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Adhesion: Part 2
by Clive H. Hare,
Coating System Design

ast month, we reviewed the
chemical aspects of adhesion.
This month, we will consider Table 1
the physical aspects of this phenom- System Design Requirements for
enon. The column begins with an Maximized Adhesion
introduction to mechanical adhe-
Substrate Coating
sion; describes the roles of substrate
contamination and surface prepara- High Cohesive Strength Low Surface Energy

tion; discusses adhesion over conta- High Surface Energy Polar Groups

minated surfaces and ways to en- Increased Surface Area Reactive Groups
Carboxylic Acids
hance adhesion; and gives examples Pure Surface Hydroxyls
No Contamination
of adhesion failure. Low Resin Solution Viscosity
Presence of Active Sites Low Solids
Unbound Metal Oxides, Low Molecular Weight Resins
Mechanical Adhesion Hydroxyls, Etc. Polymerizing after Application
Polar Groups
and Penetration Porosity
Slow Evaporating Solvent Systems
For many years, it was thought that Solubility or Partial Solubility
Slower Conversion (Cure, Polymerization) Rate
(Compared to Rate of Solvent Loss)
the increase in adhesion achieved by in Coating Solvent
Low Internal Strain
scarification techniques (abrasive Reduced Shrinkage on Polymerization
blasting and sanding, for example) Good Flexibility
was derived from mechanical entan- High Tensile Strength and/or Large Work to Break Values
glements of the coating film within Low Permeability
the pores and fissures of the scarified Use of Barrier Pigments/Chlorinated Binder
Uniform High Cross-link Density
surface. Current thinking proposes Elimination of Hydrophilic Components
that such techniques merely remove Coupling Agents
Silanes, etc.
saturating impurities from potentially
reactive sites on the substrate and si-
multaneously increase the real sur-
face area with respect to the appar-
ent (planar) area. Expansion of the fects are also possible on scarified mon over some zinc-rich primers
surface area increases the number of metal surfaces; plastics; and other and will be discussed in more detail
potentially reactive sites on the sub- sanded, etched, or otherwise rough- in a later segment of this series.
strate for either primary or secondary ened substrates (including existing Coatings that fill narrow-mouthed
bonding. An increased number of re- paint films). In achieving such adhe- cavities can be dislodged only by
action sites, rather than purely me- sion, the coating must flow into the producing lateral cohesive failure in
chanical effects, is the principal rea- surface porosities and, for maxi- the coating film or the substrate (Fig.
son for improved adhesion. mized effect, completely wet out the 1). While extreme, this porosity is
Mechanical adhesion is, however, interior cavities, displacing occluded not unusual on naturally porous
entirely possible on porous surfaces air. In some highly viscous or fast substrates such as wood, paper (in-
such as wood, paper, leather, and drying films, such air displacement cluding paper-surfaced drywall), and
concrete, where penetration by, and from the substitute may produce leather. It is also found on plaster,
absorption of, the coating into the bubbling of the recent film as the air concrete, cinder block, and other
substrate play a significant role in becomes entrapped in the drying porous masonry surfaces.
adhesion. Similar submicroscopic ef- cavity. This type of defect is com- continued

Copyright ©1996, Technology Publishing Company JULY 1996 / 79


It is more likely that the coating

will only partially fill such cavities.
When the coating polymerizes, sub-
sequent shrinkage may cause void- Fundamental Techniques for Cleaning Substrates
ing and cracks in the film or the
substrate as the coating pulls away
Soluble inorganics (e.g. Salts) dissolved in water. Soluble organics (e.g. Oils)
from the interior surface of the cavi- dissolved in solvent.
ty. These cracks and weaknesses are
generally the sites of initial disbond- Lifts and emulsifies insoluble organic and inorganic soils in detergent solutions.
ment, from which more widespread
failure is propagated.1 Incompletely Chemically hydrolizes and renders water soluble non-soluble esters and salts.
filled cavities on coated metal sub-
Chelation and Sequestration
strates may also provide sites for Removes calcium and magnesium from hard water, iron, and other metal oxides from
water to begin to accumulate be- metal surface by chelating mechanisms.
neath the film. Water accumulation
may lead to lateral adhesion loss, Wets, lifts, and disperses contaminating dirts, surrounding particles with surfactant
the accumulation of still more water, barrier which suspends dirt residues as a dispersion and prevents resettlement and
and eventual corrosion. Salt can also
lodge easily in these cavities on cor- General Precautions
Materials applied by dipping, spraying, wiping, or brushing (spreading techniques
roded steel and cause difficulty in less efficient in removing residues).
cleaning.2 Efficiency increases with temperature and pressure (e.g., as in steam cleaning).
Rinsing (in clean water or pure solvent) is an important necessary final step.
The penetration of paint into cavi-
ties is a capillary phenomenon facili-
tated by the following:
• surface energetics (e.g., low sur-
face tension binders and high sur-
face energy substrates),
• an increasing size of the opening, patible with trends in environmental Paint films that slowly build mole-
• low viscosity of the paint’s contin- regulations on solvent emissions. cular weight after application are in-
uous (resin solution) phase, and Also, for high molecular weight lac- herently more suited to good adhe-
• reduced rate at which solvent is quers, penetration of even low sion than high molecular weight
lost and viscosity increases. solids solutions of such polymers lacquers. For this reason, linseed oil-
Wicks et al.1 notes that the diameter into small porosities may be imped- based red lead primers of low mole-
of the pigment particles may be ed by the size of the binder mole- cular weight adhere well to rusty
large relative to small surface irregu- cule. Therefore, resin solution vis- steel. The surface energetics and the
larities, so that only the liquid phase cosity is best reduced through resin slow rate at which viscosity increas-
of the paint may enter the substrate. design. In most systems, the viscosi- es (through both solvent evapora-
A similar phenomenon is likely ty of the resin solution phase is re- tion and polymerization) also play a
where the paint is applied over a lated to the molecular weight of the considerable part. The longer the
porous surface, such as old, chalk- solid binder (the resin). Resins with paint can stay against the cavity in a
ing films from which the original low average molecular weight and wet, low viscosity state, the more
binder has been degraded by ultra- minimal high molecular weight frac- penetration will occur. Thus, high
violet light and eroded by rain. The tions at the time of application3 will boiling solvents provide better adhe-
consequent partition of resin and more readily penetrate and adhere sion than fast evaporating solvents.
pigment is shown in Fig. 2. The lin- to irregular surfaces. A study3 notes It has also been suggested 1 that
seed oil binder wicks away from the the negative effect of increased mol- some of the improvement in adhe-
bulk phase of the paint film and into ecular weight on wet adhesion. Mi- sion in baked systems results from
the chalking surface of an existing croscopically, most surfaces are far the initial reduction in viscosity pro-
film that has been primed. from planar, especially after me- duced by the rise in film tempera-
The simplest way to reduce the chanical or chemical preparation. ture before cure begins. Similar phe-
solution viscosity of the resin is to Therefore, it may be reasonable to nomena (along with glass transition
reduce solids by adding solvent. Un- discuss adhesion in terms of sub- [T g ] and free volume effects dis-
fortunately, this approach is incom- strates as well as coatings (Table 1). cussed in the December 1995 and
80 / Journal of Protective Coatings & Linings Copyright ©1996, Technology Publishing Company

January 1996 issues) are involved in bound films of little cohesive ence of environmental moisture and
the increased adhesion of post- strength. Problems in coating such temperature.
baked thermoplastic coatings. surfaces are similar to those experi- Less often, delamination may re-
However, the shrinkage that oc- enced in dealing with the painting sult from cohesive insufficiencies in
curs on curing is counterproductive of old whitewash, calcimine, and the substrate, more so in relatively
to adhesion.4 Giving superior adhe- similar loosely bound paints called weak wood and cementitious sur-
sion, epoxies shrink far less than do distempers. Failure to remove these faces than in metal.
true condensation systems, such as films will lead to adhesion problems.
amino-cured baking coatings, and Subsequent delamination is actually Surface Preparation
free radical-induced systems, such as a cohesive failure within the contin- The purpose of surface preparation
unsaturated polyesters. uum of the loose film. The adhesion is to remove all anomalous sub-
of the new coating to the surface stances and conditions and render
Substrate Contamination layers of the loose film is good. As a the surface a better approximation
Many conditions may compromise consequence of such cohesive to the theoretically “pure” substrate.
the nature and uniformity of a sur- break-up, substantial debris will be The efficacy of surface preparation
face. Substrates may be contaminat- left on the backside of the delami- depends on the type of contamina-
ed with oils, greases, waxes, dirt, lai- nating coating film and on the re-ex- tion and the surface preparation
tance, loose powders, rust, scales, posed substrate itself. The driving method. Various cleaning tech-
and surface chalk (pigmentary force of the delamination may be niques may be used, but none is
residues from the weathering-in- the shrinkage stresses incurred in truly universal. (See box on page
duced degradation of old paint the system as the new film dries and 80.) Optimized surfaces will depend
films). In 1 study of salt contamina- polymerizes. Another cause is the on the cleaning methodology. Sim-
tion on 78 bridges in Germany, hygrothermal stresses produced as ply washing the surface with water,
Gross5 detected 20 types of residual the system is put in service, expand- for example, will have a nominal ef-
salts, mainly sulfates. Similar de- ing and contracting under the influ- continued
posits are likely to occur on most
exterior surfaces, particularly in
areas prone to acid rain. In coastal
areas, chloride salts are also on most
paintable exterior surfaces. Road
dirt, a combination of dirt, oils, and
these salts, is found on the road-fac-
ing surfaces of many bridge struc-
tures, while paintable surfaces in
other industries may be plagued by
other residues common to mining
and manufacturing processes. Loose
residues from a carelessly prepared
surface can include unremoved blast
debris (and debris from sanding)
and chlorides from muriatic acid
etching procedures. These residues
are as damaging to subsequent ad-
hesion as the deterioration of the
original surface that required the
surface preparation. Chalk residues
typical of old paint films may be
particularly difficult to recoat with
some coatings (e.g., latex paints)
and may be quite difficult to remove
by washing alone.
All of these conditions may be
considered as more or less poorly
Copyright ©1996, Technology Publishing Company JULY 1996 / 81

fect on removing low energy organ- from surfaces with solvent washes
ic contaminants such as oil films and before abrasive blasting. Nor will
grease deposits. Solvent washing dry blasting completely remove inor-
and solvent vapor degreasing, which ganic salts that have formed salt
may more effectively remove oils nests on old, corroded steel sur-
and greases, will have little effect on faces. Wet blasting with abrasive
inorganic salts. These contaminants and water may be required to more
may be more easily removed with effectively remove inorganic salts
water. The efficacy of cleaning in (chlorides and sulfates) from old,
both cases depends on the solubility rusting steel surfaces, especially
of the contaminant in the cleaning where the surface is porous. Salt-
media. Fortunately, solubilization of contaminated high alloy steels
the contaminant is not the only below bridge decks have in some
process for cleaning the surface. cases displayed porosity after several
Emulsification of the contaminant is years in service.2
an alternative. Detergent washing, Chemical cleaning techniques6,7,
for example, may effectively emulsi- such as acid etching and alkaline de-
fy non-soluble contamination while oxidation, accomplish the same thing
dissolving water-soluble matter. as blasting for metal, although alka-
Heat and mechanical energy will line cleaning gives no profile. Abra-
improve the efficiency of the clean- sive blasting and acid pickling will
ing operation when applied with also chemically remove tightly bond-
water, solvent, or detergent solu- ed oxides and other scales that can-
tions. High temperature detergent not be removed by other techniques.
cleaning techniques, such as steam These techniques strip away oxide
cleaning, are very effective. Hot films that chemically saturate metal
cleaning solutions are more effective surfaces and free up reactive groups
than cold ones because of the in- on the surface for subsequent reac-
creased kinetic energy of the mole- tion with potentially complementary
cules (contaminant and cleaning groups on the paint binder. If we re-
agent) at high temperature. Mechan- move heavy oxide deposits, we leave
ical force helps remove contamina- nascent steel surfaces with thin, ad-
tion even more effectively. Wiping, herent metal oxide and hydroxide
rubbing, scrubbing, sanding, and films. These will then react with the
water and abrasive blasting repre- coating. Chemical cleaning, including
sent increasing levels of force that the acid etching of concrete surfaces,
can be used to remove surface cont- must be followed by an adequate
aminants. Techniques that provide rinsing step to remove loose salts and
sufficient energy to remove the cont- other residues left after cleaning.
amination and scarify the surface
may be particularly useful because Adhesion to
they will simultaneously clean the Contaminated Surfaces
surface and increase the true surface In practice, optimum surface prepara-
area of the substrate compared to its tion may not always be feasible.
apparent planar area. High energy Cost, access difficulties, environmen-
mechanical cleaning methods such tal concerns, and substrate sensitivity
as abrasive blasting may not, howev- may force coating application over
er, be suitable for weak substrates imperfectly prepared surfaces.
such as plaster and wood. Whether inadvertent or deliberate,
Mechanical force alone may not application of paint over surface con-
entirely remove organic solubles. taminants often produces catastroph-
For example, heavy grease deposits ic peeling failures. However, risk
will normally have to be removed management, environmental con-
82 / Journal of Protective Coatings & Linings Copyright ©1996, Technology Publishing Company

a. Porous substrates such as wood and even
metal may contain narrow-necked cavities.

b. High wetting, low viscosity paints may be able

to penetrate these cavities, displacing air and filling
them. This provides excellent anchorage for the
film. Subsequent adhesive failure must necessarily,
therefore, involve additional cohesive failure of the
film across the neck of the cavity.

c. Complete air displacement is rarely possible,

however, and some reopening of cavities may
occur as films shrink on polymerization. Solvent
diffusion from these areas may also be very slow. c.
On metal, cavities may also contain corrosion
product and soluble salts, which are not easily ac-
cessible for removal by surface cleaning.

d. In service, unfilled, reopened, or contaminated

cavities will form sites at which penetrants (such as
water) passing through the film may accumulate.
This may be particularly problematic on metal in d.
water service or condensing environments, where
osmotic and electroendosmotic gradients may lead
first to blistering and then to underfilm (intra-cavity)
corrosion. Where the cavities contain depassivat-
ing chlorides and sulfates, these highly aggressive
electrolytes may lead to high corrosion rates.

Figure 1 - Mechanical
cerns, and the cost of Adhesion and Potential
hazardous waste dis- Figures courtesy of the
posal encourage at- author.
tempts to apply new Bulk phase
coating systems over of newly-
marginally prepared oil primer and reach sound sur-
surfaces. Partitioned face beneath. Assimila-
oil binder
Just as the effective- wicking tion is possible, for ex-
ness of any method of into chalk ample, where a water-
of old film
surface preparation borne paint is applied
depends on the type over a damp surface or
of contamination and where a brush is used
the nature of the to work a long oil alkyd
method, the success of (old into a dusty surface.
limited preparation is finish) Displacement oc-
largely governed by curs when a high wet-
the specific nature of ting resin system (e.g.,
the surface to be coat- epoxy) is applied to
ed and the coating itself. Unless the Fig. 2 - The lateral portion of an oil binder wet steel (in extreme cases, below
coating can assimilate the contami- wicks away from the bulk phase of a red water). The resin or resin and sol-
lead/linseed oil primer into a layer of surface
nation (a rare circumstance), the chalk on an old paint film. vent mix associates with the sub-
success of the system must depend Photo reproduced from The Painting of strate more strongly than does
Steel Bridges and Other Structures by
on the ability of the coating to dis- Clive H. Hare with permission from water, and thus displaces the water.
place or penetrate the contamination Van Nostrand Reinhold continued

Copyright ©1996, Technology Publishing Company JULY 1996 / 83


The displacement of water allows the much of the contamination. As the ecular weight and, therefore, viscosi-
coating to adhere in the presence of surface tension of the binder in- ty increase rapidly during cure.
the external aqueous bulk phase. creases, wetting becomes increasing- Latex paints have particular diffi-
Polyamide- and amidoamine-cured ly less likely. The ability of the coat- culty penetrating contamination and
epoxies are particularly effective in ing to enter and penetrate the wetting the substrate. Although latex
this regard because of the hydropho- interstices of the contamination is re- paints have poorer wetting charac-
bicity of the curing agent. Displace- duced as the viscosity of the contin- teristics than solvent-borne systems,
ment cannot occur when the surface uous phase of the paint increases. it might appear that the low viscosi-
tension of the coating is higher than Reduced penetration is common ty of the high molecular weight dis-
that of the contaminated surface. where drying times are short or mol- continued
Therefore, water-borne paints ciss,
crawl, and bead up over oily sur-
faces, while a low energy oil paint
may wet and achieve satisfactory ad-
hesion over the same surfaces.
An example of penetration is
when a red lead linseed oil paint is
applied to a rusty steel surface and
soaks into and through the rust.
However, it would be virtually im-
possible for a high molecular weight
vinyl lacquer to adhere to a dusty
surface. The molecular weight of the
coating is too high to allow good
penetration of the resin solution into
the dust, and the solvent system
generally evaporates too quickly.
Similarly, latex paints have much
less success in penetrating old,
chalking films than alkyds, particu-
larly those with high oil content.
On surfaces contaminated with
loose particles, chalk, rust, and dirt,
the effects of penetration are the
same as those noted in the discus-
sion of mechanical adhesion. The
same may also apply to porous,
poorly bound substrates, such as old
calcimine films and certain plasters.
The relative surface energetics of the
paint and substrate are critical. The
low surface tension of oil paints is
responsible for the excellent service
record of these coatings over conta-
minated surfaces. Oil paints, howev-
er, also have a low continuous
phase viscosity and a highly pro-
tracted rate of conversion. Both
properties allow the wet coating to
soak into and through the interstices
of the contamination, eventually
reaching and wetting out sound sub-
strate and also wetting and binding
Copyright ©1996, Technology Publishing Company JULY 1996 / 85

persions would facilitate penetration because they tend to remain in the mildew resistance, color retention,
compared to high molecular weight water phase. and drying time of latex paints.
solutions. In fact, the individual latex None of these techniques for en- However, the benefits of oil and
particles may be larger than the in- hancing adhesion to chalk is as ef- alkyd modification usually outweigh
terstices of many porous films (the fective as the traditional approach of these disadvantages.
chalking surfaces of existing paint modifying the latex binder with up Latex de-adhesion over porous,
films, for example). This size differ- to 20 percent by weight of low mol- chalking, and otherwise contaminated
ence prevents the latex from enter- ecular weight (very long oil) alkyds, films is also affected by the Tg and
ing the interstices and pores of the epoxy esters, vegetable oils, or poly- mechanical properties of the final
chalking layer, although the water esters. The modifiers are emulsified latex film. Latex systems with high Tg
may do so. Therefore, coalescence by the surfactant system of the latex are similar to other strong films of
of the latex particles occurs over, in- paint to form a barely compatible high modulus that do not readily dis-
stead of within, the contaminating whole. On application, these slow sipate strain from either internal or
layer, resulting in a dry film that drying, high wetting modifiers parti- external stress, unless they cohesively
rides on top of the chalk. The film is tion themselves from the bulk latex or adhesively break. Therefore, they
then vulnerable to adhesive difficul- binder and penetrate the loose tend to transfer the stress into other
ties. An apparent adhesive failure in chalking layer. They may partially parts of the composite and induce co-
this film may be a cohesive failure solvate the substrate and markedly hesive failure in the loose substrate
within the chalk layer. improve the adhesive strength of the layer. More flexible films of reduced
Attempts have been made to use latex paint to the contamination. The Tg and modulus deform more readily
latexes of very fine particle size modifiers may also increase the co- with stress and produce less strain
(<0.1µ).8 Presumably, fine particle hesive strength of the loose chalking within the weak chalk layer.
size latexes are more likely to fit into contamination. The strength and nature of the re-
the existing porosities of the porous Alkyd modification compromises coat system will also markedly affect
chalk than resins of larger particle the long-term exterior durability, continued
size. Carboxylated latexes are now
used as grinding vehicles in surfac-
tant-depleted pigment dispersion
phases. They are used as latex emul-
sions for chalk binding and adhe-
sion over marginal surfaces because
of the improved wetting and binding
properties of these vehicles.
High wetting coalescents such as
n-methyl-2-pyrrolidone can also im-
prove the penetration of chalking
films and the adhesion by solvation
of the more substantial underlayers
of the old film. In this respect, hy-
drophilic coalescents such as the
aliphatic glycol ethers may be more
efficient than water-immiscible coa-
lescents (e.g., the aromatic glycol
ethers and trimethylpentanediol
monoisobutyrate). Water-immiscible
coalescents associate more strongly
with the non-continuous (resinous)
phase of the new latex being ap-
plied and are not present in the pen-
etrating water.9,10 Paradoxically, hy-
drophilic solvents are less efficient
as coalescents than less miscible ma-
terials that partition into the latex
Copyright ©1996, Technology Publishing Company JULY 1996 / 87


1. RO — Si — OR + HOH HO — Si — OH + ROH


Alkoxy Silane Hydrolyzed Silane

2. Si — OH OH Si — OH OH

Si — OH HO — Si NH2 Ho—
Si — O — Si NH2

Si — OH OH Si — OH OH
Si — OH OH Si — OH OH

Si — OH HO — Si NH2 Ho—
Si — O — Si NH2

Si — OH OH Si — OH OH

Glass Hydrolyzed Silane Substrate bonded to Silane Fig. 3 - Adhesion

substrate by Siloxane bridge Promotion with Silanes.
1) Alkoxy silane is
hydrolyzed by water to
form silanol groups;
2) Silanol groups on
hydrolyzed silane
3. Si — OH OH Si — OH OH H OH react with silanol
O groups on the substrate
Si — O — Si NH2 Ho—
Si — O — Si N — C — C
to form siloxane
C — C
Si — OH OH Si — OH OH bridges, which anchor
+ the silane backbone to
Si — OH OH O Si — OH OH H OH the substrate;
3) Organo-reactive
Si — O — Si NH2 C — C Ho—
Si — O — Si N — C — C
groups (e.g., amines)
Si — OH OH Si — OH OH on the opposite
end of silane react
Polymer Substrate covalently with complementary
bonded to polymer organo-functional
groups (e.g., epoxy)
on the polymer.
The polymer is thus
covalently bonded to
the substrate.

the success or failure of any coating parent area of surface. Whether with optimum adhesion.
applied over marginally prepared these results are achieved by me- There is, of course, no universal
substrates. This factor becomes in- chanical (sanding or abrasive blast- potion that will transform a coating
creasingly significant as the interfa- ing) or chemical techniques (acid that does not adhere into one that
cial adhesion between substrate and pickling or alkali deoxidation) is less does. In some cases, acids, usually
recoat is further compromised. Final- important than the results. phosphoric acid, have been used to-
ly, the adhesion is also influenced On the other side of the interface, wards this end on suitable substrates
by the nature of the contamination the selection and design of the resin, (e.g., steel), but results vary from
and the surface beneath it. coating, and coating system can sig- system to system.
nificantly affect adhesion. Unfortu- Over the past several decades,
Enhancing Adhesion nately, the selection of coatings in- however, formulators have success-
with Coupling Agents volves many other aesthetic and fully designed additives to upgrade
The most effective techniques for engineering considerations in addi- adhesion to certain substrates. An
promoting adhesion are enhancing tion to adhesion, such as drying example is the effect of silane modi-
the substrate condition, removing speed, hardness, chemical resis- fication on the adhesion of coatings
contamination, and, particularly, in- tance, gloss, and color. These prop- to glass and siliceous surfaces.
creasing the real surface area per ap- erties are not always compatible continued

88 / Journal of Protective Coatings & Linings Copyright ©1996, Technology Publishing Company

Polymer Polymer


Si Si O Si Si Si Si O Si Si
Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Substrate Substrate

Fig. 4 - Stress Attenuation Through Silane Slippage - In the presence of interfacial moisture, a reversible silanol reaction allows the siloxane
linkages of the interface to break and rapidly reform. Under shear stress, this allows the siloxane bridges to slip from silicon atom to
silicon atom along the substrate surface. The bonded coating can thus move along the substrate, dissipating strain without catastrophic
disruption in adhesion.

In some respects, silanes are simi- prove the adhesion of coatings the -Si-O-Si- bonds at the siliceous
lar to surfactants in structure. All are through their use as pretreatments, substrate (and possibly -C-O-Si-
characterized by the presence of tri- in resin modification before the in- bonds at the metal interface) is inter-
alkoxysilyl groups on one end of a corporation of pigments, or in modi- esting. The bonds are susceptible to
hydrocarbon chain, the other end of fication of the primer during paint reversible hydrolysis. Here, the
which is terminated by an organo- manufacture. Pretreatments are 1 to siloxane hydrolyzes back to silanol
reactive group such as an epoxy, an 2 percent solutions of silanes in groups in the presence of any water
amine, a vinyl group, or a mercapto water and suitable solvents that are that may reach the interface under
functionality. Typical materials are applied to the surface before prim- wet conditions. Performance of coat-
shown in Table 2. After hydrolysis ing. The silane may also treat the ings modified under wet conditions
with surface water, at least one of pigment before its incorporation into does not indicate that this reversal is
the resultant silanol groups on the the paint. While this technique complete enough to be problematic,
silane triols reacts with silanol would seem more likely to improve however. Walker12 has shown the
groups on the substrate to form a the cohesive strength of the coating the importance of using silane modi-
siloxane bridge. The organo-reactive film, it apparently also upgrades wet fication to improve wet adhesion,
group on the other end of the silane adhesion. Improved wet adhesion which has great significance for the
is available to react with the binder may be related to the closer associa- controlling of corrosion. It has also
to give a chemically bonded bridge tion of the pigment and binder. been claimed that, in direct conse-
across the interface between binder In addition to modifying surface quence of reversible hydrolysis,
and substrate (Fig. 3). For example, coatings on glass, this technique is silane-bonded systems are stress at-
an amino-terminated silane may claimed to upgrade adhesion to tenuating. Under stress, the siloxane
react with an epoxy, and a vinyl metal surfaces. While success here is bonds at the substrate will cleave in
silane with an unsaturated polyester. less universal than on glass, there is the presence of water, allowing the
Because the silane has trifunctionali- much evidence to support these system to slip across the substrate
ty, remaining silanol groups on adja- claims.12,13,14 plane to form again at new (less
cent silane molecules may intercon- Not all silanes bear reactive constrained) sites on the substrate
dense to give a thin, polysiloxane groups that complement groups on after the stress has been removed
film along the immediate surface of the polymer. However, there is evi- (Fig. 4).11,15,16
the glass.11 dence that these silane materials too The value of similar materials as
Unlike most examples of molecu- may upgrade adhesion. In this case, adhesion promoters has also been
larly engineered adhesive improve- physical entrapment of the pendant claimed. These substances include
ment that require modification of the silane chains within the polymer certain organo titanates17, such as
paint binders, silane modification may be responsible for the im- isopropyl tri (n-ethylamino-ethyl-
can be used by the paint formulator proved adhesion.12 amino) titanate, and zircoalum-
to improve adhesion. Silanes im- The question of permanence of continued

Copyright ©1996, Technology Publishing Company JULY 1996 / 91


Table 2
Typical Organo-Reactive Silane Adhesion Promoters

Formula Functionality Typically Used With

CH2 = CHSi (OC2H5)3 Vinyl Unsaturated Polyesters

CH2 = CHSi (OC2H4OCH3)3 Vinyl Acrylics, Vinyls, Alkyds,
and Vinyl Esters
CH3 0
CH2 = C – C – OC3H6Si (OCH3)3 Methacryl

HSC3H6 Si (OCH3)3 Mercapto Urethanes and Epoxies

HSC2 H4 Si (OC2H5)3 Mercapto

H2 NC3 H6 Si (OC2H5)3 Amino Epoxies, Alkyds,

H2 NC2 H4 NHC2 H6 Si (OCH3)3 Amino and Urethanes

Amines, Amides
0 Urethanes, and
CH2 CHCH2 OC3 H6 Si (OCH3)3 Epoxy Formaldehyde Systems

inates.18 These materials seem even vinyl, and mercapto groups to the
more system-specific than the potential binder.
silanes, however, and inappropriate Improved pigmentary interfaces
selection of the titanates can dramat- not only improve the physical prop-
ically reduce adhesion. 17 Silanes erties of the coating, but may also
and, to a lesser extent, the titanates reduce permeability of water and
and zircoaluminates have also been other penetrants through the inter-
used to treat siliceous pigments, stices of the pigment and binder.
such as silica, wollastonite, and A separate advantage of such treat-
mica. 11,19 Here, the silane reacts ment is that the treated pigments
with the pigment surface so that the are much lower in oil absorption
pigment presents the organo func- than their untreated counterparts,
tional tail of the silane to its environ- which translates into high critical
ment. In effect, the pigment be- pigment volume concentrations,
comes covered with a mechanically lower viscosity, and applications
bonded “hairy” layer (Fig. 5). When in coatings with low volatile organic
used to pigment judiciously selected compounds. Commercial examples
binders, the organofunctional end of of pigments embodying this tech-
the silane will react with the binder, nology are used with and without
producing a chemically bonded in- inhibitive pigments in anti-corrosive
ternal matrix between pigment and primers.19
resin (analogous to that between
resin and substrate in adhesion pro- Adhesion, Cohesion, and Coating
motion). The cohesion of the result- System Response to Stress
ing paint film is augmented. In these The adhesion of a coating film to a
applications, the pigment is effec- substrate is part of a complex system
tively encased in the mono layer of of forces. These forces must main-
organic treatment. Depending on the tain a satisfactory equilibrium in the
type of treatment used, the pigment presence of an equally complex sys-
may present reactive amine, epoxy, tem of stresses that play upon (and
92 / Journal of Protective Coatings & Linings Copyright ©1996, Technology Publishing Company

strains that play within) the total ap- do a quick repaint job on the ceiling ly, recoating with the weak finish
plied composite. To attempt to accu- of an old mill. The job had hardly did not substantially add to the co-
rately characterize or predict coating started when the newly applied film hesive strength of the upper strata of
system performance by measuring began to delaminate profusely from the system. Therefore, internal strain
the adhesion of the primer alone is the ceiling, which bore heavy de- was minimized and dissipated in a
as simplistic as attempts to charac- posits of calcimine. Calcimine is one microcracking of the new film. Co-
terize the mechanical behavior of of a series of underbound paints hesive failure in the lower strata was
the total applied composite paint used on ceilings in the early years of avoided. Eventually, as more and
system by studying the stress and this century. The mill owner was more coats come to be applied over
strain response of the unsupported outraged, not least with the author, the same weak underbound paint,
finish coat. who suggested in lieu of a complete the total system response to curing
While our understanding of the in- removal of the existing calcimine, to and service stresses will produce so
terplay of forces within the multi- abandon the alkyd flat being used in much strain within the system that
component system remains incom- favor of the cheapest, most under- the cohesive and adhesive integrity
plete, we can appreciate the effects bound paint that he could find. Hap- of the early poor film (by far the
of film strength and thickness of a pily, the author’s recommendation weakest element of the entire sys-
multi-coat (or even a single-coat) prevailed, and the ceiling was satis- tem) will disintegrate. The weak
paint system on paint film failure. It factorily recoated (aesthetically, if paint, or part of it, along with every
is no accident that wash primers and not from an engineering standpoint) coat applied over it, will delaminate.
pre-treatments are applied and without further peeling, at least until
cured as ultra-thin film coatings. the next repainting. Conclusion
Ultra-thin films minimize the effects The thick, strong, cohesively In the above examples, the majority
of high film cohesion on adhesion. bonded epoxy film of high modulus, of the total stresses producing adhe-
As the film thickness increases from unlike the cheap ceiling paint, was sive (or cohesive) failure are derived
1 to 5 to 50 mils (25 to 125 to 1,250 unable to dissipate strains that had continued

micrometers), the negative impact of built up within the continuum on

high cohesive strength and in- curing. Consequently, adhesive
creased internal stress on adhesion forces had to be of a very high order
becomes more extreme. In our zeal to avoid adhesive failure response.
for good corrosion protection, it has In the old, cohesively weak cal-
become popular to advocate thicker, cimine, the adhesive forces that held
rather than thinner, films. Unfortu- the film to the substrate were infi-
nately, the disadvantages of the nitely weaker than the epoxy. Film
thicker films, such as their negative cohesion was also much weaker.
effects on the adhesion and cohe- The strain that developed within the
sion of the system, have been unrec- coating as a result of solvent loss
ognized, underplayed, or ignored. and curing could be effectively dissi-
The author advised a contractor pated by cohesive microcracking
many years ago that as long as his along the pigmentary and vehicle in-
anchor pattern was deep enough, he terfaces. In short, the coating film
need not worry about putting too cracked because it was too weak to
much coal tar epoxy on the interior peel. The cracks were too fine to be
walls of a water cooling plant. Sev- visible to the unaided eye.
eral weeks later, the same contractor Problems could still occur when
returned with several paint chips to the weak calcimine was subsequent-
complain that a six-mil (150-microm- ly recoated with strong alkyd finish
eter) anchor pattern did not prevent in the first abortive repainting that
the film from sheeting from the produced the original failure. While
newly blasted steel shortly after it the cohesion of the initial calcimine
had been put into service. The paint did not change, the cohesive
chips were 7⁄8 in. (22 mm) thick. strength of the total composite did
In a separate instance, another because the coating applied as a re-
contractor had been convinced to coat was much stronger. Alternative-
Copyright ©1996, Technology Publishing Company 93

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11. M.R. Rosen, “From Treating Solu-
tion to Filler Surfaces and Be-
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Silane Coupling Agent,” Journal
of Coatings Technology (Septem-
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12. P. Walker, “Organo Silanes as
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