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TITLES IN THE SERIES TestYour © Start Testing Your Vocabulary PETER Warcyn-JONES Test/Your ® Vocabulary %B Perex Watcyn-Jones TestYour ® VY ocabulary PETER WATCYN-JONES eae Tit cpeemmeal Test/Your © Vocabulary ki PETER WATCYN-JONES Lis 5 oe ores TestYour 6 Vocabulary ¥%F PETER WATCYN-JONES TestYour ® Vocabulary eH PETER WATCYN-JONES Hsia al tea INTRODUCTION ‘Nowadays few people will dispute the importance of vocabulary, especially the need for active vocabulary practice. The Test Your Vocabulary books filled this need when they first came out, and they contiaue 10 do so. These are six books in the series, from elementary to advanced level. In this new edition of the series each book has ten new tests, To facilitate self-study there is a full Answer Key. Students using Test Your Vecabulary will ind learning vocabulary both stimulating and enjoyable Start Testing Your Vocabulary is the first book in the series and is intended for elementary students. It contains sixty (ests and aims to build up a basic vocabulary of approximately 850 words. These are arranged into areas such as jobs, food, sports and hobbies, the home and parts of the body, plus verbs, prepositions and adjectives. Since the student's range of vocabulary at this level is not very wide. approximately haif the tests are picture-based. Other techniques employed are gap-lilling, crosswords, choosing the appropriate word or antonym. one-sided dialogue writing, grouping words under the same headings and finding the ‘odd man out’. TO THE STUDENT This book will help you to learn a lot of new English words. But in order for the new words 10 become ‘fixed’ in your mind, you need to test yourself again and again. Here is one method you can use to help ‘you learn the words. 1 Read through the instructions carefully for the test you are going to ty. Then try the test, writing your answers in pencil, 2 When you have finished, check your answers and correct any mistakes you have made. Read through the test again, paying special attention to the words you didn't know or got wrong. 3. Tey the test again five minutes later. You can do this either by covering up the words (for example, in the picture tests) or by asking a friend to test you, Repeat this untit you can remember ali the words Reb out your answers. Tey the test again the following day. (You should remember most of the words.) Finally, plan to try the test at least twice again within the following month. After this most of the words will be “fixed” in your mind. aun 1 Missing verbs 1 Fill in the missing verbs in the sentences below. Choose from the following (see example): 1 They say that peopte from Wales can. DONQ very well, 2 I feel very tired today because I didn’t very much fast night. 3 [don't like going to the beach with my friends because I can’t 4 Latways - to the news on the radio in the morning. 5 Do you ... cecsesnaitd Work or do you go by bus? 6 It's no good asking John to waltz ~he can’t . 7 1 don't like babies: they wees too much! 8 1 think I'll stay in tonight and .... -.some letters. 9 Tlike Dave Allen very much. He's so funny. He always makes me ... 10 We usually .2..2..........0.00..champagne on New Year's Eve. Vy Dalways ooo cccse uu the newspaper before I go to work. 12 [find tt hard te... vevneu these days. I really must stop smoking. 2 Opposites 1: adjectives ' Write down the opposite of each of the words on the left. Choose from the words on, the right (see example): ADJECTIVE OPPOSITE 1 good bese Aad, 2 fat 3 big 4 tall 5 full 6 young closed new poor bad dry 2 open 8 wet 9 hot 10 old 1! happy 12 fast 13 high 44 rich $3 bard 3 The face Write the numbers !-15 next to the correct words (see example). 4 Prepositions of place Look at the drawings and fill in the missing prepositions in the sentences below. Use each of the followiag once only: through inside in front of under opposite outside between The post office is 4, The lion is bank and the library. The cat is The car is parked coe ceecceeeeeseeneece the Ded, cecrtecetinurectenyeteereccssossssens the phone box. The dog is lying down .... the fire. There’s a man wv the window, 5 Missing verbs 2 Fill in the missing verbs in the sentences below, Choose from the following (see exampte): open phone sit down wash 1 Could you... CPIEM, ....... the window, please? It's very het in here. 2 It only takes a few hours to . from London to New York by Concorde. 3 Could you the theatre to find out what time the play starts tomorrow night? 4 Did you + the film on television fast night? 5 How tong did it take you to .cccsccceccencnes tO play the guitar? 6 “Would you like a cigarette?" “Wo, thank you. [don't oe 7 Could you ..0..0.00.0........ this bag, please? It’s too heavy for me. 8 I'm tired. Can't we ... creeee fora minute? 9 don't think [ll go out tonight. L want to 0.2... my hair. 10 If you don’t know the way in England you can always 8 policeman. 11 Do you know how to . . bridge? 12 [never .... vo. meat. ['m a vegetarian. 6 The body Write the number I-15 next to the correct words (see example): arm toe chest head back shoulder. foot finger elbow hip knee hand neck leg buttocks/ backside 7 Missing verbs 3 a Fill in the missing verbs in the sentences below. Choose from ‘the following (see example): 1 Would you like to... .COTNE to my party on Friday? 2 Excuse me, do you vious the way to the station, please? 3 I live very near my office, so Lusually ...... to Work, 4 Canyou ..... . . me what time the film starts, please? 5 Shalt I . my blue dress or my red dress to the party? 6 “Could you 0.0... your name, please?” he asked. Tan the window, please. It's cold in here. 8 Did you ever 00.00... trees when you were a child? 9 Eehink PR cones my Car and buy 4 motorbike instead. 10 My wife always gets very angry if] .........0..-+.00- Our Wedding Anniversary. it Not maay men know how 0 ee wait 7 detiver pronounce stay 1 David! I think someone eo hnacking... +. at the door! 21 get very annoyed when people .. coaseeee MY Rame wrongly. 3 Now that the S09 occ: at Tast fet’s go down to the beach. 4 Smoking ..... .. lung cancer. at the Grand Hotel whenever we w We always visit Rriohtan for n I find ic hard co betieve that some peopie ........ money instead of love. the winner of the Poetry ~ “Do you know who ... Competition this year?” “Yes. It's Miss Belcher.’" _ on the south 0 Hastings is a famous town which coast of England. 9 “Whar’s happened to the boy who usuaily .... groceries?” “Oh, he’s on holiday this week.** oO ariow is eit? _ for Jennifer. Do you sike 40 If you just .... a moment, Vt see if Mr B il This is adress To... 12 One of the most famous songs in the world is “I of a White Christmas”. 1 6 Plurals crossword Fit DOWN | city 2 bus 3 woman 4 glass 5 leaf 6 tooth 7 lady vit ts of the words below: ae d by giving the plural , towing crosswor } in the fo! ACROSS 1 mouse 2 potato 3 child 4 goose 5 foot 6 day 7 man 8 knife 9 box 17 Food and drink 1 Write the number of each drawing neat to the correct word(s), a cup of tea vegetables an ice-cream jam a banana oranges bread ae toast wine bacon and eggs sausages... cheese ae . Roo, LS . FERRO 18 Opposites 3: verbs Write down the opposite of each of the words on the left. Choote from the ‘words the right (see example): °n VERB OPPOSITE, 1 to stop sce to take 2 to laugh to turn off 3 to open to distike 4 tocome to borrow 5 to work coc cceescenecersneeseusesaenvrve . to depart 6 to bring to start 7 to learn to answer 8 tolend sec coeesceensisesiseatiererieee to push 9 to turn on wes . woe to close 10 toask to teach 11 to like to cry 12 to sell to play 13 to pull togo 14 to sit down to boy to stand up 15 to arrive 19 Prepositions of time ne missing prepositions inthe following sentences. Use these prepositions: in the Filli ON (3 times} IN (5 times) FOR (3 times) AT (4 times) SINCE (iwice) What do you usually do .... aa 2 Would you fike to come fo my party 0-0. Friday? 3 Mrs Green will be aWay ocean B WEEKS. 4 Lusually finish work 4otctock 0. the afterngon. 3 We got to London cose DO'CHOCK., 6 English children usually open their presents .... .......... Christmas morning. 7 My husband often works late .......... night. 4 Beethoven was born . cou. the 18th century, 9 L haven't seen Janet last May. 10 English children have 6-7 weeks’ holiday ................ the summer. 1) We are going to Italy - two weeks eee SULY. 12 first visited Paris... 1975. We drank champagne New Year's Eve. Mu . Vhaven't been to the cinema ...... along time. 'S U've been a teacher Petes 96T. 20 What are they saying? 1 Look at the drawings and fill in the missing words, Choose from the following: a After you! f Bless you! b Look out! g De sit down. ¢ How do you do. h Help yourselves. d Excuse me, please. i Cheers! e A box of matches, please. j Oh, sorry! lia 2 1 Missing verbs 6 Fill in the missing verbs in the sentences below. Use the past tense (jump, jumped, want, wanted, etc.) in numbers 2, 3. 6, 10 & (1, Choose from the following (see example): jump dress move need rain talk want clean continue cost describe enjoy 1 ifyou need | any help with the washing-up. just let me know. 2 ©The windows look a bit dirty, darling.” “But | only them yesterday!” 3 L was only three when my parents: . . from London to Wales. 4 How much does it a ... to hire a car for the weekend? 5 ‘Sandra vores well. doesn’t she?" “Well, so would you if your husband was a millionaire” 6 Bjorn Borg was so happy when he won the match that he over the net, 7 “Can you : cee wu, the man you saw outside the bank. Sir?” the policeman asked. 8 We'll stop now, but we'll . after funch. 9 I'm just going down to the shops. Mum. Is there anything you me to get you? Thank you fora wonderful evening. [ really it. Last summer we went to Ireland for our holidays. The people were nice but the weather was terrible - it nearly every day. Could you come here a minute, please, Janet? ] want to ~ te you. 22 Food and. drink 2 write the number of each drawing next to the correct word(s). tomatoes we . acake a cup of coffee potatoes butter ce apples meat . vee biscuits 23 Choose the word 2 Fill in the missing word(s) in cach of the following sentences: ne . a strange man outside the house. a There's b It's c He's 21 seein se ». to Spain in the summer. a am going b think to go © goes BT usually g0 00 osc ceneeeeees at 7.30, a my work b my job © work 4c eccteeriene .. me the salt, please. a Pass b Reach c Hold 5 My son plays tennis very bes ciceeeeneersbens ies seaee a good b great ¢ well 6 How many bectieeeee were there at the party on Saturday? a people b persons © guests 7 There's a park at the ...... sraiseeienese Of My house, a back b backside c behind 8 Let's have a bottle of wine «0... the meal. ato b with ¢ for 9 Do you mind if Brenda... ccc ccccessssecsecessa US 10 the cinema tonight? a comes with b follows ¢ follows with 10 Shall we go for ............... . this afternoon? a abath b aswim c bathing i} Oh, sorry! a You're welcome. b Not at alll, ¢ That's ail right. 12 Wehad oo... sects. beautiful weather last weekend. aso b such ¢ sucha 13 Vd like oo vs Please. a a loaf of bread b abread ¢ one bread 14 Did you have a ....... see ..... time at the party? a funny b fun ¢ nice 2 4 Today, yesterday, etc. Look at the following calendar, then fill in the missing words in the sentences below. Choose from the ones on the right (see example): MAY Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri this morning last night the day after tomorrow next Thursday tonight yesterday tomorrow afternoon last Thursday is Thursday. this afternoon 1 (May (6th) tomorrow 2 I'm getting married a today y 17th) the day before yesterday 3 [went to London oo... cen (May 15th) 4 Are you going to Sally's party ..c.cescecesc cscs ’ (May 23rd) 5 I'm going to the theatre ........ seceeeresenserienneree (7.30 p.m./May 16th) 6 My parents are coming to see me 7 Lm going to Manchester «...-..-:ecescscrssrieneseeine (I p.m./May 17th) 8 My sister came to see me (May 9th) 9 Shall we play tennis cette neers ? (2 p.m./May 16th) 10 There was a good film on television ......0..0..0c0ccee een (8.30 p.m./May 15th) 11 T gota letter from my brother ... . foes (8.30 a.m.fMay 16th) 12 [bought a new car 2 5 Food and drink 3 Write the number of each drawing next to the correct word(s). a grapefruit beans wee Cfispbread =... Danish pastries. asandwich ......... crayfish neous fish and chips’ ahotdog ......... chicken veces aglassofmitk 20... 26 Opposites 4: more verbs write down the opposite of each of the words on the left. Choose from the words on the right (see example): VERB OPPOSITE. 1 wlove ve AO alle, 2 to wake up 3 tolive 4 to blow 5 togetup 6 to spend 7 to break 8 to shout 9 to win 10 to feel ill II to lose 12 to show 13 to remember 14 to put on 15 to float to mend to feel well to go to bed to take off to find to hate to lose to forget to save — to sink to whisper to falt asleep to suck to hide te die 27 How do they look? Look at the drawings below, then fill in the missing words. Choose from the following (see example): nervous worried frightened comfortable cold correct tired embarrassed He looks oe She looks ........ He looks posers He 100KS oo eee Complete the dialogue 28 In the following dialogue, the part of the customer has been left out. Put in the words she speaks in the right order. Choose from the following: Yes, that looks nice. How much is it? Yes, it was perfect, I'll take it. Yes. please. I'm looking for a jumper. Thank you. Now, where’s my purse ... Er ... size 38, f think. ~ Yes, please. — Yes. Blue, if possible. — I see. Thank you. Shop assistant Can Uhelp you? Customer Shop assistant E see. What size, c, please? Customer .. Shop assistant Any particular: colour? Customer : Shep assistant Well, 1 what about t this sone? Customer... se Shep assistant £12.99. Would you Tike t to try it ton? Customer Shop assistant The changing-room's 's over, there. Customer nee (She tries it on) Shop assistant Well, did it fit? Customer oe Shop assistant Right. £'ll just wrap it up » for you. Customer .... 29 The house 1 Write the numbers I-12 next to the correct words. garden garage chimney drainpipe window balcony 30 Missing verbs 7... Fill in the missing verbs in the sentences belaw. Use the past tense (study, studied) or the Perfect tense (haveihas studied). Choose from the following (see example): explain decide comb promise Ha, two cakes yesterday afternoon. 2 “Why aren't Mary and John talking to each other?* “don't know, Maybe they 3 Peter was very disappointed when he soeciririisreserenseatincsectactesteneacesce MES driving test. 4 By the way, Julie and ... to get married. 54... pesectecte French for six years at school, but { can’t speak a word now. 6 It should be a good party - both David and Alan .. to come. TB. o to him why 1 wouldn‘t be able to come to the meeting. BD eects the Rugby Club wo years ago. .. fo me on my way to 9 A very strange thing 00.0... work this morning. (0 The little girl always cried when her mother ......... her hair. WE We ine ee v.10 meet outside the station at 10 o'clock the following morning. 12 The man walked into the shop and .... .. to see the manager. 31 Shops, etc. Weite down where you would go te in order to buy or do the things on the left. Choose from the places on the right (see example): YOU WANT GO TO THE 1 apair of shoes or boots... EM ert o. florist’s 2 medicine, make-up se ceeieeareeietinserenerionisestenee post office 3 fish, a crab boutique 4 sausages. meat ws see we optician’s 5 ahaircut (men) des ccccevenctecenteicinentetete shoe shop 6 potatoes, apples chemist’s. 7 butter, cheese been barber's 8 whisky. wine voce cosctsseegveseesnseee baker's 9 a bunch of roses dry-cleaner’s 10 a newspaper, a magazine oo... sceneries stationer's 1 cigarettes, matches ocouaseusiseacrnascnsenen fishmonger's 12 aloafof bread, cakes sec ss cucsnvtnnnnciee grocer’s 13. stamps ne — furniture shop 14 a new hair-do (women) ironmonger’s 15 a sofa, a bed ‘ launderette 16 the latest fashion butcher's ‘7 aving, a watch . off-licence 18 to cleana jacket ora skit... hairdresser's 19 a hammer, a screwdriver café 20 anew pair of glasses cesses greengracer's 21 tocash a cheque jeweller’s 22 to do the weekly washing 23 acup of tea, a sandwich 24 to book a holiday 25 a pen. envelopes travel agency newsagent’s bank tobacconist’s 32 The house 2 Write the numbers I-15 next to the correct words. living-room stairs toilet cellar aitic ao o/h 3 3 Prepositions 3 Fill in the missing prepositions in the following sentences: nw w w o ~ cs Ry | met my husband ...... .. @ party. aon b by cal Sally has been a teacher - a+ three years. a for b since cin Many Swedes are good . skiing. ato bat cin PUIVE eee aon bin © by Anne is 25-years-old. but she still lives .. .o. her parents. a at b by ¢ with SEO YOU oe Wednesday ou. 7 of elock. aonjon 6 atfat ¢ onfat We are having a big party .................. New Year's Eve. ato bon ¢ for Shall we go ..............-.. the cinema tonight? aon bat < to 1 got atie my girlfriend Christmas. a forlto b bylat —¢ fromifor Shall we ring ................ a taxi? a for bafter cto I must introduce you . my cousin. ato & with ¢ for Don’t eat sweets, they're bad your teeth. ato b for ¢ with Thaven't been to the cinema ... years. aat b since ¢ for Would you like a piece of cake oc... your coffee? @ with b to © for 3 4 Opposites 5: various words Complete the following sentences with a word that is opposite in meaning to the one in bold type. Choose from the words below (see example): behind fast far single future unfurnished bottom shallow hardly ever country always light 1 Everybody likes Janet, but cecesenen likes John. 2 The river is deep here, Dutit’s 0. cere cece eres OVER there, 3 1 often go to the cinema but [ .. go to the theatre. 4 Are YOU MAITIEd OF oo... eters cessed 5 Ophelia never gets up before 9,30 so L am not surprised that she is late for work. 6 Is your husband better now, Mrs Green? No, I'm afraid he's a lot 7 T'll pick up the heavy suitcase and you pick up the .......... one. 8 Is the cinema in front of or .............. 9 E-came first in the class in English but . Geography. 10 Did you meet your wife before oF... scien tire . you left university? 11 The house is near the station—not - ws. from the library- J2 Now that I'm an . 1 wish I were 2 child again. 13 Do the exercise at the top of page 36 first. then the one at the ...... of page 37 14 We know what has happened in the past. but we can never tell what will happen in the 15 Are you looking for a furnished flat? No, I'nr looking for an ...., settee teens nenineaacreenenen one, actually. 16 He lives in the town in the winter and in the ..... in the summer. 3 5 In the living-room Write the numbers I-16 next to the correct words. television set clock ashtray acon Magazines ........, coffee table armchair . stereo cone painting ven plant poe wallpaper... Vase of flowers... carpet cenew Cushion bookcase came fireplace 36 Missing verbs 8 Fill in the missing verbs in the sentences below. (Remember to choose the cofrect verb tense.) Choose from the following (see example): build fetch kiss tic down paint pay recognise refuse 1 Do you think you should ....... Ma girl the first time you go out with her? 2 The man we cose, to tell the police where he had hidden the money. 3 I think I'll put a jumper on-I .. a bit cold. 4 Could you go and once vu. Mum from next-door, Susan. She’s wanted on the phone. $ Is it really you, Simon? I'm sorry, but I didn't » you without your beard. 6 How long did it take youto . your house? 7 [feel very tired. I think PH go and 20... .. fora while, 8 Are you sure it’s all right to eat this fish? It .......... ree terribie! 9 We spent the whole day oo... the bedroom. 10 “How much did he ccecs seta sesevvee YOU for your car?” “Three hundred pounds.”” 11 Put your money away, James. I'll .. woe . for this! 12 Could you ..... dirs these letters for me, please? 37 What’s the matter? Fill in the missing words under each of the drawings below. Choose from the following: a headache toothache broken his leg a sore throat acold burnt himself a stomach ache a bad cough been stung a temperature measles pregnant She's . 38 What are they saying? 2 Look at the drawings below and fill in the missing words. Choosc from the following: a Say “Cheese”! e Good luck! b Have you got the right time, f Congratulations! please? & Do you mind if | smoke? ¢ Drive carefully. h Excuse me, is this seat free? d Would you hold this for me, i What do you do for a living? please? j Goodbye. It was nice meeting you. 39 In the kitchen Write the numbers |-18 next to the correct words. sink : . saucers cups dishwasher shelf knives frying pan .. tap jug . cooker (stove) drawer 2 1@ © o wy Nee ste ne = dil *| \ ODE FR DFFD c= ens _——€ — +e @ eens | 40 Choose the word 3 Fill in the missing word(s) in each of the following sentences: 1 Pm afraid there isn’t 0.0.0... cee ne iin the car for everyone. a space b room ¢ places 21 “ three years ago. a stopped smoking b stopped to smoke c¢ finished with smoking 3 Excuse me, have you g0t 0... cess Please? a the fire b alight c match 4 [like your hat, Julie. It really . seeseeeee YOU a passes b suits c shows 5 fs there vitesse £OF everyone? a wine enough b enough wine ¢ enough of wine. 6 Do you mind if [ open the window? a Yes, of course b No, of course not c No, thank you 7 Don't go yet, I'm just going to ...... oo, Some coffee. a make b cook ¢ boil 8 I've gota very good ..... de etnanereeseee With the BBC. a work b profession ¢ job 9 Tean’t see, Would you oo... cece With me? a change places b change place ¢ change the place 10 The from London to Edinburgh was very tiring. a travel b crossing ¢ journey Te Dam oo cococsssenu. my Wife to drive. a learning b teaching ¢ showing Paras at the party on Saturday. 12 a We were 14 people b There were I4ofus ¢ We were Id I think we've missed the bus. 43 Oh, pects vee That was the last one. a I don't hope so. b Lhope we don’t ¢ [hope not 4 1 Irregular verbs crossword 1 Complete the crossword by filling in the past tense of the verbs in the sentences below (see example): ACROSS. - I My sister... married on April 26th 1980. 2 David ... very well at the party. 3 He slipped on a banana skin and ... his leg. 4 Do you know who ... the book ‘How Green was my Valley’? 5 I was late, sol ... all the way. 6 He ... off wail and hurt himself. 7 My cousin ... for Great Britain in the Olympic Games when he was only 16. 8 1 ... three rabbits last weekend. 9 We ... to Spain last summer. 10 Who ... you to play the guitar, Sally? DOWN a I'm sorry, but] ... to post that letter you gave me. b He ... the bail to me. c¢ It was cold. so he ... the window. d 1 ...a whole bottle of champagne on my last birthday. © A police car... me on the motorway. f I ...a very interesting book last weekend. g I... until 1 o'clock this morning. h We had a lovely time in Greece. The weather was really beautiful. In fact, the sun ... all the time. i I... ill this morning so J decided not to go to work. j Adog ...heras she was walking through the park GET SING BREAK WRITE RUN FALL SWIM SHOOT FLY TEACH FORGET THROW SHUT DRINK OVERTAKE READ SLEEP SHINE FEEL BITE 4 2 Sports and pastimes 1 Write the number of each drawing next to the correct word. table tennis ......... skiing fo painting billiards wu chess, pottery ice hockey wun Salling. oa, cycling football sono athletics a... photography 43 Sports and pastimes 2 Write the number of each drawing next to the correct word. stamp collecting dressmaking gardening_ wrestling cooe Skating vans Foller-skating tennis cose jogging lu fishing golf show jumping playing cricket 4 4 In the town Write the number of each drawing next to the correct word(s). traffic lights church pedestrian crossing bridge pavement police station fire station cence car park bus stop hospital railway station see school 4 5 Who’s saying what? Below are ten typical phrases used in certain situations. Look at the drawings then decide where each phrase is most likely to be heard. Mark aj in the bubbles (see example}: a Three galions of Super, please. f Do you take milk and sugar? b Any more fares, please? g Anything to declare? ¢ Are you being served? hh A pound of sugar, please. d Could I have the bill. please? {Keep the change! € A second-class single to Man- j Time, gentlemen, please! chester, please. MickETs @ 46 Jobs in the home Write the number of each drawing next to the correct word(s). to do the ironing we to make the beds . to decorate . to clean the windows . todo the washing-up to do the washing to tidy up ....... to sweep vous todo the gardening... to polish to vacuum (hoover) ........._ to lay the table 47 Irregular verbs crossword 2 Complete the crossword by filling in the past tense of the verbs in the sentences below (see exampte): ACROSS 1 It was so cold last November that the canal... FREEZE 2 The police finally ... the bank robbers after chasing them for several hours. CATCH 3.1... upat 6.36 this morning. WAKE 4 Mr and Mrs Brown ... from London to Manchester last weekend, DRIVE 5 The child ... his mother’s hand as they crossed the road. HOLD 6 We . the park all afternoon. SIT 7 We ... upat least fifty balloons for the party. BLOW 8 My parents ... £35,000 for their house. PAY 9 He was so tired that he ... down for a while on the bed. LIE 10 Bjérn Borg ... the ball into the net. HIT DOWN a She ... a long, white evening-dress to the party. WEAR 6 I... a £5 note on my way to work this morning. FIND c We ... English all the time when we were on holiday. SPEAK d He ... his wife at a disco. MEET ¢ The child ... her finger while playing with a knife. CUT f The thieves ... in the doorway until the police had gone past. HIDE g He ... his girlfriend a ring for her birthday. BUY h The teacher ... a map of Spain on the blackboard. DRAW i My cousin ... an actor in 1964, BECOME j T thought you . . . you would help me. SAY k My brother . . . his boat himself. BUILD z/o 10 48 Prepositions4 Fill in the missing prepositions in the following sentences: J. How often do you borrow books ..... seecoee the dibrary? ain » off ¢ from 2 Yes, you're right, Jane. b agree ............ .. YOU. a to b with con 3 Cheers! Let's drink ..............0....4. your success, ato b with © at 4 Can you look ..0.....0............... the children tonight? I have 1o go to a meeting. a at b after ¢ for 5 My children ace looking forward ............. .... Christmas. a with bio ¢ against 6 My brother is living . ... a French girl. aat b by 7 Look at the exercise . aon bat & We went to Swansea ..... a by b with 9 Do you usually have a party . aat b with 10 He put a ladder up ....... ato b against 1 I'm really longing a for 6 after 12 What time did you arrive .... a at bin (3 There is a bus stop 22a. aat bin 14 My sister is afraid a for b of . the bottom of page 17, .. train. con .. the wall. ccosneee the holidays. cto o . London? cto ... the end of the road. .. dogs. 49 Word association Write next fo each of the words on the left a word that is connected with it in some. way. Choose from the ones on the right. Use each word once only (see example): | house os Aannily. bees eee motorway 2 businessman cies eeetetnnteeiacenientanearsenteee wife 43 apple pie toothache 4 cigarettes chimney S bird cloud 6 letter secsensenenstsuestevnnnavvuteeasese veces family 7 car custard 8 school siete a . . typewriter 9 husband . aes comb 10 secretary saucer I tree nest 42 hair bridge 43 dentist 5 peeete eigen tenets peneteesseaeaiectges trunk 14 cup veers ee cienece reas aeeesesceeeaecineneees library 15 roof lighter 16 book train 17 railway station sicceetee cotecctenstttceteaetitttnee briefcase 18 river envelope 19 sky fork 20 knife seeeveserieeaectereeneaneerenaecaeeenietaaces pupils 50 Animals, pets, etc. Write the number of each drawing next to the correct word. adog ........ asheep a duck vow @ MOUSE acat a goat agoose . aworm a horse achick ......... arabbit, ...... 0 arat acow a turkey . akitten cow a frog apig abull ..... abudgie ...... a spider 5 1 What are they? (categories) Fill in the missing words in the sentences below. Choose from the words in the box and use cach word once only (see example): 1 A pear and a plum are birds 2 Golf and tennis are boys’ names 3 Finland and New Zealand are buildings 4 A table and a sofa are capital cities 5 A guitar and a flute are clothes © Acar and a motorbike are colours, 7 Ashirt and a skirt are countries 8 Helen and Jill are fish 9. A cabbage and an onion are flowers 10 Orange and purple are fruits 11 Eighteen and thirty are girls’ names 12 The Thames and the meals Danube are months 13 Peter and Mark are musical 14 Alion and an elephant are instruments 18 London and Copenhagen are numbers 16 An oak and a beech are pets 17 A doll and a train set are pieces of 18 A salmon and a herring are furniture 19 Breakfast and lunch are relatives 20 A pigcon and a sparrow are rivers 21 A cat and a dog are sports 22 Acousin and an aunt are toys 23 A rose and a daffodil are trees 24 A hotel anda library are vegetables 25 March or July are vehicles wild animals [ 52 ‘Odd man out’ In each group of four words below, one is different. Underline the word that is different — that is the ‘odd man out? (see example): Monday, Thursday, July, Friday (July is a month, the others are days of the week.) 1 rose, oak, tulip, daffodil 2 bright, yellow, orange, green 3 plum, apple, onion, pear 4 cat, dog, horse, pigeon 5 sofa, coat, table, chair 6 grape, carrot, leek, lettuce 7 seven, thirty, eighteen, once 8 Belgian, Denmark, Brazil. Japan % cap, helmet, belt, hat 10 brother, niece, grandfather, uncle 11 car, bus, ship, van 12 cheese. bread, sausages, coffee 13 painting, rugby, skiing, tennis 14 railk, water, tea, petrol 15 spoon, knife, cup, fork 16 fly, mouse, spider, ant 17 bed, pillow, washing machine, mattress 18 Amanda, Peter, Michael, David 19 garden, hail, lawn, fence 20 post office, library, park, hotel 5 3 Crossword: what’s the word? Read through the sentences and complete the crossword (see example): ACROSS > 2. A flower. It rhymes with mose. 4 A month. It rhymes with sky. 7 A time of the day. It rhymes with fight. 8 A country, [t rhymes with rain. 9 A number. It rhymes with gate. 11 A relative, It rhymes with dozen. 12. You use it when it's raining. It rhymes with cellar. 16 A vegetable. It rhymes with parrot. 19 A vehicle, It rhymes with sorry. 20 A season, It rhymes with sing. 22 A window is usually made of this, It rhymes with class. 23 A very large animal that lives in the sea. It rhymes with sail. 24 What people usually do at night. It rhymes with cheap. 25 A board game two people play. It rhymes with less. DOWN ! 1 A direction, Ht rhymes with mouth. 3 The wife of a king. It shymes with seen. * 5 It’s very hot. It rhymes with higher. 6 A fruit. it rhymes with where. 8 You sit on it. It rhymes with fool. 10 A building with lots of books. It rhymes with tree. 11 A pet. It rhymes with hat. i3 You drink it. It chymes with silk. 14 A colour. It rhymes with bed. 15 Found in the bathroom. It rhymes with hope. 17 An insect with eight legs, It rhymes with wider, 18 Something many people have with their breakfast. It rhymes with ghost. 20 Something you wear. It rhymes with whose. 21 You wear these to see better. It rhymes with passes. 24 You put it on your food to make it taste better. It rhymes with horse. 26 The opposite of happy. It rhymes with mad. 10 7 az 26 5 4 Words that sound the same Some words in English sound the same but have different meanings. Can you tell the difference? Read through the following questions and put a circle around the correct word (see example): 1 Which is short for it is? its 2 Which can you eat? meat meet 3. Which is half of four? too two 4 Which is a greeting? high hi 5. Which is part of a shoe (and your foot)? heal "heel 6 Which is a fruit? pear pair 7 Which is short for ‘they are’? they're there 8 Which is to do with making clothes? : sow sew 9 Which is a metal? steel steal 10 Which is another word for expensive? deer dear 11 Which is a vegetable? bean been 12 Which is used to make bread and cakes? flower flour 13 Which is on your head? hare hair 14 Which has sixty minutes? hour our 15 Which sign would you see in a shop window? sale sail 16 Which can you walk up and down on? stares stairs 17 Which does a cat and a dog have? tail tale 18 Which is a door made of ? would wood 19 Which is a colour? blew blue 20 Which does a ship sail on? sea see 5 5 Adjective + noun In each of the sentences below, choose the best noun (in brackets) to go with the adjective. Underline the word (sce example): An interesting (path, TV programme, water). A high (cigarette, suitcase, mountain). we A comfortable (chair, chicken, pencil). ey A right (car, answer, umbrella). A sunny (day, vegetable, student). a A noisy (party, ice-cream, garden). 7 Amartied (child, woman, animal). 8 An empty (blouse, cucumber, bottle). 9 A heavy (spoon, feather, bag). 10 A broken (window, banana, meal). tL A loud (candle, hotel, naise). 12 A wooden (tie, door, river). 13 A sharp (knife, book, table). 14 A long (radio, comb, walk). 15 A round (cooker, dog, ball). 16 A fast (car, shoe, kitchen). '7 A bright (smell, colour, taste). ~ An exciting (tomato, film, lamp). A careful (soup, handbag, driver), A happy (child, living-room, pillow). 56 Group the words . Write the following words under the correct heading. (There are five words in egg group.) . baseball football orange sofa bed golf red. table black green shirt tennis chair hat skiing wardrobe coat jeans skirt white COLOURS. FURNITURE SPORTS CLOTHES 57 Choose the word 4 Underline the word which best completes the following sentences (see example): 1 Turn on the (a light b lighter lampshade), please. It’s very dark in here. 2 She went to the greengrocer’s to buy some (a cheese b bread c apples). 3, David is married to my father’s sister. He’s my (a cousin b brother c uncle). 4 We usually (a watch b look ¢ see) television in the evenings. 5 After running a marathon, Jane felt really (a angry b tired ¢ friendly). 6 My uncle buys and sells houses and flats. He’s (a a receptionist b a salesman can estate agent). 7 Anne is very good {a at b with ¢ in) tennis. 8 I feel (a hungry 6 thirsty c lonely). 1 think I'l! make myself a sandwich. 9 We (arode b caught ¢ got in) the jast bus home. 10 Water usually (a thaws b hardens c freezes) when the temperature goes below zero, IL ‘There are lots of things to eat on the table” Mary told her guests. ‘So please help {a yourself b yourselves c myself).” 12 Lusually have a boiled (a egg byplate c coffee) for breakfast. 13 Her work is very good. She makes (a small b few c little) mistakes. 14 The little boy (a danced b jumped ¢ cycled) over the stream. 15 Christine looked in the mirror as she (a brushed b made c changed) her hair, 16 Thaven't (a get b written c used) a letter for a long time. 17 T've just got married.’ ‘Really? (a You're welcome! b Cheers! ¢ Congratulations!)’ 18 Her brothers, Tom and Jerry, were born on the same day. They were (a twins » pairs ¢ partners). 58 New words for old Take a word from the box and add it to one of the words below to form a new word, The clue next to each word should help you (see example): ball fly paper bin ground post coat guard room dress light tray drop man way This person delivers letters, 2 life. Works on a beach. 3 ash... Smokers use this. ‘You see it during the day. An insect with brightly-coloured wings. Tells you how far and where the next town is. Many women wear this in bed. A white spring flower. A popular sport, Where most people sleep. 11 over... You wear this to keep warm. (Both men and women.) 12 raib...... For trains, 13 news .. People often read this every day. 14 dust Used for rubbish. 15 play ... Usually full of children. 59 6-letter words... . Read through the clues below and fil! in the missing two letters. in each word (see example): : 1 Acapital city. 1) LIO|N|ID/O|N 2 You take this on holiday for photographs. 2 A|M/E|R 3 A popular sport. 3 E|N|N/|I 4 Most rooms in a house have at least one. 4 FiIN|D/O 5 Your brother's son. 5 E|PIH/E 6 How heavy you are. 6 E;1\|G)H 7 Not in your own country. q BIRO A 8 You walk on it in a room. 8 A|R|P\E 9 Anumber. 9 (j/G)/H)T 40 You see it when the sun is shining. 10 HIAIDIO 1] Aspider, a bee, an ant, ete. u NIS\/E'C 12 Where bread is made, 12 A|K/E|R 13 The opposite of wide. 13 A)R|R/O 14 What everybody breathes. 14 XIY|G\E 15 Not very sunny. 15 LidjuUlD 16 A country in Europe. 16 RIE/E|C 17 A musical instrument with four strings. 7 ljoyeil 18 A fruit and a colour. 18 RiAINIG 19 A mother or a father. 19 A/IRIE'N 20 You can pay for things you buy with this. 20 HiE|Qiu 60 Where are they? Where are the people saying the phrases below? Choose from the following. Write the number next to the correct place (see example): at a football match 4 . at the cinema at the post office atahotl a... at the doctor's at the pub at a party on at the greengrocer’s ina lift 31 December at the hairdresser’s ina shoe shop ata wedding at the ironmonger’s inside a car at the airport at the library ona plane at the chemist’s at the newsagent’s on the beach 1 How much are the carrots? 3 This is your captain speaking. 5 A bottle of cough medicine, please. 2 A first-class stamp, please. 4 Come on, you Reds! 6 Have you got a black pair - size 8? 7 Shall we go for a swim? 9 Have you got any 6-inch nails? 11 I've got 4 pain in my chest. 13 The Daily Mirror and Hello! magazine please, 15 Two tickets for the new James Bond film, please. 17 A pint of Guinness, please, 19 Plight $K505 is now boarding through Gate i1. & Happy New Year! 10 Which floor do you want? 12 Have you gota double room with a bath, please? 14 You're driving too fast! 16 You may now kiss the bride. 18 Have you got any books about spiders? 20 A wash and a blow dry, please. Answers TEST t 1 sing 2 sleep 3. swim 4 listen 3 drive 6 dance 7 cry 8 write 9 laugh 10. drink 11 read 12 run ‘TEST 2 1 bad 2 thin 3° small 4 short S empty 6 oid 7 closed & dry 9 cold 0 new I sad 12. stow 13 low 14 poor 15 soft TEST 3 eye mouth tongue hair eyelash forehead chin car cheek jaw nose Reutes ade eyebrow lip teeth freckles TEST 4 1 between 2 inside 3 on 4 opposite S$ behind 6 over 7 under 8 infront of 9 in 10 next to U1 outside 42 through TEST 5 1 open 2 fly 3 phone 4 watch 5 learn 6 smoke 7 carry 8 sitdown 9 wash 10 ask 11 play 12) eat TEST 6 arm toe chest head back shoulder foot finger elbow aeEwsei ade hip knee hand neck leg buttocks/backside TEST 7 eu aMewne 9 19 u va come know walk tell wear spell Shut climb sell forget cook lose TEST & eRe 9 19 u B 13 (4 1s wrong weak alive late thin narrow female unkind stupid dirty expensive difficult unfriendly noisy awake TEST ¢ Down 1 2 3 Britain Italy Swedish MH 3 (2 10 4 Holland 5 Chinese 6 Greek 7 Germany 8 Denmark 9 American Across 1 Switzerland 2 Poland 3. French 4 Indian 3 Norwegian 6 Russian 7 Spain ‘TEST 10 a postman a policeman a shop assistant awaiter an electrician a typist a secretary adoctor anurse a dentist TEST 11 | finishes copies % help 10 draws 11 Follow 12 understand ‘TEST 12, some can speak was born is Awe Sunu-oe 5 tall © far 7 of mine 8 Everyone 9 get up 0 itl (sick = American English) Huse 12 tell 13 any {4 P'msorry TEST 13 an actress a bus driver a fireman an optician ahairdresser an office worker an engineer a businesswoman a mechanic a bank clerk ARSN Cun 8 TEST t4 It's sunny It's frosty It's fogey it’s raining It's thawing It’s cloudy It's clearing up It's windy It's freezing It’s snowing Semsauevne TEST 15 is (’s) knocking pronounce is ('s) shining causes stay marry is ('s) choosing lies delivers. wait Bord aweene Ham (‘my making 12 am (‘m) dreaming TEST 16 Down cities buses women glasses leaves teeth ladies NOwWeUnRe Across t mice 2 potatoes 3 children 4 geese $ feet 6 days 7 men 8 knives 9 boxes TEST 17 acup of tea vegetables an ice-cream jam a banana bread wine sausages oranges toast bacon and eggs cheese Susnata-anow TEST 18 to start tocry to close (ogo toplay to take to teach to borrow eae neene 9 10 " 12 13 14 15 to turn off to answer to distike to buy to push to stand up to depart TEST 19 at on for at... at on for since TEST 20 Beewanaen A box of matches. please. After you! Bless you! Oh, sorry! Excuse me, please. Do sit down, Cheers! Help yourselves, How do you do. Look out! TEST 21 eI Re need cleaned moved cost dresses jumped describe continue 9 10 i} 2 want enjoyed rained talk TEST 22 tomatoes acup of coffee butter I meat soup beer pears a boiled egg a cake 1 potatoes apples biscuits Swar~aSsaniouw TEST 23 COIABALHE u 12 3 14 There's am going work Pass well people back with comes with aswim That's ail right such a loaf of bread nice TEST 24 Soasonaewn— Today tomorrow yesterday next Thursday tonight the day after tomorrow tomorrow afternoon last Thursday this afternoon last night 11 this morning 12. the day before yesterday TEST 25 nuts beans asandwich ahot dog a grapefruit crispbread crayfish 1 chicken spaghetti 1 Danish pastries fish and chips a ghass of milk ausrinSu-Seae TEST 26 | tohate 2 to fall asleep 3 odie 4 tosuck 5 wegotobed 6 tosave 7 tomend 8 to whisper % tolose 10 to feel well 1 to find 12 to hide 13 to forget 14° to take off IS to sink TEST 27 happy hot comfortable frightened cold tired sad correct embarrassed 10 nervous. tr oath 12. worried CRIA EERR ‘TEST 28 Missing words: ~ Yes, please. I'm looking for a jumper. — Er... size 38,1 think. ~ Yes, Blue. if possible. — Yes. that looks nice. How much is it? - Yes, please. - Isee. Thank you. - Yes. was perfect. I'l take it ~ Thank you. Now, where's my purse... TEST 29 door 1 gate in roof 1 garden 9 garage 3 chimney 2 hedge 2 wall 4 path 10 drainpipe 5 window é balcony 3 TEST 30 baked have (ve) quarrelled failed have decided studied have promised explained Joined happened "0 combed 1S agreed 12 demanded weaken © TEST 34 1 shoe shop 2 chemist's 25 fishmonger's butcher's barber's greengrocer’s grocer's off-licence florist's newsagent's tobacconist’s baker's post office hairdresser’s furniture shop boutique jeweller’s dry-cleaner’s ironmonger's optician’s bank Jaunderette café travel agency Stationer’s TEST 32 upstairs landing bedroom ceiling bathroom kitchen, hall TEST 33 wa wna o at for at in with onfat 7 8 9 10 " 2 13 14 on 10 from/for for rc for for with TEST 4 nobody shallow hardly ever single always worse tight behind last after far adult bottom future unfurnished country TEST 35 television set ashtray armehair plant carpet bookcase sofa magazines stereo wallpaper cushion fireplace clock coffee table painting vase of flowers TEST 36 : kiss refused feelfam feeling fetch recognise build fie down smells painting 10 offer It pay 12 post waa ken TEST 37 | toothache 2 aheadache 3. broken his leg. 4 been stung $ acold 6 asore throat 7 8 pregnant burnt himself 9 abad cough 10 a temperature (1 astomach ache 12 measles. 2 Excuse me. is this seat free? 3° Would you hold this for me, please? Do you mind if 1 smoke? Drive carefully! Say Cheese"! Have you got the right time, please? Good luck! Goodbye. It was nice meeting you. 10 What do you do for a liv- ing? ae © TEST 39 sink cups 3 shelf 1 frying pan 2 jug drawer Is forks " glasses 7 fridge 4 saucepan 3 spoons 1 saucers dishwasher knives 16 tap 8 cupboard 6 9 5 cooker (stove) ' plates i0 TEST 40 eae hEn eH 9 0 i Fd B toom stopped smoking a tight suits enough wine No. of course not make job change places journey teaching There were 14 of us L hope not TEST 41 Across Serwraveun— got sang broke wrote van fell swam shot flew taught Down forgot threw shut drank overtook read slept shone felt bit Se TEST 42 table tennis billiards ice hockey football skiing chess sailing athletics painting pottery cycling photography TEST 43 stamp collecting wrestling tennis golf dressmaking skating Jogging show jumping gardening roller-skating fishing playing cricket TEST 44 traffic lights pedestrian crossing pavement fire station bus stop railway station BonwcanSewouwn Boweescltawnde ea Snasa church t bridge u police station car park 12 hospital 5 school 3 TEST 45 SeeyH sH.aun= mn Oot rar RD © TEST 46 to darn to bake to dust to tidy up to polish todo the ironing = 11 to decorate 1 todo the washing-up 10 to sweep. B to vacuum (hoover) 8 to make the beds 3 toclean the windows 9 todo the washing 12 todo the gardening 4 to fay the table a4 aanvwn TEST 47 Across, froze caught woke drove held sat blew pad lay hit ScwruMsveune roo rR meee wore found spoke met cut hid bought drew became said built TEST 48 Cau sVaeune 10 u 2 B “4 from with 10 after to with at by on against for in at of ‘TEST 49 family briefcase custard lighter nest envelope motorway pupils wife typewriter trunk comb toothache saucer chimney library train bridge 19 cloud 2 fork TEST 50 a dog 6 acat 10 a horse 8 acow 2 apig 13 asheep 7 a goat 9 achick i a turkey 4 a bull 7 aduck 3 a goose 16 a rabbit 9 akitten 2 a budgie 5 a mouse 8 a worm 20 arat 4 a frog is a spider nv TEST S1 1 fruits 2 sports 3 countries 4. pieces of furniture $ musical instruments 6 vehicles 7 clothes 8 girls’ names 9 vegetables 10 colours LU owtnbers 12 rivers 13 boys’ names 14 wild animals 15 capital cities 16 trees 17 toys 18 fish 19° meals 20. birds 21 pets 22 B 24 28 relatives flowers buildings months ‘TEST 52 2 e » wo a ~ © 10 oak (a tree, the others: ate flowers) bright (an adjective that means very light, the others are colours) onion (a vegetable, the others are fruits} pigeon (a bird, the others are animals with four legs and a tail) ‘coat (something you wear, the others are furniture) grape (a fruit, the others are vegetables) once (a cardinal num- ber — once, twice, three times, etc., the others are ordinal numbers) Belgian (the nationality ‘of someone from Belgium, the others are countries) belt (something you wear around your waist, the others you wear on yous head) niece (a female relative, the others are male relatives) ship (a Jarge boat for sea journeys, the others are vehicles you drive ‘on the road) coffee (a drink, the others are things you eat) painting (a picture done by an artist. the others ae sports) petrol (you put this ina car, the others are drinks) cup {you use it to drink ‘out of, the others you 20 use to eat food with) mouse (an animal with four legs, the others are insests) washing machine (used for washing clothes, the others are found in the bedroom) Amanda (a girl's name, the others are boys” names) hall (found insidea house, the other things are found outside a house) park (an area of grass, trees, ete, the others are buildings) TEST 53 rose July night Spain eight cousin umbrella carrot lorry spring glass whale sleep chess Down ' 3 5 6 8 10 iL 13 14 15 7 18 south: queen fire pear stool library cat milk red soap spider toast 20 21 a4 26 shoes glasses sauce sad TEST 54 BAe eene 9 10 R 13 4 15 16 7 18 19 20 it's meat two hi heel pear they're sew steel dear bean flour hair hour sale stairs tail wood ‘blue sea TEST 55 Baan Ree iL 12 3 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 TV programme mountain chair answer day party woman bottle bag window noise door knife walk ball car colour film driver child TEST 56 Colours black, green, orange, red, white Furnicure bed, chair, sofa, table, wardrobe Sports pasebali, football, golf, skiing, tennis Clothes. coat, hat, jeans, shirt, skirt TEST 57 1 light 2: apples 3 uncle 4 watch 5. tired 6 anestate agent 7 at 8 hungry 9 caught 10 freezes 14. yourselves 12 egg 13, few 14 jumped 1S brushed 16 written 17. Congratulationst 18 twins. 10 room 12 way 13. paper 4 15s bin ground TEST 59. Caw nnnene 10 u 12 13 id 1s 16 17 18 td 20 London camera tennis window nephew weight abroad carpet eighty/eighth shadow insect bakery narrow oxygen cloudy Greece violin orange parent cheque TEST 6 ata football match ata hotel ata party on 3t December ata wedding at the airport at the chemist’s at the cinema at the doctor’s at the gteengrocer’s al the hairdresser's at the iroumonger's at the fibrary at the newsagent’s at the post office atthe pub ima lift ina shoe shop inside a car ona plane ‘on the beach Test/Your Start Testing Your Vocabulary Test Your Vocabulary is the best-selling series of vocabulary practice books by Peter Watcyn-Jones. They are ideal for use in the classroom or for self-study. Special features include: approximately 6,400 new words and phrases to learn and use in the series, from Beginner to Advanced vocabulary practised and revised from level to level a wide variety of test-types including gap-filling, multiple-choice, crosswords, puzzles, correcting misprints and picture tests * an Introduction with notes on how to use the tests * acomplete Answer Key. This new edition of Start Testing Your Vocabulary provides basic vocabulary for the beginner in familiar areas such as jobs, food and the home, plus verbs, prepositions and adjectives. Approximately half the tests are based on pictures. Start Testing Your Vocabulary contains 60 tests. Cover photograph © PhotoricalS.O.A, MRA a ce La Fe se ead Vv TEST YOUR VOCABULARY 1 ELEMENTARY / LOWER INTERMEDIATE | 900 WORDS. TEST YOUR VOCABULARY 2 INTERMEDIATE T4000 WORDS TEST YOUR VOCABULARY 3 INTERMEDIATE / FCE 950 WORDS TESTYOUR VOCABULARY 4 —~—=—=«|_UPPER INTERMEDIATE / CAE 1000 woRDs | Test your vocasuary 5 |. ApvANcto / cre 14700 WoRDS sects meee et Bs we Start Testing Your Vocabulary PETER WATCYN-JONES

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