Nutrition and Wound Healing: Ryan Katz, MD Adrian Barbul, MD, FACS

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Nutrition and Wound Healing

Ryan Katz, MD; Adrian Barbul, MD, FACS

SPECIFIC THERAPY IN ITS CURRENT It has been known since biblical times that
STATE there is a close link between adequate nutrition
and wound healing. Since then, clinical experi-
Although the importance of adequate nutrition ence and rigorous scientific studies have con-
for the healing wound has long been understood, firmed the importance of nutrition to the healing
the science of wound healing is still in its infancy. wound.
As such, our current nutritional therapies con- The wound healing process is a complex
sisting of enteral or parenteral nutritional sup- series of events that is initiated with organ or
plementation in surgical patients are often tissue damage. Under ideal circumstances, this
imprecise. We now understand that optimizing process results in wound closure and allows for
nutrition is more than just optimizing calories; it continued organ function. The elusive goal has
is also meeting the specific and complex nutri- been to more clearly define these circumstances.
tional requirements of the patient given the It is well accepted that there are certain tenets to
pathology, with the unique proteins, lipids, optimize the wound healing process, including
vitamins, and trace elements at our disposal. careful approximation of wound edges, gentle
tissue handling, elimination of dead space,
SHORTCOMINGS keeping wounds clean and moist, and minimizing
bacterial load. Some of these time-honored
Unfortunately, given our limited understanding technical teachings are centuries old, and further
of the wound healing process, a specific mechan- progress needs to be made if the incidence of
ism and effect of each nutritional supplement are wound infection and failure is to be minimized.
often difficult to clarify. Thus, we are often The internal wound environment—specifically,
severely limited in our ability to precisely identify the availability of protein, nutrients, vitamins,
and adequately correct complex nutritional cofactors, and caloric energy necessary to
deficits to ensure adequate wound healing in synthesize matrix and to build, break down,
our surgical patients. and remodel healing wounds—has proven to be
just as essential for successful healing.
FUTURE PROMISES This chapter discusses the concept of nutri-
tional supplementation in the surgical patient
With early and appropriate identification of and reviews the importance of a baseline nutri-
those patients at risk of wound healing problems, tional assessment. A brief evaluation of enteral
specific diets tailor-made to promote, speed, and parenteral nutrition is followed by a review
initiate, or resume the wound healing process of the literature evaluating the role of nutritional
can be instituted preoperatively or postopera- supplementation in the wound healing process.
tively as needed. The chapter specifically focuses on nutritional

Nutrition and Wound Healing 331

supplementation with protein and lipids, the result in increased patient morbidity and unne-
amino acids arginine and glutamine, vitamins C cessary health care costs.
and A, and the trace element zinc. A complete history and physical examina-
tion should be performed on each patient. This
alone has been found to be 80 to 90% accurate
NUTRITION IN SURGICAL PATIENTS in evaluating patient nutritional status; the
Trauma, surgical or accidental, causes significant addition of multiple or complex biochemical,
metabolic perturbations characterized by mobi- immune, or anthropometric measurements
lization of amino acids from muscle and other does not greatly increase the accuracy of nutri-
organs, gluconeogenesis, and hypermetabolic tional assessment.2 Malnutrition may be
responses. Many of these metabolic responses expected if the history reveals unintentional
are mediated by the wound itself via afferent weight loss (20% weight loss is indicative of
nerve fibers, which perceive pain, inflammation, severe malnutrition), if the patient appears
and changes in pH.1 cachectic with obvious muscle wasting, or if
For wounds to heal appropriately, the the patient has a history of or reason for
requisite building blocks and energy stores must alimentary malabsorption. These factors, along
be available. In addition, an adequate blood with any comorbidities, such as diabetes,
supply is required to ensure the delivery of other endocrinopathies, or renal or liver failure,
nutrients and reparative cells to the wound bed. must be noted because they will guide nutritional
Compared with other locations in the human management. Some biochemical markers that
body, the blood supply to the head and neck is have been used as aids in diagnosing malnutri-
often not in question. However, in patients who tion include measurement of serum proteins
have had previous surgery or in those with a (albumin , 3.5 mg/dL, prealbumin , 15 mg/dL,
clinical history of diabetes, trauma, or radiation, transferrin , 200 mg/dL), nitrogen balance, total
compromised macro- or microvascular circula- cholesterol, and creatinine. Baseline assessment
tion may impair the wound healing process. For documenting the status of these markers should be
these patients, optimization of nutritional status obtained prior to implementing any nutritional
is imperative and nutritional assessment and therapy, and optimization of nutritional status
planning should begin at the preoperative con- should be tailored to each patient’s unique
sultation. history, pathology, and expected therapy.
Malnutrition contributes to increased mor-
bidity and mortality in both the hospital and the
community. Specifically, malnutrition (which can
Prior to implementing nutritional therapy, the be as prevalent as 50% in hospitalized patients)
physician must first determine if a patient predisposes patients to increased septic compli-
requires such intervention and, if so, to what cations, prolonged ventilator dependence, pneu-
extent. Malnutrition is well recognized as a risk monia, and impaired or failed wound healing.3–5
factor for healing and needs to be determined Determining who would truly benefit from
and possibly treated preoperatively. On the other nutritional supplementation is still a matter of
hand, most operations in well-nourished patients some debate, but there is evidence that pre-
are successful with uncomplicated healing operative nutritional support reduces infectious
responses, even if nutritional intake is absent or complications and anastomotic breakdown in
curtailed for 7 to 10 days. Evaluation of severely malnourished patients undergoing major
preoperative nutritional status is an important elective surgery.6 Postoperative nutritional sup-
consideration because improper administration port should be considered in patients expected to
or implementation of nutritional therapies can be unable to eat for a period of at least 2 weeks,

although it may not be beneficial in patients who Inadequate protein stores are instead most
are able to eat within 2 weeks after surgery.7 commonly seen in the setting of chronic mal-
nutrition. Historically, evaluation of a patient’s
ENTERAL VERSUS PARENTERAL albumin level has served as a bellwether for
NUTRITION protein stores, nutritional status, and subsequent
healing ability. In early studies of patients and
In malnourished preoperative patients or in animals with hypoalbuminemia, wound healing
postoperative patients unable to tolerate a diet was compromised by delayed fibroplasia,
(or unable to meet nutritional and caloric needs) decreased wound strength, and an increased
for a protracted period of time, enteral or incidence of wound dehiscence.12,13 Interest-
parenteral feeds should be started or resumed ingly, this impaired wound healing response
as early as possible. There have been multiple may be more a result of global malnutrition than
prospective studies to demonstrate that enteral actual deficiencies in protein stores.14 Today,
feeding is superior to parenteral feeding in there is no doubt that adequate energy stores are
reducing morbidity from septic complications necessary for successful wound healing, and it
(pneumonia, abdominal abscesses, line sepsis) in has been repeatedly demonstrated that, in mal-
those patients requiring nutritional supplementa- nourished patients, the healing of wounds will be
tion.7–10 Further studies reveal that enteral slower and more prone to infectious complica-
nutrition stimulates gut luminal brush border tions and will overall be weaker than in those
hydrolase, increases microvillus height, and patients with adequate energy stores.12–14
decreases mucosal permeability.4,11 These find- Although it may not play a direct role in
ings suggest that enteral feeding reduces septic contributing to the ultimate wound strength or
complications by preventing bacterial transloca- collagen content, protein does provide both
tion across the gut mucosa. energy and amino acids necessary for the proper
Unfortunately, the enteral route is not always functioning of the wound healing process. Thus,
available or well tolerated by patients. In these protein plays an important role in the overall diet
circumstances, parenteral nutrition should be and must be supplemented to overcome daily
used as a means of maximizing the intake of losses and meet each patient’s differing protein-
proteins and calories necessary for satisfactory energy requirements. For example, most post-
wound healing. However, parenteral nutrition operative patients have protein requirements in
does not afford the patient the apparent immu- the range of 1.2 to 2 g/kg/d, whereas patients with
nologic benefits of enteral feeding and should extensive burns may require greater than 2 g/kg/
therefore be either replaced by enteral feeding d. Furthermore, patients with renal failure and
when possible or augmented with enteral feeding those with gastrointestinal malabsorption (seen
as tolerated. Furthermore, it should be noted in inflammatory bowel disease) or excessive
that parenteral nutrition carries the potential for gastrointestinal losses (associated with diarrhea
intravenous line complications, including the or fistulae) will also have increased protein
morbidity associated with line insertion and the requirements. When in doubt, a nitrogen balance
ever-present risk of line sepsis. can be calculated to determine the patient’s
nitrogen status and hence protein requirements.
PROTEIN AND LIPID SUPPLEMENTATION For adequate and timely wound healing, protein
supplementation should be such that the patient
Both proteins and lipids are important sources of has a net positive nitrogen balance and meets
calories, and having deficiencies in either could daily protein-energy requirements. Protein sup-
result in significant morbidity and disturbances plementation can be achieved enterally or par-
in the wound healing process. However, isolated enterally; there are a number of protein-rich
protein deficiency is actually very rare. ‘‘shakes’’ and total parenteral nutrition formula-
Nutrition and Wound Healing 333

tions to meet this end. The optimal form of endogenous carbon dioxide produced relative to
protein supplementation for wound repair has oxygen consumed). Tailoring the amount of lipid
yet to be elucidated but most likely involves a supplementation should be done carefully, taking
combination of intact proteins and specific into consideration the potential risk of infectious
amino acids (see below). complications, hyperlipidemia, and a higher post-
Lipids, the primary components of all cell operative mortality rate with increased fat admin-
membranes, play an integral role in the wound istration.17
healing process. As a source of calories other than
glucose and protein, a diet replete in lipids may
theoretically limit protein catabolism in the
stressed or wounded state. In young rats, healing Endogenously, arginine is synthesized from
of skin, the stability of sutures in gut anastomoses, ornithine via a citrulline intermediate. Like
and reepithelialization of partial-thickness burns glutamine, arginine is a nonessential amino acid
have all been shown to be compromised in the that, in the setting of severe injury, major
setting of essential fatty acid deficiency.15 Impaired surgery, or critical illness, becomes conditionally
wound healing has also been documented in essential.18,19 The physiologic role of this amino
humans with essential fatty acid deficiencies.16 acid is varied and includes nitrogen scaveng-
Most often these deficiencies arise in the hospital ing, protein metabolism, the creation of high-
setting when a patient is placed on parenteral energy creatine phosphate bonds, and polyamine
nutrition. Thus, it is important in the postsurgical, biosynthesis. In addition, as the only known
burn, trauma, or severely stressed patient to substrate for the enzyme nitric oxide synthase
supplement parenteral formulas with lipids. In (NOS), arginine appears to be indispensable
practice, it has become common, especially in a for formation of the biologic effector molecule
critical care setting, to see parenteral formulas nitric oxide (NO) (Figure 1).19 NO released
containing up to 30 to 50% of nonprotein calories through the activity of NOS regulates collagen
in the form of lipid emulsions. In theory, this may formation, cell proliferation, and wound con-
be of benefit to selected patient populations by traction in distinct ways during the course of
decreasing the respiratory quotient (amount of wound healing.

Figure 1. Arginine is a substrate for

nitric oxide synthase (NOS) and con-
tributes to cell proliferation and col-
lagen synthesis. Adapted from Witte
MB and Barbul A.19

Early studies examining animals with argi- collagen content.24 In humans, topical adminis-
nine-deficient diets clearly demonstrate the tration of arginine to chronic diabetic ulcers
importance of this amino acid to the healing appears to result in more rapid and complete
wound. In the 1970s, one such experiment wound closure.26 Although arginine supplemen-
examined the morbidity and mortality of rats tation may not be recommended for all patients
fed an arginine-deficient diet and subjected to with wounds, it should be considered for diabetic
dorsal incision and closure. When compared with patients with chronic wounds or a history of
rats fed a normal diet, those with dietary arginine complicated wound healing. Furthermore, argi-
restrictions were found to have decreased perio- nine supplementation should be recommended to
perative weight gain, increased perioperative patients in whom malnutrition is suspected.
mortality, and overall weaker scars with less
collagen.19 Subsequent studies demonstrated that GLUTAMINE
injured rats whose diets were supplemented with
arginine developed scars with higher breaking In a physiologic state, glutamine is the most
strengths and more collagen than the control rats abundant amino acid in blood and tissue.27 This
fed normal diets.20,21 These experiments, coupled is a testament to the multiple roles it plays in the
with the knowledge that local wound environ- human body as an ammonia scavenger, nitrogen
ments are marked by very low arginine levels, donor during protein metabolism, and precursor
suggest that arginine is being actively used during of nucleotides and nucleic acids.28 The cycliza-
the wound healing process and that its supple- tion of glutamate, the acid form of glutamine,
mentation may aid in developing stronger scars produces proline, which is necessary for collagen
with more collagen. Indeed, this concept has formation and connective tissue stability. In
been studied in human volunteers subjected to addition, glutamine appears to play an important
wounding. When compared with placebo con- role in the growth of rapidly dividing cells such as
trols, those individuals with arginine-supplemen- fibroblasts, enterocytes, and lymphocytes and
ted diets demonstrated healing wounds with also has an immunologic function, enhancing or
significantly higher levels of hydroxyproline— enabling macrophage phagocytosis and cytotox-
an indirect marker of collagen deposition.22,23 ity.27,28
Although these results are noteworthy and The pool of glutamine, an otherwise nones-
encouraging, dietary arginine supplementation sential amino acid, becomes depleted and may
has not yet become a widely implemented contribute to a relative immunosuppressive state
measure to augment the process of wound in the setting of trauma, sepsis, critical injury,
healing. Perhaps this is because the exact role burns or severe wounds, bone marrow transplan-
played by arginine within the healing wound is tation, intense chemotherapy, or radiotherapy.29–
uncertain. It does seem apparent that arginine Given that the formation of a well-healed
supplementation boosts initial collagen produc- wound requires a properly functioning immune
tion and subsequent deposition. Yet even with- system, fibroblast division, and protein and
out arginine supplementation, most wounds go nucleic acid metabolism, it would be fair to ask
on to heal with functionally strong scars. Of whether glutamine supplementation could
important exception are the fragile and often enhance the wound healing process. To date,
chronic wounds of diabetics, in whom many of no convincing data have been obtained to
the wound healing problems are attributed to support a role for glutamine in wound healing.
NO dysregulation and local deficiencies of There is, however, some evidence that enteral
arginine.24,25 In wounds of diabetic rodents, glutamine supplementation in elective surgical
dietary arginine supplementation appears to patients and burn victims may lead to decreased
restore order to the dysregulated NO pathway hospital stay and infectious complications.34,35
and increase wound breaking strength and Furthermore, in critically ill patients in whom
Nutrition and Wound Healing 335

glutamine depletion is thought to contribute to damage, levels as high as 500 mg/d to 2 g/d
immunosuppression and increased hospital mor- should be administered while tissue turnover and
bidity, glutamine supplementation may be of repair are ongoing. Because it is water soluble,
benefit.35 there is no known true vitamin C toxicity.27,37
Before initiating glutamine supplementation, However, excessive doses of vitamin C can lead
it is important to assess the patient’s hepatic, to renal stones or diarrhea.
renal, and central nervous system (CNS) func- A fat-soluble vitamin, vitamin A is absorbed
tion, and the benefits of supplementation must be with the other fat-soluble vitamins in the
weighed against the accumulation of ammonia (a terminal ileum. As such, vitamin A deficiency
degradation product of glutamine) and the should be considered in anyone who is malnour-
potential deleterious effects on the CNS. ished (impoverished, alcoholic, vegan, elderly, or
Similarly, since glutamine is a fuel of rapidly chronically ill patients) or has a history of
dividing cells, some physicians would withhold inflammatory bowel disease or previous bowel
supplementation in patients with known tumors. surgery. Unlike the other fat-soluble vitamins,
vitamin A—specifically, its derivative, retinoic
VITAMIN SUPPLEMENTATION acid—plays a direct and multifacted role in the
wound healing process.
Specific vitamin deficiencies can greatly impair Clinically, the manifestations of vitamin A
the wound healing process and can often be deficiency are myriad and include ophthalmolo-
identified through careful assessment of the gic symptoms (night blindness, scleral Bitot’s
patient’s diet, clinical history, and social history. spots, corneal dryness and ulceration, and, in
Although rarely seen in Western civilizations, extreme cases, blindness), dermatologic symp-
vitamin C deficiency must be considered in toms (dry skin, dry or brittle hair and fingernails,
severely malnourished patients, alcoholics, phrynoderma, excessive keratinization of epithe-
patients with chronic illness, the elderly, and lial tissues), and hematologic symptoms (anemia,
patients on special restrictive diets. In that it is leukopenia). Of these, all but excessive keratini-
essential for proline hydroxylation and, ulti- zation can be reversed with appropriate supple-
mately, collagen cross-linking, vitamin C is of mentation.36 In practice, doses of 25,000 to
utmost importance for ultimate wound healing 30,000 IU/d are recommended for treatment of
and strength. Initial manifestations of vitamin C mild clinical symptoms, with higher doses being
deficiency may not be recognized as they mainly reserved for more severe clinical pathology.
present as lethargy and weakness. However, Although vitamin A toxicity can occur with
chronic vitamin C deficiency will ultimately chronic use and high doses, regimens as high as
result in signs and symptoms consistent with 100,000 IU/d have been used safely in cancer
vascular fragility (petechia, easy bruising, pur- patients.27 Clinical signs of toxicity include
pura, hemarthrosis) and tissue instability (bleed- arthralgias, nausea, vomiting, CNS changes,
ing gums, impaired wound healing, the and even elevated intracranial pressure.
breakdown of scars, and reopening of wounds). From a wound healing perspective, retinoic
Fortunately, such extremes are not common and acid plays a role in promoting fibroblast pro-
can be prevented and often reversed with the liferation and cell differentiation. Retinoic acid
proper and timely administration of enteral or can restore wound tensile strength and collagen
parenteral vitamin C.36 Of note, the recom- content in diabetics, patients on chronic steroids,
mended daily allowance of vitamin C is 40 mg/ and those with wounds in irradiated tissue
d for adults. For those patients with chronic beds.27,38,39 Thus, in these patient populations,
illness or those undergoing surgery, elevated vitamin A supplementation is likely to be
doses of 150 mg/d are recommended. In the beneficial. However, controversy remains as to
severely burned patient with massive tissue whether retinoids can be of benefit to those

patients with unimpaired wound healing. One retardation, skin lesions, diarrhea, and impaired
trial designed to test the effect of oral vitamin A wound healing.43,44 The exact mechanism by
supplementation on wound healing in rats with a which zinc deficiency impairs the wound healing
mild vitamin A deficiency demonstrated a process is unknown but may be due to a delayed
significant increase in wound tensile strength at inflammatory response.43,45 Deprived of sufficient
5 days but no significant increase when measured zinc, healing wounds have been shown to exhibit
at 2 weeks.40 A more recent study in mice an increased time to wound closure, delayed
examining the use of a topical retinoid on fibroblast proliferation, decreased collagen
incisional wounds demonstrated a temporary deposition, and decreased wound tensile strength.
but significantly decreased initial wound break- Treatment of the zinc-deficient state can be
ing strength.41 Compared with controls, the achieved by either parenteral (2 mg/d) or enteral
group treated with retinoic acid displayed a (15 mg/d) supplementation. Requirements may
prolonged inflammatory phase that seemed to be increased in patients with large wounds (as in
impair the early deposition of collagen; at 1 burns), impaired absorption, or pathologic
week, this resulted in markedly weaker scars. losses. For patients who are not zinc deficient,
However, this effect was transient, and wound however, there are no known benefits to zinc
strength among treatment and control groups supplementation.27
equilibrated by 3 weeks. Another study examin-
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