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 In humans, there are two coordinate systems, namely: the nervous system and
hormonal system.
 hormonal system, regulating body functions by means of chemical substances
that are transported by the blood throughout the body. Because no specific
channel, then the hormone-producing glands called endocrine glands (glands
B. Pituitary (pituitary)
 Pituitary gland / pituitary is often called the master of glands.
This is because this gland produces hormones that affect many other hormonal
activity. This gland is a gland in the form of a bulge under the brain.
 The pituitary gland is divided into three parts, namely:
1. The front (anterior lobe), which produces hormones
a. Growth hormone / Somatrotof Hormone (STH)
b. hormone Mumps / Thyroid Stimulating Hormone
c. Hormone Incentives Children Kidney /
AdrenoCortiTropicHormone (ACTH)
d. Hormone Prolactin / LuteotropicHormone (LTH)
e. Incentives Sex Hormones / Gonadotropin

2. The middle (intermediate lobe)

3. The back (posterior lobe), which produces:
a. Oxytocin
b. Vasopressin / Anti diuretic Homone (ADH)
 Somatrotof hormone (STH) or growth hormone (GH)
Serves to control the elongation and thickening of the bones and increase the
amount of cell protein.
Hiposomatotrofhormon (growth hormone deficiency) will result in dwarfism
Hiposomatotrofhormon (excess growth hormone) can lead to gigantism
(growth giant) or akromegali (thickening of lamellar bone).
Hormone Incentives Mumps / Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH), a
hormone responsible for stimulating the thyroid gland to work.
 Hormone Incentives Children Kidney / AdrenoCortiTropicHormon (ACTH), a
hormone that functions to stimulate the adrenal glands (adrenal).
 Hormone Prolactin / LuteotropicHormone (LTH) has the following functions:
1. Stimulates milk secretion
2. Cause the nature of the maternal / motherly
3. Maintaining estrogen and progesterone secretion by the ovary
 Incentives Sex Hormones / Gonadotropin, a hormone that stimulates the sex
glands to function.
Gonadtropin there are two types, namely:
1. Follicle stimulating hormone / Folicel Stimulating Hormone (FSH)
2. Hormone lutien / Lutienizing Hormone (LH)
 follicle stimulating hormone / Folicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH) serves to:
1. Stimulate formation in ovarian follicle de Graff
2. Stimulate the formation of tubules in the testes semiferus
 Hormone lutien / Lutenizing Hormone (LH) serves to stimulate ovulation
(release of eggs from the ovary).
 Oxytocin is the hormone that functions to:
1. Stimulate muscle contraction in the uterine wall during delivery
2. Stimulates milk secretion
 Vasopressin / Anti-diuretic hormone (ADH) function to stimulate water
absorption in the kidney. Patients hipoADH (Anti-diuretic hormone deficiency)
will result in diabetes insipidus. People with diabetes insipidus is characterized
by excessive urine expenditure. In patients with diabetes insipidus that is
severe enough a day may spend 30-40 liters of urine.
C. Gondok
 Kelenjar Gondok/Thyroid menghasilkan dua macam hormon, yaitu :
1. Tiroksin
2. Kalsitonin
 Tiroksin merupakan hormon yang berfungsi untuk memacu metabolisme
 Kelebihan hormon yang tiroksin ( hipertiroksin ) akan mengakibatkan penyakit
yang disebut morbus basedowi. Penderita norbus basedowi memiliki ciri :
1. Produksi panas tubuh berlebih, sehingga cepat kepanasan dan
2. Kurus diakibatkan laju perombakan makanan dalam tubuh berlangsung
3. Tekanan darah tinggi
4. Otot lemah dan sering tremor ( gemetar )
5. Bola mata sepertiganya keluar akibat penimbunan cairan di belakang
 Kekurangan hormon tiroksin ( hipotiroksin ) akan mengakibatkan penyakit :
1. Kretinisme ( jika terjadi pada masa kanak – kanak ), dengan ciri :
a. Pertumbuhan kerdil
b. Daya intelegensi rendah
c. Sistem reproduksi tidak berkembang
2. Mixodema ( jika terjadi pada masa dewasa ), dengan ciri :
a. Produksi panas tubuh rendah, sehingga sering merasa kedinginan.
b. Gemuk akibat laju perombakan makanan berlangsung lambat.
c. Tekanan darah rendah.
d. Kulit seperti ada lapisan lilin.
 Kalsitonin merupakan hormon yang berfungsi menurunkan kadar kalsium
darah ( lawan kerja paratohormon )
D. Anak Gondok
 Paratohormon merupakan hormon yang berfungsi untuk meningkatkan kadar
kalsium darah. Hormon ini bekerja dengan cara :
1. Meningkat pelepasan kalsium dari tulang
2. Meningkatkan penyerapan kalsium di usus
3. Menghambat pengeluaran kalsium di ginjal
 Kekurangan paratohormon akan mengakibatkan
1. Otot sering kejang/kram
2. Darah sukar membeku
E. Pankreas
 Pankreas menghasilkan dua macam hormone yaitu :
1. Insulin yang dihasilkan sel – sel pulau langerhans ß
2. Glukagon yang dihasilkan sel – sel pulau langerhans â
 Insulin berfungsi untuk mengubah gula darah/glukosa menjadi glikogen
( cadangan gula yang disimpan di otot atau hati ).
Kekurangan insulin mengakibatkan diabetes mellitus/kencing manis.
 Glukagon berfungsi untuk merubah glikogen menjadi gula darah/glukosa.
F. Anak Ginjal
 Anak Ginjal atau Adrenal di antaranya menghasilkan hormone :
1. Adrenalin
2. Kortisol
3. Androgen

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