Influence Lifestyle, Consumer Ethnocentrism, Product Quality On Consumer Purchase Decision

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Management Analysis Journal 8 (1) (2019)

Management Analysis Journal



Sirly Amri, Dorojatun Prihandono

Management Department, Faculty of Economics, Universitas Negeri Semarang, Semarang, Indonesia

Info Article Abstract

History Article: The basic marketing strategy of a company is studying consumer behavior include
Received January 2019 consumer decision-making process. Before the advent of consumer purchasing deci-
Approved February 2019 sions has an interest first. This study aimed to examine the direct and indirect effects
Published March 2019
of lifestyle, consumer ethnocentrism, product quality, and purchase intention as
Keywords: an intervening variable in the purchase decision. The population of this research
Lifestyle; Consumer Ethno- that consumers Batik Unggul Jaya in Kota Pekalongan. The total sample of 116 re-
centrism; Product Quality; spondents with purposive sampling technique through a Likert scale questionnaire.
Purchase Decision; Purchase Analysis of data using descriptive percentage and path analysis, The results showed
Intention. that lifestyle has a significant positive effect on purchase decision, customers eth-
nocentrism has a significant positive effect on purchase decision, product quality
has a significant positive effect on purchase decision, and purchase intention has a
significant positive effect on purchase decision, as well as the mediating influence
of lifestyle, consumer ethnocentrism, and product quality of the purchase decision.

INTRODUCTION for a company to develop a strategy and market-

ing mix. In studying consumer behavior, market-
Indonesia is a developing country which ers need to be linked with the marketing strategy
has the largest population of all four worlds has will be drawn up (Suryani, 2008). In this era of
attracted many companies to enter the Indone- globalization, the company will always be aware
sian market. Plus Indonesia participated in the of the importance of factors such as consumer
institution of liberalization of world trade one customer decision factors (Setyaningsih & Mur-
of the ASEAN Economic Citizens or common- watiningsih, 2017).
ly called the MEA. After this MEA was imple- Now the market conditions are getting
mented in 2015, all of Southeast Asia is current- higher the level of competition, the demands of
ly competitive in selling goods to other countries consumers are also higher and are very much
(Kurnianto & Widiyanto, 2015). wanted to be treated specifically because the un-
According to Pham today many compa- derstanding of consumers is also getting higher.
nies are studying consumer behavior as the ba- Companies must create products that comply
sis of their marketing strategy. Companies can with the wishes and needs of the consumer be-
understand consumer behavior will understand cause they will not appreciate or are willing to
consumer behavior based on what their custom- buy products without liking them (Naufal &
ers want and need. As a marketer, an under- Maftukhah, 2017). According to Loudon and
standing of consumer behavior is very beneficial Bitta (1995) states that consumer behavior in-

© 2019 Universitas Negeri Semarang

Correspondence Address: ISSN 2252-6552
L2 Building, 1st Floor, Faculty of Economics, Universitas Negeri Semarang
Jalan Taman Siswa, Sekaran, Gunungpati, Semarang, 50229
Sirly Amri & Dorojatun Prihandono/ Management Analysis Journal 8 (1) (2019)

cludes the decision-making process and activities always look for the information it shows the high
carried out by consumers in actual evaluation, interest (Sudarti & Prasetyaningtyas, 2011).
acquisition of use or obtaining goods and ser- According to Rosif (2015) showed that
vices (Suryani, 2008). Efforts are being made to consumer lifestyles have a positive influence on
get the goods the consumer begins to search for purchasing decisions by measurement of inter-
information, ests, activities, and opinions of consumers. So
According to Rosif et al. (2015) lifestyle even study Lin and Shih (2012) and Mensah et
is part of consumer behavior to some extent will al. (2011) that the results indicate that consumer
affect the actions to be taken by the consumer in lifestyles have a significant positive influence on
making an actual purchase. A change in lifestyle purchasing decisions. But unlike the results of
from generation to generation because of the so- research conducted by Aziz (2015) which shows
cial changes in society and the changing econo- that there is a negative influence of lifestyle on
mic environment, an opportunity for marketers purchasing decisions, because consumers have a
to create a whole product and customize pro- lifestyle different, even if they have the class or
ducts according to the lifestyle of the intended the same status, it is not likely that they will have
market (Suryani, 2013). The modern lifestyle the style the same life. According to Nasabi et al.
of Indonesian society is inseparable from the (2017) the tendency of consumer ethnocentrism
world community lifestyle changes (Wingsati & as attitudes that can influence purchase decisions
Prihandono, 2017). However, due to the behav- consumer. It is also evidenced in the research of
ior of open Indonesia could threaten domestic Qing (2012) and Mensah et al. (2011) that the
product, especially if the Indonesian consumers results indicate that consumer ethnocentrism
themselves prefer brands from other countries, has an influence on consumer purchase interest.
such as the results of research conducted by Pur- While the research results of Fakharmanesh and
wanto (2014) that Indonesian consumers tend Ghanbarzade (2013) states that consumer ethno-
to have a low level of consumer ethnocentrism. centrism has a negative influence on purchasing
This becomes a problem for local producers to decisions. Likewise, the results of previous re-
change that perception and foster a love of local search and Donthu and Yoo (2005) the lack of
produce. Therefore, to increase the consumption effect of consumer ethnocentrism and purchas-
of domestic products, the government imple- ing decisions.
mented a campaign of love domestic products. The quality of products is one of the fac-
Consumer ethnocentrism represents consumer tors of consumer purchasing decisions (Nuraini
confidence regarding compliance and morality & Maftukhah, 2015). In the research results
to buy domestic products (Shimp & Sharma, show that the quality of the product has a sig-
1987). nificant and positive influence on purchasing de-
Arifianti (2013) suggests that the quality cisions. These results related to previous studies
of consumer decisions become a basic factor in conducted by the Parts and Vida (2013) that the
many products and services. A product rated su- quality of the product has a positive influence on
perior by consumers when the product is consid- purchase decisions. But different from the results
ered to have a higher quality than the competitor of the research from Martini (2015) which shows
of the product (Permana, 2013). Consumer will that product quality has a negative influence on
consider a variety of advantages and disadvan- purchasing decisions.
tages of a product and will choose a product to Khotimah research results et al. (2016)
be consumed (Sujadi & Wahyono, 2015). shows that interest influences purchasing deci-
Ajzen (1991) stated that before the pur- sions. In his research interests can be intervening
chase decision, consumers have an interest (be- variables between the variables of lifestyle and
havior intention) first (Khotimah et al., 2016). purchasing decisions. According to Atchariy-
In addition, Ajzen (1980) in his Theory of Rea- achanvani and Hitoshi (2007), which suggests
soned Action (TRA) also explains that the deci- that lifestyle affects the desire of consumers, but
sion of someone in the act is based on an attitude high consumer desire to own or buy a product
(attitude toward behavior) and subjective norms does not affect the consumer’s decision to buy.
(Murwatiningsih & Yulianto, 2017). The term According to Parts and Vida (2013) sug-
“purchase interest” is used to understand the gests that there is significant influence indirectly
purpose of the consumer in making a purchas- between consumer ethnocentrism on purchasing
ing decision (Murwatiningsih & Apriliani, 2013). decisions through buying interest. Meanwhile,
Interest measured by necessity, if the priority will according to Upadhyay and Singh (2006) ethno-
Sirly Amri & Dorojatun Prihandono/ Management Analysis Journal 8 (1) (2019)

centrism consumer does not have a significant tic Products” by promoting batik as a domestic
influence on purchasing decisions with buying product that needs to be preserved in various
interest as a mediator. kinds of activities held Pekalongan like Carnival
According to Wicaksono (2016) suggested or Fashion Show Batik. This is a gap phenom-
that buying interest may mediate the relation- enon where the company’s efforts are not com-
ship between quality products with the purchase parable to the results that the company gets.
decision. However, in contrast to the results of The table is based on Unggul Jaya store
research Wee et al. (2014) and previous research experienced a significant increase from April to
by Parts and Vida (2013) which showed no effect June, it happened because of the month there
on perceived product quality buying behavior will be Eid al-Fitr so that the number of buyers
through buying interest. is increasing. However, based on the percentage
From the difference in the results has been change in the tendency to decrease of the per-
described as the relationship between these vari- centage change in the increase (74.45%) and the
ables can be discussed more the purchase deci- percentage change decreased (80.31%) are not
sion. According to the Secretary-General of the comparable because the number of a higher re-
Ministry of Industry Haris Munandar that Indo- duction percentage (5.86%) compared to gains
nesia has become a market leader that dominates happen.
the market batik world, increasingly popular and
worldwide even export value in 2017 exceeded Table 1. Sales Data 2017 PT Unggul Jaya (Jalan
USD 51 million, which continues to increase ev- Unggul Jaya Toko Force 45)
ery year, it is because batik is typical of Indonesia
so that the quality is better (www.kemenperin. Percentage This resulted in many foreign business- Month Total Sales
men who started to do business and invest in In-
January Rp 574.800.000 -
donesia (Sakitri et al., 2017). Batik is a cultural
richness that has high artistic value and timeless. February Rp 567.000.000 -1.36%
Since Batik received recognition from UNESCO March Rp 670.220.000 18.20%
on October 2, 2009, as an Intangible Cultural April Rp 665.100.000 -0.76%
Heritage of Humanity from Indonesia, batik May Rp 928.660.000 39.63%
fame again increased in the eyes of the people of
Indonesia. Pekalongan city that became the cen- June Rp 954.006.000 2.73%
ter of batik production in Indonesia, therefore it July Rp 726.630.000 -23.83%
is known as the City of Batik. Pekalongan city is August Rp 483.480.000 -33.46%
also entered as a UNESCO creative city in De- September Rp 535.800.000 10.82%
cember 2014 and has a city branding “World’s
October Rp 552.240.000 3.07%
City of Batik”. Today, batik is not only known
as a traditional dress but also has become a daily November Rp 477.020.000 -13.62%
wear. The old view of batik is changing. Young- December Rp 456.300.000 -4.34%
style batik seems to hit the hearts of fashion en- Amount Rp 7.591.256.000 -5.86%
thusiasts (Rosif et al., 2015). PT Unggul Jaya
is one of batik in Pekalongan. Pekalongan is Purchase Decision
a mainstay of the community because it has a Purchase Decision (purchase decision) is
model that is always up-to-date and provide qual- the process of formulating an alternative action
ity products that comply with the wishes of con- to indicate the selection of one particular alterna-
sumers, from strander product quality and high tive to make the purchase (Kotler & Keller, 2009).
product quality. According to Schiffman and Kanuk (2010)
According to an interview with Christy defines a decision regarded as an act of selec-
Store Manager Unggul Jaya (16/03/2018) an- ting two or more alternative option (Sumarwan,
nually sales always increase but the percentage 2014). If the consumer does not have an alterna-
increase is declining. Pekalongan batik in own tive option, then this is not a situation of consu-
use is not just for special events but also every- mers make decisions. Decision-making (decisi-
day wear. The company strives to always provide on) is the process of integration that combines
products that match the quality and model of the the knowledge to evaluate the behavior of two or
lifestyle of consumers, and companies also opt to more alternatives and choose one of them (Seti-
follow the government program “Love Domes- adi, 2003).

Sirly Amri & Dorojatun Prihandono/ Management Analysis Journal 8 (1) (2019)

Lifestyle to satisfy stated or implied needs. A company can

According to Kotler and Keller (2009) lifes- be said to have been delivering quality when the
tyle (lifestyle) is a pattern of life in a world that is product or service being offered to meet or exceed
reflected in the activities, interests, and opinions. customer expectations. Companies that can sat-
While Ujang Sumarwan (2014) argues that better isfy most of our customer needs at all times called
describe the lifestyle a person’s behavior, that is quality companies, but it can be distinguished be-
how he lived, using his money and take advantage tween compatibility quality and performance (or
of its time. level) of quality.
According to Suharno and Sutarso (2010) According to Tjiptono (2008) it is reflec-
in a consumer’s perspective, a person’s lifestyle af- ting the quality of all the dimensions of product
fects its behavior in terms of choosing a product offerings that generate benefits (benefits) for cus-
that suits your lifestyle bears. Someone who has tomers. A consumer will see the quality and du-
a modern lifestyle are likely to buy the latest pro- rability of the product so that it can be used for
duct, brand, and expensive, and the appearance a long time. As for the purchase of fashion, es-
is important to him. While the conservative lifes- pecially with regard to clothing as consumers to
tyle will buy the product because of its function, make more and more relevance to the aesthetic
they will not consider the latest products, designer appearance, such as lines and see, value, style, and
goods, as well as the performances offered by the quality of the product (Dhurup, 2014).
Purchase Intention
Consumer Ethnocentrism According to Kotler and Keller (2009) inte-
The term “ethnocentrism” was first pub- rest to buy (purchase intention) is the tendency of
lished by Summer 1906 in his book “folkways”, consumers to buy a brand or take action related
which says that ethnocentrism is the thought that to the purchase of which is measured by the le-
the own group is the center of everything and vel of likelihood that consumers make purchases.
all others are compared and judged by the stan- According to Wicaksono (2016) buying interest is
dards of the group was, or could be interpreted obtained from a process of learning and thought
also with the habit each groups to perceive cul- processes that form a perception.
ture as a cultural group of the most well (Horton, Buying interest emerged to create a moti-
1984). Shimp and Sharma (1987) broadening the vation that keeps recorded in his mind, that in the
concept of ethnocentrism by linking the concept end when a consumer must meet his needs will
of marketing is consumer behavior, to study con- actualize what was in his mind it. Although the
sumer behavior and marketing implications of purchase will not necessarily be done in the futu-
ethnocentrism. re, the measure of the interest in the purchase is
According to Sharma et al. (1995) in par- generally carried out to maximize the prediction
ticular, ethnocentrism consumer has the following against the actual purchase itself. According to
characteristics: first, these characteristics are the Mowen and Minor (2002) of interest can be built
result of love and concern for the country itself with strategies that affect consumer perception
and the fear of losing and felt responsible that if about the consequences of behavior they can do.
the imported product will be a danger to them-
selves and the people. Secondly, the characteris- Hypothesis Development
tics of which contains an interest or desire not to Influence Lifestyle on Purchase Decision
buy foreign products. For consumers who are very Rosif et al. (2015) suggested that lifestyle
ethnocentric, buy foreign products is not only one is part of consumer behavior to some extent will
economic issue but also a moral issue. Third, affect the actions to be taken by the consumer in
ethnocentricity shows both individual prejudices making an actual purchase. In his research sho-
against imported products and the general trend wed that consumer lifestyles have a positive in-
of society in general. Consumers in developing fluence on purchasing decisions by measurement
countries will tend to view local products have a of interests, activities, and opinions of consumers.
higher quality than the imported product (Erdo- Results of research conducted by Lin and
gan & Burucuoglu, 2016). Shih (2012) and Mensah et al. (2011) showed that
consumer lifestyles influence their purchasing de-
Product Quality cisions. The research hypothesis is formulated as
According to Kotler and Keller (2009) qual- follows:
ity is the totality of features and characteristics of H1: Lifestyle positive and significant effect on the
the products or services that depend on its ability purchase decision.

Sirly Amri & Dorojatun Prihandono/ Management Analysis Journal 8 (1) (2019)

Influence Consumer Ethnocentrism on Pur- 160). Therefore interest becomes one of the fac-
chase Decision tors for purchase decisions. Ajzen (1991) stated
Ethnocentrism consumer attitude is be- that prior to a purchase decision, consumers have
lieved to be one of the factors that influence con- an interest (behavior intention) first (Khotimah et
sumer purchases at home-made products at home al., 2016). The term “purchase interest” is used
and abroad (Shimp & Sharma, 1987). According to understand the purpose of the consumer in
to Auruskeviciene (2012) Consumer Ethnocen- making a purchasing decision (Murwatiningsih
trism as a consumer perspective that tends to & Apriliani, 2013).
overvalue the local products and foreign products Maghfiroh’s research result (2016) ex-
the rate is too low due to the assumption that the plains that buying interest is able to influence
group is better than the other. Consumer ethno- and have a significant and positive relationship
centrism consumer confidence represents about with purchasing decisions. Likewise, in research
morality buy domestic products (Purwanto, Khotimah et al. (2016) which shows that interest
2014). influences purchasing decisions. The research hy-
According to Nasabi et al. (2017) the ten- pothesis is formulated as follows:
dency of consumer ethnocentrism as attitudes H4: Purchase intention positive and significant
that can influence consumer purchasing deci- effect on the purchase decision.
sions on imported products. Mensah et al. (2011)
showed that consumer ethnocentrism has a posi- Influence Lifestyle on Purchase Decision
tive influence on purchase decisions. Kurnianto through Purchase Intention
and Widiyanto (2015) which resulted in consum- Lifestyle affects consumer desires, but high
er ethnocentrism have a positive and significant consumer desire to own or buy a product does
effect on purchasing decisions. The research hy- not affect the consumer’s decision to buy (Atcha-
pothesis is formulated as follows: riyachanvani & Hitoshi, 2007). According to
H2: Consumer Ethnocentrism positive and signi- Mensah et al. (2011) found that consumers show
ficant effect on the purchase decision. a unique lifestyle, which resulted in the need and
desire that ultimately affect the decision making
Influence Product Quality on Purchase Deci- of each consumer.
sion In a study conducted by Jue Chen (2012)
A product rated superior by consumers who said that lifestyle influences purchasing deci-
when the product is considered to have a higher sions through buying interest, as well as research
quality than the products competitors (Permana, results Khotimah et al. (2016) who showed that
2013). That consumers are willing to decide to interest might be intervening variables between
buy the product, they must first be able to exam- the variables of lifestyle and purchasing deci-
ine the goods manufactured by the company, but sions. The research hypothesis is formulated as
they will not do it if it is less confident about the follows:
goods (Sujadi & Wahyono, 2015). H5: Lifestyle positive and significant effect on the
The quality of products is one of the fac- purchase decision through purchase inten-
tors of consumer purchasing decisions (Nuraini tion.
& Maftukhah, 2015). In the research results show
that the quality of the product has a significant Influence Consumer Ethnocentrism on Pur-
and positive influence on purchasing decisions. chase Decision through Purchase Intention
These results together with previous studies Consumer Ethnocentrism is high then it
conducted by the Parts and Vida (2013) that the will have the intention and decided to buy a do-
quality of the product has a positive influence on mestic product (Sharma et al., 1995). Consumer
purchase decisions. The research hypothesis is ethnocentrism increase will boost buying interest,
formulated as follows: which in turn followed by an increase in consum-
H3: Product quality positive and significant effect er purchasing decisions (Parts & Vida, 2013). In
on the purchase decision. his research showed that there is significant influ-
ence indirectly between consumer ethnocentrism
Influence Purchase Intention on Purchase on purchasing decisions through buying interest.
Decision Meanwhile, according to Upadhyay and Singh
Intention as encouragement, namely (2006) ethnocentrism consumer does not have
strong internal stimuli that motivate action, a significant influence on purchasing decisions
which is influenced by the stimulus boost positive with buying interest as a mediator. The research
feelings for the product (Kotler & Keller, 2009: hypothesis formulation as follows:

Sirly Amri & Dorojatun Prihandono/ Management Analysis Journal 8 (1) (2019)

H6: Consumer ethnocentrism positive and signi- the choice of the quantity, timing and choice of
ficant effect on the purchase decision through payment method).
purchase intention.
Influence Purchase Decision on Product Qual-
ity through Purchase Intention The population in this study is that con-
Consumers prefer products that offer qua- sumers Batik Unggul Jaya in Kota Pekalongan
lity, performance, and innovative features of the unknown number. This study used a non-proba-
best, so that consumers will choose the quality of bility sampling and sampling techniques in this
the product (Product Quality) is best according study using purposive sampling, the sampling
to them (Kotler & Keller, 2009). Saraswati et al. technique with a certain consideration (Sugi-
(2014) stated to improve the quality of the pro- yono, 2017). Research sample is a person who
ducts offered will be assessed both by the custo- meets the criteria, that is people who never make
mer and can attract customers so that the effect purchases Pekalongan batik Unggul Jaya in Kota
on consumer purchasing decisions. According to Pekalongan at least once and the 17-49-year-old
Wicaksono (2016) suggested that buying interest because at that age already have their income, in
may mediate the relationship between quality addition, it was at that age still love shopping,
products with the purchase decision. However, where these criteria are referred from previous
in contrast to the results of research Wee et al. studies Kaharu (2016). The samples used in this
(2014) and previous research by Parts and Vida study were 116 respondents.
(2013) which showed no effect on perceived pro- Data collection method used is the meth-
duct quality buying behavior through buying in- od of questionnaires. This questionnaire consists
terest. The research hypothesis is formulated as of 39 research instruments were measured using
follows: Likert Scale. The data collected will be analyzed
Product quality positive and significant ef- using the application IBM SPSS Statistics 23 by
fect on the purchase decision through purchase the method of data analysis using Path Analysis,
intention where the variable used include lifestyle, con-
sumer ethnocentrism and product quality as the
independent variable, purchase intention as me-
diating variables/intervening, and purchase deci-
sion as the dependent variable.


The population in this study is that con-

sumers batik Unggul Jaya in Kota Pekalongan
unknown number. This study used a non-prob-
ability sampling and sampling techniques in this
study using purposive sampling, the sampling
technique with a certain consideration (Sugiyo-
no, 2017). Consideration researchers used to be
Figure 1. Research Model sampled is if the person meets the criteria estab-
lished by the author of people who never make
Based on the hypotheses development de- purchases Pekalongan batik Unggul Jaya in Kota
scribed above it can be structured framework in Pekalongan at least once and the 17-49 year-old
this study as in Figure 1. Lifestyle uses three indi- because at that age already have their own in-
cators (activity, interest, and opinion), consumer come in addition it was at that age still love shop-
ethnocentrism using three indicators (buying lo- ping, where these criteria are referred from previ-
cal helps the country continues to grow, the pref- ous studies Kaharu (2016). The samples used in
erence for products local, and buy foreign prod- this study were 116 respondents.
ucts is a negative factor for the economy in the Data collection method used is the meth-
country), product quality using three indicators od of questionnaires. This questionnaire consists
(features, aesthetics and perceived quality), pur- of 39 research instruments were measured using
chase intention using three indicators (interest, Likert Scale. The data collected will be analyzed
desire, belief) and purchase decision using five in- using the application IBM SPSS Statistics 23 by
dicators (preferred brand , the choice of the seller, the method of data analysis using Path Analy-

Sirly Amri & Dorojatun Prihandono/ Management Analysis Journal 8 (1) (2019)

sis, where the variable used include lifestyle, Based on test validity purchase decision
consumer ethnocentrism and product quality as variables in mind that there are 10 whole grain
the independent variable, purchase intention as items meet the validity criteria statement with a
mediating variables/ intervening, and purchase value of R arithmetic > R Table 0.361 that indi-
decision as the dependent variable. cates the item statement is valid and can be used
as a measuring tool in the study.
Results of Test Validity
Test the validity of this research was per- Results of Test Reliability
formed using IBM SPSS Statistics application Reliability test data can be done by sta-
program 23. To determine whether an indicator tistical test Cronbach Alpha (α). A construct or
of each of the variables that exist in the question- variable can be said to be reliable if it shows the
naire is valid or invalid can be seen in the results value of Cronbach Alpha> 0.70 Nunnally (Gho-
of SPSS output count value sig (2-tailed) Pearson zali, 2013).
correlation on the resulting construct lines, by
comparing the value of R arithmetic> R Table Table 2. Reliability Test Results
Based on test validity variable lifestyle Cronbach’s
Note that there are nine whole grain items meet No. Variables
Alpha value
the validity criteria statement with a value of R
arithmetic> R Table 0.361 that indicates the item 1. Lifestyle .732
statement is valid and can be used as a measuring
2. Consumer .724
tool in the study.
Variable validity test results customer ethno-
centrism has six items statement otherwise meet 3. Product Quality .726
the criteria of validity to the value of R arithme-
4. Purchase Intention .730
tic> R Table 0.361 that indicates the item state-
ment is valid and can be used as a measuring tool 5. Purchase Decision .738
in the study.
Based on test validity variable product Based on Table 2, it can be stated that the
quality is known that there are 8 points statement value of Cronbach’s Alpha, on the whole, grea-
items entirely meet the validity criteria with a va- ter than the criterion variables Cronbach’s Alpha
lue of R arithmetic> R Table 0.361 that indicates were required. Thus, all of the items proposed
the item statement is valid and can be used as a in the questionnaire statements are reliable to be
measuring tool in the study. used as a research instrument
Test the validity of the variable purchase
intention known to have 6 items statement. All Hypothesis Testing
the items otherwise meet the criteria of validity Statistics t-test (t-test)
statement with a value of R arithmetic> R Table Based on the SPSS 23 program, the results
0.361 that indicates the item statement is valid of multiple linear regression models are shown
and can be used as a measuring tool in the study. in Table 3.

Table 3. Effect of Lifestyle, Consumer Ethnocentrism, Product Quality, and Purchase Intention To
Purchase Decision.

Model Coefficients Unstandardized Standardized Coefficients t Sig.
B Std. Error
(Constant) 3.116 2.487 1.253 .213
Lifestyle .265 .106 .219 2.510 .014
.354 .118 .268 3.007 .003
product Quality .289 .122 .196 2.374 .019
Purchase Intention .444 .109 .309 4.088 .000
a. Dependent Variable: Purchase Decision

Sirly Amri & Dorojatun Prihandono/ Management Analysis Journal 8 (1) (2019)

Table 4. Model 1 R Square

Model R R Square Adjusted R Square Std. Error of the Estimate

1 .757 .572 .561 1.829
Predictors: (Constant), Product Quality, Consumer Ethnocentrism, Lifestyle

Table 5. Model 1 Effect of Lifestyle, Consumer Ethnocentrism, and Product Quality to Purchase

Model Coefficients Unstandardized Standardized Coefficients t Sig.
B Std. Error
(Constant) 2.832 2.146 1.320 .190
Lifestyle .223 .089 .264 2.487 .014
Consumer .419 .094 .456 4.442 .000
Product Quality .603 .089 .588 6.757 .000
Dependent Variable: Purchase Intention

Influence Lifestyle on Purchase Decision result that consumer ethnocentrism positive and
Based on the calculation of SPSS, can be significant impact on purchasing decisions. In
seen Sig. Calculate (0.014) <0.05. This means that this study, ethnocentrism batik consumers in Pe-
H1 stating “Lifestyle positive and significant im- kalongan City were able to make consumers to
pact on the Purchase Decision” acceptable. This buy Batik Unggul Jaya. This is supported by re-
means the consumer lifestyle batik to fashion search Nasabi et al. (2017) which explains that the
products increases, will be followed by an increase tendency of consumer ethnocentrism as attitudes
in consumer purchasing decisions, that can influence consumer purchasing decisions.
The results of this study also support pre-
vious research conducted by Lin and Shih (2012) Influence Product Quality on Purchase Deci-
and Mensah et al. (2011) the results indicate that sion
consumer lifestyles have a significant positive in- Based on the calculation of SPSS, can be
fluence on the purchase decision. Likewise ac- seen Sig. Calculate (0.019) <0.05. This means that
cording to Rosif et al. (2015) which explains that states H3 “product quality positive and significant
the lifestyle is part of consumer behavior to some impact on the purchase decision” be accepted.
extent will affect the actions to be taken by consu- This means product quality batik increase then
mers in making an actual purchase, In this rese- followed an increase in consumer purchasing deci-
arch, consumer lifestyles in Pekalongan batik able sions.
to make consumers buy Batik Unggul Jaya. The results of this study also support previ-
ous research conducted by Parts and Vida (2013)
Influence Consumer Ethnocentrism on Pur- which shows results that product quality has a
chase Decision positive influence on purchasing decisions, These
Based on the calculation of SPSS, can be results are also the same as Nuraini research and
seen Sig. Calculate (0.003) <0.05. This means that Maftukhah (2015) and Saraswati et al. (2014)
H2 stating “customer ethnocentrism positive and showed that the product quality has significant
significant impact on the purchase decision” be ac- and positive influence on purchasing decisions.
cepted. This means ethnocentrism batik increased This study also supports the theory according to
consumer it will be followed by an increase in con- Kotler and Keller (2009: 143), which explains that
sumer purchasing decisions a company can be said to have met the quality
The results of this study also support previ- when the product or service being offered exceed-
ous research conducted by Mensah et al. (2011) the ing customer expectations and preferences of the
results showed that consumer ethnocentrism has a customer. In this study, the quality of products
positive influence on purchase decisions, Likewise Batik Unggul Jaya that has been offered is able to
Kurnianto research and Widiyanto (2015) which influence consumer purchase decisions.

Sirly Amri & Dorojatun Prihandono/ Management Analysis Journal 8 (1) (2019)

Influence Purchase Intention on Purchase PI = β LS + β CE + β PQ + el

Decision LS PI = 0.264 + 0.588 + 0.456 CE PQ +0.654
Based on the calculation of SPSS, can be 𝑒1 = √ (1-𝑅2), then 𝑒1 = √ (1-0.572) = 0.654
seen Sig. Calculate (0.000) <0.05. This means
that states H4 “purchase intention positive and Table 6. Model 2 R Square
significant impact on the purchase decision” be
accepted. This means buying interest which in-
Model R R Adjusted Std. Error
creases then be followed by an increase in con-
Square R Square of the
sumer purchasing decisions.
The results of this study also support previ-
ous research conducted by Khotimah et al. (2016) 1 .853 .728 .719 2.104
who showed that interest in having a positive in- Predictors: (Constant), Purchase Intention, Lifestyle, Product
fluence on purchase decisions. The study also Quality, Consumer Ethnocentrism
supports theory of planned behavior which has
proposed by Ajzen (1991) also stated that prior Based on Table 5 and Table 6 can be struc-
to a purchase decision, consumers have an inter- tured equation model 2 as follows:
est (behavior intention) first (Kristianto, 2011: PD = β LS + β CE + β PQ + β PI + el
94). It supports research Maghfiroh (2016) sug- LS PD = 0.219 + 0.196 + 0.268 CE PI PQ +
gested that buying interest has a significant and 0.309 + 0.521
positive influence on purchasing decisions. In this 𝑒2 = √ (1-𝑅2), then 𝑒2 = √ (1-0.728) = 0.521
study, consumers’ interest in buying batik in Pe-
kalongan City in Batik Unggul Jaya was able to Influence lifestyle on purchase decision-
influence the decision to buy the batik product. mediated purchase intention
It is known that from the calculation of
Path Analysis SPSS output, direct influence on purchase inten-
Path analysis (path analysis) was used to tion lifestyle variable that is equal to 0.264.
measure the causal relationships between vari- It is known that from the calculation of
ables that have been set(Ghozali, 2013), to mea- SPSS output, direct influence on the purchase
sure whether there is influence of mediation or decision variables lifestyle that is equal to 0.219.
intervening use path coefficient comparison. The indirect effect of lifestyle variables
The path coefficients calculated by making two to the purchase decision mediated by purchase
equations are equations regression model 1 and 2 intention can be determined by multiplying the
which shows the relationship hypothesized vari- regression coefficient of lifestyle variables to the
ables. Here are the results of the regression equa- regression coefficients purchase intention and
tion model 1 and model 2 of the study in Table 4 purchase intention of the purchase decision is
and Table 5. 0.264 × 0.309 = 0.081
Based on Tables 4 and 5 can be structured The total effect of lifestyle variables path
model equation 1 as follows: coefficients calculated by summing the effects of

Table 7. Model 2 Effect of Lifestyle, Consumer Ethnocentrism, Product Quality and Purchase Inten-
tion to Purchase Decision

Model Coefficients Unstandardized Standardized Coefficients t Sig.
B Std. Error
(Constant) 3.116 2.487 1.253 .213
Lifestyle .265 .106 .219 2.510 .014
.354 .118 .268 3.007 .003
Product Quality .289 .122 .196 2.374 .019
Purchase Intention .444 .109 .309 4.088 .000
Dependent Variable: Purchase Decision

Sirly Amri & Dorojatun Prihandono/ Management Analysis Journal 8 (1) (2019)

Table 8. The path coefficients Direct, Indirect, and Total Indirect Influence

No. Variables Influence Purchase intention Purchase decision Information

1 Lifestyle Directly .431 .219
Indirect .081
Total .264 .300 Mediation
2 Consumer Directly .456 .268
Ethnocentrism Indirect .140
Total .456 .408 Mediation
3 Product Quality Directly .588 .196
Indirect .181
Total .588 .377 Mediation

direct and indirect effect, namely 0.219 + (0.264 purchase intention to purchase decision, namely
x 0.309) = 0.3. 0.588 × 0.309 = 0.181
Influence consumer ethnocentrism on pur- The total influence product quality variab-
chase decision-mediated purchase intention le path coefficients calculated by summing the di-
It is known that from the calculation of rect effect and the indirect effect, namely 0.196 +
SPSS output, variable direct influence on purcha- (0.588 x 0.309) = 0.377.
se intention of consumer ethnocentrism that is Whether or not there is a mediating effect
equal to 0.456 or intervening in the model, views of criteria such
It is known that from the calculation of as the following, namely:
SPSS output, variable direct influence on the pur- If the value of the total effect of the path
chase decision of consumer ethnocentrism that is coefficient> the value of their direct influence,
equal to 0.268 then these variables proved to mediate the asso-
Indirect influence on the purchase decision ciation.
of consumer ethnocentrism mediated by purcha- If the value of the total effect of the path
se intention can be determined by multiplying the coefficients <value their direct influence, then the
regression coefficient of variable consumer eth- variable is not shown to mediate the association.
nocentrism on purchase intention and the regres- Based on Table 8. the calculation coeffi-
sion coefficients purchase intention to purchase cient obtained as follows:
decision, namely 0.456 × 0.309 = 0.140
The total effect of consumer ethnocent- Influence Lifestyle on Purchase Decision
rism variable path coefficient was calculated by through Purchase Intention
summing the direct effects and the indirect effect, Based on the test path analysis (path ana-
namely 0.268 + (0.456 x 0.309) = 0.408 lysis) purchase intention able to mediate the li-
Influence on the purchase decision, quality festyle of the purchase decision, So in this case
product that is mediated by the purchase intenti- 5 hypothesis which states that lifestyle positive
on and significant effect on the purchase decision
It is known that from the calculation of through the purchase intention acceptable. This
SPSS output, product quality variable direct in- means that if the lifestyle of consumers has inc-
fluence on purchase intention is represented by reased, it will increase buying interest, which in
that is equal to 0.588 turn followed by an increase in consumer purcha-
It is known that from the calculation of sing decisions.
SPSS output, variable direct influence on the The results of this study also support pre-
purchase decision quality product that is equal to vious research conducted by Jue Chen (2012)
0.196 which says that lifestyle influence purchasing de-
The indirect effect of the variable product cisions through buying interest. The results also
quality purchase decision mediated by purchase prove the Mensah et al. (2011) believes that con-
intention can be determined by multiplying the sumers show a unique lifestyle, which resulted
regression coefficient of product quality on pur- in the need and desire that ultimately affect the
chase intention and the regression coefficients decision making of each consumer. In this study

Sirly Amri & Dorojatun Prihandono/ Management Analysis Journal 8 (1) (2019)

indicate that the consumer lifestyle in Kota Peka- this study, the quality of the products supplied
longan batik shopping and interest in the field of by Batik Unggul Jaya able to make the consu-
fashion, it will affect the buying interest leading mer has an interest or an interest to buy so that it
to the decision to buy Batik Unggul Jaya. The re- can decide to shop Batik Jaya in Excellence that
sults also supported by research Khotimah et al. meets consumer expectations in terms of quality
(2016) showed that buying interest may be inter- while providing the option to select the quality
vening variables between the variables of lifestyle standards and high quality according to customer
and purchasing decisions. wishes , The same thing with the opinion Kotler
and Keller (2009) states that consumers prefer
Influence Consumer Ethnocentrism on Pur- products that offer quality, performance, and in-
chase Decision through Purchase Intention novative features of the best, so that consumers
Based on the test path analysis (path ana- will choose the quality of the product (product
lysis) purchase intention able to mediate consu- quality) is best according to them.
mer ethnocentrism to purchase decision, So in
this case hypotheses 6 stating that consumer eth- CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION
nocentrism positive and significant effect on the
purchase decision through the purchase intention Based on these results all the hypothesis is
acceptable. This means that if a consumer eth- accepted. This study proves that the variable life-
nocentrism increase will boost buying interest, style positive and significant impact on the pur-
which in turn followed by an increase in consu- chase decision. The higher the value of lifestyle
mer purchasing decisions. it will increase the purchase decision and if the
The results of this study also support lifestyle decreases the purchase decision will de-
previous research conducted by Parts and Vida cline. Consumer ethnocentrism has positive and
(2013) indicates that there is a significant positi- significant impact on the purchase decision. The
ve influence indirectly between consumer ethno- higher the value of consumer ethnocentrism will
centrism on purchasing decisions through buying increase the purchase decision. Product quality
interest. The results of this study also prove the has positive and significant effect on the purchase
Sharma et al. (1995) states that ethnocentrism decision. The higher the product quality will in-
high consumer will then have the intention and crease the purchase decision. Purchase intention
decided to buy a domestic product. In this rese- positive and significant impact on the purchase
arch, consumer ethnocentrism in Kota Pekalon- decision. The higher the value of purchase inten-
gan batik is quite good to make the consumer tion will increase the purchase decision.
has an interest or an interest to buy so that it can Lifestyle has positive and significant effect
decide to shop for batik in Excellence victorious. on the purchase decision through the purchase in-
tention. This means that purchase intention able
Influence Product Quality on Purchase Deci- to mediate the effects of lifestyle on the purchase
sion through Purchase Intention decision. Enhancement lifestyle will also follow
Based on the test path analysis (path ana- the increase purchase intention and ultimately
lysis) purchase intention able to mediate a quality improve purchase decision. Consumer ethnocen-
product to the purchase decision, So, in this case, trism has positive and significant effect on the
the hypothesis 7 which states that product quality purchase decision through the purchase inten-
positive and significant effect on the purchase de- tion. This means that purchase intention was able
cision through the purchase intention acceptable. to mediate the effect of consumer ethnocentrism
This means that if the quality of batik products to purchase decision. Enhancement consumer
increased it will boost buying interest, which in ethnocentrism will also follow the increase pur-
turn followed by an increase in consumer purcha- chase intention and ultimately improve purchase
sing decisions. decision. product quality positive and significant
The results of this study also support pre- effect on the purchase decision through the pur-
vious research conducted by Wicaksono (2016) chase intention. This means that purchase inten-
suggested that buying interest may mediate the tion was able to mediate the effect of product
relationship between quality products with the quality to the purchase decision. Enhancement
purchase decision. Likewise, research Saraswati product quality will also follow the increase pur-
et al. (2014) which shows that increasing the qua- chase intention and ultimately improve purchase
lity of the products offered will be assessed both decision.
by the customer and can attract customers so that Based on these results, it can be seen that
the effect on consumer purchasing decisions. In lifestyle variables have the most influence small

Sirly Amri & Dorojatun Prihandono/ Management Analysis Journal 8 (1) (2019)

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