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1. Start by making connections with other
students in your classes.
To form a study team, don't restrict your study team to your
friends. Recruit smart people who can reliably keep up with
assignments, who will stay focused and who will actively
contribute to the team. Try to team up with people of
equivalent ability. It doesn't help you to have the class genius
in your team if she is way ahead of the rest of you. You need
the chance to make your own discoveries, to learn how to
learn the material. Understanding someone else's explanation
is not as good as being able to explain it yourself.

2. An advisable number for a study team is

There’s no template but an advisable number for
a study team is four. Any more and it becomes
unmanageable. Any less and you don’t get the
benefit of multiple perspectives. With four in a
team, you will always get alternative perspectives to a
problem and ideas you hadn’t discovered yet. If there are
more that are interested, form two teams and find the time to
get together to share information and strategies especially for
3. Create rules to keep the team from getti ng
At the start, establish ground rules to keep the team from
losing enthusiasm and momentum. Spell it out that the team
exists to study and to understand the coursework in time for
assignments, tests and exams. Make it clear that members
who cannot meet expectations of the team will be
ejected. Have a regular meeting time to avoid confusion and

Have clearly stated goals for each study session. You can
rotate the leadership and keep the responsibilities balanced.
Be accountable to one another at all times. Select a
"moderator" to get the conversation started and help the team
cover the topics. Select a "time-keeper" for making sure the
team does not get too distracted by other conversations. By
appointing someone in the beginning of each meeting,
everyone can feel confident that the team will be productive.

4. The best study team is one i n which

everyone comes prepared.
Every person participates in studying and presenting the
material to the team, asking appropriate questions to achieve
better clarity and higher comprehension. This means the team
will require responsibility and commitment. So, look for
classmates who have the right stuff, can contribute immensely
and positively to the team and will commit themselves.

5. Be fair and let everyone contribute.

Any team dominated by the interests of one or two members
will not be effective in the long run. Make sure everyone
understands the material before moving on. Be sure to consult
with your lecturer if there are questions that come up during
a study session. Report back to the team so everyone is clear
about the correct answers. It can also be very effective to have
more than one study team get together to help each other
study before a mid-term or a final exam.

6. Review the week's lecture not es.

Correlate with lecture material. Agree on what points were
most important and fill in missing information. Practise
explaining difficult concepts to each other. Study for tests by
predicting test questions. Have members contribute sample
exam questions and evaluate which questions are most likely
to appear on the test. Look at important topics and make up
different kinds of test questions (objective, application,
evaluation) for each topic. For an essay exam, practise
outlining essay answers to your questions.

The above nuggets are extracted from the book: The

Firstclass You. For more, you can download the book
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