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Module 5 Curriculum evaluation and the teacher

According to “Ornstein, A. & Hunkins, F. (1998) Curriculum evaluation is a process of

done in order to gather data that enables one to decide whether to accept, change,

eliminate the whole curriculum of a textbook”. So it is very important for us teachers to

really know and understand the lapses that are present in our curriculum because it will

serve as our guide in the development process. In addition, according to “Gay, L.

(1985) evaluation is to identify the weaknesses and strengths as well as problems

encountered in the implementation, to improve the curriculum development process. It

is to determine the effectiveness of and the returns on allocated finance”. We should

really know that things are not perfect as always and the only constant in this world is

change. As a teacher, this evaluation will serve as the springboard on our success in

implementing the curriculum whether there are things that needs to be change or

needs to improve. Also, we need to be more considerate in identifying the lapses in the

curriculum implementation for us to make some adjustments

furthermore, according to “Olivia, P. (1988) It is a process of delineating and providing

useful information for judging alternatives for purposes of modifying, or eliminating the

curriculum”. How can we improve if there is no basis for improvement? That is why as

teachers we should be very careful in assessing and judging our curriculum because

this will gave us a big impact especially to the improvements that are going to be made.

The most beneficial factor that could contribute in the evaluation of the curriculum is in

the students learning considering that they are one of the reason why we have the

assessment and evaluation of curriculum.

As a conclusion, during the seminar I learned that a perfect curriculum does not exist.

There should be a constant improvement and evaluation in order to cater the needs,

demand and equip learners the things needed to face the world.

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