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Code : ELC650
Course : English for Professional Interaction
Level : Degree
Credit Unit : 2
Contact Hour : 2
Part : Final Year
Course Status : Non Core
(Core/Non Core)
Prerequisite : ELC501/ ELC590

Course Outcomes

At the end of the course, students should be able to:

1.0 Demonstrate social skills when maintaining interactions in the workplace (A3)

2.0 Explain verbally critical incidents concerning interpersonal communication issues in

the workplace and communicate ideas through clearly written email (A4)

3.0 Display positive values and attitudes during professional interaction in the workplace

Course Description

This course is designed to equip students with interpersonal skills necessary to help them
focus on their personal growth and development as professional individuals. By introducing
students to language functions essential for developing interpersonal skills, the course is
designed to help them to communicate and interact in the workplace. Specifically, students
will be exposed to a wide range of language norms and conventions that are used daily to
interact with individuals and groups in the workplace. This course aims to equip students
with core communication skills for both interpersonal and workplace communication which
include verbal and non-verbal communication skills, conversational skills, listening skills,
clarifying skills and reflection skills. By introducing students to language functions essential
for developing core communication skills, the course is designed to develop their interaction

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Nama Program: Tahun Semakan: 2017
© Hak Cipta Universiti Teknologi MARA

skills specifically in the areas of working in groups and teams, questioning and negotiating,
problem solving and decision making in a wide range of professional tasks and interpersonal
contexts. Overall, the focus is on developing students’ interpersonal skills which will allow
them to manage interactions competently while displaying positive values. Students are
encouraged to adopt a communicative approach when using the language. They are
provided opportunities to observe and develop competency in interpersonal skills through
activities like collaborative learning, role plays, group discussions, syndicates, fishbowl,
video critiques, case studies, reflections and work-related simulations.

Course Content
1.0 Essentials of Communication

• Elements of Communication - communicator, message, channel, noise,

context, feedback
• Norms, turn taking and phatic communication
• Principles and barriers to communication

2.0 Forms of Communication

• Verbal- written and oral communication,

• Written-pen and paper letters and documents, typed electronic documents, e-
mails, text chats, SMS
• Oral-face-to-face or through phone, voice chat, video conferencing
• Nonverbal-body language, includes facial expressions, eye contact, body
posture, gestures

3. 0 Language Functions for Interpersonal Communication and Workplace Interaction

• Language forms and functions for informal workplace interaction

o Engaging in small talk (family, home, interests, movies, vacations,

relationships, health, etc.)
o Initiating and closing conversations
o Giving compliments
o Praising and congratulating
o Expressing opinions and ideas
o Questioning and negotiating informally
o Agreeing and disagreeing
o Apologising
o Making suggestions
o Making requests
o Accepting and declining invitations
o Taking leave
o Expressing condolences

• Language forms and functions for formal workplace interaction

o Making phone calls

o Making appointments
o Making presentations

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Nama Program: Tahun Semakan: 2017
© Hak Cipta Universiti Teknologi MARA

▪ Starting
▪ Highlighting content
▪ Engaging audience
▪ Closing
• Giving and responding to opinions
• Problem-solving
• Complaining
• Making decisions
• Justifying
• Seeking clarification
• Clarifying
• Interrupting
• Making decisions
• Negotiating
o Stating and clarifying positions
o Bargaining
o Handling and resolving conflict

4.0 Interpersonal Communication

• Context of interpersonal communication

• One-to-one vs group communication
o Group discussion skills
• Personality and conflict
• Tone
• Interpersonal communication styles
o Cooperative/collaborative versus confrontational
o Direct versus indirect
o Critical versus neutral
o Positive versus negative
o Casual versus formal
• Confidence building
• Problem solving skills
• Listening skills
• Negotiation skills
• Decision making skills

5.0 Considerations for Professional Interaction

• Attitudes and Behaviour

o Appearance
o Demeanor
o Reliability
o Accountability
o Competence
o Ethics
o Poise
o Etiquette

• Hierarchical relations (status and power)

• Professional etiquette
• Politeness
o Respecting and acknowledging positions

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Nama Program: Tahun Semakan: 2017
© Hak Cipta Universiti Teknologi MARA

o Praising and congratulating

o Listening attentively
o Respecting other people
o Apologising for mistakes
o Practising personal hygiene

• Concept of face
o Loss of face
o Saving face

6.0 Cultural Competence for Interaction

• Ways to become culturally competent

o Cultural self-assessment and understanding the dynamics of cultural
o Value diversity and embrace differences
o Adapt to diversity
• Managing culturally sensitive workplace practices
• Being respectful of race, gender and religion
• Cross-cultural communication styles: high context versus low context


Week Assessment Duration Weightage

5&6 Workplace Simulation (Pair work) 11 minutes 25%

Oral Interaction
(Topics 1-4)

9 & 10 Discussion Observation (Group work)

25 minutes 25%
(Topics 1-5)

9 & 10 Written Presentation (Individual work)

30 minutes 20%
Email (200 words, written in class after the
(Topics 1-5)

13 & 14 Video Critique (Pair work) 15 minutes 30%

Oral Presentation
(Topics 1-6)

Total 100%

Recommended Text

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Nama Program: Tahun Semakan: 2017
© Hak Cipta Universiti Teknologi MARA

DiSanza, J.R. & Leggem, N.J. (2012). Business and Professional Communication: Plans,
Processes, and Performance. Boston, USA: Allyn & Bacon.

Goh, C.M.C. & Burns, A. (2012). Teaching Speaking: A Holistic Approach. New York:
Cambridge University Press.
Goodall Jr, H.L., Goodall, S. & Schiefelbein, J. (2010). Business and Professional
Communication in the Global Workplace (3rd ed.). Wadsworth: Boston, USA.
Kanu, A. (2011). Experiencing Interactive Interpersonal Communication. Xlibris Corporation.
Lamberti, A.P. and Richards, A.R. (Ed.), (2011). Complex Worlds: Digital Culture, Rhetoric,
and Professional Communication. Amityville, NY, USA: Baywood Pub Co.
Monaghan, L. et al. (2012). A Cultural Approach to Interpersonal Communication: Essential
Readings. Oxford, UK: John Wiley & Son.
Sadri, H.A. & Flammia, M. (2011). Intercultural Communication: A New Approach to
International Relations and Global Challenges. New York, USA: Continuum
International Publishing Group.
Samovar, L.A. et al. (2012). Communication between Cultures. Boston, MA, USA: Cengage
Scollon, R. et al. (2012). Intercultural Communication: A Discourse Approach. Oxford, UK:
John Wiley & Sons.
Thomas, D.C. (2008). Cross-Cultural Management: Essential Concepts (2nd ed.). Sage.
Wee, Lionel. (2008). The technologization of discourse and authenticity in English language.
International Journal of Applied Linguistics, 18(3), 256-273.
Wood, J. T. (2012). Interpersonal Communication: Everyday Encounter. Boston, MA, USA:
Cengage Learning.

Nama Fakulti: Akademi Pengajian Bahasa Page 5 of 5 Tahun Mula: 2016

Nama Program: Tahun Semakan: 2017
© Hak Cipta Universiti Teknologi MARA

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