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Market Dynamics

Chad Lariscy
Blairsville Realty

Clarus MarketMetrics® 01/03/2011

Information not guaranteed. © 2009-2010 Terradatum and its suppliers and licensors (

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Chad Lariscy Blairsville Realty
Median Sold Price by Month
Dec-09 vs. Dec-10: The median sold price is down 14%

Dec-09 vs. Dec-10

Dec-09 Dec-10 Change %
178,500 153,000 -25,500 -14%

MLS: NEGMLS Period: 1 year (monthly) Price: All Construction Type: All Bedrooms: All Bathrooms: All Lot Size: All
Property Types: Residential: (Single Family Residential Detached) Sq Ft: All
Counties: Fannin, Gilmer, Towns, Union

Clarus MarketMetrics® 1 of 2 01/03/2011

Information not guaranteed. © 2009-2010 Terradatum and its suppliers and licensors (

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Chad Lariscy Blairsville Realty
Median Sold Price by Month
Dec-09 vs. Dec-10: The median sold price is down 14%

Time Period Median Price # Units Average DOM

Dec-10 153,000 117 170
Nov-10 155,000 118 178
Oct-10 151,000 140 173
Sep-10 143,000 108 175
Aug-10 158,800 113 140
Jul-10 145,000 105 170
Jun-10 148,500 98 138
May-10 156,000 107 122
Apr-10 159,500 100 156
Mar-10 157,000 96 157
Feb-10 159,250 74 143
Jan-10 160,500 78 158
Dec-09 178,500 118 174

Clarus MarketMetrics® 2 of 2 01/03/2011

Information not guaranteed. © 2009-2010 Terradatum and its suppliers and licensors (

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Chad Lariscy Blairsville Realty
Median For Sale vs. Median Sold
Dec-09 vs. Dec-10: The median price of for sale properties is down 7% and the median price of sold properties is down 14%

Dec-09 vs. Dec-10 Dec-09 vs. Dec-10

Dec-09 Dec-10 Change % Dec-09 Dec-10 Change %
225,000 209,700 -15,300 -7% 178,500 153,000 -25,500 -14%

MLS: NEGMLS Period: 1 year (monthly) Price: All Construction Type: All Bedrooms: All Bathrooms: All Lot Size: All
Property Types: Residential: (Single Family Residential Detached) Sq Ft: All
Counties: Fannin, Gilmer, Towns, Union

Clarus MarketMetrics® 1 of 2 01/03/2011

Information not guaranteed. © 2009-2010 Terradatum and its suppliers and licensors (

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Chad Lariscy Blairsville Realty
Median For Sale vs. Median Sold
Dec-09 vs. Dec-10: The median price of for sale properties is down 7% and the median price of sold properties is down 14%

For Sale # Properties Sold # Properties Price

Time Period Median For Sale Median Sold Difference
Dec-10 209,700 2,552 153,000 117 -56,700
Nov-10 209,000 2,807 155,000 118 -54,000
Oct-10 207,000 3,034 151,000 140 -56,000
Sep-10 207,975 3,086 143,000 108 -64,975
Aug-10 200,000 3,159 158,800 113 -41,200
Jul-10 207,975 3,188 145,000 105 -62,975
Jun-10 209,900 3,133 148,500 98 -61,400
May-10 215,000 3,049 156,000 107 -59,000
Apr-10 219,000 3,011 159,500 100 -59,500
Mar-10 215,000 2,977 157,000 96 -58,000
Feb-10 219,000 2,849 159,250 74 -59,750
Jan-10 219,900 2,985 160,500 78 -59,400
Dec-09 225,000 3,035 178,500 118 -46,500

Clarus MarketMetrics® 2 of 2 01/03/2011

Information not guaranteed. © 2009-2010 Terradatum and its suppliers and licensors (

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Chad Lariscy Blairsville Realty
Sold Properties by Month
Dec-09 vs. Dec-10: The number of Sold properties is down 1%

Dec-09 vs. Dec-10

Dec-09 Dec-10 Change %
118 117 -1 -1%

MLS: NEGMLS Period: 1 year (monthly) Price: All Construction Type: All Bedrooms: All Bathrooms: All Lot Size: All
Property Types: Residential: (Single Family Residential Detached) Sq Ft: All
Counties: Fannin, Gilmer, Towns, Union

Clarus MarketMetrics® 1 of 2 01/03/2011

Information not guaranteed. © 2009-2010 Terradatum and its suppliers and licensors (

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Chad Lariscy Blairsville Realty
Sold Properties by Month
Dec-09 vs. Dec-10: The number of Sold properties is down 1%

Time Period # Properties Median Price Average DOM

Dec-10 117 153,000 170
Nov-10 118 155,000 178
Oct-10 140 151,000 173
Sep-10 108 143,000 175
Aug-10 113 158,800 140
Jul-10 105 145,000 170
Jun-10 98 148,500 138
May-10 107 156,000 122
Apr-10 100 159,500 156
Mar-10 96 157,000 157
Feb-10 74 159,250 143
Jan-10 78 160,500 158
Dec-09 118 178,500 174

Clarus MarketMetrics® 2 of 2 01/03/2011

Information not guaranteed. © 2009-2010 Terradatum and its suppliers and licensors (

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Chad Lariscy Blairsville Realty
Under Contract Properties by Month
Dec-09 vs. Dec-10: The number of Under Contract properties is up 18%

Dec-09 vs. Dec-10

Dec-09 Dec-10 Change %
94 111 17 +18%

MLS: NEGMLS Period: 1 year (monthly) Price: All Construction Type: All Bedrooms: All Bathrooms: All Lot Size: All
Property Types: Residential: (Single Family Residential Detached) Sq Ft: All
Counties: Fannin, Gilmer, Towns, Union

Clarus MarketMetrics® 1 of 2 01/03/2011

Information not guaranteed. © 2009-2010 Terradatum and its suppliers and licensors (

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Chad Lariscy Blairsville Realty
Under Contract Properties by Month
Dec-09 vs. Dec-10: The number of Under Contract properties is up 18%

Time Period # Properties Median Price Average DOM

Dec-10 111 166,000 144
Nov-10 120 165,400 164
Oct-10 145 159,900 190
Sep-10 142 161,950 172
Aug-10 131 159,900 173
Jul-10 115 175,000 147
Jun-10 95 169,000 170
May-10 96 149,900 114
Apr-10 120 174,950 151
Mar-10 105 165,000 130
Feb-10 79 184,900 159
Jan-10 72 177,000 154
Dec-09 94 179,900 169

Clarus MarketMetrics® 2 of 2 01/03/2011

Information not guaranteed. © 2009-2010 Terradatum and its suppliers and licensors (

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Chad Lariscy Blairsville Realty
New Properties by Month
Dec-09 vs. Dec-10: The number of New properties is down 28%

Dec-09 vs. Dec-10

Dec-09 Dec-10 Change %
223 160 -63 -28%

MLS: NEGMLS Period: 1 year (monthly) Price: All Construction Type: All Bedrooms: All Bathrooms: All Lot Size: All
Property Types: Residential: (Single Family Residential Detached) Sq Ft: All
Counties: Fannin, Gilmer, Towns, Union

Clarus MarketMetrics® 1 of 2 01/03/2011

Information not guaranteed. © 2009-2010 Terradatum and its suppliers and licensors (

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Chad Lariscy Blairsville Realty
New Properties by Month
Dec-09 vs. Dec-10: The number of New properties is down 28%

Time Period # Properties Median Price

Dec-10 160 186,500
Nov-10 219 189,900
Oct-10 283 189,000
Sep-10 318 194,700
Aug-10 332 199,450
Jul-10 365 194,900
Jun-10 390 189,900
May-10 384 199,000
Apr-10 390 219,900
Mar-10 400 198,700
Feb-10 299 199,900
Jan-10 315 199,900
Dec-09 223 199,900

Clarus MarketMetrics® 2 of 2 01/03/2011

Information not guaranteed. © 2009-2010 Terradatum and its suppliers and licensors (

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Chad Lariscy Blairsville Realty
For Sale Properties by Month
Dec-09 vs. Dec-10: The number of For Sale properties is down 16%

Dec-09 vs. Dec-10

Dec-09 Dec-10 Change %
3,035 2,552 -483 -16%

MLS: NEGMLS Period: 1 year (monthly) Price: All Construction Type: All Bedrooms: All Bathrooms: All Lot Size: All
Property Types: Residential: (Single Family Residential Detached) Sq Ft: All
Counties: Fannin, Gilmer, Towns, Union

Clarus MarketMetrics® 1 of 2 01/03/2011

Information not guaranteed. © 2009-2010 Terradatum and its suppliers and licensors (

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Chad Lariscy Blairsville Realty
For Sale Properties by Month
Dec-09 vs. Dec-10: The number of For Sale properties is down 16%

Time Period # Properties Median Price Average DOM

Dec-10 2,552 209,700 243
Nov-10 2,807 209,000 256
Oct-10 3,034 207,000 271
Sep-10 3,086 207,975 284
Aug-10 3,159 200,000 297
Jul-10 3,188 207,975 309
Jun-10 3,133 209,900 322
May-10 3,049 215,000 334
Apr-10 3,011 219,000 343
Mar-10 2,977 215,000 353
Feb-10 2,849 219,000 367
Jan-10 2,985 219,900 372
Dec-09 3,035 225,000 376

Clarus MarketMetrics® 2 of 2 01/03/2011

Information not guaranteed. © 2009-2010 Terradatum and its suppliers and licensors (

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Chad Lariscy Blairsville Realty
Expired Properties by Month
Dec-09 vs. Dec-10: The number of Expired properties is up 63%

Dec-09 vs. Dec-10

Dec-09 Dec-10 Change %
271 443 172 +63%

MLS: NEGMLS Period: 1 year (monthly) Price: All Construction Type: All Bedrooms: All Bathrooms: All Lot Size: All
Property Types: Residential: (Single Family Residential Detached) Sq Ft: All
Counties: Fannin, Gilmer, Towns, Union

Clarus MarketMetrics® 1 of 2 01/03/2011

Information not guaranteed. © 2009-2010 Terradatum and its suppliers and licensors (

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Chad Lariscy Blairsville Realty
Expired Properties by Month
Dec-09 vs. Dec-10: The number of Expired properties is up 63%

Time Period # Properties Median Price Average DOM

Dec-10 443 225,000 299
Nov-10 295 225,000 279
Oct-10 301 220,000 281
Sep-10 193 210,000 264
Aug-10 260 219,000 261
Jul-10 246 227,000 282
Jun-10 215 239,000 282
May-10 210 225,000 253
Apr-10 226 229,900 261
Mar-10 251 235,000 283
Feb-10 193 239,000 276
Jan-10 363 246,000 299
Dec-09 271 250,000 274

Clarus MarketMetrics® 2 of 2 01/03/2011

Information not guaranteed. © 2009-2010 Terradatum and its suppliers and licensors (

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Chad Lariscy Blairsville Realty
Supply & Demand by Month
Dec-09 vs. Dec-10: The number of for sale properties is down 16% and the number of sold properties is down 1%

Dec-09 vs. Dec-10 Dec-09 vs. Dec-10

Dec-09 Dec-10 Change % Dec-09 Dec-10 Change %
3,035 2,552 -483 -16% 118 117 -1 -1%

MLS: NEGMLS Period: 1 year (monthly) Price: All Construction Type: All Bedrooms: All Bathrooms: All Lot Size: All
Property Types: Residential: (Single Family Residential Detached) Sq Ft: All
Counties: Fannin, Gilmer, Towns, Union

Clarus MarketMetrics® 1 of 2 01/03/2011

Information not guaranteed. © 2009-2010 Terradatum and its suppliers and licensors (

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Chad Lariscy Blairsville Realty
Supply & Demand by Month
Dec-09 vs. Dec-10: The number of for sale properties is down 16% and the number of sold properties is down 1%

# Properties Average DOM # Properties Average DOM

Time Period For Sale For Sale Sold Sold
Dec-10 2,552 243 117 170
Nov-10 2,807 256 118 178
Oct-10 3,034 271 140 173
Sep-10 3,086 284 108 175
Aug-10 3,159 297 113 140
Jul-10 3,188 309 105 170
Jun-10 3,133 322 98 138
May-10 3,049 334 107 122
Apr-10 3,011 343 100 156
Mar-10 2,977 353 96 157
Feb-10 2,849 367 74 143
Jan-10 2,985 372 78 158
Dec-09 3,035 376 118 174

Clarus MarketMetrics® 2 of 2 01/03/2011

Information not guaranteed. © 2009-2010 Terradatum and its suppliers and licensors (

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Chad Lariscy Blairsville Realty
The Average Days on Market by Month
Dec-09 vs. Dec-10: The average days on market is down 15%

Dec-09 vs. Dec-10

Dec-09 Dec-10 Change %
169 144 -26 -15%

MLS: NEGMLS Period: 1 year (monthly) Price: All Construction Type: All Bedrooms: All Bathrooms: All Lot Size: All
Property Types: Residential: (Single Family Residential Detached) Sq Ft: All
Counties: Fannin, Gilmer, Towns, Union

Clarus MarketMetrics® 1 of 2 01/03/2011

Information not guaranteed. © 2009-2010 Terradatum and its suppliers and licensors (

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Chad Lariscy Blairsville Realty
The Average Days on Market by Month
Dec-09 vs. Dec-10: The average days on market is down 15%

Time Period Average DOM # UC Units

Dec-10 144 111
Nov-10 164 120
Oct-10 190 145
Sep-10 172 142
Aug-10 173 131
Jul-10 147 115
Jun-10 170 95
May-10 114 96
Apr-10 151 120
Mar-10 130 105
Feb-10 159 79
Jan-10 154 72
Dec-09 169 94

Clarus MarketMetrics® 2 of 2 01/03/2011

Information not guaranteed. © 2009-2010 Terradatum and its suppliers and licensors (

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Chad Lariscy Blairsville Realty
Months Supply of Inventory
Dec-09 vs. Dec-10: The average months supply of inventory is down 37%

Dec-09 vs. Dec-10

Dec-09 Dec-10 Change %
28.4 18.0 -10.4 -37%

MLS: NEGMLS Period: 1 year (monthly) Price: All Construction Type: All Bedrooms: All Bathrooms: All Lot Size: All
Property Types: Residential: (Single Family Residential Detached) Sq Ft: All
Counties: Fannin, Gilmer, Towns, Union

Clarus MarketMetrics® 1 of 2 01/03/2011

Information not guaranteed. © 2009-2010 Terradatum and its suppliers and licensors (

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Chad Lariscy Blairsville Realty
Months Supply of Inventory
Dec-09 vs. Dec-10: The average months supply of inventory is down 37%

# Units For Sale # UC Units UC Average

Time Period Last Day of Month During Month MSI DOM
Dec-10 1,998 111 18.0 144
Nov-10 2,392 120 19.9 164
Oct-10 2,588 145 17.8 190
Sep-10 2,751 142 19.4 172
Aug-10 2,768 131 21.1 173
Jul-10 2,827 115 24.6 147
Jun-10 2,823 95 29.7 170
May-10 2,743 96 28.6 114
Apr-10 2,665 120 22.2 151
Mar-10 2,621 105 25.0 130
Feb-10 2,577 79 32.6 159
Jan-10 2,550 72 35.4 154
Dec-09 2,670 94 28.4 169

Clarus MarketMetrics® 2 of 2 01/03/2011

Information not guaranteed. © 2009-2010 Terradatum and its suppliers and licensors (

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