Kashmir Issue Assigment 4

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5/27/2020 Assignment no :4

“Relation between Pak India after the

curfew of Kashmir”

Muhammad hamad
Pak study Assignment 4

Kashmir Issue and its history:...................................................................2
Lock Down & Kashmir Issue:.....................................................................4
2016–2017 Kashmir unrest:.......................................................4
2019–20 Jammu and Kashmir lockdown:..............................5
People reaction to Kashmir lockdown:.....................................................5
Pak-India relationship on Kashmir issue:..................................................6
Deaths of Kashmiris since 1941:...............................................................8

Kashmir issue
Pak study Assignment 4

The Kashmir has been in state of Curfew for more than 200 days, how
this is (has been) affecting Pakistan-India Relations?

Kashmir Issue and its history:

Kashmir Issue between India Pakistan. of this world problem by UNO
and the three parties to it.
According to the original plan of June 3, 1947, the States forming the
then Indian State were advised by the British crown: “to accede to India
or to Pakistan, bearing in mind the geographical situation of their
respective states, the composition of their population and the wishes of
their people.” But the Maharaja of Kashmir acceded to India against the
wishes of his people, composition of the population of Kashmir i.e. 77%
Muslims at that time and the geographical conditions. A war was
imposed by India in the valley and the Pakistan forces supported the
Kashmiri fighters struggling for their cause. Pakistani forces and the
tribes- men gained almost one-third of the area until a cease fire was
imposed by U.N.O
In 1948, when Pakistan involved into the war, India went to U.N.O for
help and United Nations passed a resolution that a parley will be held in
the state of Jammu and Kashmir. It means that the people of that region
were to decide either to choose Pakistan or India for allegiance. But
unwillingness of India for the plebiscite delayed the solution of this
India and Pakistan have different angles to look at the problem. Pakistan
believes that seventy seven percent of the Kashmiris were Muslim at the

Kashmir issue
Pak study Assignment 4

time of partition. And the geographical conditions favor that Kashmir

should be a part of Pakistan. Pakistan terms the accession of Kashmir to
India as invalid because the Maharaja had a “Standstill Agreement” with
Pakistan. The agreement does not allow for any accession. But the
Indians believe it as their ‘integral part’ because the Maharaja had a
legal accession to India.
The present situation of Kashmir is getting worse with dozens of
casualties every day. The Kashmiris want their right of self-
determination while Pakistan has been supporting the Kashmir cause
since 1948 on all forums of the world. The long-resisted frustration has
turned the Kashmiris to violence at times; however, primarily they
remained a peace-loving nation. However, at times incidents of
kidnapping or killing of Indian occupying forces is reported which
shows their frustration.
The terms between India and Pakistan have been hostile and they have
fought 3 full wars wasting billions of Dollars of their poor taxpayers.
Any ignition to the problem of Kashmir may lead the two states at
warring condition which would, in turn, be catastrophic. A strong
resolve must be shown by both the neighboring countries in resolving
the problem of Kashmir with graveness and temperance. Otherwise, a
nuclear war may break out in South East Asia.
There are various models of the solution to Kashmir issue. We may
think of the model applied to Cyprus by Turkey and Greece. There is yet
another option to make Kashmir an arms free trading zone. It can even
be freed and made an independent republic but the wishes of the people
of Kashmir must bear due weightage. Our world is our home and ours is
the only planet in the universe where life exists. We must learn to live
happily with our neighbors; however, it is possible only if we settle all
our disputes.

Kashmir issue
Pak study Assignment 4

Now coming to the real issue which may led to the bloodbath of
Kashmiri peoples and Indian army forces.

Lock Down & Kashmir Issue:

Kashmir has been burning for decades. Last year Indian Authorities
clamped down Kashmir unilaterally with shallow claims of terrorism.
Kashmir, a special state annexed to India, was turned into a normal
Indian territory. This caused anger and agitation began in India.
However, since August 05, 2019, India has imposed a curfew in
Kashmir. Ironically, the whole world has gone into lock down since
March 2020. Can we now realize the impact of lock down and curfew on
that chained nation?
But as for Kashmir this is not the first-time time that it is is in lockdown
it has been started way earlier.

2016–2017 Kashmir unrest:

The 2016–2017 unrest in Kashmir, also known as
the Burhan aftermath, refers to a series of violent protests in the Kashmir
Valley of the Indian state of Jammu and Kashmir. It started with the
killing of Burhan Wani, a commander of the Kashmir-based Islamic
militant organization Hizbul Mujahideen, by Indian security forces on 8
July 2016. After his killing, anti-Indian protests started in all 10 districts
of the Kashmir Valley. Protesters defied curfew with attacks on security
forces and public properties.
Curfew was imposed in all 10 districts of the valley on 15 July and
mobile services were suspended by the government. Kashmir valley
remained under 53 days of consecutive curfew which was lifted from all
areas on 31 August, however, was reimpose in some areas the next day.

Kashmir issue
Pak study Assignment 4

Jammu and Kashmir Police and Indian paramilitary forces used pellet
guns, tear gas shells, rubber bullets, as well as assault rifles, resulting in
the deaths of more than 90 civilians, with over 15,000 civilians injured
and as the result of pellet guns, many people also were blinded. Two
security personnel also died while over 4,000 personnel were injured in
the riots. After that 2 years later breaking every human rights law known
to man another curfew was held by India and

2019–20 Jammu and Kashmir lockdown:

2019–20 Jammu and Kashmir lockdown refers
to a security lockdown and communications blackout imposed to prevent
protests during which thousands of people, mostly young men, have
been detained in Jammu and Kashmir. The government stated that the
lockdown is aimed at curbing terrorism.
The lockdown started on 5 August 2019 following Revocation of the
special status of Jammu and Kashmir via scrapping of the Article 370 of
the Constitution of India, Article 35A of the Constitution of India and
the introduction of Jammu and Kashmir Reorganization Act, 2019. Since
5 August, no foreign journalists have been granted permission from the
Indian government to report in Kashmir.
According to a September 6 report of the Indian government, nearly
4,000 people have been arrested in the disputed region.

People reaction to Kashmir lockdown:

A Kashmiri writer Huzaifa wrote in a dawn article.

Kashmir issue
Pak study Assignment 4

On the first Saturday of September, as our flight landed at the Srinagar

airport, the airline staff announced, “You may now use your mobile

A few of the Kashmiris on board, including myself erupted into a dry,

humorless laugh. It took me a while to believe that after over a whole
month of no communication with the people back home, a month which
was spent traumatized and troubled, this would be my very first reaction
after being back: laughter.

Pak-India relationship on Kashmir issue:

Kashmir issue
Pak study Assignment 4

India and Pakistan claim the Kashmir territory in its entirety but rule
over parts of it. Many Kashmiris demand either a merger with Pakistan
or an independent state.

Pakistan also take this issue to un and talked about this issue and said.
Pakistan’s Prime Minister Imran Khan warns of potential nuclear war
over Kashmir in a speech done by him in UN General Assembly’s 74th
Session September 27, 2019. Moreover, he urged the UN to intervene
otherwise outbreak of war between Delhi and Islamabad would leave
consequences not only for Pakistan and India but also for the region and
ultimately for the world. Therefore, it is also the responsibility of the
UN, being an international forum to settle disputes among states, to take
action for solving the Kashmir problem and gives the people of Kashmir
the right of self-determination which is their fundamental right. The
Speech was mostly appreciated within the country by various sections of
society. As for as the PM Imran Khan’s speech about Kashmir is
concerned, people in Pakistan looked at speech with emotions and
sympathies with Kashmir and its suppressed people who have been
suffering at the hands of Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s
policies and actions.
"What is going to happen when the curfew is lifted will be a bloodbath,"
said Khan. "They will be out in the streets. And what will the [Indian]
soldiers do? They will shoot them ... Kashmiris will be further
Pakistan prime minister Imran khan asked UN to solve this matter peace
full or their will be all out war.
He said “When a nuclear-armed country fights to the end, it will have
consequences far beyond the borders. It will have consequences for the

Kashmir issue
Pak study Assignment 4

“That’s not a threat … It is a fair worry. Where are we headed? I have

come here because this is a test for the United Nations. You guaranteed
the right to determination of the people of Kashmir. You have a

Deaths of Kashmiris since 1941:

After the Partition of India, during October–November 1947 in the
Jammu region of the princely state of Jammu and Kashmir, many
Muslims were massacred, and others driven away to West Punjab. The
killings were carried out by extremist Hindus and Sikhs, aided, and
abetted by the forces of Maharaja Hari Singh. The activists of the
Rastriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) played a key role in planning and
executing the riots. An estimated 20,000–100,000 Muslims were
massacred. Subsequently, many non-Muslims, estimated as over 20,000,
were massacred by Pakistani tribesmen and soldiers, in the Mirpur
region of today's Pakistani administered Kashmir. Many Hindus and
Sikhs were also massacred in the Rajouri area of Jammu division.

1: Curfewed Night
2: Kashmir in the crossfire

Kashmir issue
Pak study Assignment 4

3: Kashmir: The Case for Freedom

Other links:

Kashmir issue

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