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Some people think that physical punishment, such as spanking, harms children.

believe it is beneficial for teaching.

“Children are not things to be moulded, but are people to be unfolded”-said Jess Lair. I
personally think physical punishment is a sinful action. Physical punishment is harmful for a
children in each and every aspect.

First of all, Corporeal punishment enforce the students to perform a provided task. If student will
only perform the tasks provided by the school, that is homework, their knowledge will not get
increase. The main motive of education is to provide knowledge but, punishing the student for
the incomplete coursework is not the only solution. Enforce them by spanking, doesn’t give them
knowledge. However, it will harass them. Spanking does not only affect child physically, but
also affects mentally.

Another consequence of physical punishment is that, it will affect the child emotionally.
Imagine, a child is spanked in class or in front of group of people. What will be the effect on
him? It wil,more or less, affect him emotionally. This may lead to depression. Experts define
depression as a mood disorder which affects individuals daily life and we can say that it is a
lethal disease. According to CDC data, suicide was 10 th leading cause of death in 2009 and the 3rd
leading cause of death in people aged 10-24.

Lastly, physical punishment may lead a child towards wrong path and child may have a criminal
mentality. For example, A couple spank their child for undisciplined behaviour. They regularly
beat him for this behaviour. This will, not only, affect the relation between them, but also, take
them apart. As we know, child imitates their parents. Spanking him may result in a criminal
mind set and will result into a complete destruction of child’s career.

At last, I conclude that physical punishment was never a good option to deal with a child and
never will be. A child should not be physically abused. Finally, I want to say that “ Children are
gift from god and should be raised and nurtured well”.

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