty is to be
case attention shall be given, not only to the executed. — No penalty shall be executed except
mitigating and aggravating circumstances, but by virtue of a final judgment. A penalty shall not
more particularly to the wealth or means of the be executed in any other form than that
culprit. prescribed by law, nor with any other
circumstances or incidents than those expressly
Fine is a pecuniary penalty imposed by court in authorized thereby. In addition to the provisions
case of judgment of conviction. of the law, the special regulations prescribed for
the government of the institutions in which the
Factors to consider in imposing fines penalties are to be suffered shall be observed
with regard to the character of the work to be
1. Aggravating and mitigating circumstance performed, the time of its performance, and
other incidents connected therewith, the
2. Wealth and means of the offender relations of the convicts among themselves and
other persons, the relief which they may receive,
Scale of Penalty in case of Fine and their diet. The regulations shall make
provision for the separation of the sexes in
Article 26 of the Revised Penal determines different institutions, or at least into different
whether a fine is afflictive, correctional, or light departments and also for the correction and
penalty. reform of the convicts.


Afflictive Penalty Exceeds P6,000.00
Correctional Penalty From P200.00 to Art. 87. Destierro. — Any person sentenced to
P6,000.00 destierro shall not be permitted to enter the
Light Penalty Less than P200.00 place or places designated in the sentence, nor
within the radius therein specified, which shall
be not more than 250 and not less than 25
kilometers from the place designated.
Art. 73. Presumption in regard to the imposition
of accessory penalties. — Whenever the courts Destierro is considered as a principal
shall impose a penalty which, by provision of correctional and divisible penalty. Therefore,
law, carries with it other penalties, according to jurisdiction over crimes punishable with
the provisions of Articles 40, 41, 42, 43 and 44 of destierro lies with the Metropolitan Trial Court.
this Code, it must be understood that the
accessory penalties are also imposed upon the Destierro shall be imposed in the following
convict. cases; 1. Death or serious physical injuries is
caused or are inflicted under exceptional

deemed imposed must be expressly 2. Person fails to give bond for good behavior in
stated in the decision grave and light threats;

3. Concubine’s penalty for the crime of

4. When after reducing the penalty by one or The penalty for homicide under Article
more degree, destierro is the proper penalty 246 of the Revised Penal Code is reclusion
temporal. Under Section 1 of ISLAW, the court, in
Execution of Destierro imposing a prison sentence for an offense
punished by the Revised Penal Code, or its
1. Convict shall not be permitted to enter the amendments, is mandated to prescribe an
place designated in the sentence nor within the indeterminate sentence the maximum term of
radius specified, which shall not be more than which shall be that which, in view of the
250 and not less than 25 km from the place attending circumstances, could be properly
designated; imposed under the rules of the Revised Penal
Code, and the minimum term shall be within the
2. If the convict enters the prohibited area, he range of the penalty next lower to that
commits evasion of sentence prescribed by the Revised Penal Code for the
offense. With the absence of aggravating or
mitigating circumstances, the imposable penalty
is reclusion temporal in its medium period, or 14
ISLAW CASES years, eight months, and one day to 17 years and
four months. This is pursuant to Article 64 of the
People v. Lanuza Revised Penal Code. It is such period that the
maximum term of the indeterminate sentence
The penalty prescribed by law for the should be reckoned from. Hence, limiting the
crime of frustrated homicide is one degree lower maximum term of the indeterminate sentence at
than that prescribed by law for the crime of only 14 years and eight months contravened the
homicide. Under ISLAW, the maximum of the express provision of the ISLAW, for such penalty
sentence shall be that which could be properly was within the minimum period of reclusion
imposed in view of the attending circumstances, temporal. Accordingly, the Court must add one
and the minimum shall be within the range of the day to the maximum term fixed by the lower
penalty next lower to that prescribed by the courts.
Revised Penal Code.
The Court finds to be unnecessary the
Considering that the penalty prescribed increment of one day as part of the minimum
by law for the crime of homicide is reclusion term of the indeterminate sentence. It may be
temporal, the penalty for the crime of frustrated true that the increment did not constitute an
homicide would be prision mayor. Applying error, because the minimum term thus fixed was
ISLAW, there being the mitigating circumstance entirely within the parameters of the
of voluntary surrender and no aggravating Indeterminate Sentence Law. Yet, the addition of
circumstance, the maximum of the sentence one day to the 10 years as the minimum term of
should be within the range of prision mayor in the indeterminate sentence of Talampas may
its minimum term which has a duration of six (6) occasion a degree of inconvenience when it will
years and one (1) day to eight (8) years, and that, be time for the penal administrators concerned
on the other hand, the minimum should be to consider and determine whether Talampas is
within the range of prision correccional which already qualified to enjoy the benefits of the
has a duration of six (6) months and one (1) day Indeterminate Sentence Law. Hence, in order to
to six (6) years. Thus, the imposition of simplify the computation of the minimum
imprisonment from four (4) years of prision penalty of the indeterminate sentence, the Court
correccional, as minimum, to seven (7) years of deletes the one-day increment from the
prision mayor, as maximum, is in order. minimum term of the indeterminate sentence.

Talampas v. People People v. Temporada

The formula proposed in the Dissenting provision, “any person who shall commit a felony
Opinion of Mr. Justice Ruben T. Reyes, i.e., the after having been convicted by final judgment,
maximum term shall first be computed by before beginning to serve such sentence, or
applying the incremental penalty rule, and while serving the same, shall be punished by the
thereafter the minimum term shall be maximum period of the penalty prescribed by
determined by descending one degree down the law for the new felony.” This circumstance has
scale of penalties from the maximum term, is a been interpreted by the Court as a special
novel but erroneous interpretation of the ISL in aggravating circumstance where the penalty
relation to Article 315, par. 2(a) of the RPC. actually imposed is taken from the prescribed
Under this interpretation, it is not clear how the penalty in its maximum period without regard to
maximum and minimum terms shall be any generic mitigating circumstances. Since
computed. Moreover, the legal justification quasi-recidivism is considered as merely a
therefor is not clear because the meaning of the special aggravating circumstance, the penalty
terms “penalty,” “prescribed penalty,” “penalty next lower in degree is computed based on the
actually imposed,” “minimum term,” “maximum prescribed penalty without first considering said
term,” “penalty next lower in degree,” and “one special aggravating circumstance as exemplified
degree down the scale of penalties” are not in People v. Manalo, 148 SCRA 98 (1987) and
properly set out and are, at times, used People v. Balictar, 91 SCRA 500 (1979).
interchangeably, loosely and erroneously.
It is one thing to say that, generally, the
The basis for fixing the minimum term is the penalty from which the minimum term is taken
prescribed penalty, and not the imposable is only one degree away from the penalty from
penalty. which the maximum term is taken, and
completely another thing to claim that the
If we use the formula as proposed by the penalty from which the minimum term is taken
dissent, i.e., to compute the minimum term based should only be one degree away from the
on the maximum term after the attending or penalty from which the maximum term is taken.
modifying circumstances are considered, the The one-degree difference is merely the result
basis for computing the minimum term, under of a general observation from the application of
this interpretation, is the imposable penalty as generic mitigating and ordinary aggravating
hereinabove defined. This interpretation is at circumstances in the RPC in relation to the ISL.
odds with Section 1 of the ISL which clearly Nowhere does the ISL refer to the one-degree
states that the minimum of the indeterminate difference as an essential requisite of an
sentence shall be “within the range of the penalty “attending circumstance.” If the application of
next lower to that prescribed by the Code for the the incremental penalty rule deviates from the
offense.” Consequently, the basis for fixing the one-degree difference, this only means that the
minimum term is the prescribed penalty, and not law itself has provided for an exception thereto.
the imposable penalty. Verily, the one-degree difference is a mere
consequence of the generic mitigating and
The plain terms of the ISL show that the ordinary aggravating circumstances created by
legislature did not intend to limit “attending the legislature. The difficulty of the dissent with
circumstances” as referring to Articles 13 and 14 the deviation from its so-called one-degree
of the RPC. If the legislature intended that the difference rule seems to lie with the inability to
“attending circumstances” under the ISL be view these “attending circumstances” as mere
limited to Articles 13 and 14, then it could have artifacts or creations of the legislature. It does
simply so stated. The wording of the law clearly not make sense to argue that the legislature
permits other modifying circumstances outside cannot formulate “attending circumstances” that
of Articles 13 and 14 of the RPC to be treated as operate differently than these generic mitigating
“attending circumstances” for purposes of the and ordinary aggravating circumstances, and
application of the ISL, such as quasi-recidivism that, expectedly, leads to a different result from
under Article 160 of the RPC. Under this the one-degree difference—for it would be to say
that the creator can only create one specie of ambiguity, it must be given its literal meaning
creatures. Further, it should be reasonably and applied without any interpretation. Not only
assumed that the legislature was aware of these that; in the matter of interpretation of laws on
special circumstances, like the incremental probation, the Court has pronounced that “the
penalty rule or privileged mitigating policy of liberality of probation statutes cannot
circumstances, at the time it enacted the ISL as prevail against the categorical provisions of the
well as the consequent effects of such special law.”
circumstances on the application of said law.
Thus, for as long as the incremental penalty rule Section 9 paragraph (c) is in clear and
is consistent with the letter and spirit of plain language, to the effect that a person who
“attending circumstances” under the ISL, there is was previously convicted by final judgment of an
no obstacle to its treatment as such. offense punishable by imprisonment of not less
than one month and one day and/or a fine of not
Frontreras v. People (2015) less than two hundred pesos, is disqualified from
applying for probation. This provision of law is
A reduction in the imposable penalty by definitive and unqualified. There is nothing in
one degree is thus in order pursuant to Article Section 9, paragraph (c) which qualifies
64(5) of the RPC which states that when there “previous conviction” as referring to a conviction
are two or more mitigating circumstances and no for a crime which is entirely different from that
aggravating circumstances are present, the court for which the offender is applying for probation
shall impose the penalty next lower to that or a crime which arose out of a single act or
prescribed by law, in the period that it may deem transaction as petitioner would have the court to
applicable, according to the number and nature understand.
of such circumstances. As such, the penalty next
lower in degree which is prisió n mayor in its In Rura vs. Lopena the Court declared that
medium period should be imposed. “previous” refers to conviction, and not to
commission of a crime.
Applying the Indeterminate Sentence
Law, the minimum term shall be taken from the In the case of Rura vs. Lopena relied upon
penalty next lower or anywhere within the full by petitioner, the Court declared that “previous”
range of prisió n correccional or six (6) months refers to conviction, and not to commission of a
and one (1) day to six (6) years, while the crime. At the time Rura was convicted of the
indeterminate maximum penalty shall be fixed crime for which he was applying for probation,
anywhere within the range of prisió n mayor in he had no prior conviction. In the present case of
its medium period or eight (8) years and one (1) petitioner, when she applied for probation in
day to ten (10) years. The penalty imposed by Criminal Cases Nos. 94-00197-D and 94-00198-
the CA should thus be modified to conform to the D, she had a previous conviction in Criminal Case
foregoing findings. No. 94-00199-D, which thereby disqualified her
from the benefits of probation.
Probation law is not a penal statute; and
Pablo v. Castillo therefore, the principle of liberal interpretation
is inapplicable. And when the meaning is clearly
Probation; In the matter of interpretation of laws discernible from the language of the statute,
on probation, the Court has pronounced that the there is no room for construction or
policy of liberality of probation statutes cannot interpretation.
prevail against the categorical provisions of the

It is a basic rule of statutory construction COMMUNITY SERVICE ACT

that if a statute is clear, plain and free from
AN ACT AUTHORIZING THE COURT TO REQUIRE eligible for parole. If granted, he will serve
COMMUNITY SERVICE IN LIEU OF the remainder of the sentence out of
IMPRISONMENT FOR THE PENALTIES OF prison, but subject to the supervision of
REVISED PENAL CODE”  1. Uplift and redeem valuable human material;

The new measure is supposed to help decongest 2. Avoid unnecessary and excessive deprivation
jails and promote restorative justice. of liberty;

Community service: "any actual physical These objectives are achieved when the moment
activity which inculcates civic consciousness, and the offender becomes eligible to apply for parole
is intended towards the improvement of a public and he may be able to serve sentence out of jail.
work or promotion of a public service."
Community service should be rendered by the Parole is the conditional release of the offender
defendant in the place where the crime was form the correctional institution after serving
committed. When the court decides on the terms minimum sentence after showing that he has
of the community service, it should consider the reformed. Note it does not extinguish criminal
gravity of the offense and the circumstances of and civil liability.
the case.
Requisites for parole:
The court has to specify the number of hours and
the period within which the community service 1. He must be placed in prison jail to serve an
shall be completed. indeterminate sentence penalty which exceeds 1
If defendants violate the terms of the community
service, they will have to serve the full 2. Served minimum term of sentence;
imprisonment term of the penalty, in jail or in
their home. 3. Board of pardons and parole found that his
released is for greater interest of society
The chance to be penalized with community
service instead of prison time will only come
once, says the law. If the individual is again
convicted of a crime for which the punishment is
The general rule is that everyone is entitled to
imprisonment, they will have to go to jail.
the Indeterminate Sentence law.

INDETERMINATE SENTENCE LAW (R.A. 4103) However, this act shall not apply to the following
 modifies the imposition of penalty
1. Convicted crime punished by death or life
 applied both to the Revised Penal Code imprisonment; (Reclusion perpetua ias held by
and Special Penal Laws the Supreme Court in People v. Enriquez G.R.
No.158797, July 29, 2005)
 provides for a minimum and max term,
such that the moment the offender serves
the minimum of the sentence, he shall be
2. Those convicted of treason, conspiracy or
proposal to commit treason, misprision of
treason; Effect of disqualification

3. Those convicted of rebellion, sedition, or If the offender is disqualified for the application
espionage; of the indeterminate sentence law, he shall be
given a straight penalty. The offender must serve
4. Those convicted piracy; the entire term of his sentence and he is not
eligible for parole.
5. Those who are habitual delinquents; (In
People v. Jaranilla, G.R. No. 28547, Feb. 22, 1974,
the Supreme Court ruled that Recidivist are
entitled to an indeterminate sentence law) Example; A final judgment was rendered
against X. He was granted conditional pardon
6. Those who shall have escaped from by the Chief Executive. He violated the terms
confinement or evaded sentence; (In People v. and conditions of the said pardon. He was
Perez, 44 OG 3884, a minor who escaped from charged with evasion of service of sentence.
confinement in the reformatory is entitled to the He was found guilty by the court.
benefits of the law because confinement is not
considered imprisonment).

7. Those who having been granted conditional Q: Can the court impose upon him an
pardon by the President shall have violated the indeterminate sentence? A: NO. X is among those
terms thereof; disqualified under the law. By violating the
condition of his pardon he cannot avail of an
8. Those whose maximum period of indeterminate sentence law.
imprisonment does not exceed one year;
Example; X has been convicted of final
Reclusion perpetua cannot Avail Indeterminate judgment of serious physical injuries,
Sentence Law In the concurring opinion of thereafter he committed homicide and the
Justice Tinga in the case of (People v. judge found him guilty of homicide.
Tubongbanua, G.R. No. 171271, August 31, 2006)
Parole is extended only to those convicted of Q: Can the judge impose upon him an
divisible penalties. indeterminate sentence?

Under Section 5 of the Indeterminate Sentence A: YES. X is a recidivist. Under the Indeterminate
Law, it is after 'any prisoner shall have served Sentence Law, only habitual delinquents are
the minimum penalty imposed on him, that the disqualified from availing indeterminate
Board of Indeterminate Sentence may consider sentence. A recidivist is qualified under the law
whether such prisoner may be granted parole. from availing the Indeterminate Sentence Law.
There being no 'minimum penalty imposable on
those convicted to reclusion perpetua, it follows
that persons sentenced by final judgment to
reclusion perpetua could not have availed of Example; X is a minor who was charged and
parole under the Indeterminate Sentence Law. convicted for kidnapping with ransom, the
penalty of which is reclusion perpetua to
Q: is the indeterminate sentence law applicable death. Since minority is a privilege mitigating
if the penalty imposed is destierro? circumstance, we will lower the imposable
penalty by one degree.
A: NO. Destierro does not involve imprisonment.
Q: is X qualified under for indeterminate minimum or more than the maximum according
sentence? to the sound discretion of the judge. Thus,
anywhere from 17 years and 4 months to 30
A: YES. In applying the indeterminate sentence years may be imposed upon X.
law, we should consider the imposable penalty
rather than the penalty prescribed by law. In this
case, since the penalty of reclusion perpetua was
lowered to reclusion temporal, then X is qualified Argoncillo v. CA, G.R. No. 118816, July 10, 1998
for indeterminate sentence. The crime committed is illegal fishing with the
use of explosives. The penalty prescribed by law
is 20 years to life imprisonment. The judge
imposed him the penalty of straight 30 years.
Computation for Indeterminate Sentence Law
In order to arrive at an indeterminate sentence
in the violation of the RPC, the following rules
must be considered; Q: Is the judge correct?

1. Get first the maximum term of sentence with A: NO. The Indeterminate sentence law states
all the attendant circumstance in accordance that a violation of special penal law and the said
with Article 64 of the RPC; special penal law does not use the enumeration
of penalties in the RPC, the maximum term of the
2. Lower it the one degree. Do NOT consider sentence shall not exceed the maximum penalty
anymore the attendant circumstance. The prescribed by law and the minimum term of
minimum term of sentence depends upon the sentence shall not be less than the minimum
sound discretion of the court. penalty prescribed by law. In this case, since the
penalty prescribed by law is 20 years to life
VIOLATION OF SPECIAL PENAL LAWS imprisonment, it means that the penalty to be
imposed upon the convict must be an
If the offense is punished by special laws, the indeterminate sentence. SC said the penalty must
court shall sentence the accused to an be 20 years (minimum term) to 25 years
indeterminate sentence, the maximum term of (maximum term)
which shall not exceed the maximum fixed by
said law and the minimum shall not be less than
the minimum term prescribed by the same.
Article 64 and Indeterminate Sentence law
Example; X committed was charged and
convicted of the anti-carnapping law. Section The indeterminate sentence law did not repeal
14 of R.A. 6539 (Anti-Carnapping law) Article 34 of the Revised Penal Code. On the
provides a penalty for 17 years and 4 months contrary, they are related.
to 30 years if a person committed carnapping
by means of violence against or intimidation
of any person, or force upon things.
Example; A abducted B with lewd design. His
Q: Under the indeterminate sentence law, what is intention was rape. But before A raped B, A
the duration of the penalty for the violation of was arrested. A was charged with the crime of
the anti-carnapping law? forcible abduction punishable by reclusion
A: Under the indeterminate sentence law, if a
special law is violated, the courts may sentence Q: What is the penalty imposed if there is no
the accused to an indeterminate sentence mitigating or aggravating circumstance?
provided that it shall not be less than the
A: The maximum term will be reclusion temporal mayor in any of its period according to the sound
in medium period since there are no mitigating discretion of the court.
or aggravating circumstance. The minimum term
is 1 degree lower in any of its periods according
to the sound discretion of the court. Thus, the
imposable penalty is prision mayor in any of its Q: What if there are two mitigating
period to reclusion temporal. circumstances and no aggravating circumstance
present? A: The maximum term shall be prision
mayor in its medium period. Since there are two
ordinary mitigating circumstances, we lower the
Q: What if there is only one ordinary mitigating imposable penalty by one degree. The minimum
circumstance is present? term is prision correccional in any of its periods
according to the sound discretion of the court.
A: Maximum term will be reclusion temporal in
minimum period and the minimum term is
Prision mayor in any of its period according to
the sound discretion of the court. Q: What if there are three mitigating
circumstance with no aggravating circumstance

Q: What if there is only one aggravating A: The maximum term shall be prision mayor in
circumstance is present? its minimum period. The two ordinary mitigating
circumstances shall operate to lower the
A: The maximum term will be reclusion temporal imposable penalty by one degree, the remaining
in its maximum period and the minimum term is ordinary mitigating circumstance shall operate
Prision mayor in any of its period according to to make the penalty in its minimum period. The
the sound discretion of the court. minimum term is prision correccional in any of
its periods according to the sound discretion of
the court.

Q: What if both aggravating and mitigating

circumstance are present?
Q: What if there are four mitigating
A: The maximum term shall be reclusion circumstances and no aggravating circumstance?
temporal in its medium period because under
article 64 you should offset the circumstances. A: The maximum term shall still be prision
The minimum term will be one degree lower mayor in its minimum period. In case of ordinary
than reclusion temporal which is Prision mayor mitigating circumstance, you can only lower the
in any of its period according to the sound penalty by one degree. You cannot lower the
discretion of the court. penalty by two degrees. The two ordinary
mitigating circumstances shall operate to make
the penalty in its minimum period. The minimum
term is prision correccional in any of its periods
Q: What if there are 2 aggravating circumstance according to the sound discretion of the court.
and 1 ordinary mitigating circumstance present?
A: The maximum term shall be reclusion
temporal in its maximum period applying the
last aggravating circumstance after offsetting the * In order that the penalty will be lowered by
aggravating circumstance and mitigating one degree, it is necessary that there is NO
circumstance. The minimum term is Prision aggravating circumstance.
Even if there are many mitigating circumstances, vindication to a grave offense was in
for as long as there is one aggravating attendant.
circumstance, you cannot lower the penalty by
degrees. Only by periods. Q: What should be the penalty imposed to X?

A: Since the penalty for frustrated homicide is

prision mayor and there are two other ordinary
Example; A was charged with the information mitigating circumstance present, the maxium
of rape with mitigating circumstance of term of sentence is Prision correccional in its
passion and obfuscation, against B. medium period while the mimimum term of
thereafter, A voluntarily surrendered. A sentence. Arresto mayor within the range or.
convicted of rape and was punished with the
penalty of reclusion perpetua.

Q: since there are two mitigating circumstance, Q: What is the penalty if, in addition to the facts
should the judge lower his penalty by one above mentioned, X is minor committing without
degree? A: NO. Reclusion perpetua is an discernment? A: Since the penalty already
indivisible penalty. Under Article 63 of the imposed upon X is prision correccional, we lower
Revised Penal Code, if the penalty prescribe by it by one degree more because minority is a
law is a single invisible penalty you shall impose privilege mitigating circumstance. Thus,
it as it is regardless of any aggravating or according to Article 64, the maximum term is
mitigating circumstance. Arresto mayor in its medium period.
Indeterminate sentence law is not applicable if
the penalty imposed upon the offender does not
exceed one year. In this instance we cannot give
Q: What is the penalty of A if, in a addition to the him an indeterminate sentence because the
2 mitigating circumstances above mentioned, A duration of arresto mayor is 1 month to 6
is a minor at the time of the offense? months.

A: privilege mitigating circumstance must first be

applied prior to the ordinary mitigating
circumstance. Since minority is a privilege If the maximum term of sentence does not
mitigating circumstance which lowers the exceed one year, a straight penalty shall be
penalty by one degree, the maximum term is imposed upon him.
prision mayor in its medium period and the
minimum term prision correccional in any of its
range according to the sound discretion of the
court. PROBATION LAW (P.D. 968 as Amended by R.A.

Probation is a disposition by which a convict

*Only circumstance that can defeat an after conviction and sentence is released subject
indivisible penalty is a privilege mitigating to the conditions imposed by the court under the
circumstance. supervision of a probation officer.


Example; X was charged with the crime of 1. To promote the correction and rehabilitation
frustrated homicide. X voluntarily of the offender because he is placed under a
surrendered to the authorities. In the trial, personalized treatment;
the mitigating circumstance of immediate
2. To provide an opportunity for the reformation 7. Those convicted of drug trafficking or drug
of penitent offender; pushing;

3. To prevent further commission of crimes 8. Those who filed a malicious report that a
because the offender is placed under an person is committing a violation of Anti-money
individualized treatment; laundering law and was convicted because of
such malicious filing
4. To decongest cases;

5. To save the Government from spending much-

needed funds when the offender will be placed Example; X was charged and convicted for
behind bars alarms and scandals. He was sentenced to 30
days of arresto menor.
The first three objectives are based on P.D. 968.
The last two purposes are jurisprudential.

Probation as a Privilege Q: Can X avail probation?

Probation is not a right but a privilege. Thus, A: If the felony was committed prior to the
even if a convict is not among those disqualified amendment of the probation law, X cannot avail
of probation, the judge can still deny the probation. Under P.D. 968, a person who is
application. This denial is not appealable. The convicted of a crime involving public disorder
grant or denial of application is dependent solely cannot avail probation. The felony of Alarm and
on the sound discretion of the judge. Scandal is a crime against public disorder. Thus X
cannot avail probation. However, if the crime
was convicted after the amendment, X may avail
probation. Under R.A. 1070, crimes against
DISQUALIFICATIONS public disorder is removed from the
disqualifications. Thus, X may avail probations
The following are disqualified to avail probation;
1. Those whose maximum term of imprisonment
is more than 6 years;
Q: May probation be availed even if the penalty
2. Those who have been convicted of subversion imposed upon the offender is only a fine?
and crimes against national security;
A: YES. Under Section 4 of P.D. 968 as Amended
3. Those who have previously been convicted by by R.A. 10707, Probation may be granted
final judgment of an offense punished by whether the sentence imposes a term of
imprisonment of more than six (6) months and imprisonment or a fine only.
one (1) day and/or a fine of more than one
thousand pesos (P1,000.00);

4. Those who have already availed the benefit of APPEAL AND PROBATION
Generally, under P.D 968, appeal and probation
5. Those who have perfected an appeal from are mutually exclusive remedies. This is because
judgment of conviction; the reason behind appeal and the reason behind
probation are diametrically opposed.
6. Those convicted of an election offense under
the Omnibus Election Code; If a person appeals, it means that he is
questioning the decision of the court. He is
insisting on his innocence. On the other hand, if a conviction from frustrated homicide to
personapplies for probation, it means that he is attempted homicide thereby lowering the
accepting the judgment of the court. He, penalty so that he can avail probation. The Court
however, does not want to serve his sentence of Appeals affirmed the decision of the RTC.
behind bars. Thus, Colinares elevated the case to the Supreme
Court. The Supreme Court held that Colinares is
Exceptions; only liable for attempted homicide because the
prosecution failed to prove that the wound of
1. However, Section 4 of R.A. 10707 which Rufino is fatal. Thus the penalty imposed on him
amended the probation law, states that when a should be lowered to imprisonment of four
judgment of conviction imposing a non- months of arresto mayor, as minimum, to two
probationable penalty is appealed or reviewed, years and four months of prision correccional, as
and such judgment is modified through the maximum.
imposition of a probationable penalty, the
defendant shall be allowed to apply for
probation based on the modified decision before
such decision becomes final. The application for Q: Can Colinares avail probation after the
probation based on the modified decision shall perfection of appeal to modify his conviction? A:
be filed in the trial court where the judgment of YES. Colinares did not appeal from a judgment
conviction imposing a non-probationable penalty that would have allowed him to apply for
was rendered, or in the trial court where such probation. He did not have a choice between
case has since been re-raffled. appeal and probation. He was not in a position to
say, "By taking this appeal, I choose not to apply
This notwithstanding, the accused shall lose the for probation." The stiff penalty that the trial
benefit of probation should he seek a review of court imposed on him denied him that choice.
the modified decision which already imposes a Besides, in appealing his case, Colinares raised
probationable penalty. the issue of correctness of the penalty imposed
on him. He claimed that the evidence at best
2. Section 42 of the Juvenile Justice and Welfare warranted his conviction only for attempted, not
act provides that the court may, after it shall frustrated, homicide, which crime called for a
have convicted and sentenced a child in conflict probationable penalty. In a way, therefore,
with the law, and upon application at any time, Colinares sought from the beginning to bring
place the child on probation in lieu of service of down the penalty to the level where the law
his/her sentence taking into account the best would allow him to apply for probation.
interest of the child. For this purpose, Section 4
of Presidential Decree No. 968, otherwise known
as the "Probation Law of 1976", is hereby
amended accordingly. Q: When and where do you apply for probation?

A: A grant of probation is applied before the Trial

Court which heard the case within the period of
Colinares v. People (G.R. No. 182748, perfecting an appeal or within 15 days from
December 13, 2011) promulgation of judgment.

Colinares hit Rufino twice in the head with a

stone. Thereafter, Colinares was charged and
convicted for frustrated homicide in the regional CONDITIONS IMPOSED UPON OFFENDER
trial court. He was sentenced to 2 years and 4 UNDER PROBATION
months of prision correcional to 6 years and 1
day of prision mayor. Colinares appealed to the 1. Mandatory/ Ordinary;
Court of Appeals for the purpose of modifying his
a. Appear before the probationary Probation will suspend the execution of the
officer within 72 hours from the sentence. However, it will not extinguish civil
receipt of the order; liability.

b. Report once a month Under Section 16 of P.D. 968 as amended by R.A.

10707, the final discharge of the probationer
2. Discretionary/ Special; shall operate to restore to him all civil rights lost
or suspended as a result of his conviction and to
a. Discretionary or special conditions totally extinguish his criminal liability as to the
are dependent upon the sound offense for which probation was granted.
discretion of the court. Usually
involves engaging in a vocation,
not drinking alcohol, not going to
house of ill-reputes. Moreno v. COMELEC (G.R. No. 168550, August
10, 2006)
b. The only limitation on the
discretionary conditions is that Moreno ran for the public office of punong
they must not be so restrictive to barangay. However, a petition for
the rights of the accused such that disqualification was filed against him because he
they will no longer be in was convicted by final judgment of the crime of
consonance with his freedom. Arbitrary Detention and was sentenced to suffer
imprisonment of Four (4) Months and One (1)
c. Example; In the case of Baclayon v. Day to Two (2) Years and Four (4) Months.
Mutia (G.R. No. L-59298, April 30, Moreno argues that the disqualification under
1984) the trial court prohibited the Local Government Code is for those hohave
the offender, who is a teacher by served sentence for more than 1 year. Since
profession, to teach as a condition Moreno applied and was granted of probation, he
during the period of probation. did not serve his sentence because probation
This is a restrictive condition. It suspends the service of the offender.
deprives the offender his means of

PERIOD OF PROBATION: Q: Can a person who was convicted by final

judgment but was granted probation run for
Imprisonment of Will not exceed 2 years
not more than 1 A: YES. The phrase service of sentence,
year understood in its general and common sense,
All other cases of Will not exceed 6 years means the confinement of a convicted person in
imprisonment a penal facility for the period adjudged by the
court. During the period of probation, the
Fine subsidiary Not less than nor be more probationer does not serve the penalty imposed
imprisonment in than 2x than the total upon him by the court but is merely required to
case of number of days of comply with all the conditions prescribed in the
insolvency subsidiary imprisonment, probation order. Furthermore, he accessory
taking into account the penalties of suspension from public office, from
highest minimum wage the right to follow a profession or calling, and
rate at the time of the that of perpetual special disqualification from
rendition of the judgment. the right of suffrage, attendant to the penalty of
arresto mayor in its maximum period to prision
EFFECT OF PROBATION correccional in its minimum period imposed
upon Moreno were similarly suspended upon the will then issue a final discharge of probation.
grant of probation. Only then will probation be terminated.

Example; Lindsay Lohan, after conviction,

applied for probation and was granted the
same. Thereafter, she filed an appeal
questioning the civil indemnity imposed
upon her. The judge denied the appeal on the
ground that Lindsay already applied for
probation. Therefore, the appeal cannot be

Q: Is the judge correct?

A: NO. The only effect of probation is to suspend

the execution of the sentence. It has nothing to
do with the civil aspect of the case. Insofar as the
civil aspect is concerned, the convict can still
appeal it.

Example; D, under the probation for two

years, was imposed the condition that he
could not change his residence. For two
years, he complied with this condition. After
the lapse of two years, D now changed his
residence. The probation officer learned
about this and filed for a Motion to Revoke
the probation. D contended that the period of
probation (2 years) has already been
completed, so he is already allowed to change
residence. The trial court granted the

Q: Is the trial court correct?

A: YES. The expiration of the period of probation

does not ipso facto mean the termination of
probation. Probation is only terminated upon the
issuance of the court of a final discharge of
probation. This happens when after the lapse of
the period of probation, the probation officer will
file a Motion before the court with a
recommendation stating that the convict has
complied with the conditions imposed and
therefore, he should be discharged. The court

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